What does Zig Forums think of the notion of modern childhood and teenaged years? Obviously in the past by the time a young man reached puberty he would essentially be considered an adult by society and his family, but now in the current year the notion of the extended childhood and the notion of the “teenager” has stretched this period to grotesque lengths. While in the past an 18 year old would be a fully functional adult today they are often holed up at home, not working and not married – dependent on their parents and still infatuated with shit like video games and nigger music. Of course up to a certain age children quite literally do need the assitance and care of their parents but a 15 year old should be much more autonomous than is often common today.
Am I the only one who thinks this? What is the Zig Forums-approved way to raise your children? I’m planning to expect my kids to be independent and not parasitic drones by the time they’re capable of functioning. Of course since I plan to go off the grid in the next five years or so this will be easier than in the (((suburban))) realm