Don’t fall for the Childhood and Teenager Meme

What does Zig Forums think of the notion of modern childhood and teenaged years? Obviously in the past by the time a young man reached puberty he would essentially be considered an adult by society and his family, but now in the current year the notion of the extended childhood and the notion of the “teenager” has stretched this period to grotesque lengths. While in the past an 18 year old would be a fully functional adult today they are often holed up at home, not working and not married – dependent on their parents and still infatuated with shit like video games and nigger music. Of course up to a certain age children quite literally do need the assitance and care of their parents but a 15 year old should be much more autonomous than is often common today.

Am I the only one who thinks this? What is the Zig Forums-approved way to raise your children? I’m planning to expect my kids to be independent and not parasitic drones by the time they’re capable of functioning. Of course since I plan to go off the grid in the next five years or so this will be easier than in the (((suburban))) realm

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Jews push birth control and late maturity to prevent whites from breeding at healthy ages.

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But this isn't the same society anymore lol

Even though Hitler would disagree with you

You will never be white nor welcome on Zig Forums moshe.

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Eternal childhood, feminization, and pushing for an AOC of 30+ to increase birth defects.

Less entry level jobs than in the past, I'd my family had money I would have started a business years ago, sadly is not the case
Maybe I the past, but you really expect your children will found a decent traditional wife at age 18? That is wishful thinking at best man, life isn't easy or goes along planned, i wish my life would have go as I planned it in my 18

ive never seen anybody pushing for an aoc over 18 wtf are you talking about

18 is a good number OP

Children should do paid work early as possible. Even if its just a few hours per week, but always being challenged to take on harder and more skilled work progressively. They should be taught how to do a detailed budget, savings plan, how to obtain real assets, how to start and run a small business. If they have aptitude for academics or STEM professions they should be ready for university by 16. If they have aptitude for skilled trades they should enter training by 16 or even younger.

What would Hitler think? I flipped through my copy of Mein Kampf and found a few passages in favor of early marriage but nothing else that I’m aware of



Those facilities are not present in today's world, unless you are comfortable rich

I remember reading (Mein Kampf or some other National Socialist book) which criticized using children as workforce and wanted education for all German children.

Some NatSoc material is available here

I think he did say something like that. I definitely believe that all children should have equal opportunity for education, but that doesn’t mean that perpetual childhood has to remain a thing in the future. National Socialist education, as Hitler laid out, was a program of training for both the body and the mind, followed by military training. Young men in the Third Reich also had to complete mandatory labor service if I recall right. Young children working for extremely long hours in dangerous factories as happened still in the early 20th century is deplorable


Neck yourself, obvious pedojew.

I would really like to see a study of professional athletes and the age of their parents at conception. I'd guess the average would be around 20 y/o for the mother.

stfu retards if you dont know dont speak you look stupid

Totally agreed, the teenage phase is now pushed to absurd limits.
So much that you're 25 yo and still not so much of an adult, many times with zero experience about real life, and yet you've already been voting for very important things at least once.
More retarded, I recently saw a far right bloke, pretty redpilled, who yet called a white women something akin to a white trash person because she had already two kids at the age of 21.

Jews also created unnaturally high age of consent. every other race is out there banging 14 year olds on the reg

Where we can best redpill people all over the world, while also avoiding identification and, in some countries' cases, literal jailing for being straight white men walking out on the streets.
Work became the main gear of the jews' financial machine. If you earn any money (printed or digital) on current world, you are working for jews and they are taking a percentage of your money and getting richer, while your work fuels the machine further. Being a parasite to the jews is a good thing. Don't work to earn their money. Get their money. It is ok to do so against them.
Women are cancer. They are also tools, not people. They were a necessary evil to procreate, but now we have artificial means to do so, and we don't need women anymore. And that was by normal standards of society. But with current society, were women, retarded as they all are, believed in the lies of the jews, we have places were women can literally rob and kill men freely, without any consequences, if they get married.
Women's only purpose are as tools for procreation ,and nothing more. If someone still uses women, instead of the better, artificial tools to procreate, said person must use women as intended: to rape them, force them to bear a child, and either abandon or kill them, and go after the next woman. Anything else is playing by the hands of the jews.
All races use and discard women, as it is the right and logical thing to do. Only white people still try to treat women as if they were people, and thus, are failing to reproduce and dominate as a race.

