The silver fox and PR conspire in october of 2016 to assassinate the RNC candidate. This is why they planned to use Rule 9.
This thread gets enough hits, I'll post the most damning proof you won't believe possible.
The silver fox and PR conspire in october of 2016 to assassinate the RNC candidate. This is why they planned to use Rule 9.
This thread gets enough hits, I'll post the most damning proof you won't believe possible.
Not sure if I should use real names of the people, it might lead the kikes into the thread. Don't want shills here to tip them off first.
Ah fuck it, Mike Pence is a traitor, thats why he recieved an envelope at Bush seniors funeral and got snubbed by Trump. Paul Ryan was in on it too.
This shows trump ignore Pence
This shows pence's wife getting the letter
Knew it, Kikes in bound fast!
Keep going, and post on multiple chans
good hopefully they'll all kill each other
Here they are talking about using a website to hold their info
Can you find the website?
I found the website.
"We have come out of a great upheval stronger and more determined than ever"
Trump is a traitor.
Who cares.
Reported for being an ecelebrity.
lol, these fucking idiots were using gmail all throughout the campaign. kill yourself
Traitors in Trump's Cabinet
Well it starts with the orange order kike itself Trump and then trickles down to each and every one of his neocon kike associates and handlers
you want it? Proof that the email chain is real. Proof that Pence and Paul ryan created a campaign together?
Report shill threads, don't bump them.
This is a Q-LARP thread. Report it.
Oh, you’re spamming THAT shit again. Cute.
you say you have proof you say you will post it, but now you ask if people want it?
Quit being a nigger you do or you dont faggot.
Seems like this has enough traction.
If this is all fake, the emails etc, then explain why they have an active election website.
Check out their "Blog" tab
Reported for continuing to post this bullshit.
Just posted. See for yourself. See Their 2016 campaign website, still active
And how do we know this isn't a larp, OP?
From the race&racism tab:
Blue Lives Matter
Today we live in a state of racial division and strife. Our inner cities are battle-zones, our schools are targets, our children are attacked. Mike Pence and Paul Ryan pledge to you that ALL Lives Matter, not just Black or White ones. But most of all, Blue Lives Matter. We stand with our police in their ceaseless effort to protect us. We shall:
Do away with body and dash cameras which interfere with the officer's ability to do their job
Make it illegal to film an officer when on duty as that creates additional hazards
Create sovereign immunity for embattled police departments where any lawsuits will be paid by the federal government
Removal of all racial statistics from reporting as we are striving towards a color-blind society
Improved community policing by giving officers improved armored vehicles and firepower when moving into dangerous zones
Allow, on a state by state basis, the police uniform to include a balaclava to protect officers from revenge killings
The creation of a STRIKE FORCE of ex-special forces soldiers with special weapons, high-tech sensors, and helicopters to hunt and neutralize cop-killers wherever they may hide
He already admitted it’s a LARP. This shit was posted literally two years ago.
I don't even know what that means. I just found this and needed to spread it. See for yourself.
Go back to your containment board and suck jew cock.
By found, I mean I saw a youtube video where a guy went over pence getting the letter, then showed the emails I posted in the beginning, but he couldn't find the website.
I found the website.
The website shows a clear agenda for exactly what the zionists want. Not to mention the blog tab which literally has
"Enemies List"
What is sage?
I mean, at least they have a cool gun you could have bought for their campaign
The site is still up. See for yourselves. I didn't make this site, I'm just connecting the dots.
I do like the plan for the border wall though
Thanks for this
I hope they kill Trump too, he's a traitor and his death would kick off some nice acceleration.
This is now a niggers and jews thread until it gets deleted.
niggers and jews
What the fuck does sage mean???
Post nigger hate material.
Who's got some nice niggers getting killed gore?
Because you made it.
It means you should kill yourself.
They're all shabbos goy traitors
Q was invented by a kike think tank to flood the chans with retarded MIGA boomers. Prove me wrong. Protip you can't.
No i didn't.
I don't know who made it. I just know pence got a letter at the funeral, was snubbed by trump, the email exchange and this website exists.
No one believes your hoax. No one did two years ago, no one does now. Nothing on the website is legitimate. We will never support neocons. Never post on this website again.
Never heard this one, whys that?
From comparing the website and understanding the holohaux, it would seem they want the wall to keep us trapped in. They want us to have a civil war to kill off whites, and then jews rule? Idk after that
This is you
You were exposed. Go back to your Q-LARP board and convince people who will actually believe your lies. Reported for spam.
Fucking. Kill. Yourself.
I've no idea what the jews want, but it certainly isnt white racial awakening! They want us to have a race war against the blacks instead of against the jews.
You misspelled White Nationalism
Hey there, shill. What happened to tor?
Every single time. Put up or shut up.
I did. The real dirt is that the website exists. Go look at it yourself.
Mike Pence 2019!!!
And with that I am leaving. Use this info however you see fit.
If you had anything of file you'd compile it in a folder, and share it.
Shill thread.
I'm sure you used the SquareSpace promo code of your favorite YouTuber to make that shitty fake site.
how can I prove to you that I did not create this website?
You wanna know the biggest traitor of them all?
I tried to upload the folder, it wont load. its too big
For real?
Go away forever.
You said you were leaving. It's time for you to leave. You failed.
No, I got the information out there. Thats what I wanted to do. And if we are detailing who traitors are, I want to know.
How is Don a traitor?
Don't care. Leave.
I dunno fam, I just dont know
I could prove you wrong (about the original Q LARPer, the current LARPers are probably kikes) but there wouldn't be any point. Nothing will convince the MIGApedos that Q isn't real.
That is my biggest fear too. I've heard some say Kushner is the mosiach or some shit.
What do you think his plan is?
No Q-LARP has been real at any point.
To spam our website with your garbage.
The only reason I doubt Q is because he said that the moon landing was real. Which is total bs and lost a ton of credibility.
Well fuck.
Do you have a better resolution?
So what the fuck do we do?
Vote 3rd party
both parties are controlled by (((them)))
I never implied it was. I can say with certainty that the original Q LARPer wasn't involved with any kike org, and was probably just crazy, but it's plausible that the people who took it over are.
Get out.
kill jews
I wasn't aware it had been taken over
Never post again.