The dog as a Western symbol


Looking at that thread, I decided to do one here about it and also try to look at dogs as a concept in our culture.

We live in a world where everyone is looking out for themselves without regards for the other. All women just spread their legs for winner at the moment, but have no qualms about betrayal once it no longer benefits her. Men, with the sole exception being true brotherhood, will betray you with their greed or incompetence. In this hell, dogs stand as a beacon of true salvation by giving you their loyalty, which is a product of their evolutionary interests being honed by us.

Women would throw away a dog (or their child) at a hospital, without regard for how they feel. Not thinking about what it does when one is left abandoned. Children (including man children and soyboys) have a thinking closer to women, and will not think through their own INACTIONS.

As men, we need to act whenever we feel we're right, otherwise we'll have regrets about the horrific consequences our INACTIONS have brought. Furthermore, we need societies that doesn't punish a man for acting.

I'm now more mature and have more resolve. Something I lacked a few days ago. If I was like this, I would have forced my mother to take me see Maxi to the vet. Instead, my (((betaness))) is what caused my dog to suffer the most horrible of deaths.

It's too late for me, I don't know what act of barbarism I will commit or how many decades it will take to materialize, but right now I hate everything and want everything gone.

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How about the cow as an Indian symbol?

I don't care about India

Don't you have an indian forum of your own pajeet.

I doubt cuckistan has forums, aside for worshipping women

That's a cute maltese. What was it, liver disease?

He used to drink pond water when he was taken for long walks… probably "parlovirus" (can remember the first part of the name correctly) is what killed him.

It took two days to finish him. A horrible death with two of his owners too stupid to stay by his side. I shouldn't have gone to that interview.

Fuck off nigger.

Ah, shit, that sucks. Mine had a birth defect in his liver, so he was never in full health, but I took care of him with diet and medicine and only went sick every few weeks, but eventually his liver gave up.

Do you even like dogs?

Cow and horse are Aryan animals.

Dogs too btw

never enough time, man.

Going back to the subject, it's their loyalty that should become a symbol of our culture.

They give us loyalty, but often we humans act like kikes and give them (((treason))) instead.

A dog's loyalty should be a symbol because national socialism understood that workers (MEN) should work together instead of compete like in capitalism. I don't have a strong problem with Islam (if it's the remedy to femin8sm), but their treatment of dogs is chink tier. We must change that through subversion if necessary.

The western women are infected with a disease of Ego.

Men are usually more susceptible to ego illness, and women think they are immune because they are all natural communist that shouldn't vote, they all depend on what "all women think" much more than men.

So men get carried away in their egos and ruin society, but women generally choose inaction as a docile group before doing so.

But, today, they Jew has inverted these roles and caused women to be sick as a whole, and they think if they stop all men from having egos they will solve all wars or something like that, whatever particular jewry was used to appeal to their desires, and they can't believe the women as a whole have been sickened until men as a whole tell every white women that, due to their evolutionary psychology.

So, you feel victim to the jew fungus psychologically rotting our women.

You should read about r/K selection theory.

In times like these you will have an evolutionary tendency to become more r-selected, becoming less loyal, more devil-may-care, more greedy and concerned with short term gratiifcation and "looking out for number one", so to speak. But, you need to reject these instincts, and seek a higher cause, remain K-selected, seek K-selection, seek calm and serenity, seek independence and solitude.

Be that guy that goes and lives in the woods, but do it while reading Thoreau or Emerson or the like, and relent of lust for lead or want of war. Seek solitude and remember yourself to nature,

What these strong masters wrote at large in miles,
I followed in small copy in my acre:
For there's no rood has not a star above it;
The cordial quality of pear or plum
Ascends as gladly in a single tree,
As in broad orchards resonant with bees;
And every atom poises for itself,
And for the whole. The gentle Mother of all
Showed me the lore of colors and of sounds;
The innumerable tenements of beauty;
The miracle of generative force;
Far-reaching concords of astronomy
Felt in the plants and in the punctual birds;
Mainly, the linked purpose of the whole;
And, chiefest prize, found I true liberty,
The home of homes plain-dealing Nature gave.

Might as well get a new dog, then?

