The U.S. military said it successfully tested a missile defense system to knock down an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile class target on Monday, demonstrating its ability to defend against ICBMs from countries like North Korea.
The U.S. Missile Defense Agency said two ground-based interceptors were used in the test. One destroyed the re-entry vehicle, and the other "looked at the resulting debris and remaining objects, and, not finding any other re-entry vehicles, selected the next 'most lethal object' it could identify, and struck that," it said.
The target was launched from a test site in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific, more than 4,000 miles (6,400 km) from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, where the interceptors were launched, the agency said.


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and sage

China and Russia are going to hit the US so f'ing hard with hypersonic cruise missiles most major cesspool US cities will be utterly destroyed.

Reminder if you are White to abandon your post, killing non-White soldiers and your commanding officers if necessary. You could alternatively just resign yourself to a prison sentence for desertion, but killing loyal military personnel provides a two-for-one. If you a White civilian, it is your duty to attack all regime government offices, all regime personnel, and all loyal regime businesses [anything owned by jews] and industries [weapons manufacture, automotive, financial, industrial agriculture, processed food conglomerates, the just-in-time delivery network of trucks]. Ethnic invader neighborhoods must be assaulted and cordoned off and this is probably best served at the county level.


Nothing is going to happen

we have been preparing for this since we were born



There will be no war between said Country's. You stupid fuck.



Post some proof that it will or fuck off.

This is treasonous.

Zog is the treason

Die now.

U scared BOY ….indoctrinated faggot

Why would they want a world war you dumb fuck when they can just wait 20 years until hwhites are a minority everywhere?

who /draftdodge/

I was agreeing with you, it's totally not going to happen

Shut the fuck up dumb goyim

To my great shame I used to be a zogbot, but sadly I can't get drafted anymore because of health issues lmao

holy trips and dubs, something is not right with this thread already and it's terrifying.

Attached: download.jpeg (225x225, 4.25K)


Based OP
Don't let glowniggers disturb you

Yeah the US and Russia are both already majority non white, all they have to do is wait another few decades

United States is finished.
Didn't we lose in like some war simulation?

What a stupid bluepilled faggot. Suck a Jew cock tranny.

There isn't going to be any major war. Jesus how stupid do you have to be to not realize that the US military is a machine that cant be turned off because its such a huge part of the economy of this nation, but there are no viable targets right now so naturally its going to be going all out wasting resources on tests and other systems and shit

It isn't going to start a war, and no one is going to start a war with us, at BEST it may rattle around in the middle east just to keep up the appearance of the "need" for such a massive overblown military (that doesnt even protect our own fucking borders mind you), and itll of course fear monger about muh chunks and muh rooskies, but NEITHER of them would benefit at all from a conflict with the US

I mean think about it practically speaking, what could either gain from war with us? China exports shit loads of goods to the US, without the US, their economy would turn on its head and collapse in on itself, no one else consumes the sheer volume of goods we do. Sure you can say they buy our debt which gives us the money to buy their goods, but overall thats a beneficial system for them because it keeps their economy turning, exactly how post-ww2 we loaned shit loads of money to various european nations which was then all spent buying OUR goods and was the reason we saw the post ww2 massive boom in the US economy. China is doing the same thing just without the war, and would not BENEFIT from a war with us

While the same scenario could not be said of russia, the simple fact is they gain nothing from going to war with us. They already project power and can infiltrate and subvert other nations because our glow in the dark agencies are all to busy fucking our own country up to be able to properly deal with anyone else, not to mention how pozzed they've all become so they're fucking retarded and can't do their jobs right anyway… I mean their spies and informants would be of the cartoon-tier, the obvious spy wearing a cheesy mustache disguise speaking in a really shitty fake accent and so on, only in cartoons it works, in reality they get shot (or more likely just easily found out and laughed at and turned away)

But regardless, russia is already in a position of increasing power, hell in syria they just effectively got their way, its why israel is so vocal lately and attacking syria as much as they can, and were doing it before, they knew the US was not going to be able to keep them destabilized, russia would stabilize them, and then they'd have a power enemy next to them with a powerful ally backing them up, and all itll take once thats setup, is one jew attack on syria and they'll have pretense to invade pissrael and the rest of the world will have ZERO grounds to object to it or say it isnt deserved. Though in truth I doubt russia will do much, they have their fair share of jew corruption at the top levels as well

So.. no, nothing will happen, no war, no strikes, this is just the US military flex'in and wasting money and keeping up the apperance that such things are "needed" so they keep all their shekels flowing

Bump. You can't hide this.


Checked for US couldn't be Mexico in a war at this point.

