Consider a view of Christianity where the Gospels of Matthew and Luke are considered illegitimate jewish controlled opposition books. They were an attempt to undo the political damage done by merging Christianity with Judaism.
Removing Matthew and Luke only leaves the Gospels of Mark and John left. Just this small change makes christian doctrine startlingly different and unacceptable to the anti-jewish crowd.
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: Jesus is more directly and clearly God himself. MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY: Jesus is a jewish man, an incarnation.
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: Jesus enters as God from heaven to John the Baptist. MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY: Jesus enters as a hebrew baby.
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY: Contains almost everything that makes the religion connected to Judaism.
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: Originally written in Latin and Greek. MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY: Original written in jewish hebrew
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: jews are children of the devil. John 8:44 MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY:
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: Christ isn't the son of David. Mark 12:35 MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY: Christ literally descended from Judah the devil himself.
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Be a nice guy to your friends. MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY: Love your enemy and never defend yourself. Turn the other cheek when he hits you so you can be a punching bag. If he steals something from you, then give him all your other stuff too!
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: Jews are children of the devil who Jesus comes to save. John 8:44. Jesus only gives a nod of approval to Moses(levite not jewish), Abraham (pre-jewish). Not even the disciples are jewish. MATTHEW & LUKE - JEWISH CHRISTIANITY: Every other verse praises jews. Everybody is a jew. Sermon on the mount fits perfectly with cucked jewish subversion and normies idolized it to the point of acting as if that passage is Christianity alone.
Can we worry about what faggot in a dress you worship AFTER we rid our nations of the filth?
Bentley Rodriguez
MARK & JOHN - 8POL CHRISTIANITY: Jesus mentions Moses one time. Interpret it as you want, John 5:45: “But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”
Elijah Young
Hmm. I'm not in favour of being judged by (((moses))) Also, Yahweh's name should be changed to an Indo-European name.
Mason Butler
The core of christianity is ultimately judaic, no matter how much lipstick you try to put on this pig. Europeans tried for a thousand of years to unkike christianity by paganising it and ultimately still failed, with middle ages Catholicism probably being the farthest point from the revolutionary subversive cult that the Romans despised and rightfully persecuted before being overwhelmed by it on their deathbed.
>(((ITT we take the jew out of christianity))) when christ-aryans kill all jud-jews/christ-jews/any-jews then come back now these fuckers make love not war enemies both
Connor Cook
You can't. Kikestianity is at it's heart jewish. It is literally jew worship on top of jewish religious base with STOLEN pagan holidays to force goyim into slavery to semites. >>>Zig Forums
Jaxson Gray
Dylan Martinez
Only on 8chaim.
Brandon Ward
it already exists and has quite a few adherents, it is called marcionism; it also includes other texts not mentioned and is more like an eastern religion. the bible as it exists today is just a mish mash of things to deflect people away from the real christianity. fun fact: original christians believed in reincarnation and due to this crowd control was a challenge, solution: reincarnation deleted, the concept of original sin introduced.
You can't 'disconnect' judaism from judaism my man, and why the fuck would you want to? Its an awful religion. Abrahamic universalist monotheism is trash in all its forms.
So I talked to Pepe. He says you got this all wrong. He is down with going to Church and thinks your worship of the state is nothing but Left wing rhetoric.
Point being: We should be aimed at getting back to European faiths, recreating them and reviving them, instead of trying to recreate or revive some jewish shit that invaded Europe a few thousand years ago.
Yes, so the Old European faiths, basically, perhaps with a new aesthetic for the modern age.
Hudson Collins
the NSDAP tried that and it was still fucking gay fuck off back to your containment zone >>>Zig Forums
Lincoln Thomas
Well, to be fair, 'Positive Christianity' was basically "Okay this christian shit is jewish and gay but these faggots are still hooked on it so we need to wean them off slow or their jew-programming will kick in and they'll freak out".
Oliver Parker
Thor belongs to an invader religion too, he was worshipped by the Aryans who invaded Europe and replaced the paleo Europeans, how is one "invader" better than the other? Because the former is older?
Hudson Smith
I didn't say anything about Thor.
Dylan Cooper
I don't know, the Epistles of Paul and Book of Revelations do a pretty good job of dealing with the Torah and Tanakh by distinguishing their teachings as Jewish Laws not Gentile Laws, and set forth a new order bent on defeating the synagogue of Satan. Like how a gentile who intentionally circumcises his dick thereby condemns himself from Jesus's forgiveness, and how kikes knowingly send themselves to hell with their actions. So many churches don't even cover more than 2 or 3 verses at a time from the back of the book anymore. I bet if those parts were read more, we'd see REAL followers of the way, burning down these kiked "churches" that preach cuckoldry, Zionism and homosexuality, and crucifying these degenerate "pastors" who knowingly sell out their own congregation.
Levi Bell
Fuck of shlomo.
"Aryan invaders". Before the aryans, there were Cro Magnon. Cro Magnon is very close to Aryans anyway.
How about this… What makes one invader better than the other is not only that one is much older, but innately BETTER ideologically, if only in that its not derivative from judaism.
The worship of jews by Europeans is at its end. Cling to your judaism if you like, it won't make a lick of difference.
Adam Moore
jewsus never fucking existed and he never came back from the dead
if you need to believe in magical comic book heroes then you are a stupid child and kikes will always control you. Christianity is anti-white and must be mocked incessantly.