This. Girls become women by the age of 14, and all of them become useless old hags by the age of 21. There is a lot of people still attached to the jew lies of "have only one woman for life, until she becomes a meat sack, starting at 21 years", while every other race is breeding faster because they only fuck women in their prime (14 to 20) years.

High school is pointless and damages people.

The age of adulthood in every culture historically has been 13-16, a "teenager" is nothing but a social construct to use a lefty term. School and education should be finished and adulthood achieved by 16, so the newly minted young adult can begin exploring career options earlier and get their adult shit together earlier, not stay a fucking adolescent until they're 30.

Ive been trying to find a wife and get married since middle school, im 28 now and single.
The problem is that when I was a boy I was told no relationship in middle or highschool would last, and i must do well in school, undistracted in order to provide a home for a wife and kids.
when I was out of highschool I was told that i MUST go to college, the only jobs that could pay for children are in college, and while in college, of course, i observed the girls being sluts.
after getting out of college, I was told "actually college was a bad idea, take this entry level job until the career fairy fixes everything" and so I would not try to form a family because you cant provide for a house working at fast food.

Finally, at 26, I realized, here on Zig Forums, that this has all been a fucking poison pill to take advantage of my traditionalism and white instinct. I immediately chad'd the fuck up and got a girlfriend my own age, things went fine until I found out she fucked in every god damn corner of town, I finally decided im fucked, and retreated into the country.

Now heres the thing, out here? I can count on one hand the number of girls ive met that arent into me…the problem? literally everyone out here is either married with kids (which is morally disappointing when they flirt with me) or a young teen. Despite the fact that I am a model citizen with a clean style and a great employment pedigree, these (white) people around me are less upset by the idea of their daughters doing "barely 18" porn than dating me.

These gen Z girls can often be crude, but they arent having sex, they dont even respect their male peers, and they seek out the rare masculine millenial instead, and the ONLY person who isnt okay with this scenario are the white people around them who are so brainwashed by jewish garbage they genuinely think that a clean cut, sharp dressed, intelligent guy with a traditional, hard working job is here to corrupt their daughter, while the daughters complain about how their "guy friend" keeps whipping his dick out at them and the parents just tell them "you should date him"

age of consent is 18, but socially you are not allowed to date below 30, this must be stopped.

dude, just get a younger girlfriend. here in Canada the legal age is 16. its only slightly risky if they're younger. I get advances toward me from high school girls and TBH I like them. Who cares what the dad says? If she falls in love with you, there's pretty much nothing he can do about it. Think about what the pakis are getting away with in England. Just treat her right and if she falls in love with you her she will beg her dad to accept you. If you're ready for marriage, it doesn't even matter if he accepts you because she can go straight from her father's care to yours. Even if he gets angry, he'll come around if you stick together and things work out.

The parents are just problem one. My own family are problem two, and everyone else is problem three.
For example, there Is one that works near me has slowly gotten more and more blatant about her attraction, and her parents I think might be the least problem. My family, man. I made a comment about how ridiculously gorgeous this girl was, my family was like "well ask her out, she looks good for you"
and then someone piped up "shes 18"
suddenly it was "oh well…you cant do that, youll ruin her life, find a girl in her mid twenties at least"
okay so maybe I just never speak to my family again, I dont live near them anymore so there that, but then I managed that by moving to a small town, and here I made a new sort of family with the locals, but when they come at me with torches and pitchforks, where do I go?
you cant even date in secret because the woman will resent the fuck out of you for it, and eloping tears her away from her family, which a girl like her will probably resent you for.

