Goatfucker Genocide Edition
Brenton Tarrant Memetic Warfare Thread No. VIII
No one cares about your kike, moishe.
You'd love to claim Tarrant as your own. Truth is your tribe is just too pussy to do what Tarrant did.
Brenton Tarrant is hero. Mossad fags can suck his dick.
First post worst post
The seven consecutive threads we had in honor of Brenton and the high quality OC created in the light of this event seem to suggest otherwise, dear shill.
You don't deserve your dubs.
Made it just for you. Cuck Harder.
He said it
You mad, kike?
Some quotes incoming everyone, to spread the word of our lord and savior to fags who are too lazy to read the manifesto.
Hitler's spirit is showing us what a kike in disguise you are.
It's true. Hurts but true. Also it is nothing new in natsoc/fascist thought. Listen to based Codreanu:
The second white man decides he had enough is the second the jew loses. Same applies to sandniggers and other similar nuisances - it is not that they are so strong. They are not and never were. It's about our own current temporary weakness.
Thats true.
"A nation has the jews it deserves" - Codreanu
Beat me to it
Nevertheless, based and codreanupilled.
You pathetic losers need SO desperately to believe THIS joo hoax.
Why this one?
My brother can make a more believable movie than that schlock.
One of my favorite quotes. I almost like Codreanu more than Hitler
Nice profile picture Herschel. Using Yiddish word doesn't really help it either.
You pathetic fanbois need to stop being such massive cum-guzzlling faggots.
Watching The Lion Whisperer live on a gopro 360 & I can see every hair on the fly on the lion.
Yeah, yeah, filtered. You gonna get your share soon enough you ugly rat-faced kike. Tarrant is a hero and no amount of kvetching will ever change it.
& that old riceburning idiot killed all those whitemice with 556 ars with a bumpstock from 400 yards away.
Fucking wishful magical thinking.
Cave man diaperheads did 911.
Second edit. Higher res and added a few touches. Feedback and reups are nice.
cracks me up every time, only The Saint's divine intellect can produce such glory.
nice work!
really nice! saved (☞ ~ ʖ °)☞
FUCK! this gave me chills.
you have nothing. nobody belive you and nobody take you seriously.
The memes Jack
From a purely artistic standpoint, looking at this as a sort of propaganda piece meant to rile people up, you start out really good, as far as the buildup goes, which gains traction when the Doom music starts and the shooting video begins. As far as this part of the video goes, youve nailed it.
The problem is that you just fade out at the end, without a proper crescendo.
The easiest way to fix this, would be to find the peak of the track youre using, paste it into the end of the video as seemlessly as you can, and match the peak with some interesting or decisive moment from the video (like the last kill he made etc.) .
Right then after, you cut to black (or at least a different background that isnt distracting), and on the screen you put a "Call to action", like a phrase that basically summarizes with as few words as possible the message behind the video. Or you can just put "Right wing death squads, coming to a mosque near you" if you want it to be a movie trailer parody.
I tried to think of some examples to demonstrate what I mean. Check the end of this music video, it builds up tremendously towards the end and just as the deciding moment in the plot happens, it cuts to a different view and the title, as well as the logo is shown. This is the closest thing that is sort of what I mean that I could quickly find.
Fuck me, these threads are fucked up, but they intrigue me despite me not being in support of inciting a civil war. I hope some Interpol agent isnt watching me right now. Really guys Im just an edgelord, not a nazi
Noted. I'll have a think about how to tie it up at the end
Can someone explain to me what is accelerationism? I haven't followed the events of NZ shooting but I see this associated with Brenton.
A call to rise up and stand for what you believe in is not in itself bad. Thats really what accelerationism is imo. Not to start anything but to just stop fucking fencesitting and stand for what you believe in. Whishy washy cunts are why were even in a mess to begin with. Ill meme about it but i wont call for violence because that gets you nowhere, becuase it will happen no matter what anyway. Thats just me though and this isnt a groupthink.
(((Brandon Terrance))) did it for Israel.
(((Quentin Tarrantino))) did nothing wrong
Like Holohoax movies ?
Facebook is also a legitimate target now, since they have banned all attempts by whites to oppose our own genocide on their platform.
Thats true
Well you can argue that in theory the goal is to bring attention to the issue, make it less taboo and to eventually convince western governments to stop unregulated immigration and to focus their attention entirely to the needs of their native population. But if a movement or phrase is mainly popularized by a guy who killed 50 in a mass shooting, the implication will be that the end goal is genocide. So it may not be in your best interest to say you support at least right now.
Stop with this. You can't reform the kike system.
Calm down there Sam
Nice work dude ^-
Saved. Getting chills the moment guitars hit. This have some tremendous fucking potential, really also agree with this lad It is now great, it can't be legendary.
It can be*
Fug, sorry.
Can someone repost the stop fucking cucking vid?
