Is there anything they won't blame on white people?

Other urls found in this thread:


*sips milk* i don't think so my man

Fucking white people and their, uh…
…Eating food.
What's up whit whitey always eating food and shit? That's rayciss.

13% produces 600 kg

But not surprising, probably written by stronk independynts and niggers doing (((well-researched))) journalism tbh.

Even if the numbers were legitimate, exactly how many White people exist as a percentage of the world's overall population, and how many beanshits and shitskins exist as a percentage?

But body positivity tho

>This study was funded in part by the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy of the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Diversity Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fellowship from Bayer‐Monsanto.
Really makes you think.


The whites made more co2 because they work harder.

By 2025 Amazon will have a literal series of tubes running to every apartment/housing complex in major cities to pipe in food ingredients. You'll get one line for meat (think of it as a liquid hotdog fountain, or you can opt into ElasticTofu for a 100% soy-based service, with a bonus discount), one for condiment, and one for soybean oil. They will plug directly into your AmazonBasics brand smart cooker, which will cook automatically every day on schedule every morning to have you finishing your meal just as your daily smartcab ride to work arrives at your apartment. Meals will be optimized using advanced AI to maximize human-wagecage endurance, and the menu will be selected using a separate artificial intelligence to curate meals based on local cultural, ethnic, and employee preferences. The warehouse cafeteria will be a wagecage lot with cubbies, each containing a cage-connector port with an injector hose that plugs directly into the wagecage's built-in cooker at their optimal break time (all made possible due to AWS-based cloud cooker monitoring and ingredient allocation services, which log and keep track of each cooker loaded recipe, ingredients, present cooking status, employee weight, employee BMI, employee portion size, employee meal price, employee wagecage efficiency profile, with extra options for text messages or email alerts for when your meal is done, for an additional fee). All meals will get automatically withdrawn from your wages based on portion size and ingredient base price. They'll store the ingredients in giant underground distribution tanks with the main pipes going directly to regional warehouses, and then branching out to employee apartments.

So basically, niggers produce only 80kg less, which is less than 12%, and their output is basically 0?
So, 11 niggers are basically equaling 10 whites in the environment spectrum. Sounds like a fair trade.

clown world. move on.

I keep saying somebody should begin doing fertilizer deliveries to the leftie institutes like the SLPC, the Rothschild Foundation and lesser known ones like the ones you're mentioning. They're one of the main reasons society is so fucked up as it is. They're the modern equivalents of the Frankfurt School - only now there's one on every street corner of every big city.

My fucking sides.

Research suggests that niggers are more likely to litter than Europeans, and thus, are more damaging to the environment.




Suck it you self righteous vegtards.

Godly 7s say your computer screen is fucked big time


The dude can't even line up his books properly and he wants us to believe his alternative facts.


He's the kind whose windows open inwards.

Since when is fried chicken eco-friendly?

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wtf i love divisive nigger social engineers

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Was removed like 10 hours after it was posted on 8ch. From youtube.

Yes this has been known for a while. Varg talked about this once.

Who would have thought?…

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What is per-capita

They are getting desperate keeping the lid on the global debt collapse, because all their attempts to start a race war are failing short of expectations. Meanwhile the hatred for jews is boiling everywhere.

Honestly, reading this utter drivel has made me realize just how much more retarded negroes are than I originally thought. The "study" is completely ludicrous through-and-through. I mean, there's really not anything specific to criticize as it is wholly idiotic.
To think that some jew organizations actually funded this only invokes a deep sense of embarrassment at the fact that these same parasites are successfully subverting Whites.

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Apples as the new weapons of white supremacy. Is there meme possibility?

Attached: White_People’s_Eating_Habits_Produce_Most_Greenhouse_Gases,_Study_Finds_Chicago_News_WTTW.png (926x2806, 590.85K)

Niggers gotta blame someone.

This shit is not science though.

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Worldwide minority responsible for everything bad. Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Because Whitey was drinking milk.

This is fucking retarded.

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White Diet, oh Really… :)

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So they're implying that drinking approximately less than one cup of milk above average is the equivalent of mass pollution?

(trips of truth)
Speaking of which, I was flicking through channels on cable TV, something I hadn't done for a while, sooooo many niiiiigers!!!! Every fucking show is another angry black soulless face looking stupidly at the camera.

Well, I mean, it's a word salad for sure, and it's a study about something nobody cares about for social justice brownie points, but how it is not "science"? I agree the way they gathered the data based on a few food items is a shitty one and possibly biased, but it seems at least they used hard numbers and some logical reasoning, while most leftist papers are just incomprehensible post-modernist rants.

I don't save pics of fatties, but I'm sure if I did I could post obese white women (and men) as well.

Well, if you watch the video and look at the pics the other user posted, they aren't saying it's "mass pollution", they're just analyzing which race uses the most of each type of resource based on the consumption of a small and possibly cherrypicked set of foods.

Thanks for that. You got anything more like this? I'm looking to grow my own food, and I want the realest food I can get.

No, the crakkaz did everything.

Not a real issue.

Need to fuel this stupidity with apples are white supremacist meme.

Source? Seems fake. Looking into the Monsanto family line regardless. Surprisingly scant information on the Monsanto's.

And Nazis produced a million tons of Zyklon B so get in the oven you stupid nigger.

It's literal, White p0wah! Tell this fucking nigger that if they don't like it, we will eat them.

Really they didn't seem to consider that this might be why whitey does so well overall.
Better diet.

Did they go into nutritional value of food choices?
Ease of digestion/absorption?


See how EVIL white race it is!

As of 2015, 15 Nobel laureates have been black in entire human history! only 15 Nobel prizes won by black people, 15!