Its like being an incel, except that all the girls want you, you just dont see how to not get your head shot off. Logic doesnt work on these people, despite the white population, white genocide doesnt work on them, despite being christians, the importance of virginity doesnt work on them, despite being southerners, somehow the idea of slutty daughters are more wholesome than one whos only job is to clean the house and raise the kids. America is so god damn fucked, im being put in a situation where I must potentially destroy hundreds of relationships and my work in order to get a chance to date a girl whom im only interested in because those same types of people fucked me over from the time I was a child.

This is why voting should be extended only to people with children and a stake in society. If you have no children and zero knowledge or experience in real life you’re not going to think about the future effects of your decisions. But of course expanding the electorate to the greatest extent possible is one of the ways the Jew rules through the power of the masses. I saw a thread on Zig Forums the other day talking about how the voting range should be either lowered to 16 and how the elderly should be stripped of voting rights. Yes, goy, give the easily influenced and brainless perma-teens the vote and strip it from those with a lifetime’s worth of wisdom. Semitic as fuck

Man I’d just go for it. If they come at you with pitchforks come at them with an AR 15.

Adult is a physical biological state. What they're finding out is that most people don't actually acquire the ability to make "good" decisions until their mid 30s. I think the founding fathers knew it as well at least subconsciously, so they set minimum age for POTUS at 35.

On the flip side, it's also hilarious because it seems like nature has a built in punishment for feminism. By the time a woman reaches an age on average when she can realize being a whore and focusing on their "career" was a fucking mistake because the chances of having a family/children decrease rapidly it's often too late for them. They traded their youth to make zog richer and fucking everything that moves instead of having a family and kids that love them.

It's done intentionally to infantilize young males and prevent them from becoming men because being a man is not biological but a state one attains after trials and tribulations. Wonder why we have so many soyboy faglords walking around everywhere? Apart from chemical warfare which affected them, they were told that men and women are the same and totally subjective.

Do you think that there might be socio-economic reasons for this?
Like the fact that jews have flooded our lands with shitskins and implemented laws that force businesses to hire them instead of hard working White kids? Thus depriving them of vital work experience and elevating the hostile aliens above them?
Or how feminism has poisoned millions of White women and turned them into repulsive, fat freaks that no normal man would want to live around?

I was still a child until I was initiated into manhood through blue collar work, the public school system does its best to dissolve fundamental aspects of manhood like personal responsibility, mental independence and risk seeking

This is the american country side, If I draw a 9mm their whole neighborhood draws ar 15s.
Im trying to be subtle with her, I need to get her to convince others before me, but I dont want her to get too excited and say anything that would compromise me. I think alot of people assume if youre 28 and single something is wrong with you, they also think im lying when I tell my age because I apparently appear to be freshly 20s, which makes me even more fucking suspicious.
Ive tried convincing them myself but it breeds mistrust. I literally have had someone call me a pedophile because I told a girl leaving for college about the biological importance of female chastity. Of course I was also told I was "slut shaming" to which I responded with "sluts should be ashamed" so maybe the accusation wasnt serious, but imagine you overheard that conversation in a town small enough for word to get around.

imagine if we lived in a country that punished single mothers and childless women over 25 with excommunication.
we could literally fix the country with this one easy trick jews hate.

Dysgenics are responsible for many things OP. It took me a long time to get my shit together, largely because the most valuable life lessons aren't really taught in schools, through religion, or even through parentage unless it's very decent parenting, but I must admit mine was relatively subpar, especially coming from a broken home with mother and father in a dysfunctional relationship until I was about 16. but through experiences. Life teaches you a few essential things;
>If you fuck up, chances are you fuck up alone.
>Most people don't give a shit except superficially/to placate themselves. The rest are either directly involved with your life, or have some reason to invest in you. The world we live in now breeds apathy. It's a perfectly normal thing to walk past someone in need of help, even if you have no responsibilities of your own. It makes me wonder if it's always been that way, or whether our dysfunctional society just breeds this pathological apathy.

Those are the ones I most identify with in any case. I found none of these were taught by anything else except life experiences.

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What the fuck

a century ago it was not unusual for 14 year olds to wed. i'm for reinstating this if we can return divorce laws back to early 20th century along with it.

