This man alone stopped the Marxists from taking control of the United States from within.
This man led to the arrest and detainment of dozens of communists throughout the United States, alongside the House Un-American Activities Committee.
This man alone accurately pointed that Marxists had infiltrated, or were beginning to infiltrate, the United States government, federal and local, universities, film industry, the military, and several other industries which eventually did everything he said they'd do. Push Marxism and attack American traditional values.
This man gave the United States an extra decade before the Marxists would begin to take over. It's no coincidence that his death came three years before the 1960s, where Marxists would begin to take control of every sector of American society.
This man is still detested and called a crazed, conspiracy theorist who humiliated the country despite his "victims" turning out to be Commies.
How can we change this? How can we make people see he was right? He deserves to be honored for protecting this nation.
Joseph McCarthy Appreciation Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
that paranoid meathead didn't stop anything, marxists took over every facet of our government. Hes a traitor like the rest.
Not a traitor, but he was jew'd - by Trump's pederast mentor no less.
damn straight, I remember being told how he was evil and basically anudder Hitler with the "scapegoating" etc, until he took on the US Army and the Army hired this lawyer that "cut him down to size" etc.
So I researched the actual transcript and didn't see any big PWNED moment, just a typically Jewish acting like like it happened. But I guess the fix was in with the rest of (((Govt)))
Are there any based jewtube videos on McCarthy? I'm in the mood for some comfy Zig Forums videos.
Not that I know of, if any anons know any post it here.
some of you are so fucking stupid it hurts, it's like you're just out to be as contrarian as possible for internet points
But he didn't; in fact he was a tool of the jews, the Trotskite jews. He was a compromised alcoholic homosexual who was managed by Roy Cohen to flush out the Stalinists that had been brought in by Henry Wallace, FDR's vice president during the 30's and WWII.
And the commie jews are in charge, obviously so your paradigm simply doesn't cut it.
Michael Collins Piper nails it; educate yourself with one of the best anti jew writers in American history.
I've posted this before so it's not letting me post it inline..
Look at these pics; "Tail Gunner Joe" was jewed up to the eyeballs.
It's all just a harbinger of the Neocons to come.
Can you tell me more about Henry Wallace? Jewgle isn't showing anything. Interesting that we had a theosophist VP though.
I meant more as in more about him being a communist/subversive btw.
Obviously the right mistrusted him…
>The bureau opened Wallace's mail, tapped his supporters' telephones and used informers and agents to trail him in search of possible Communist or pro-Soviet ties, The Des Moines Sunday Register reported.
My thesis is that of many contrarians that refuse to get sucked into the Manichean world view of the 20th century.
It never was the right vs the left. It was Stalinism vs Trotskyism/Leninism.
McCarthy was a Trotskyite tool and thus an early forerunner of AIPAC..
Communism would destroy (((1%ters))), and you would be free, not being their slaves. Communism (actual, not "marxism") meant strong, not open, borders, fighting zionism, removing power of (((money))), rule of a proletaryan majority, not minorities.
No one's gonna fall for that you Commie nigger.
Too bad McCarthy wasn't Jew aware, though.
He didn't stop anything, dumb ass. They did take over and it was easy with McCarthy being controlled by (((Roy Cohn))), AKA Trump's mentor.
Roy Cohn also really liked frogs. Zig Forums thought they were channeling Kek back in 2016, but they were really channeling Roy Cohn. LMAO No wonder Trump won.
I've been listening to a lot of his old shows lately, and it really hit me that there isn't anyone today who comes close to filling void he left. Even the AFP has devolved into boomer-bait, publishing frontpage articles about Qanon and "the plan".
Sure, there's more pro-White/jew-wise media being produced today than probably ever before, but the average quality is also lower than it's ever been.
The Jews truly are the masters of manipulation and deception, I'll give them that.
