“Violent white” supremacists threaten Canada's stability, says Bill Maher’s buddy Freeland
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Well if you're gonna do the time you might as well do the crime.
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That's funny, most Canadian's don't call themselves "Chosen People" but our commenter sure looks like he might say such a thing of himself.
The White Gulags are coming faster than I anticipated!
Also Kike Free First Dub Post
Day of the rake is coming leafs.
Physically remove the government.
They're terrified because 500 White outdoorsman with a little guerilla warfare training could overthrow the government.
The brother of the Toronto Greektown shooter went into a coma in Saskatoon before the shooting in Toronto because he had 42 kg of Carfentanil under his bed. That's enough to kill everyone in Canada damn near.
It's looking like it's the only option.
But when that Civil War happens, China will Annex BC and Yukon no doubt.
300 men with crossbows could take over 3 Major cities easily, lets not kid ourselves here.
Why aren't we doing this? How classic would it be if the Eternal Leaf were the first Westermen to break the shackles of bondage.
who is even good in Canada right now though?
I am one of the good guys.
Just Joe and Shmoe
you are delusional. 500 dudes would get wiped out by gangbanging niggers and spics not to mention the police/national guard/army/marines/socom. 500 dudes could bring the country down but take it over? you are stupid.
as for the OP. of course we are public enemy number one. we’ve proven ourselves so pacified its become overt now.
They don't have to take it over - you're obviously not a Canadian. There is no country here, it's entirely enforced at Federal Gun point. The Confederacy is dead. Regionalism is taking root among Whites and second gen shit skins. It's only new immigrants and foreign observers who fall for the Canadian meme. 500 good men could easily bring this thing to it's knees. They're not fighting a pitched battle dumb dumb.
Heil and is this that Office Space episode where they go to the poo holiday?
Can you believe something so inane was actually uttered by a foreign minister?
What even is a Canadian at this point?
She's right. Here I haven't fired a shot, and I'm the worst threat to globalism and the tyranny of kikes on the planet. Kim Jong Un needs to hire me.
well I have blue eyes and im 4th generation toronto. but really. we have no one. so i dont think about it too much and just enjoy my own culture with my friends, unpolitically.
At this point? They were trappers and loyalist Americans. Now they're a call center.
This woman is a Rhodes scholar and also attended Harvard. Since that rules out stupidity, she must be pure evil.
you guys know that her grandfather was a literal Nazi in WWII
well,, nobody's all bad.
I have Nazi grandparents on my father's side. My Oma was Hitler youth and my Opa was in the Wehrmacht.
On my mother's side my grandfather is native Canadian and my grandmother comes from a line of Scottish settlers.
Then how did it go so wrong? What made her so insane to turn her back on her people, and to defy the very nation which gave her so much. Has there ever been a time when so many traitors tried to take down their own nations? For what? A chance to become the next Brazil? She knows diversity isn't a strength, otherwise she'd be living in a nigger community.
Wealth and power.
Yup, Wealth and Power.
I thought it was the Chinese immigrants who were being the most problematic recently?
Wow what a glaring mistake, girls weren't in the hitler youth. It was the bund Deutsche madel
Anyone got an address for the canuk piece of shit?
May tip the curry eh?
It's so fucking tiresome
Oh boy I love this game. I'm going to attempt to solve the puzzle and answer 'fake hate crimes.'
This. Why the fuck not. The whites will be brutalized no matter what they do, so they really have nothing to lose.
Acceleration really works
you got the wrong idea. Our peaceful existence, our ideas, are enough of a threat to warrant near constant global kvetching. At some point, the tiger realizes the cage isn't real my friend, and all the little faggots poking him with a stick are now face to face with a beast with a rage so ancient, with an honor so unalloyed by compromise, that their last thoughts will be of awe and admiration even as they are torn.
In victory we shall have glory on earth. In defeat, we shall have glory in Heaven. Let us fight then, without fear.
he's got a point. they want to kill or at least jail all White men anyways so we might as well show them what happens to traitors
>Meanwhile, Canada is undergoing “the fastest rate of ethnic change of any country in the Western world,” (((Kaufmann))) said, describing how 300,000 immigrants are arriving each year in a country of 35 million people, with four in five of those immigrants being visible minorities.
>Trump has promised to reduce America’s inflows by half,” (((Kaufmann))) said.
>(((Kaufmann))), however, drew attention to a study led by the Statistics Canada’s Patrice Dion and Eric Caron-Malenfant that projects that by 2106, the vast majority of Canada’s population will be descendants of immigrants who arrived after 2006.