I gotta go take my small, annoying, yappy, faggot-dog for a walk now guise! here's a pic

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Expect adult behavior of your male children by 16. Women never grow up but get the respect of womanhood when they give birth.

In all seriousness user and with all due respect, you probably come across as a power autist IRL. Learn to hide your power level, and once you've managed to find a like-minded soul WITHOUT delving into politics, drizzle them a few red-pills whilst using your own discretion. That way, you could come across as more endearing and make people feel less defensive, but that's just speculation. Do what you want, but if this is how you come across on Zig Forums I hate to imagine what conversing with you in RL would be like, especially for some normalfag.

Not only that; jews push maturity on their children at a much earlier age than Christians. Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah are at 13 or 14 years of age and at that point the boys are expected to be making deals, hustling.

This accounts to a great degree why jews are so much more on the ball in business than Christians. Catholics and Lutherans are some of the worst for imposing an infantile world view on their "flocks" (yes they want us to be sheep like). It's one of the most disgusting aspects of Christianity.

Uh oh! Someone's a pedophile!

Stupid conservucks are so stupid. Putting slave collars on themselves. Your suggestion means that women would become gatekeepers for men's voting rights. Great.

As long as you're not letting kids retreat completely into a world of fantasy, an ideal pre-adult phase wouldn't differ to much from a current one. Socialising, the ability to hold a conversation and make friends, is an extremely important skill to have so a well-adjusted kid will be off with friends a lot anyway.

But still, you want good credentials for whatever path in life they want, academic achievement to match that, and general life skills. Easy to fit in when you're not neglecting your children for years on end, having gotten tired of them 2 years in like a Christmas puppy.

I made my own wooden toys when I was 6 with hand tools. When I was 8 I found a fucked up BMX in the tip. I dragged that shit home, tore it apart, scrounged for parts to change and rebuilt the fucking thing painted bright pink and so on. When I was 10 I was welding. If my sons aren't literally building their own houses by the time they are 13 I'll be very disappointed.

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You do realize that nowadays because of obesity and fucked hormones from eating/drinking foods in plastic, your average person starts puberty at age 9, right?

What I want you to do is go to your local elementary school when it lets out (don't get too close so you don't look like the pedophile you are) and take a good look at the 4th graders, age 9-10. Then come back to me and tell me that you REALLY BELIEVE these little pieces of shit should be legal adults.

You're a 25-year-old kissless virgin. Don't fucking lie; you're never even going to get laid, much less have children.

Please user, of course this is me at my maximum autism.
My powerlevels are a zero reading in public, I only drop redpills after someone opens up to me.

So example, the pedophile incident was someone saying "Im excited for college, but I dont want to be a slut", I explained to her why thats good, and her friend freaked out on both of us, called me a pedo, and told her to be a slut if she wanted to.

I have to agree somewhat with the first sentiment. I have cousins that age and they are so, so much more stupid than we were as kids. Ive seen these 12 year olds talking about how bummed they are for getting kicked off of tinder, at which point you have to wonder if they are legally retarded.

always remember that an american man right now is being sued because, and I kid you not, he tricked two preteens into having sex with him on camera with the promise that he would publish the videos and get them into the porn industry, and because it turned out he was lying about publishing it, hes being sued and going to jail.

I repeat, he was not reported for fucking two preteens, he was not reported for filming it, or possessing it, he was reported, jailed, and now sued because he lied about being a porn producer to these girls.

Sorry you can't get laid bruh

I heartily agree. It's a toxic and even perverse atmosphere where time and energy is wasted on merely asserting control conditioning on people who are full of energy and ambition.

You should be ashamed of yourself for not posting a link to this story.

I linked it when it first occurred, of course, guess you missed the rage.
I advise only reading that shit if you REALLY need to get angry, because it gets peak jewish at breakneck speed.

That's a lie.

Late maturity is more K selected (You know r/k selection right?) and by definition stresses quality over quantity. That said, we do have adult infantilism that extends well into adulthood with 35y old man children and 42y old career-cunts larping as the young women they used to be at 19.
This is partially deliberate man children will spit the dummy but rarely seriously and thus are not a serious problem for the system and partially from lack of real contact with life.
We have become zoo animals: soft, apathetic, docile with occasional meaningless tantrums. Complain-Consume-fornicate is all that is required of us.

