FvD new Dutch political party introducing a platform to report politically biased teachers

Hope this will do good to the (((school))) systems. FvD introducing a platform to report biased teachers because of leftwing indoctrination in our schools.

Also one of their party members is very woke pics related, translation below. (she told critics it were all jokes)
>After reading 6 pages of Mein Kampf I directly feel the urge to gas some (((merchants)))


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Good, good. In the age of information, spreading information is how we win.

Sieg Heil!

You mean the truth, my friend.

Baudet, the leader of the Fvd, calling for students to report accidents like pic related.



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I actually see some hope now they have been elected, they still have to work with some other (((political parties)))

One thing that always works trying to convince normies about our fake democracy is telling them about how one can run for party leader in the netherlands, it is really crooked.

You have to pay a franchise of 11,5k EUR

Campaigning costs money aswell so you will have to find a lobby which will support you if you push their (((agenda))).

Geopolitical stances of the FvD

>They voted against the motion of condemning the recent Gaza attacks although the dutch cabinet did condemn the (((Hamas))) airstrikes that didnt kill anyone.

Seems like they need some help making up their minds. I hope we arent being (((tricked))) again. They voted pro israel on 7 out of 7 of all motions involving Israeli politics.



It really disgusts me how much all of our politics is about Israel. Just a few of them;

And I could keep going..


Meanwhile enjoy a documentary about Pim Fortuyn who didnt want to work with (((Lockheeb Martin))) and suddenly got assassinated.


this is just Soviet nonsense and will be used against us once the Left wins the next election

rely on your own strengths, not the enemy's weaknesses

how about Israel's war against Syria driving million of rapugees to Europe? they wanted us to think Assad was fighting his own people. It was Israel and the (((media))) completely ignored it.

Non-Dutch here. Is there anything that prevents this being a tool to further leftist/kike bias whilst suppressing "wrong-think"?

The media here is pure cancer. One of the biggest owners of the entertaintment industry is John de Mol. One of his best friends got caught smuggling cocaine from south america to Antwerp and he still offered him a new job and a whole program on his network. Luckily Frank Masmeijer has to go back to jail.

Yep, the most rapefugees come from countries where USA invaded: Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq.

90% of the Refugees in EU that claim to be Syrian aren't even able to understand the Syrian-Arabic dialect……

I hope the people themselves will finally wake up, it wont be able to go on any longer like this anyways. I live in the ghetto here and everyone is on welfare. The refugees keep pouring in and get instant acces to houses, which they will rent out to students or drugdealers to be used as stashhouses. The refugee will just move in with another one of his friends from back there. I have been in these houses they have everything from TV's to the newest kitchens all on our money. This guy has been here for 3 months and has already been able to buy a car.

Sig Heil!!!! ADOLF Hitler!!!!!

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Nah, you need to deplatform the left like they do with the right. Trump's bills on common sense immigration have been rejected by the lower courts frequently and you want to give them LEEWAY? This is why conservatives lose frequently. You want to maintain the pointless principles that your enemy refuses to follow. You must always fight back hard whenever you maintain power, because they will never allow you to have that opportunity again.

Not to mention that they will always accuse you of being ebul fascists regardless for doing something simple like border security. Leftists have always cleaned house like Obama did to maintain ideological control and it worked everytime, but you idiots refuse to save your country because you're scared of receiving extra hit pieces. Fear their power? Reduce their power. Better to have extra hit pieces than extra leftist policies.

One advice is to obtain profit from their entertainment

I can't wait to hear the moral haranguing about how their worldview is infallible and thus cannot be truly biased - in a beautiful display of pure cognitive dissonance. To all the faggots and shills orbiting this site since St. Tarrant I will say this to you once more:
=The Truth Doesn't Fear Investigation, the Investigator Fears The Truth=


oh my, will they gas the teachers when they are reported?

thats the plan indeed

(((Education))) is the most corrupted area of our society

>After reading 6 pages of Mein Kampf I directly feel the urge to gas some (((merchants)))

Supporting the homicidal gas chamber myth.
Controlled opposition confirmed.


Are your countrymen finally waking up, Dutchbros?

They're making lists. Teachers are pissed about this especially the ones who constantly dump leftwing bias in their education because young people will take pics with their phone or shoot a video and post it on twitter. Then those teachers get exposure and outrage against those teachers follow from the right and pressure starts to increase against schools. It's kind of the reverse thing what the leftists have been doing for decades : rightwing teacher says something against LGBT, promote youth to take pictures, videos and such and then in addition use NGO's and legal organs to get action done against them. The political party in Netherlands isn't that far yet with actually having legal tools to do something about it.

Well they have very strict zionists in their party. The ones who find Nethanyahu a leftie cuckservative fag and want to proceed with killing all the muslims already and making greater Israel. The ones giving Wilders PVV (a zionist party) bank see FVD's potential and are funding FVD. They are pro Israel and pro Zionist, however most of the members have an obvious preference for white, Dutch people.

If you're looking at them for being anti muslim, anti jew you shouldn't have faith in it since they will never be anti jew. When they will take hard stances against those semitic people it will spell the end of their party. As it will destroy a lot of their funding + cause a divide between existing members within the party.

It's ridiculous yes. What usually happens though these refugees cross over multiple countries and get here. Then they're put in an AZC (refugee center) and they have to stay there until their procedure is complete. However if they're smart they won't talk until they get a lawyer (usually they know they need a lawyer from their friends). So some lawyer from some NGO or social agency specializing in refugees comes in, tells the refugee exactly what to say to the interviewer and if the refugee repeats and does exactly as the lawyer says he will either pass as a refugee or it will become a court case. When it becomes an actual court case the odds are stacked against the government in not allowing the refugee access if the refugee held him or herself from the script the lawyer wrote. Meaning the refugee will almost always get status from this. Sometimes it goes like this interviewer so you're from Iraq refugee yes interviewer So tell me a bit about your life in Iraq, what was your occupation and what was the situation of your local government that caused you to flee refugee sorry sir I can't it's too traumatizing to talk about it I get nightmares just thinking about it. And shit gets delayed, eventually interviewer doesn't know a court case gets made and the refugee gets status anyway after his lawyers pushed enough.

And then when they get status they instantly hop on benefits, get money and buy shit from it. It's completely bonkers how much they get, you're better off being a refugee on benefits than working full time for 10 euro an hour. Why would anyone even work in this country? Work is so undervalued only a few managers, hedgefunds and banking positions pay well this whole country feels like a shark tank with its citizens being raped by inflation that doesn't benefit them. Reason I mention that, house prices are through the roof here, inflation comes from the constantly rising housing prices since transactions are higher and then this is supposed to be 'growth'. It isn't growth the only one benefiting from this are banks, hedgefunds a few private investors. For the rest there is no growth. Salaries have been stagnant for the last 10 years.

It is, and typically only leftie faggots actually go into teaching. (or the type that has enough money not to care about salary). Teaching here, especially at primary education (under 12) has poor wages. It's a turn off for right wing people to consider such a job. Education degrees are overrun by leftists so a lot of them share the same attitude.

The right-wing AFD (Alternative for Germany) also had a similar initiative lately. This might become an international trend.

thanks for elaborating

dit is hard nodig, spread the word

linkse docenten op uva en mijn middelbare school

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Wat benne jij een negher seg.
Kleurtjes maken toch niet uit?

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