My entire life growing up libshits talked about how psychotic and paranoid the Red Scare was… and then those same boomers say shit like this. Things truly do come full circle.
stopped reading right there
It's not worth it to discuss if he was compromised or not. As a symbol he represents being vigilant against communists and being aggressive about it.
tldr he should be lionized. I'm working on a JM statue right now, just because commies are so pissed off at statues for some reason.
bring back House Un-American Activities Committee btw
ahahahahahahah no, bolshevism is for the jew and national socialism if for us. We were put on this earth to be in each others way and sharpen each other up.
2025 Iran-israel war could very well be the last war if we dont contribute our efforts in toppling the jew world order.
Thank you. seriously thank you for this.
I keep saying this and the real Nat Soc crowd hates me for my apostasy, my blasphemy but marching around in comic opera uniforms to the beat of big oompapa bands and waving red banners isn't going to save us. It didn't work last time and it sure isn't going to work this time. I know, you have a 14 year old mind and you love pep rallies for the football team. But we're not playing football here.
If we go that route the jews will sell us our banners and the marching bands will be packed with shitskins.
This is a war of intel and we can win if we use our intelligence. I believe Robert Steele that we live in an era of open source intel. We have about 89% of the intel that CIA has on their desks, and not everyone on the internet wants to just masturbate like a chimp at porn.
I strongly disagree; only uncompromising truth is going to get us out of the tight spot we find ourselves in. We have to analyze the mistakes of the past, pitilessly, brutally even if it causes us pain even if it causes us to abandon our more precious illusions about ourselves.
Making a hero out of a drunken homosexual puppet of proto neocon kikenvermin does us no good. It steers us straight into the hands of the AIPAC jews just like supporting Trump did.
Trump ←–Roy Cohn
Tail Gunner Joe ←—Roy Cohn
Oh fuck I fucked up that quote…I mean the quote about overlooking McCarthy being compromised…fuck.
This is the most mind boggling thing you know…all this stuff we're living through…it's not a physical struggle, or even an intellectual struggle…it's some strange subterranean spiritual struggle, very mysterious…
McCarthy was a fucking hero, and you deserve to be publicly hung, you semitic pile of shit.
Never posted once at reddit
Louis Ferdinand Celine uses ellipses habitually.
Trump is a neocon tool
McCarthy was a compromised tool of proto Trotskyites flushing Stalinists out of the government, the army and Hollywood.
Your POV can only be substantiated by willfully ignoring Roy Cohn who is always at his elbow whispering in his ear, telling him every single thing he must say.
Then you're a fucking moron who doesn't understand how paragraphs work. How could anyone take your assessment of history seriously when you type like you do?
Literally who? Why the fuck does this matter?
That's fine, but your pathological need to bring him up when it isn't even relevant shows that you're a histrionic leftist
who can't stop himself.
Pic related.
I guess when they got rid of Wallace, they must have know FDR was going to die. Doubt Wallace would have nuked Japan.
McCarthy would have locked up half of the Alt-Right retards for their socialist ideas and support of Putin's neo-sovjet shithole empire.
>still ignoring (((Roy Cohn)))
Please explain the link between Cohn and McCarthy.
He was his fucking lawyer?
Marxists didn't take over anything. Capitalism is just as jewish as the US was one half of the communism/capitalism materialistic dialectic.
Nearly every lawyer is a kike, user.
Just shut the fuck up, you illiterate dimwit.
Said it yourself!
Funny. And the kike even insulted but never did anything his tribes to gain brownie points too.
I'm not the dipshit that uses ellipses in conversational typing, you oversocialized twat.
No, my point is that a person of his standing in politics would've obviously had a jewish lawyer. It's like 2+2=4. That you think this is some sort of damning evidence against his character is evidence of you being a fucking moron/shill.
So you're a moron who knows nothing of history then.
1. Doesn't know who Dr. Destouche (Louis Ferdinand Celine) is.
2. Doesn't know who Michael Collins Piper is even though I posted his talk in that You Tube vid. Isn't going to bother listening to the case he makes.