Children should be raised with dirt on them: Go outside and play. Strictly limit internet and tv. Your children should come home with skinned knees and mucky faces. Yes, this includes the girls.
Nature and its rules are your guide: Help your children to understand the world in a healthy, natural manner. Its hardness and beauty. If you don’t understand this yourself then learn.
Teach them to be proud of their blood and understand that they are the living embodiment of their people.
Teach Critical thinking and apply it.
Don’t feed yourselves processed shit.
Give them absolute authority over something and combine it with absolute responsibility for it.
Embody the qualities you wish your children to learn.

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I did the same. I would whittle bits of wood with an old kitchen knife.
when i was 6-7 I made another knife out of wood
It made sense at the time
For boys at least the best play is imaginative and active play. Not virtual or overly structured.

Rick and Morty seems to be the cartoon of choice for underachieving, drug-addict nihilists. I know several people in life whose apex of their average day is just hitting a bong and watching season two episode nine for the third time.

18 is a shit number, you puritan feminist niggerfaggot. It's too high, you're already wasting the prime years forcing things to be so high. Most of the US and Europe have AOC below that.

For the past 90 years sure, what's your point?

After you knock her up, all the aggression melts into a solemn, "At least provide for her and the kid"
The only member of my wife's family that hasn't come around is her grandma, and she left her 6 kids ages 2-17 alone with their small town diner running father to go to the city to fuck around for 20 years, and now tries to pretend to be a normal granny. Then after you have a couple of cute kids, and you keep doing what needs to be done for the community, all they care about is how cute the kids are. Instincts can be fucked with both way. Hell, one of her uncle's ended up being one of /ourguy/'s, he personally told me he was harsh about the pairing at first because how often he's seen older men use up the youth of a girl, leave her with no children, and create a feminist out of what could have been a great mother. The men in the community will shit test you, man up and pass it.

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If your advice gets me shot im gonna haunt your ass like the ghost of william pierce

The problem is youre a dumbfuck lemming tjat does what hes told

Obviously not


Seems best place to ask. What's a good middle name to follow Theodore? One syllable last name after. Fiance hasn't liked anything I've suggested as yet.

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Something is definitely up with the very word "teenager":

fuck your sage; bumped.

Nice blog post, move out of the sticks and stop caring what anybody thinks of you. You can be mid 30's and date a 19 - 21 year old, as long as you aren't a creepy weirdo. Her parents will warm up to you if you are respectful and clearly not with her because of an age fetish or lust.


It was created to drive a wedge into Goy culture.
Much like "boomer" is now.

Drop the e at the end of Theodore. What is your ancestry?

Scot/Brit with a touch of Denmark

Theodore Unabomber
Theodore Varg
Theodore Louis
Theodore Adolph

There is a big difference between "banging 14 year olds on the reg" and "marrying a girl of child age to start a family with." Anybody in the first camp deserves the rope, age of consent is fine as long as there is an option for a girl to be married off at those ages with her father's approval.

That's very Sharia law of you

This. All the whole 18 bullshit just demoralizes young adults into wasting away their prime of their life and building up a buffer so when they do turn 18 they IMMEDIATELY go release all their sexual and degenerate urges.

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Excellent. If it were me, I'd drop the e at the end of Theodore so his first name would be the same as Theodor Dannecker. For the middle name, you could choose something Danish, noble sounding, like Frederik (peaceful ruler).

ftfy Hershel, it's always funny to see you retards go back old shill lines that haven't been around for over three years, that's how fucking devoid of new ideas you are. That used to be a regular cry from degenerate jews in every anti-degeneracy thread "oy vey just like the muslims!"


Doubt that'll work, but worth a shot

I went through three days of suggestions to find '"one she didn't dislike''. She likes Teddy Roosevelt, so dropping to the uncommon spelling won't happen for my own peace of mind.
Hadn't plumbed the depths of Danish names yet, so that's a good lead.

