Looking at that thread, I decided to do one here about it and also try to look at dogs as a concept in our culture.
We live in a world where everyone is looking out for themselves without regards for the other. All women just spread their legs for winner at the moment, but have no qualms about betrayal once it no longer benefits her. Men, with the sole exception being true brotherhood, will betray you with their greed or incompetence. In this hell, dogs stand as a beacon of true salvation by giving you their loyalty, which is a product of their evolutionary interests being honed by us.
Women would throw away a dog (or their child) at a hospital, without regard for how they feel. Not thinking about what it does when one is left abandoned. Children (including man children and soyboys) have a thinking closer to women, and will not think through their own INACTIONS.
As men, we need to act whenever we feel we're right, otherwise we'll have regrets about the horrific consequences our INACTIONS have brought. Furthermore, we need societies that doesn't punish a man for acting.
I'm now more mature and have more resolve. Something I lacked a few days ago. If I was like this, I would have forced my mother to take me see Maxi to the vet. Instead, my (((betaness))) is what caused my dog to suffer the most horrible of deaths.
It's too late for me, I don't know what act of barbarism I will commit or how many decades it will take to materialize, but right now I hate everything and want everything gone.