Also, we need a society that imposes on women a loyalty similar to dogs. Women are literally kikes, this is the reason we hate kikes, because they behave like women (cry as they strike, backstabbing, no hard work, parasitism, etc).

It's our job to do TWO things, any less won't do.
1) Make a society where men instill MOMENTARY loyalty on their women.
2) Make a society were ALL MEN are redpilled on fact 1. This is important if you don't want betas supporting another wymyns suffrage or feminism.

Would feel like I'm betraying her. I feed the pigeons and magpies o get my dose of animal contact instead.

You don't know what literally means, moron.

The western women ARE allowed to exercise their ego without consequences. ALL Women are inclined to be like western women. But most cultures have (or had) a mechanism to keep their hypergamy under control.

To mystify or romanticize women is a huge mistake to make, it's cultural suicide at a genocidal scale.

You're thinking of women too much, they are children with kike attitudes. From my perspective, it's easy… and the solution is easy too: Make men patriarchs of society, and at least of their homes.

Heh, forgot this is pol.

But NS wasn't against healthy competition, quite the contrary, as long as wasn't detrimental to the nation as a whole.

What, are you going to become a Muslim and then teach them to like dogs?

Healthy competition is one thing, behaving as you covet the things of other men or destroy other men for selfishness are different.

It's a euphemism, you reddit faggot.

Dumb obedient animals and nothing but a tasty snack to china. Checks out.

Woman are the biggest victims of jews.

animal people are the worse, dog faggots especially.
so much better than the hassle of children!
Makes me want to puke. Whites obsessing over dogs is almost as disgusting as worshipping niggerball.

Wherever dog owners are, they pollute the area with noise and shit. 95% of dogs are useless and never should have been bred.

That's cats, dumbass.

((( )))
The only women that are "victims", are the ones throwing a tantrum blaming everyone for not stopping them.

only Whites have distinct breeds of dogs, except the Japanese, and to lesser extent upper-class Chinese.

Rest of the world has general semi-wild "average dog" breed, that seems to have the same undeveloped lack of dog loyalty you see in the rest of the world VS Whites.

All dogs are loyal, unless bred for foghting/aggression

I agree, 90% of dog owners are assholes.

Human children parents: world is an evil place and I must protect my child, and teach him boundaries.

Dog "children" parents: world is my dog's playground, and if anything happens its not my dog's fault, its yours.

you should visit Mexico. I never saw a single normal American type dog, and if a typical American dog appeared it would've been like Maryln Monroe walking into a biker bar.

All the dogs in Mexico are same semi-wild breed and no one really owns them, but they seem to mix with people just fine, as sort of "free agents". Like Mexicans they are overpopulated and "poor" and skinny. I guess American dogs don't need to spend all day searching for meager scraps so an American dog with groom themselves and look fine even without any human care. Mexican dogs always look like they just lost a fight, which they probably did.

I loathe dogcucks and I loathe dogs as well. This animal worship bullshit has gome too far and is not only unhinged but embarrassing as all hell.

I kinda disagree.

IMO its vital that Men are in charge of SOCIETY, but its fine if women "rule the hearth and home".

Your typical mom will be one to put the brakes on the crazy and thinks more long term and is in charge of day to day running of the home and taking care of the kids. Dad's crazy idea to have big fun outside the home need mom's OK, but mom doesn't need dad's OK to decide whats for dinner or what classes the kids take or what clothes they wear.

you sound like a real good dog owner, she want you to have another dog.

We know. Leave.

[barks in approval]

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Reminder: these subhumans hate dogs because they instinctively know that dogs are superior to them.


I just cried for one minute, but the guilt and remorse just gets worse.

He was a very good young dog, yet while I went to an interview (I shouldn't have gone) none of his owners had the decency to go back and check on him.

The dog was first domesticated in Asia. Dogs are proven to be genetically descended from Asian wolves and not European wolves.

Where white people evolved. Hmm, what a co-incidence.

dogs are glorified faggotized wolves. cats are the true Aryan companion- proud, clean, graceful, and beautiful


The loyalty in this treasonous culture is an oasis of good. To want to pull down this good at the same mundane level of treason we encounter everyday, it's part of the problem.

Niggers don't like dogs.