That's fair enough. You could always decide his middle name on the day he is born, according to the custom some Danish children are still named by. If you look up name days it might work in your favour. Time will tell.

Theodore Tarrant.

Why does everyone on Zig Forums seemingly wants to fuck a 14 year old?

Not me, I have a thing for Mommy Khazar milkers

That would be your right. However, it will not get you killed, it will get you a wife and children. Maybe one day, you kids will play with mine.

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A Patronymic honestly, it's a great European tradition that needs to be revived more widely.
Theodore Anonson Surname.

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I hate these fucking thread because none of you retards ever acknowledge the physical aspects to bearing children. Nor do you address the lower mortality rates when women are birthing children in their early twenties as opposed to birthing at young ages like 14. Sixteen is still too young as a girl's physical development has not reached her full potential, and increases the likelihood of her dying in labor due to an undeveloped pelvis. Jesus christ do any of you actually know anything about women? Because all I'm seeing is a lot 'muh dick' in this thread with no acknowledgement to biological factors at all. Just the usual, 'if it bleeds, it can breed' garbage. Which, good luck with that because you'll kill your waifu if you knock her up when she first hits puberty.

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Was it the OP pic or are people reading into something that’s not there?

We are beset by shills and kikes, and they are doing everything they can to derail all discussions.

That's the plan. I have 3 kids and we don't let them use tablets ever, and only let them watch television occasionally as a treat. Weekends only and only if they've behaved well. Most of the time they're sent out in the yard to chase the chickens or dig in the dirt or climb on things.

The only part we're having trouble with is the processed food thing. It's extremely hard to get toddlers to eat anything healthy.

Why are you surprised seeing this on an incel board? The whole point of Zig Forums is to react against the status quo by unthinkingly manifesting the polar opposite. It's not an actual ideology.

You're right. Even though a girl is perfectly fertile at 14 the sweet spot for women to have healthy children and less complications during pregnancy is 18-26. Before 30 for men.

You should also keep the babe on it's mother's breast for around two years for all the breast-milk's benefits (stronger immune-system, higher IQ etc).

i agree op. these memes ruined me

Sounds good.

Mashed banana with coco powder and maybe a little honey? Just made that up, lol

I spent most of my twenties logging 1000s of hours in video games before I started taking my studies seriously and choosing a high pay career path, don't be like me and do that earlier. If you can learn to moderate yourself you can have a bit of the former while getting the latter.

If I have a second son I'm goong to fight to make his middle anonsonsic
She likes Frederick, but went back to preferring my grandfather's noble sounding Laurence. Crisis averted. Thanks anons.

OP I totally agree. I worked with a girl once who said some shit to Me one time like "Ima 17 year old child" and I just stood there wondering what the fuck? Hell I was basically taking care of myself 14, had a job bought my first car when I was 15. I was giving my folks money towards bills etc. Yet I meet a ton of people who are 17 to 21 ish and still live at home with parents while getting allowances and shit and don't even give their parents any money towards shit. Alot of parents are trash though.

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I remember my dad telling me that he would ride his bike all over town with his friends while he was a kid. I'm a zoomer, and my idea of "pushing it" was walking a few blocks over, or playing in a wooded area. What's funny is that we lived in a gated community. They didn't seem to mind me going outside to play without telling them–but I remember being lectured over playing at a friend's house–we were good friends with that friend's family. Now that I'm older, I obviously understand why parents want to know where their kids are, but the lack of autonomy is grueling. Even teenagers can't go off and screw around anymore. They're all texting their parents about everything they're doing. This naturally leads to people in their late twenties who act no differently than when they were 16. What an embarrassment to our nation. I blame the Jewish media for maintaining aloofness over real crimes and dangers, while fear mongering over non-existent threats. Dr. Pierce did a broadcast about Spring Breakers in Mexico that encapsulates this problem rather well.

