I feel so sad for you guys. No really, I do. How much sad can someone's life be? You were given the gift of life...

I feel so sad for you guys. No really, I do. How much sad can someone's life be? You were given the gift of life, a one shot. And you're literally spending it celebrating the death of innocent people. Just imagine. Look at yourself in the mirror. Look long and hard at your stupid face and think about what you're actually doing with your one shot at life.

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Other urls found in this thread:




It was 50 shots actually, not counting double taps :^)

You don’t think this group consista of lawyers, accountants, and engineers? You have one shot at life and you’re on 8ch talking about things you don’t understand. Take a long hard look in the mirror, and ask your wtf you are doing with your life.

Muslims are not innocent people, OP

Tell this shit to my ancestors, you fucking faggot. Saged. Also consider the fucking following. How much soy do you take daily?

HUH. what a bunch of edgy teens. if these arent teens then humanity is fucked

Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.

Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.

Remember anons;
Report duplicate threads.
Sage duplicate threads.
Filter duplicate threads.

isnt that the most jewish thing to do? to censor shit you dont like

dont bullshit yourself we are on Zig Forums cause we are losers

Negatory. You have to have some kind of argument or conversation for thread to be valid, just "you guys suck because of (insert opinion)" isn't good enough, just floods the board with nonsense

Well I’m 35 and agree with them completely so yeah you’re fucked kike
Death to all invaders

Also they aren’t even people. They are lower than Human

well i have seen threads that give a debate with sources and they get saged and reported so Zig Forums does act pretty jewish

thats pretty pathetic do you have a girlfriend


Thanks man. You should too.

Are you saying YOLO?
Better go and kill more jews and muslims I guess.

Shill quality really has gone down the drain.

Invaders, regardless of age, are enemy combatants in the war against the White race. Brenton Tarrant was an innocent: he never asked to be genocided, for his home and his people to be destroyed forever.

Attached: disarmed 49 bombs in NZ.jpg (1024x586, 61.59K)

I love how you shills STILL think Zig Forums does NOT know (((Tarrant))) is a Mossad agent. Like seriously. What are your end goals? Shit this site up so you can shut it down? Will just move to a new one. God damn. You and your superiors are complete idiots.

You will leave and never come back after a few days but more than a few people who came here, just as you did, because it came up on the kike media will stick around and start reading some of the fact and looking into some of the claims. They won't believe everything at first, and may end up with different opinions about a lot of issues in the end. But they will learn statistics and facts that were kept from them and, after they research them later on to see if they were true, it will plant a seed. Or it's just edgy shitposting and you can go back to reddit knowing everything will be fine.

Even according to the officials at least one of the mosques was linked to alqaeda, had members involved in terrorist plots, and the other had stockpiled weapons.

So uh, innocent? Not so much.

Also muzz ain’t human

wheres that? any link to it i may actually praise him if that was true

>>>Zig Forums


whats race


no tell me what is race

They’re getting desperate and demoralized. This place is lit up like 4/pol/ with weak appeal-to-reason shills since St Brenton of Tarrant (pbuh) commited his brave and holy act of Rahowa effortposting.


Muslims are not innocent. I feel sad for you if you truly believe that.

Its as if you believe that resistance to invasion should be summary execution, the way you imply that 'one shot at life'. Hungry for blood aren't ya, ahmed?

and you still cant tell me what race is maybe youre the retard

Not at all. The most jewish thing to do is shit up this place with d&c and duplicate threads. Just think: nobody cares if you twats share marx at starbucks, but you come here anyway. We're here out of necessity, because our talk is illegal. You come here because you have nothing better to do with your free time, nobody else in your miserable lives to pester.

1.8 billion are all not innocent god what a retard

you ever think everyone just thinks youre a loser and i dont mean communist virgins i mean normal people

Take your fucking meds you ugly mongoloid.

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>Hello fellow (((white))) people

We just wanted to play vidya kike, but you wouldn't leave us alone, and still don't.

do you niggers have any post 2016 shill tactics?

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No one is invading anybody

Yet you're the one who doesn't belong. The loser here is you, faggot. You aren't normal. Normal people don't come here.

I don't argue with drunks or anti-Whites
You came here to attack White people for defending their race.
You know exactly what race is, you disgusting retard.