Mudslimes don't like dogs too. I see a pattern emerging

Indeed, dogs can become a tool for covert eugenics


The morrighan foretold this age, I just pray that when whites are gone the dogs return to the wild and renew the wolfpacks into glorious resurgence, hunting and killing the subhumans that dare to step on rightful European clay.

Every dog I ever owned hated niggers. Coincidence?

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Just poo on it

hispanic (so 56% european) here, I hope dogs find happiness in the wild but you're forgetting the wild is riddled by disease and misfortune.

Also, if subhumans want to hunt dogs, do you really think dogs will have a fighting chance?

Women without modesty is due to collective men's lack of value… I'm not saying it's men's fault, but men as a collective need to realize that when we work together, this cucked system will bend over for us.

ackshually… it was a bichon frise-poodle mix :,^3

Why are there so many slide threads on Zig Forums tonight?

What are the kikes trying to keep us from talking about?

((( )))
This isn't a slide thread, if your brain could understand abstract subjects, you would know that.

I didn't read this part, I was unsure which disease it was. I murdered Maxi

My dog hates niggers organically. Didn't even have to train him to bark at them. Attacking and being suspicious of niggers is in canine DNA.

much white

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We all make mistakes. Recognizing your responsibility to protect the innocent and live an honorable life is the first step to becoming a man.

I've made very similar mistakes in trusting other people to care about things. Bear your suffering and move forward.

Maxi never knew that, in fact he was ashamed of him pooping (blood) so we only found the blood puddles behind the sofa as we were taking him to the vet.

I should have been downstairs, if someone would have been downstairs, they would have found the puddles. Despite all the info I gave my brother regarding his dehydration (around 10 am) he only explained the situation on the phone at around 3-4 pm.

If I wouldn't have gone to the interview, I may have save him. I'm so stupid.

You do realize that leftists are going to kill dogs to come back at us if we did that, right?

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you're right, we need to kill every leftist first

We should use muslims as our new symbol so they start killing them to protest us

Let them unmask themselves as the barbarous subhumans they are. The public will want blood for flagrant animal abuse.

I pray they're that stupid.

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more r/k stuff please.

How is this not disgusting?

I'm an ecofascist, but I disliked Brenton described himself as such, considering his killings had nothing to do with ecofascism (except kill people that hate dogs).

Once I become president of my country, I will give Australians the option to come to my country or die. Once I get Australia (and set up a ICBM platforms around its coast), I want to welcome all dogs to come in… the bad dogs (hurt other dogs without reason) will be castrated or put down. Then I plan to conquer the wild of anything that threatens them in a one sided manner.

Quick example: All salties around australia get genocided.

Also, I would teach dogs how to make burrows or something in a tiny hills.

dogs are a white invention. neanderthals and negroid apes always feared them. most still do.
white people are children of god and nature. the dark races despise it and animals.

do it


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Based and dogpilled

Attached: The secret behind the extravagant love of the female gender for dogs, learn about the dogpill!-n3qTJHmGt7sout.mp4 (720x480, 13.04M)

Dogs are fine but dog worshippers are retards. Dogs should never replace human children of your own race. It's also cucked to let a dog shit puke and shed all over your apartment or sleep in your bed.

Maxi wasn't a replacement for children, he was my friend. Despite being the best doggie in the whole wide world, he suffered while being ashamed and scared… HE DIED THINKING HE WAS A BAD DOG



Maxi was like a puppy, he probably blamed his ailment and moribund state on his owners… he thought he did something wrong.

Threads like this should he stickied… only after seeing the worst destiny offers, can someone begin to fight it.


Yikes. Do you realize that continent where Neanderthals lived was Europe, right?

You guys are so brave


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Dogs were tamed to help humans hunt and in return they got food and shelter, giving a dog all this stuff without having them earn it is not going to end well

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The subhuman fears the doggo

try growing food on large scales without dirt

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I hope this happens.

t. suburbanite trying to retire rural

This 80s cringe is as urban as it gets.

this is now a good boy thread

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You two fucks need purging.
Dogs give the man their eternal love and loyalty.
They earn it by being dogs.
Meanwhile, you only earn my scorn by being a dick

The fact is that if you are white and you have dogs, you are enemy of all white people.

Yeah the "fur babies" epidemic is really fucked up.