There are 1,305,438,00 (1.35 billion) black people world wide. Roughly, and of course this is not entirely accurate. When white people are only 980 millions world wide, and whites won 590 Nobel Prizes from a total of 935 Nobel Prizes. Now you can see how EVIL are whites! Everything you see in our modern world, everything … most of it… is built by whites!

AS a white girl who marry a black man has 80% chances to be killed by her black person! And that is a fact, do a google search, do not belive me, so black people are more racist than white people!

Until you will win more nobel prizes than white people(590) shut the fuck up and go study, work, push your limits and win that nobel prizes, until then go fuck yourself, all you know to do is killing, rape, fuck all day whites girls (if you go black never go back - a slogan invented by blacks aka FAKE NEWS) , wich is not true if we read this studdy and many other studdyes:

Size and race

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis_size

The belief that penis size varies according to race is not supported by scientific evidence.[6][21] A 2005 study reported that "there is no scientific background to support the alleged 'oversized' penis in black people".[22] In fact, a study of 253 men from Tanzania found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[23]

A study of 115 men from Nigeria found that the average flaccid stretched penis length of Nigerian males is 13.37 cm (5.26 inches) long, which is near identical to the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[24] A 2015 systematic review found that it was not possible to draw any conclusions about size and race from the available literature and that further research needed to be conducted.[1]

Conclusion: Go fuck yourself black people, your black people(15 nobel prizes) intelligence is way far under whites people (590 nobel prizes) intelligence! AND THAT IS A FACT!

Proud to be a "EVIL" WHITE!

Checked. Niggers get out.

evil whitey
eat grass like north koreans
so we save the planet

Sounds like this study is mainly just shilling for people to eat more Roundup-Ready soybean mecha-faming.

Whites eat more dairy, and niggers eat more cornsyrup/soy crap, so I would guess this study is based off faulty assumptions that somehow crops for animal feed don't sequester CO2 to the same extent as crops used for human feed (forage crops actually sequester co2 better than crops for human consumption so they are wrong).

Spoiler that shit user.

You obviously don't spend much time around niggers friend.


I don't know. Maybe make shit like this and post it with ominous messages that vaguely sound like threats?

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Why is this relevant in any way?
You know that we couldn't sustain our population levels with the aboriginal versions of grain, fruit etc.
And if we farmed those versions, the return on investment of labour, energy and materials would be so much less.
Hunter gatherer versions support a hunter gatherer population level only.

News just in! Black people destroy the environment by wasting the space they occupy!

Latinx sounds like a brand name laxative.

Seeing as every human on earth exhales a kilogram of CO2/day

Obligatory dead meme.

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Now let's see if we can optimize this. The important part closest to the top in the study seems to be this table. In which the general rule is the higher the number, the more evil it is. Of course as one would expect, everything with protein like eggs or pork is much, much more evil than fruit, but we're going for taking something a white person wouldn't want to live without, and there are a lot of retards that are vegetarians. One fruit in particular ranks higher than apples.
Apple 0.281 0.156 762 148 112 19
Grapes 0.578 0.333 239 212 1,042 42
Can we meme grapes to be a White nationalist symbol? White Grapes in particular.

correct for wealth level and the shitty POC diet (less environmentally minded) produces more carbon demons

Attached: temperature vs emissions.jpg (611x690, 103.13K)

Or Mexican/Latino;
Mexico Tops US in Obesity – Guardian Liberty Voice

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And how many Whites are there when compared to the niggerous horde?

Paint me surprised.

White People Diet… yeah riiiiiight…
Pic related; cherrypicking…

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I'm white and I eat jews, so I'm destroying and saving the planet at the same time

was thinking more of commandeering cnn's "facts first" campaign from a couple years back

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Since we're talking carbon footprints, I will make the argument that niggers produce a higher carbon footprint than any other race.
Hear me out.
Niggers: have tons of children, eat ribs (large carbon footprint meat based diet), then they kill each other - the males kill other males BUT only after they have each had three to nine illegitimate children.
What is a bigger waste of resources than going through the birth of a human, the hospital costs, education, travel, etc only to have them die but ONLY after they used up the maximum possible resources they could.

The world is treated like an ashtray by too many groups but White people are the only ones looking for a long term solution to over population and pollution.


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Black People Logic. Literal Darwin awards.

This is so fucking stupid, all you have to do if anyone cites this as a source is do some number crunching of the billions of pissed skinned slant eyes in the east. There your imaginary dumbass friend will be arguing circles with you until he does that "lets agree to disagree" shit.

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Over developed sweat glands that lactate milky body dew.

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Slide thread, move on.

im jealous of whoever gets to suck those

Environmental conservationfag here. Let me tell you, the majority of pollution comes from China and other third world countries, this includes greenhouse gasses.
Also this "research" is laughable, everyone knows blacks and latwinks purchase more fast food and other environmentally ill serving foods.
The real problem is China and the Asian mass production factories. White people are the only people planting trees, working out in the field and are the only race actually concious about the environment in more ways than "lmao plastic fork bad".
Remember. Environmentalism is in fact NS as fuck. It has only been coopted by hippies who don't know how the world works.
We need to preserve our people and our lands



The founder of Monsanto, John Francis Queeny, married Olga Mendez Monsanto of the jewish Monsanto slaver family and named the company after her



Why do they always tap on shit/clap their hands for emphasis?

And this nigger don't eat chicken.

This is essentially the core of the anti-poverty movement regarding food and water security. They want to deny us our 'dietary privilege' and deprive us of all the delicious and nutritious foods that enrich our culture. GM food is part of that approach. Reduction in meat consumption is part of that approach.

compare that to how much those groups do crime and how much they pay in tax. And then lets see if the niggers are worth it.