US Census Bureau Issues Warning about "4chan and other 'Dark Web' Sites" (lol) US Census Bureau claims that 4chan and other "Dark Web" sites (Wew) could be responsible for influencing the 2020 US Census - Claiming Anons Will Attempt to Influence The Amount of Financial Aid that Immigrant Communities Receive and their Political Influence (Electoral Votes) by Distorting Figures with News Disinformation.
well shit this seems like a good idea how would we do this?
Sebastian Moore
Dox this cuck and put his head on a spike
He just challenged the chans
Juan Bailey
I was thinking the same thing. How do we do this?
Parker Thompson
It's a pretty good idea.. maybe we should thank him.
Logan Sullivan
If you live in a white area congratulations report a shit load of dependents in your household. If you live in minority-heavy zones always carry a gun tell them there's just one person in your household, even if you've got 10 kids.
Also, kill nigs. That helps too.
Gabriel Anderson
No one needs to "hack" anything, if anything the Bureau will be the one shifting numbers to make things looks good
Isaac Richardson
Hello fellow Anonymous. You're right, that cuck really deserves to be doxxxed by someone here! For the glory of the chans!
why would anyone want to tamper with what has been working? The reason we're successful in redpilling people is that we tell the truth to a brutal degree. We don't need to the anything else.
Jackson King
…are they literally giving us Ideas?
Charles Miller
Are they afraid DOTR will leave them with nothing to count? How civic minded.
Cooper Morris
when will anonymous forums be a protected space for citizens /?
No. THIS IS PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION. THEY'RE PREPARING THE NARRATIVE. They know that they will find 70,000,000 illegals in the United States in the 2020 census. They are going to blame the "inflated and fake" number of illegals on us "hacking" the census.
Nathan Russell
I thought census records were supposed to be sealed for 90 years or so, how would they prosecute you without admitting that they violated the privacy they promised?
Anthony King
As the government floods the US with 3rd world trash and looks to disarm the population it is time for the citizens to begin systematically killing all government officials and their families while there is still an opportunity.
You actually may be right, they are trying to create a narrative set up for their bullshit later. Quite possible, which means they're literally meming it out there in their own way in order to get it to sink in to public consciousness ahead of time.
Also, keep in mind that during the presidency of Trump the "law and order" president who during the campaign supported stricter border security the number of illegal crossings are at a 13 year high according to the DHS. Things have gotten worse and the government under Trump has allowed this.
Everybody knows 4chan and Zig Forums and infowars and maybe a few other sites helped Trump win the election. From now on, every presidential election, there will be non-stop shilling. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if government agents hijacked mod powers and just out right ban anyone who tries to sway public consensus. Big brother is awake and he's pissed the goyim are thinking for themselves.
Ayden Martin
Why? We didn't fuck with the 2010 census, and obama is a communist.
Robert Gutierrez
If the census bureau has time and money to waste on this bullshit then they need to have their budget cut
Samuel Hall
The census results are going to be a shit show if they're as bad as I think they're going to be… I can only hope that wakes my people up.
Clearly they only want the large multi billion dollar media corporations with international platforms with staffs of hundreds/thousands of hyper bias employees and a non-stop flood of former intelligence clowns appearing on those networks to have the only say so in US politics. Either you work at CNN/MSNBC/NYT with a blue check on your twitter account or you get banned.
Pretty much this. Though wouldn't illegals just lie on the forms anyway and end up deflating the numbers? That's more likely to happen.
Evan Davis
if only whether they were legal citizens was part of the questions, we'd stop democrats from flooding areas with migrants and creating sanctuary cities in order to maximise their state and federal funding.
That's hilarious. They think big tech has the power to control us when we don't use their shit.
Jose Walker
ok so thinking about it, their primary concern is that we will get illegals to not do the census because it will get them deported. I honestly hadn't thought about that, but it's pretty good plan. Is this something cuckchan has been planning? My paranoid sense is tingling because the idea could be to get us to push that agenda as a "see, they did exactly what we expected them to do so we need to control them more" type shit.
Julian Price
I think the 40 million illegal aliens and million a year "legal" aliens is doing that, but that'd be awesome if we had those numbers on our side.
Samuel Gray
This user speaks the truth.
It'll be as hidden as possible, but we all know the typical merchant tricks. Half of the bean goblinas will be counted as White AT LEAST, I know you've seen the "White" mugshot compilations. Goddamn "north africans" are counted as White, as well as arab and kike semitic inbred scum. Absolute reality check: America is probably minority White already, and that's being a little loose with 'actual' White numbers in any case.
