Only black reporters allowed in Georgia mayoral race event

It appears they want to solidify on one black candidate so that they can beat the white guy.,_Georgia#Demographics

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Only possible under drumpf's administration

This is called precedent. Don't get upset at it, employ it to your own ends.

There are millions of Americans who believe that voting is some type of sacred privilege. I wonder what they would think of this, with one group planning to vote as a bloc.

How could you imagine that, as a white person, you'd have a chance against groups organizing like this.

Literally why would you complain about this?? This is what I want, increased racial tensions so that the braindead whites around us will finally wake up and allow the right people to peacefully transition into power. The blacks, Jews and Indios are the most racially conscious of the lot, so I support every effort on their part to inflame relations with whites. Every time a Noel Ignatiev or Barbara Spectre calls for the destruction of whites and white countries, every time a Mexican lets slip that he wants a Reconquista and undo the war of 1848, every time there's a chimp out over menial BS, I welcome it.

If you were smart, you would start false flagging attacks on upstanding whites in your community with black power symbols or something like so. The Jews paint a hooked cross on one of their gravestones about every other week, so them's teh rules of war.
Vote for Uppity Negress 2020

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kojima warned us

Good. Kill all white journalists, they're one of the biggest enemies of the white race.

Has anyone confirmed this? Or is this just agitprop?

Alright looks legit, OP is a bit of fag for making me check.

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Are we having fun in the Turner Diaries timeline yet? It's doing the trick for me

Legit news.


I put the link from APNews, it's in OP.

Actually, that's the point, and that is why this piece of news regarding a mayoral race in a historically famous but not very large city is being shared.

In one way or another, whether you dislike democracy or think the system is almost always rigged, most people here probably don't have a high opinion of voting. But tens of millions of Americans do, they think it is such a vital part of citizenship, even if just in theory. That is why the alleged Russian rigging of the election made liberals so furious.

People have to see how scary it is when blacks are allowed to work openly as a group, when obviously whites would never be allowed to do the same. Unlike Russia though, this is real.

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They'll say "wow I can't believe that" and then forget about it five minutes later as they keep ranting about how some Trump tweet is "destroying the moral fabric of our country."

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White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.


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Only whites allowed. Yeah , I like the ring of that. Stupid monkeys gonna monkey user you know this
Splatter all nigger filth

This. Freedom to segregate is something we should support

Where's a structure fire when you need one?

Go be a faggot somewhere else

You pay me in trash, so I don't give a shit what happens there.

You want me to actually pay attention to my region, quit paying me with trash and lies.

You're fucking dumb if you think white people will be allowed to do this.


There is only one TRUE solution user.

It does if you start killing those who oppose it.

Yes it does. The left abides by the UN Charter. As do the Communists. It was the Communists that wrote the fucking Charter (Alger Hiss).

Freedom of association is engrained as a part of the UN legal framework. By writ and formal legal understanding, so is the Freedom to not associate.

Of course, I wouldn’t expect it any other way. This is a norm we should support though. If shitskins want to self-segregate from white society, let them. It’s the first step towards removing them completely.

Sombody should walk in and go full bowlcut

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You two are fucking idiots if you think otherwise. One of you glowniggers is just outright retarded, and the other is just wrong.
Go open a political campaign and then hang a sign up that says "WHITE PRESS ONLY" and let me know how that works out for you.
The MSM would be all over the BLATANT RACISM and DISGUSTING BIGOTRY.
Your political career would be over.
Your professional career would never recover and you'll never have another job for the rest of your life.
Your family would be shunned and doxxed by lefties
Your family would have their lives threatened and have things thrown at them any time they set foot in public
People would be vandalizing your house and vehicles non-stop
The liberals have turned this into a one-way street, and only disgusting shitskins are allowed down it, as well as self-hating whites.

We have more power as a juror than a voter. Serving as a juror and having the entire jury return with not guilty verdict despite the law is juror nullification. Being a juror is the most power we have in the USA short of being armed and acting which will not happen until things get really bad for you or for everyone. Jurors can nullify a charge spitting in the face of the lawmakers and enforcers and set someone free no matter what that law they broke says. If juror nullification was still well known there would probably a lot fewer people tossed in jail for nonsense like putting bacon on the door handle of a mosque and being charged with a hate crime.