The thing is, we are under threats we weren't under in the past. You can't let your children roam around town safely. What you have to do is expose them to uncertainty, and let them learn how to solve problems if they aren't given an instruction manual. This is best done by going out and actually doing stuff, ideally outdoors. Fishing, camping, and the like are good. Teach them to use a handsaw and hammer, give them some wood and nails, and tell them to build you a piece of furniture. (supervision is discretionary and dependent on the child in question) Don't make it seem like there's a duality between fun internet, TV, and vidya time contrasted with boring dad stuff. Make sure that they never get addicted to electronics to begin with. Teach them that the TV is background noise. The internet is for information. (additional note: make sure they aren't using social media, or any website with their name/face. This prevents nu-socializing which is another post in itself, but it also prevents them from saying stupid shit that haunts them for the rest of the life.) Video games are fun, but not intrinsically better than playing outside. (don't fall for the absurdity that playing vidya is somehow worse than playing with physical toys; the problem at hand is people wasting time) If you see them spending too much time on the computer or TV, tell them you need to use it to look something up or watch the news. If they're playing vidya then try and psyche them up into going to do something else. If that doesn't work then make them "teach you" how to play. That way they either get bored or you get to "bond." Push them into doing stuff like soy scouts, sports, JROTC, and getting a part-time job. Outright force them to get their learner's permit and driver's license as soon as is legally possible. There are tons of younger people who don't get their license. At that point your son can hang out as much as he wants. Your daughter should still be under scrutiny, and ideally only hanging out with other girls. One last thing is chores. Make sure all your children know how to clean, cook, mow the lawn, do dishes, etc. Make it their job to do it; give them an allowance when they finish it, and discipline them when they don't. (nothing wrong with spanking. Just try using it as a "reward for bad behavior" rather than some constant threat if they do something wrong. Like how you can pay your child for mowing the lawn like you told him to, but you don't pay him for saying something nice. Spank when they don't do something you told them to do, or do something you told them not to, but use alternative measures if they're being a little bitch over not having pizza for dinner. This prevents them from becoming scared of you, but also gives your word a lot more weight in their little minds.) One last thing about chores is to have them alternate between chores, so that all of them know how to do everything.

The age of consent is something arbitrary and modern. I've heard that it's some kind of feminist trick, but I think it's just a coping mechanism for desperate parents that don't have the traditional structures to fall back on. Historically, and currently in other societies, fathers had to approve their daughter's suitors. This is good because not every girl is ready the day after she turns 18, and unready the day before she turns 18. He father is able to tailor the situation, so that it suits her as an individual. If her body is developed and she is mature, then she is ready; there is not set age for that. Disrespecting the father by sleeping with his daughter against his wishes is what should be the moral outrage. The moralistic attitude towards the age of consent seems silly. Men want to do all kinds of sexual things. What guy didn't day dream about having a harem or whatever at some point? People are told that these desires in themselves are bad. It's why you get silly things like "I love watching women get tortured, raped, and drowned to death in their sister's blood, but it's not like I'm into that IRL. I'm a feminist." (I'm pretty sure this is the source of BDSM. It's couples unconsciously implementing natural gender roles, but they're such pussies consciously that they don't want to just do it the normal way.) It's complete bullshit whenever someone says that there's a difference between their conscious and unconscious desires. Men want to rule the world. That is fine. It is up to others to decide when men should be restrained in their ambitions. A very prevalent example of this is teenage girls. They're fully developed, and they've had sex. But people, who had sex with women this exact age in the past, saying they want to do the exact same now are looked at like creeps. It's so silly. I presume Christianity plays a part in this with all its repressions of natural desires; it normalizes that sort of thinking, which was previously only *advice* to deeply religious people, and a rule for some priest and monks. I presume the protective aspect of age of consent was made by men to cope with a loss of power; and the moralizing "thou shalt not" attitude was created by women.

Don't fall for the adult at 13 meme. You aren't. You're still a retard whose body hasn't finished developing. In Rome, you had duties, learning, and fitness to attend to. Same with Sparta. Nobody was calling you man until you'd fulfilled your duty to the city and could now bed your woman. That was the gauntlet of manhood, not having a bar mitzva. There's nothing like that anymore, so there are no more men. Plain and simple.