The good news is that 70 million beanlets are going to go streaming back across the border when civil fun time part deux kicks off. It'll be like herding zombies through Mexico. By the time the push to Panama happens, there won't be anything left in that shithole but straight up feral ghouls. Quote me on that
Joseph Martin
The federal government is incapable of questioning your ethnicity otherwise they'd have to establish a medical/genetic test and thus acknowledge race is an objective fact. They can't do this. Therefore all ethnic questions are self reported and you can claim to be anything.
Hudson Morgan
Most self-reported White is probably honest, though. The government of course adds North African, Jewish, mestizo, and Middle Eastern as "White." Actual White American percentage is probably something like ~48%.
So what would happen if we all reported as Hispanic?
Wyatt Long
Have wee been known to fuck with the census bureau? Because if so I'm pretty sure I've missed all of those threads. Did one of you do something to make them get the panic shits? Because this seems a little retarded to me.
1)since when was Census in anyway involved with news?
2)ain't the ONE JOB of the Census to gather good info on "communities" with good old fashioned boots on the ground data collection so the Govt does NOT need to rely on data eagerly supplied by NEETs and shit-posters?
Jack Bell
That's the stupidest thing I've heard all week, and it's probably exactly what they're planning.
Tell them ICE checks the census and you might get deported by Trump. (they don't)
If your white tell them you get free money from Obama if you fill out the census.
Tyler Howard
Oh boo fucking hoo. Fuck off with your slide yid.
Luke Lee
We have gone far beyond the point that sane citizens should be openly rebelling against the government and its authorized insanity.
Jason Gutierrez
There haven’t been any threads. This is not an idea from the chans. ((They))) are going to do something to the data OR (((they))) already know the data will be bad and they are trying to get ahead of the story by pre-framing the narrative.
I wouldn’t lie on the form. I think we need more info before we act. Something is very fucky here…
Fuck off you glow nigger. That plays right into their hand. We want the data to show how few whites there really are. Any attempt to manipulate the data in our part WILL backfire. They want us to try. I can’t wait until Cowabunga Time when I get a chance to string you up and cut you open.
Tampering of data is one of the oldest tricks used for government purposes. If it fits their agenda they will point to it being the evidence. If it doesn't, it's (((inconclusive))). No prizes for guessing the kind of people who will be involved assisting in the distribution, explanation and collection of the data.
First off, LA RAZA is ON RECORD as telling Mexicans to duck the Census (because of course if Americans could even see the rate of "Hispanic growth" and examine against things like AGE GROUPS it would be pretty plain that a 4 fold increase in Mexicans age 20-30 didn't come from births and we didn't let that many in legally, so those 30 million must be Wetbacks, etc. Again, it was LA RAZA, fully supported by Jewish owned Mexican Radio in the USA.
2nd, I can't think of any Fed Programs that are doled out by population count, rather than individual needs. CA has more people on Welfare not because our greater Census gets us more Fed dollars, but because we got more % that meet the qualifications.
IIRC if you don't answer the Census they will "do it for you" and or go by statements of neighbors etc. (not sure if Mailmen tapped as snitches.) so the "overall count" should be accurate even if people refuse, thus Congress reps not effected.
Gabriel Parker
It's going to be outrageous, that's probably why they removed legal status too.
IIRC one definition of "Mexican" is any White mixed with any Native DNA, so legally, anyone on Earth can call themselves a "Mexican" which is a Hispanic.
Gabriel Myers
What a shitty plan
Josiah Lopez
well, can we? what would we need to do to lessen their aid?
Kevin Roberts
>brainlet asks how we can help further (((their))) agenda
Jesus Fucking Kike this place is full of dipshits…
To be fair it is only responsible to warn your children about the jewish hijacked chans encouraging white kids to act like obnoxious isreali kikes and LARPing like ADL trained cartoon nazis, as it fits in perfectly with the great white shutdown program we are witnessing on these boards.
Since when does the Census Bureau issue warnings? It isn't their job to warn anyone of fuck all, they just keep books and facts. Or rather that is what they are supposed to do, keep facts, not project opinions.
Charles Jenkins
The lugenpresse fears the hacker known as 4chan.
Grayson Flores
At least they stopped the boomer-tier "muh russia" crap.
Josiah Watson
Ēosturmōnaþ begins tonight, Anons !
Zachary Murphy
that's awful. only mediamoguls should do that!
Ian Cox
have a bump
Camden Perry
Wrong, and right. Where you are wrong, is that the social media and major corporations they listed, are already doing their part in manipulating census data, creating and marketing fake news and false narratives. They are accusing their enemies of what they themselves are actively doing. Again.
Ryder Wood
haha, go right ahead :^)
Parker Kelly
I thought this campaign was absolutely brilliant last election cycle. Similar stuff can be done against other candidates running with a 'yes queens slay' platform