This food jewtuber kike now claims turkroaches came to Germany helping to rebuilt after WW2. (see vid)
In reality kikes forced them onto Germany in the 60s and they largely remained on welfare and are aggressive subhuman criminals who are a net negative on the economy and never built or rebuilt anything.
Mark my words in the future the textbooks will say that turkroaches were the real Germans to begin with.
Berlin has been colonized by Turks. Never go to Neukölln unless you want to here dunecoon speak and see women in hijabs, and döner shops on every corner
Jace Richardson
Amrimutts probably will be told that blacks fought a war of independence against whites and ultimately built the country.
Don't underestimate (((their))) chutzpah to rewrite history.
Chase Carter
turks and jews have a long history of collaboration and cooperation. It's always amusing to see a turk whining about israel because it's hypocritical and out of step with centuries of their imperial history.
Michael Allen
Actually they lived in their own ghetto areas there.
It's much worse in the state of NRW where much of the mining industry used to be and they originally worked as laborers before collecting gibs 4 life.
Camden Rivera
use nukes not gas
Julian Brooks
They already did that in France with nigs and sand nigs, supposedly we wouldn't be French if it wasn't for them.
Xavier Ramirez
Jordan Brown
A genocide cannot be stopped through political means alone. Cripple the jewish machine in any and every possible way you can.
Jayden Foster
If you don't kill them, they will keep doing this.
Hudson Morris
My Portuguese Grand Father went in Germany to work and rebuilt while not knowing a single word of German (he learned while working) because he had to make money to send to his children at home. It was german people with the help of other european workers who helped rebuild the country, not cockroash muslmshit.
Dominic Rogers
Germans must kill all traitors and drive out the invaders soon or they never will. Time is running out
Matthew Morris
Germans and Swiss never had anything against Southern Europeans.
Even though Italians apparently brought the mafia along they only killed each other every couple years and never bothered anybody.
The only people not only resisting integration (no big deal in itself - keep your culture and go back to roachistan) but actively trying to take territory were turks, kurds, libanese and arabs.
Aiden Morris
What the fuck?
Jose Diaz
They've already done that. In the Barbarians documentary on I think history channel they only used turk actors to play the germanic people in the Arminius episode
I have met decent turks from Istanbul on business (likely intermixed with whites) that look nothing like the roaches from anatolyia, which is their most backward redneck area.
Angel Jones
Western Turks are corrupted Greeks and Slavs, genetically speaking, so no surprise here.
Caleb Robinson
For a very long time I was convinced that the holohoax didn't happen, and still dont believe it did. However, I decided to give the opposition the benefit of the doubt and look into "disproving holocaust deniers" when I came across this gem. "Body Disposal At Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust Denial" By John C Zimmerman
He seems to prove that the ovens at auschwitz were capable of disposing the amount of bodies in a single day that would result in over a million being killed there. (I checked the math myself, he claims 4,000 bodies a day) I understand that this was written by (((John C Zimmerman))) so it's a conflict of interest at the very least, but was this book ever addressed by someone on our side? He seems to debunk almost everything I heard proving that the mass killings did not happen, so I am starting to second guess my beliefs. Any thoughts on this goyim? Or could you link me to someone BTFO this guy lil benji style?
How? Literally fucking how? Can you imagine: 1) The amount of fuel it would take; 2) The size of the ovens; 3) The heat that would have to be produced; 4) All this in a country that was rationing coal and counting every drop of petrol?
Hunter Lewis
I should have specified that I didn't bother going and reading his sources, considering they were all books that (((they))) wanted money for, the points you made are good and I agree with them. I was more wondering if someone had taken the time to debunk this ENTIRE Zimmerman Bullshit. "One of the reasons deniers need to make this argument is that they must find a justification for building so many ovens. This argument also involves the amount of bodies these new ovens could dispose of in a 24 hour period. A report from the Bauleitung in June 1943, after all of the new ovens became operational for at least some period, placed the cremation capacity of all 52 ovens at 4756 per day. [20] Deniers have not totally agreed among themselves on this issue, but Butz and Mattogno place the cremation capacity at about 1000 per day, or 30,000 per month. [21] Mattogno claimed the maximum cremation capacity of the six original ovens was 120 per day, [22] even though he was familiar with evidence from another concentration camp that showed a Topf double muffle oven could burn 52 per day or 26 per muffle. [23]"
James Butler
It takes a modern, gas-powered, high-temperature crematory oven eight hours to fully turn a body, bones and all, into ash, but apparently, German genius has no boundaries. Okay, let's accept for a second that these super-ovens cremated 5k kikes per day. Where did the ashes go? Were they buried? All of concentration camps had soil samples taken, and none of them show highly altered Ph and mineral content such burial grounds would have inevitably produced. Ground penetrating radars have not found anything, either, not even tiny bone fragments. Daily reminder that Raul Hilberg, the top kike in Holohoax industry has failed to answer Ernst Zundel's questions in court. The same questions we are discussing now.