3. Doesn't know anything about Roy Cohn and the Army McCarthy hearings or Roy Cohn and Donald Trump being his young protege when he started doing RE deals in Manhattan.
You're ignorance is totally overwhelming us child. Go do some serious study and then get back to us in two or five years. Just calling anyone that doesn't agree with you a jew isn't going to cut it here.
How about you explain why you think those points are relevant instead of pretending that they're self-evident, you smug pile of shit?
Your words come out of your own mouth, retard.
Hes a migapede. It is normal for them to be low IQ
My point is that anyone who works in the highest level of politics will inevitably have a jewish lawyer. That's just the way the justice system works. You have yet to explain why simply having Cohn on retainer is enough to paint him as an enemy.
The are self evident to anyone but yourself. Go listen to the Michael Collins Piper video you intellectually lazy moron.
Roy Cohn isn't just any jewish lawyer.
He has the best posts in the thread, end of story. Fuck off.
Just explain your fucking point, you beat-around-the-bush nigger. Just say your fucking point. Explain why simply having Cohn as a lawyer makes him an enemy, despite laying his life on the line to curb communism.
I already did explain it; I posted that Michael Collins Piper you tube which is a 50 minute long explanation, which evidently you are too lazy to listen to.
Here it is again, moron.
He was brilliant in pulling up obscure evidence that everyone overlooked and putting together a compelling alternative narrative. It's sad because he passed not that long ago.
I'd say the closest thing to him now is Ryan Dawson.
I'm questioning how worthwhile this is, but I will give it a watch.
I already said in my original post at the top of the page that I can't embed it because I already posted it before a week ago, but reading is not your thing so you missed it you fucking mutt.
Said a mutt about a Michael Collins Piper speech on the epicenter of antisemitism for the entire world's internet.
Hint; you don't belong on this thread. You don't belong on this board.
Nigger, you're telling me that the greatest defender against communism in the 20th century is a shill. Of course I'm going to call you a stupid faggot until you can prove that. Saying he has a jew lawyer is weak shit, and you know that.
Hint: You're pressing Enter after every sentence, and that makes you look like an invader. Just thought I'd let you know, considering you're trying to astroturf here.
Ah you're the insider here and I'm the outsider but you've never heard of Michael Collins Piper before. Gotcha…fuckass.
He's fucking French, dude. I could understand you thinking I'm a faggot for never hearing of George Lincoln Rockwell, but the dude is simply not relevant to my problems. I would've heard of him by now if he mattered. Now, you need to explain why McCarthy having a jewish lawyer even matters. You need to do that before people give a single shit what you think.
Michael Collins Piper…is French???
You apparently haven't, since Rockwell said the exact same thing about McCarthy and Cohn. It's covered in This Time the World.
I'm fully open to the fact that I'm ignorant. If you're actually here to open minds, quote the relevant passages.
Chapter 11. He cites one of the same sources as Piper.
Hadding Scott also wrote an article, citing Rockwell.
No matter who you pick, it's all the same general narrative.
Nigger, at least put forward the basic argument that you're having. You're literally retarded if you expect anyone to read Kill yourself, and perhaps understand that the jews are not God's chosen people.
Chaim, pls. You'll still be driven out in the end. You don't own nothing.
It's Rockwell's book, you absolute nigger. That's just the first result that comes up on startpage for the pdf.
Kill yourself now, before you embarrass yourself further.
What? Are you some kind of boomer who doesn't know what a pdf is?
Post the pdf.
You are such a fucking asshole. Totally a shitheel troll. Please, get fucked in the ass and die of AIDS.
Post the PDF.
Take your internet ninja routine somplace else, Joan.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
And Michael Collins Piper is French…
Nigger, just tell me what I'm supposed to think. Just do it, moron.
This entire thread just reeks of cheesy fungus growing in the warm moist folds of avoirdupois fatty flesh of a mentally deranged obese jewess pseudo academic.