They want us dead and they are winning. Get organized, NOW. Start a local thing, you don't need to get into a national organization immediately, it'll probably be fedded anyways. Get organized locally, that's what we all need to do. My forefathers and your forefathers didn't come here to die at the hands of kike owned niggers.
This is what you need to do:
Buds, we're fucked if we don't act. You think the numbers these statistics project are really that fucking low? How many niggers, browns, gooks, etc. aren't being represented?
And we only have a few years.
If you're one of those types that think that Toronto and Hongcouver are the problem, guess what? That's just a vision of what ALL of Canada will be like.
Don't put your kids through that. Time to man up.
Well if there weren't Islamists invading and running over bombing and shooting citizens for banter then we wouldn't hate them
Also, if you're in a position where you have a good bit of free time daily, start learning French if you haven't already learned it.
I sadly neglected it growing up and I'm paying for it now. We have white brothers in Quebec that we need to be able to effectively communicate with.
Fuck any past differences we may have had, we're brothers in blood and that's all that matters.
What if I flip a coin, heads black woman, tails white woman, and it comes up tails? Is that racist? Is the white woman no longer allowed to rent if a black woman wants the same apartment?
With your sunglasses on the message is clear.
It's not just tiring. You can only call a man a dog for so long until he decides to bite you.
I found it pretty interesting that, despite the utter mediocrity of the white woman's aesthetics, my eyes would not rest on the black face. It felt off, awkward, like my eyes should be elsewhere. Am I racist?
Serious though, it has to be awkward trying to work with a poo like castro knowing he's wet for you.
Remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie
Shitkin/mutt user here. Would love to tell this vile bitch to her face that no, quite the opposite, white supremacy is the greatest potential savior for the entire world. You leafs need to start kicking ass and taking names
We should work to eliminate these. :)
Just fucking go for it. The facade/charade is falling. The pale of (((law))) is slipping so why not just fucking go for it. 100 canadians could probably take over a city anyway lol
Know that is Turdo being a faggot.
Yeah, the government is going to call in some expensively trained operators who are probably due for a raid on a #thinkchink think tank because a loose group of intelligent people decide to make themselves targets for retarded police officers.
You must be 18 or older to post here.
It’s the best idea really. Good luck leafs
>The illusion of stability has been maintained by violent White supremacists
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
Where are all these nazis western politicians keep talking about? They make it sound like skinheads roam the streets lynching “minorities.” All I have seen is an anti lynching law passed and Jussie Faglett faking victimhood shortly thereafter. Rather than face the facts of who the real threat is politicians keep talking about a ghost army of neonazis.
I am a Canadian and I think you are an idiot too. 500 men couldn't hold one major city, never mind the country.
Dont be an organisation cuck
Lone wolves can do any action an organisation might do, but faster and harder to stop and harder to track down when the actionist extracts himself
Getting organised is still the same procrastination that you rightly see is killing your nation
Dont organise, act!
Succesfull action causes people to group to you anyway, so just act
Dont group up to find out that the males around you wont act
Act first and then men of action will find you
Organization is stupid as shit if NOBODY does shit anyway.
I think it's the seinfeld episode about the wedding in india
Looks more and more like BC and Alberta will be ceded to the USA because the Cheka can't be both a law enforcement agency and a Rosicrucian Force dedicated to catching Trudeau and Goodale's farts.
They were going to use drones at the dome on the Blue Jays home opener.
China will be driven back into the sea, user.
ONE BRIDGE is all that keeps the west connected to the east. And yeah, it's carefully watched.
She's the minister for GLOBAL affairs. With a G.
Prince Hall masons infiltrated the bureaucracy and are effectively a fifth column against the Grand Orient (Quebec) and Scottish (Ontario) lodges.
The RCMP wear red to remind Americans of redcoats. The entire country is a psyop.
Reminder that no one is violent and nothing is happening.
No, jew, it doesn't work. You don't know what the word means.
Like as in Ocasio Cortez?
Remember that Northern France is called Brittany. As the Hell's Angels LARP that's after P but before R says "they want you divided."
I'd rent to a black African francophone woman over an American Indian anyway of the week. They don't seem to realize that the caste system never went away. It's like a masonic intelligence test. They call bureaucrats 'Mandarins" or "Brahmins" for a reason you know.