Jeremiah Torres
Turks are the real Swedes. By the way, go plant-based faggots
He claims they were disposed in bodies of water close to the camps (I forget what camp specifically he used) but he referenced a river that was a couple miles away that the ashes were supposedly dumped into.
Charles James
The ovens are single occupancy, for collecting single ashes, you cant pack more then one in it. Also there is the bigger logistical problem of 'gassing' those 4,000 bodies. Now you have 4,000 'weights' of about 120-180 lbs each. How many people do you need to drag that amount of weight to the 'lift' which can realistically only carry 3-5 per go…
IGNORE THE OVENS FOR NOW, Lets just talk about the time needed to MOVE 4,000 bodies. now according to the testimonies, they used "canes" around the necks, (so they are dragging bodies by the neck… No heads came off?)
Lets say it takes 1 guy 1 minute to move 1 body to the lift, (already monumental). You gotta clear this room, because you got another train load coming tomorrow (there are records of this)
It takes another minute to move the body from the lift (on the ground floor) to the oven. Not counting loading and burning
You have 1440 minutes in a day to do this, so you need at least 6 people moving bodies, every minute of every day. If you have anymore, then there will be too many people getting in the way. Of course they are not working all 24 hours, so you need a rotational shift of at least 18 people.
And you're telling me we only have 2 maybe 3 testimonies of "gassing thousands of people and burning the bodies"??
Julian Hughes
excellent point that I did not consider! and you are being VERY generous with your assumptions as well. Was the only method of transporting bodies 1 at a time? Or would they have been able to fill up a cartload with 6 people moving different cartloads? Again, I'm not trying to shill but want my previous beliefs to be strengthened.
Camden Adams
It's not disposing of the ashes that's the problem, actually that ADDS another problem to this whole holocaust question! Where are the testimonies of the truck loads of ash that are transported to this River / Lake? How much ash does a body produce?
problem is they don't mention carts, they only mention the canes linked video is one of the only witnesses.
Cooper Gomez
Not only is that a huge problem but adding all of that ash to the river and lake would make everything in said river and lake die from the altering of the chemical balance in the water so if there is a single fish or plant in said river and lake that didn't happen either.
Owen Lopez
I've been allowed access into some pretty special places. Once I was allowed into the treasury of Taiwan (all the good stuff taken from China when they escaped to Taiwan). I can tell you that some of the most amazing things I've ever seen were in that place… practically on par with megalithic structures. I saw many things but the most impressive was armour, metal castings and clocks (some gifted but most not)… all of which were attributed to knowledge gained from Europeans (by the Taiwanese). I was lucky to see what I did. Unfortunately no photos were to be had because I'd probably have had my face broken and shot in the legs - guards with big guns watched over me as looked at their treasures. I was there for hours and hours and I was told I had not seen one-thousandth of what they have. So, getting back to the fact that they have attributed at least some of their absolutely amazing treasures to European gifts and knowledge gained from Europeans is really amazing. There are other treasures there I have no idea what their origin and I wouldn't want to conjecture about their origin but it certainly left me with plenty of questions. You will not find any of the stuff I saw in a book or written about. The Taiwanese are amazing and I recommend everyone to go for a visit.
I have plenty of personal examples of Turkish companies buying Italian, Swedish, German et al industrial equipment and reverse engineer it and sell it as their own. They are absolutely without imagination. They don't even try to hide it in most cases and are proud of it… I was told a few times that their technology is German, Italian, Swedish *insert whatever European coutry is in here* and when queried about how they simply say it's a direct copy. Fucking niggers.
So, by all means, the Swedes have no idea how to make meatballs and needed the Turks to teach them… despite the fact for centuries the Swedes have had no problem leading the world in technology and life quality. Of course, the real Swedes are the Turks.
Also, if the meatball example is the best example the Swedish government can come up with you can imagine how much the Turks have really added to Sweden… and that would be: meatballs. Fucking lol
Joseph Morris
There's no ash, user. Seriously, ask anybody who's worked in funeral business. The fire to burn a corpse is simply too hot to leave anything of you but bone behind. I know what you're thinking. Yes, that gets crushed to make the "ash", but traditionally the bones would go into an ossuary. I mean it depends on your tradition of course, because jews aren't allowed to touch a corpse they go straight to a tomb. Christians would bury, then exhume an ancestor 20 years later, rather than cremate, in order to honor the ancestor or saint.
Blake Martinez
Just like when "peanut butter" is brought up every "Black History" month. Even if the story were true, it's hardly spectacular in the grand scheme of things.