Try getting onto a jury as modest clean cut white person with traditional values, it's not easy. The only way to get onto a jury is to outright lie about who you are. And another thing is, jury duty heavily favors people who don't work (i.e. mostly nonwhites,) as workers (mostly whites) are penalized financially for participating and often have to stay off of jury duty. The kikes have these angles well covered.

"Anti-racist" is just a code word for "Anti-White".

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I tried being a juror for a criminal case but the nigger and the lawyer looked directly at me ended up dismissing the entire juror from the case before the hearing even started

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meant to post

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The reason is because people who work and have a life read the news and people who read the news have a bias, they want dumb retards who don't know shit about anything so they can be un-biased but unfortunately they're always non-whites. The entire Jury system is a bit of a scam because it can work both ways and really is obsolete

That will only add fuel to the fire, likely to the benefit of those who keep trying to stir shit up with actions like in the OP. There is no way no one looked at this and though "yeah, there's no way this can piss people off". If you start killing the cattle that supports this and ignore those who drive them, all you will do is create more martyrs to white hate, likely niggers or libshits whose only use to (((them))) is their college debt interest.

There are also times to find someone guilty.

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Uh, wat?
Why would a White person care? Just say 'no' and walk in.
The fuckre they gonna do?

This right here.

Its amazing watching Whites being gradually disenfranchised in the US. You're quite literally letting it happen to yourselves, and those who aren't so apathetically worthless as to not care are too cowed and disorganized that you don't meaningfully oppose it in any way.
Meanwhile, Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to US Whites, as he now holds the White vote captive in large part, while doing nothing at all for White Americans.
You're totally fucked until AT LEAST 2024, which means you're basically done - the US is already dead, you just don't realize it yet. Like a nigger gangbanger shot in the head, his legs still twitching.

He's right though.

He's not telling you not to do anything, he's accurately pointing out that YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING. You have no organizational ability, you're completely toothless, and everything you put your weight behind turns out to be just as fucked as what you claim to oppose.

We are like a half step from "Its Not Okay to be White" and you don't even seem to see it.

That guy is a hero for improving the white gene pool.

That is completely illegal. Someone it getting sued.

No they won't.

Go dilate, shitskin.

Yes they will. Fuck off cunt.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

They won't. The legal system is full of jews.
Stop lying to yourself.

I guess Tor got disabled again eh loser?

You're just making my faith in white nationalism stronger, kike.

schlomo, could you please try harder? My dog is more subversive than you.

That isn't going to work anymore traitor,

Whats that, loser?
Pointing out you're the same ban evading cum dumpster who spams over Tor?

Seems to be working just fine.

More worried about IP's, bans and memes than the deaths of Whites.


Yes, yes, heard it all before. Tell me more about how the only vaguely-active platform for White advocacy is actually BAD and 'the root cause' of the death of White nations, and how any criticism of your constant multi-IP spam is also BAD and indicative of being oppositional in any way to White advocacy.

You're disgusting, you pitiful loser.

The double standard is the precedent. You don't gain anything from this.

I was taking my mom to a tigers ball game, she thinks she loves baseball. We were walking to the stadium and passed a table with niggers passing out info for vote the black slate.
I looked at them and my mom tells me don't even.
Reluctantly I was forced to walk by them and wonder if I had a booth and proclaimed vote white only what could be the possible outcome?

Retards, you don't point out the double standard to the enemy and cry about it. You point it out to your blood and draw them closer to your position.


Let's see how it plays out now that the niggers got theirs.

Will never happen, as another user pointed out.

Go ahead, TRY IT.

Try having a "White reporters only" sign. SEE WHAT HAPPENS.
We all know the answer.

IMHO, one takeaway from all of this is that Kamala Harris will be the next Democratic presidential nominee.

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Nice. That should move things along at a very reasonable pace

Seems unlikely. I'm thinking Biden.
All they need is someone who won't TOTALLY turn off the White voters and they win…. Granted, Harris WOULD ensure the nigger vote.