You tell me what you'd like to do, but I don't want to know
My only interest is today, and where we want to go
We need the people to awake, and fight for us right now
'Cause we will never be enslaved by the Zionist master plan
Tomorrow is always too late
We should never sit around and wait
Tomorrow is always too late
Get out there and do something today
Our enemies are capitalists, communists as well
Both these forms of evil are ringing our death knell
We salute the troops of yesterday, who fought the Marxist plague
And we will carry on your fight as the White men of today
Tomorrow is always too late
We should never sit around and wait
Tomorrow is always too late
Get out there and do something today
Black girls are cute. But it depends WHERE they come how. Not all people here are racist, they are upset about uppity behavior.
t. drills for oil, and even a mischling but also studies realpolitik, so disregard if you think this type of purity spiraling is any better than the left's version
The more enlightening of us realize we're the world's second-largest open air zoo.
Or maybe it's because I'm off today from my call centre job in Cape Breton and I'm on my second legal joint of the day. (See previous post.). Thing is that this place is kind of fun for someone with such a love of Christ, maybe you're all locked in here with me? Muhuhahaha!
What do you think the Hells Angels do, user?
God I can't wait for this country to finally hit rocks and sink.
Nothing fucking works, nothing is fucking real anymore 4 years into the current year. The true Canadian experience is checking your bank account to see if you can afford cheese this fucking week while the CBC in the background interviews two obese dykes from Vancouver about their contributions to the pacific powerfunk scene etc. Repeat this effect a few dozen times a day for years and we're at the point we're at now.
The economy's in fucking shambles, finally ground to an absolute halt in January (0.1% growth lmao), the industries that made up the backbone of this nation's non-economy were given loads of artificial, preferential treatment and allowed to ignore glaring issues in perpetuity to where they're now withering to the bone in practice but humming along on paper, and the slightest bit of moderate economic turbulence will send them crashing in flames like the Hindenburg.
I want to be wild and free again. We are a colonial, frontier people and we need to go back to that, this society, it's culture and it's values is killing our souls and if I have to spend another 15 years in this fucking hell I'll snap. Give me danger, give me a collapse and anarchy, I might die but by God I want to at least live a day in the sun as a truly free man, anything to end this monotonous, atomizing march to emptiness and meaninglessness filled with niggers of every stripe and faggotry everywhere you turn.
So let's get this straight:
I don't know who's jewing who anymore
They're all jewing you like they used to but now there's the internet pointing out the fact they do it differently for different people.
Removing the government isn't enough. Khmer Rouge-tier purges of the population based on race and occupation [going after teachers and police the same way the Khmer did, since they enforce the social standards that have created the current situation] are also needed.
You'll notice that Cambodia, even after the Khmer Rouge was nominally defeated and brought into line with Vietnam and the US, etc. to whatever extent a quasi-communist and fairly isolationist state can be, is very difficult to subvert by foreign powers because the purges reverberate down through the generations.
You are not welcome here.
Canada is the same size as Afghanistan. How many men was part of the first invation? ~50000? How many is needed to start the revolution? Perhaps as little as 500 is actually not so far off…
As a thought experiment: If all anons on the American continent participated we could possibly overtrow the Canadian government. We are very likely the single largest revolutionary group in the western word right now.
Holy fuck I can't wait to vote the Liberals out in October. Yes people who can't get laid are a fucking national security threat…ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?
God I fucking hate these people. I actually hope they fucking eat their own goddamn words.
The Liberals are being set up to lose so that the frog will continue to boil slowly.
How will all the other sub human 'hate' groups and terrorists ever cope that a bunch of white people are perceived as more of a threat than them?
come at me CSIS, I've planted 14 bombs in jewish daycares, synagogues, and porn studios that will go off on april 20th unless my demands are met.
fyi ya pajeets I rawdog on wangblows, you've got 24 hours to become a anti-national hero.
I'll be your patsy, just let me kill jews first, race traitors second, and maybe if we got time i'll kill some arabs.
HA's are fat jews larping as duck dynasty. compare them to SOO.
Be violent. Kill everyone that is not white. Don't waste your time trying to find political solutions. They will jail you for being a white man. Kill them all first.
No moron, Canada is 15 times the size of Afghanistan. Get a map.
If you want to act, ACT! I have no problem condoning lone wolves!
But if you can organize, organize!
I've personally seen it proven that 2 guys acting in different locations gets more done than 1 guy working alone.
I'm with you on action oriented lifestyle, bud. Don't think for a moment that I'm one of these faggots that thinks an organization is the end of all things. It's a means to an end, and that end is a dedicated cell of action oriented, boots on the fucking ground men.
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
lmao who cares?
2 possibilities:
1. They are only saying that they will do this to virtue-signal, but in secret will keep focusing on Muslim terrorists, and rightly so, as right now ISIS and friends who have all taken asylum in Canada are quite a big thread, meaning you Canadians have nothing to fear
2. They actually waste most of their money and resources monitoring whites, allowing ISIS and friends to plot devastating terrorist attacks, swinging the country closer to instability