Reminder to add these words to your word filter:
You can spot a kike shill easily from the fact that almost all of them spell his name incorrectly.
It's perhaps better to use the black sun, than the swastica, since BT chose that as a symbol?
Good work anyway.
Black Sun is also usable for Europeans as well (minus Germans I believe) because it is usually not forbidden to wear in public. Also another established great venture (Azov) uses it. And to not forget, Black Sun is direct link to the noble black order of the SS and it's glorious ideal - pic related, floor in the Wewelbsurg castle, both real and spiritual center of the SS, adorned with this sign by Himmler himself.
Those are great.
has too much of an "evil" vibe to be normie-friendly my dude
I tried that but it was too distracting. A simple Swastika drives home the message as well and i am sure Brenton liked the symbol too, as it stands for the eternal struggle.
Well past that I think. Also normies always come as secondary wave, first is always healthy hard core of fanatics. Those must be attracted first.
new zealand the shit out of them
If only you'd had a couple of Tarrants at Auschwitz maybe only 3 billion would have been hallofcosted
They nicked it from us.
I'm not a fan of Azov though, since they at least saw Russia as the big enemy, instead of our own Western elites.
This might have changed, now that the Majdan is long gone, and they have managed to cool down.
How about using it as background on the black area, and drop the hooked cross from BT's face?
You should use the Black Sun in some sort of way. Perhaps have it in the background of the shooting and have it get less and less faint as time goes on. Bonus if you make it rotate like a wheel.
Also this
Perhaps have the beat drop when he shoots the muzzie laying in the street?
And then cut away to the black sun, with some menacing text under it like "we are coming" or whatever you come up with. Perhaps have this last image with the "video glitch" effect that is popular (like pic related but animated, and also with much more contrast).
If you wanna be really edgy try to imitate the darkwave aesthetic like AW posters.
I can very much assure you that their leadership and most members see both as same danger. They are even sending their "emissaries" around the western Europe to various nationalist groups to make allies, provide speeches and know-how and establish something of an "reconquista points" for retaking Europe from those (((elites))) we all know very well. I know for sure they are active in Germany, France, Czech Republic and Austria.
So I'm correct to continue to disrespect and look down on them then.
Thanks for the info.
Russia is controlled by soviet era (((oligarchs))) and their children.
Where are you from, mate? Russia is very similar to USA in many aspects. It is too fully controlled by Jewish oligarchy (longer than United States, while we are it), it allows huge influx of foreign elements into it's body, doesn't cares about racial hygiene whatsoever, actively punishes and oppresses nationalists and all nationalist opposition it doesn't control (this is why you can find metric ton of Russian national socialists serving in Azov and other regiments) and it is also in full moral and cultural decay. Now granted, the situation regarding that decay is far as not severe as in case of USA, but on the other hand, the level of freedom nationalists have there is worse. It's big mistake to imagine Russia as some sort of white savior. It could be, but it is not.
More St. Tarrant quotes please.
If retards won't read his entire manifesto; it needs to be meme'd
The best of the best.
Saved and will share.
Hows this
Meant you
This particular quote hit me right in the feels
I never said that. Russia saying no to immigrants, makes E-Europe bold enough to say no, and that fucks up the Western narrative that immigration is like a force of nature we are unable to stop.
That Ukrainians are so myopic as to claim that their fight against Russia is a fight for White people, is why I don't have any respect for them.
I have not seen Ukrainians talking about liberating Russians either, since what I have seen is propaganda on how Russians are subhumans that need to be fought.
That I meet intelligent Russian posters all the time on cuckpol (not all Putin lovers), and very few sane Ukrainians, does not help either.
i'm gonna get my last one in before this meme dies
Also good, but the font is perhaps a bit hard to read?
Polite sage for off topic
It hurts to even say the word of your race huh schlomo. Say it, say jew.
It is indeed a fight for white people. Russians are total scumbags and cucks to chechens. Their army is like an asian horde. Putin is a corrupt dickhead and his mother is of jewish origin (Shalomova), so a jew by mother, meaning, full-blown kike.
Point proven on how Ukies are insane.
fucking perfect
Top tier idea.
Right for some reason, it's not letting me upload a 13.11mb webm. Keeps getting stuck on "Posting…(100%)"
oi ya got got a thinken loicense for dat meme
Russia seems like the Euro-asian USA sometimes
Contrast the font by making it white or some other light color
Breivik with the Trumpet cracks me up everytime
You have no other choice.
1 kek for you
Ask, and you shall receive.
Fuck me this took too long to get into an uploadable webm
We that don't intend to become terrorists, needs to be edgy enough so the police waste resources on us.
thanks for your work this is awesome
Proud to serve. Rendering a 720p version atm to upload somewhere.
Which filehost is best?
FUG YEA NOW WE TALKING. Straight up awesome job user, I will be sharing this far and wide.