Harris pres biden vp again so the niggers see a whiteee cuck to a nigger woman thing

That could work, the only question is if Joey is prepared to roll that way.
I wager they'll go the other way around.

He should keep up the good work by killing himself too.

Never. They would never have a nigger woman be subservient to a white male even if it was biden


white men are pacified when it comes to racial politics. i think theyre pacified when it comes to gun control too but we’ll see about that. one guy shooting up a church, mosque, synagogue (just lol at target choice) amounts to nothing. if you wanted to shoot up a bunch of unarmed people while the zog is still in power, a livestream and ak at this black reporter only meeting would have been decent but still not ideal.

Heroes never die.

the US is dead but not because of Trump, that's ridiculous. He is the last dying breath of that country. Dont pretend like 50% will suddenly wake americans up when 70% and 60% didnt wake you either.

Somone needs to go in blackface :D :D :D

They also want gullible buffoons that can be swayed to believe their claims, not people capable of forming their own opinion from the presented facts. If you wanted to never again be selected for a jury, get a CCW.

I agree you get a bigger response if you attack the actual system than just some random nobody's even if they ultimately are a problem that needs dealt with.

It's actually shocking to me how many of the lone wolf types go after trivial targets to satisfy some sort of revenge victory. Although its probably not as satisfying to shoot up gang bangers on MLK Drive, a mosque, or a synagogue, you get more done by going after hard targets. The problem is the people making all the moves don't fear the public. In theory it only takes a few. Reporters/News outlets, local city councils, prosecutors, court rooms, college staff meetings, etc. People actually creating, running, and enforcing the system does far more in the long run.

This is how blacks gained political power in the south. As minorities if they organized well enough and voted as a block they became the swing vote. Being the swing vote gave them political pull far beyond what 13% of the population would give. Black people go to black churches on Sunday. The pastor would be sure to tell his flock how to vote - the church was the means for organizing. Do you think it is an accident that the Civil Rights leaders were pastors? Rev. Martin Luther King?

tldr; this is how things work in the south. Get over it fucking Yankees. t. white southerner.

They want low iq nigger golems that will get them whatever result they need to further degrade the society and hurt white people.

Imagine the media shitstorm if it was "whites in Georgia ban niggers from entering meeting as they plan to all vote for a single white candidate"

Everyone knows that we can't get away with it.
Use that to chip away at the legitimacy of the system.

There is no double standard, there is a single standard and it is against Whites.


Accelerate. Go there armed, to kill niggers. Every place where niggers try to pretend that they are peaceful must be met with violence against them. They will respond violently later, and the acceleration can move even faster.
Make the world know, without any doubt, that niggers, mudslimes and jews won't ever be allowed to exist.

“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” LBJ about the Great Society plan.

If anything political and economic power was systemically stripped from blacks since the 60's. Post civil war blacks were pretty hardcore and built successful businesses and wealth in the south. It was segregated, but in particular around Auburn Ave. in Atlanta was wealthy and black. That group of black elite pulled political power of the city of Atlanta to themselves between say the 1890's and the election of Maynard Jackson in 1974, who amusingly enough defeated the first and I think last Jewish mayor of the city. Anyway that generation of blacks that grew up under segregation but prospered anyway were as hard as nails and drove the civil rights movement. Blacks didn't gain power though violence, but it was not handed to them; they convinced whites that their cause was just and they were worthy of power. Things may have gone down hill with the destruction of the black family post Great Society, but meeting one of these old-timers that are dying off now is neat. If you had met one of them you would not claim anything was handed to them.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.


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Remind of the blacks have to pay more for McDonald’s print outs

He's 100% right, retard.

If only the normies knew.

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You're a normie.

Looks like somebody forgot about the backlash to IOTBW. People straightforwardly and loudly declared that it wasn't, and that saying it was amounted to terroristic hate speech. So ya, if only you knew etc.

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Lel clever motherfucker

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13 years old

Remember, this is for the Democratic nomination. Identity politics is everything there, and the size of minority groups is amplified over the general population. Biden is competing against a lot of other whites, whereas Harris will share the black vote with Booker, and the latter might get pushed to the side by that time, he doesn't have the momentum or connections that she does.

Biden will also have trouble with the women's vote.