Lincoln Foster
Hat to disagree with you, OP, but the roaches have been claiming that for as long as I can remember. Ever single roach you would talk would at some point claim "Hol up *takes a bite out of Döner Kebab* so you be sayin *leases BMW with his 15 cousins* What you Kartoffel is tryin to say *sprays himself with a whole can of Axe* Hol uo so you be tryin to say *persecutes Kurds* We built da Germany after WW2".
Thankfully, I have never met a German who would even give a second thought to this nonsense.
Trucking lol, I nearly forgot the saying 'Turkish fresh' *sprays can of Boss ALL over self*
Luke Roberts
I recently had the displeasure of reading "The Guns of August" they have been rewriting German history at least since the 60's.
Joshua Thomas
One fo the worst books ever written. Oh, and as a boss, you'll never guess who wrote it! None other than the niece go Henry Morganthau, the Jew behind "The Morganthau plan" which was to be based on the book "Germany must perish!" and involved castrating every german man and allowing every German flea to be raped. Gobbels got a copy of it and had them printed in mass, and Germans who had expected to be treated "Friendly" by Americans since o many in the Us had German ancestors, after reading that book decided to fight to the death. Roosevelt knew this and told the kike Morganthau that his bullshit had cost the US about 200,000 men and that his book and plan were the reason germans were fighting down to the final l man…
Michael Gonzalez
Addendum– recently, my alma mater made the decision to "remove all the stacks" so they could "use the space int he library for other things." DO NOT LET THEM DO THIS IN YOUR UNI LIBRARY ANONS! FIGHT THEM TOOTH AND NAIL! Not only does it make the library the comfiest place to be on a Fri or Sat night– alone, just surrounded by books and able to browse whatever topi you want– but the way you'll stumble into the most truthful books on just about any topic is to find books from the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s on race, politics, etc… THAT is where you will find "truth" from when the WASP still dominated academia and before Jewish censorship. NEVER LET THEM REMOVE THE STACKS FROM YOUR LIBRARY!
Lucas Reed
Food arguments are good arguments. You know who likes peanut-butter and meatballs? Kids. Kids eat that shit up. And kids are gullible. The food demagogues know exactly what they are fighting for and which battle grounds to fight on.
Brandon Phillips
“We won this war with atrocity propaganda…and now we will start more than ever! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will increase it until nobody will accept one good word from the Germans anymore, until everything is destroyed which might have upheld them sympathies in other countries, and until they will be so confused that they don’t know what to do anymore. When this is reached, when they begin to pollute their own nest, and this not reluctantly but with hasty willingness to obey the winners, only then the victory is complete. It will never be definite. The reeducation demands thorough, steadfast nurture like English lawn. Only one moment of inattention and the weed will break through, this ineradicable weed of historic truth.” (The Jew Sefton Delmer, former British chief propagandist, commenting after the capitulation in 1945 to the German expert on international law Prof. Grimm.)
Is it just the usual "Germany is inherently warlike and evil" bs?
Julian Powell
The thing is, (((they))) never present their own Holocaust story up with full details. They always present it in such a way like you're supposed to have complete apriori knowledge of it all before you even watch a film documentary about it, or read a book about it, or an academic paper on it, ect. For example, in the film, Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999), Fred Leuchter asks at one point in the film along the lines of, "Why waste time gassing all of them? Why not just shoot them?," and they don't mention (to my recollection) the Einsatzgruppen shootings as their counter to that. I don't know if this is done on purpose, or it's done out of sheer laziness. But it always kind of gave me the vibe that they're not arguing for their case in good faith (the exterminationist view of the Holocaust, that is).
Aiden Walker
Psyop my ass. You are not European anymore and we resent you for what happened.
Posts on a site that specializes in truth telling and honesty, is surprised by Jews lying about history after learning about holohoax.
Can't explain that
Landon Gutierrez
It's wonderful to see that American patriotism shows no racial boundaries. These brave men helped stop Hitler from taking over the world. Your generation could learn a thing or two from them.
Dominic Gutierrez
Turks told them how to make meatballs sure but Swedish Meatballs are different, there aren't lingonberries in Turkey Similar in that something like pasta came to italy from the middle east but that was changed into all the forms we had today Ironically it's the kebab that's closer to being out right stolen, since its similar predecessor was greek
You almost don't even need to rewrite history anymore. This is what disgusts me the most about European rabble, they relinquish their past so easily, almost feel no sense of connection whatsoever to anything beyond their atomized individuality, they barely even study any of their history, even if it is still there and not completely kiked. Once again I think Huxley won over Orwell as far as dystopic predictions go. I have hardly any sympathy left for the common "European", which at this point is "European" only in name, not even able to find their own thread to their past.