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
And do you know who wrote the first book explaining how they did?
Thanks for admitting that Hoover gave into the commie bullshit, you low IQ moron.
And the Venona files proved he was right.
Talking to yourself, moishe?
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
hey glowniggers, your bot needs calibrating, come quick!
He was the hero of GLR and the feeling may have been mutual when he saw him, gave our guy a handshake. Despite not having even formed the American Nazi Party and still being an underground figure.
As for jew lawyers…
Jewish guy with Irish Catholic lawyer. What is the world coming to? kek
Nixon was the true hero. In a by-the-book way got hard evidence of American commies as Soviet agents in the Hiss case, and gave real credibility to HUAC.
Nixon may have been involved in the assassination of George Wallace, the true blue American hero.
Nixon feared that the Democrats knew he'd planned the Wallace assassination to stop him from winning over all the conservatives to his side because Wallace was anti busing and Nixon permitted it, a true Republican race traitor. Anti busing riots took place all over the US under Nixon.
Thus Watergate was an attempt by Nixon to find out how much the DNC knew about his guilt in the Wallace shooting.
He was a sweaty treacherous bastard
In retrospect, busing was one of the biggest catastrophes in US history.
No, he didn't. He was right, but being right isn't good enough.
It absolutely did work in Germany, and it was working with GLR until he was assassinated.
That's great. Now tell me what happens after we've gathered all of this intel. Anything? What if we had incontrovertibly proof that, for example, Hillary committed multiple felonies and the FBI admitted it.
You can research forever, and it won't do a damned thing without public support and eventually political power. Everyone knows 9/11 was faked, everyone knows the Kennedys' assassins weren't brought to justice, but without a cohesive group with a strong goal, nothing will ever be done about these things. Wanna know how to get that group? Flags and oompapa bands.
Meant to respond to this in my other post. Watergate could have been a setup by the other side to take out Nixon. Saying this one shady character was maybe involved in an assassination and was also involved in Watergate doesn't prove Nixon planned that assassination. This is the other big problem with obsessing over conspiracy theories, we necessarily have partial knowledge of an event and a distorted view of the motives of the players involved. Was Nixon a shady deep state operative trying to destroy America, or was he a noble anti-communist crusader? Depends on who you ask. As for the partial knowledge, without a whole picture it's hard to know what motivated certain actions. Ask any normalfag why Germany invaded Poland, and it was a land grab; shown the evidence of Bromberg, and it starts to look like Germany was innocent; but then maybe there's evidence that German guerrilla groups were operating there, and Poland was trying to clean it up. Unless you have expert level knowledge of an event, you can't make a determination, and in a world where events remain classified forever, you can't know the whole picture. It took until a couple years ago to get an admission that the Lusitania was carrying weapons, which shatters the entire basis of America's last century. Did America just pack it up and go home? Never mind, let's bring back the 2nd Reich? Did anything change when Israel boasted about the USS Liberty? Or when the Venona decrypts proved that there were commies in the State department who did give nukes to Russia and Israel, and who did aid Mao and Castro and did hobble Chiang Kai Shek? Or when papers were found and published showing that the lend lease aid to the USSR contained uranium, graphite rods, and other nuclear material? This is public record stuff now, but it's all decades after it happened, and more importantly it's treated like it's irrelevant to our current discourse. Without control over the levers of power, nothing will ever be done about these things, no matter how much the truth is known.
Stalinism was indeed something different.
Not anti-jewish to the core until the paranoia phase. It was sort-of pan slavic without slavs being at the helm, and more or less pushed for a large eurasian empire.
Putin is a stalinist, a different flavor of communism.
But don't be fooled, one way or another, even if it's 90% jewish or 20% jewish, jews will always do it to serve their own interests, bidding their time and slowly accruing power until they get what they want, and always at our expense in the end. Jew vs jew is a red herring.
0% jew is the unique valid solution.