Ill make you gobble cock if your people don't cut the shit.
Henry Ortiz
You preach respect while harassing me endlessly for no reason whatsoever
Kayden Russell
not like they've been doing this since 1268 AD reddit spacing faggot
Brayden Reyes
He's kind of right, though. Most Whites, most Europeans, have been made pacified, dumbed down to the level of pig shit, hardly aware of much of anything. Of course, this was (((deliberately done))), so I can't blame them fully for their predicament.
James Adams
Their called lemmings for a reason user
Ryder Ward
Of course that's undeniably true, but to what extent is the question. Don't swallow the blackpill on the Europeans' spirit being completely broken or gone. It's still there, just dormant or hidden under the EUDSSR's tyranny. People ARE waking up. Look at Italy, look at the French slowly gathering enough momentum for another revolution. You hear it from what people say in private. It's just that public discourse has been gagged by the kikes and their media, doesn't mean they have won. Plus, there is no 'muh freedom' delusion going on over here as opposed to muttland, where people will never rise up so long as they have guns. So this burger fuck should keep his 56% mouth shut before telling us Europeans how done for we are. Europe isn't Britbongistan. Generation Zyklon is real, too. Don't get blackpilled by some goblino, there is hope and the fire is rising. We just haven't won yet, and our fight will be much harder but it will be real. It won't be like memeing Zion Don into the White House.
For the record, I do live in the States, so perhaps that somewhat colors my perception, but normies here, especially White normies are really fucking oblivious. I'm not really blackpilled so much on the European side of things, if anything, you guys will be the ones to really get something going. Gun rights and free speech, while I am for both, have been pacifiers to people here, especially when I try to tell them about the harmful effects of Jewish power, they'll just say "Well, you can't get arrested for your speech here, so what's the problem?" It's fucking frustrating. It seems like having hate speech laws, and other anti-free speech things seems to work in good favor in the long term. Plus, you've been having problems with the Jews for a very long time, with Jewish ritual murder in the middle ages, and various expulsions of the Jews throughout history, not so much of that has happened on this side of the world, with the exception of Grant's ordered expulsion of Jews, and the case of an attempted Jewish ritual murder of a young girl in Massena, New York in 1928.
Tl;dr, I'm blackpilled about Whites in the USA, have much hope for Whites in Europe.
Neither you, your grandfather, the Portuguese or any other "rebuilt" Germany. They came for the money and were very well paid for their services. Money the Germans had made while actual rebuilding the country.
Nobody in Germany wanted and needed you "guest-worker", Gastarbeiter. It was NATO and the USA that forced Germany to take surplus, unemployed people from "shit house countries" the US was interested in stabilizing by Money transfer from Germoney.
This is no mere opinion, but documented in the files of the German foreign ministry.
The overwhelming majority of Turks (90 percent) came only to Germany long after the time worker migration; in the 80's and 90's MUH refugee
They already did know the magical words: Asylum, ASYLUM, A S Y L U M
Joseph Rodriguez
The 50’s were when Europe was rebuilt by homogeneous European societies. The immigration of people from poor nations, both in Europe, the African continent and the Islamic world, to rich North Western European nations happened from the 60’s to the 80’s and was not about ‘rebuilding’, but a plot by (((NATO))) to prop up poor nations by having immigrants send money back home (retarded policy) and to, in the longer term, execute the Kalergi plan, especially when you consider that most European migrants to rich European nations went back home, but the sandniggers and niggers stayed. Also, in the case of muslets, they also see it as a form of jihad to literally ethnically replace the original population.
Nathaniel Perez
Barf. American hegemony must die so that Krauts can breathe without a boot on their neck. Real white guilt is needless brother wars. We can't afford power grabs within the aryan race any longer. Time to move forward.
Ryder Garcia
This makes sense. Just look at the Turkish firearm industry. Copies of existing designs, with bought or copied tooling.
Logan Collins
If you can't even have sympathy for your own people then you either need to lead them as pawns, or you've given up.
Hudson Bell
It's amazing how naive normalfaggots are to not see this. Women I can understand since they're dumb. But for men to not understand this instinctually is quite disturbing, and an alien mindset to me.
Zachary Russell
This is true. The rebuilding of Germany postwar and subsequent economic miracle, known as Wirtschaftswunder was done by an overwhelmingly majority ethic German population, with a few (mostly Italian) Gastarbeiter families, so basically even the non-Germans at that time were still European, and thus could adapt to the German culture quickly. Turkish and other non-Euro, non-White Gastarbeiters didn't come around until a decade or two after. In short, they didn't rebuild shit, and the best of them maybe maintain what was already established beforehand, and pay into the system, but that's only a small minority, of course.
See, you can BTFO the entire postwar order using just its own (relatively) recent history.