When, I know I am ground zero, I just want it to happen already so I can mutate into a small child trapped in a fridge.

It won't happen, I wish. But I always see people from irrelevant third world countries jacking off over China and Russia supposedly teaming up against the US. Not because they think it would be better to be ruled by them, but because the weak envy the strong.

Hide what ? The "War" is already happening, Don Zion is fulfilling the Talmud oath already. The Whites are dying like pigs in US of ZIon and you're talking about a "War". Get fuckin lost tranny.

Bump. There will be another war. You can't hide discussion of it.

Who are you quoting?

They don't want to be ruled by any of them and are tired of the US playing world police while being a fucking degenerate heap of jewry.

Stopped reading somewhere near the second paragraph. US will declare war to Russia/China.


as long as we don't fight them in Europe. Especially not in winter.

Wars between the UK, US, China, EU, India, Pak, Jews, Rus, French, can't happen. That is why we fight proxy and economic wars.

I'm American and I want that to happen lol

If America goes down, the kikes will lose a ton of resources

You're being spammed by retards. Ww3 is going to happen and (((patriots))), beholden to the (((US))) are race traitors.

WW3 will happen, yes, but it won't be intentional.
It'll be the result of the US collapsing to internal civil unrest whereupon the world becomes the equivalent of a neighborhood in New York City right after the police go on strike.

The US has ways been the strongest vector for world Jewry. Everyone but kikes would benefit from its destruction.

Russia and China is just as kiked. I really hope they'd bomb the cities though, I live in a little town in Montana, wouldn't bother me much. It would really speed up the Weimar process, so I'm totally for it.

Big cities are full of nigs, muds, kikes and token cuck-Whites so they'd do the nation a considerable good. But tell me the truth, you're from some irrelevant little country though, right?

Where are you from, Serbia or some shit?

That's why it's not going to happen until the jewish elite get a few more years to breed with the Chinese.

Except jews already have full rights in china. Because they founded china. They don't have to breed with anything.

But aren't able to fill the role of world police.

Nobody ever said Russia or China were great, they just said the US is worse.

America bruv. Sorry to burst your bubble. That said, US basically is Serbia-tier internally, so fuck it.

You can't fucking read can you?

I said the military is a machine, it has no viable targets right now, so naturally its going to sabre rattle and posture and flex and shit to make itself seem necessary. China and Russia are not viable targets, never will be. middle eastern shitholes and maybe african nations are viable targets depending on how things go over the next 30-40 years, but china and russia are not viable targets for our military.

And that is primarily because of the various other factors that go into it, economics and finance being one, but it all boils down to RISK. Fucking around in a shithole doesnt RISK anything to the US or its various financial machines or industries. Fucking around with a world war DOES risk a fucking lot, its possible to lose such a conflict, and its possible to lose a lot of power in the world even if you win because of the weakened state you'd be in afterwards. Ergo, such a war will not be started from our side, and will not be started from their sides either because it isnt beneficial to them.

Therefore, no war will happen. The military is a machine, yes, but its primarily an economic machine that runs on blood and defense contracts. It has no qualms about sacrificing lives in some shithole somewhere, because lives are cheap to them, and more fighting means more contracts.. but when you start looking at a conflict that could destroy the homes of the people running this scheme? Then it becomes to big a risk, to big a potential loss, that they will never instigate it.

Sorry champ, but my point still stands. Its a machine, but it thrives on economics, and it knows full well if it starts some world war, all that goes tits up, as do the lives of luxury of the people running the machine. Ergo, china and russia are NOT viable targets, and never will be

(((Trump))) was chosen to get rid of all goyim on earth.

How many billions a year in aid to China and Russia give Israel lol?

Ugh, my company is a leech on this kind of stuff, but at least I get a decent salary!

Yockey and guys like Fred Farrel had this all figured out in the 50s and 60s.

Military war is outdated. Economic and demographic warfare is what happens now. China send its people everywhere and buys as much real estate as possible to effectively own more and more of the world. Jews direct the brown hoards to western countries to break down their entire societies.

And why would they do that? What do they have to gain vs what do they have to potentially lose? What would be the justification for declaring it? etc etc

You can't just make a claim like that, state it as a fact, and offer absolutely ZERO justification for thinking it. Back up your fucking stance with, at least, some kind of logic and reasoning.

And no, "muh jews want war" is not enough on its own. WHY would they want such a war, what would they gain, what could they lose, how would the pieces move to get them what they want. Kikes dont just think "we want war, we want white people dead," theres always some pieces moving to get them to some end goal beyond just what you see at face value BUT each move works TOWARDS that goal. So, as an example, if the goal is dead white people, and white people are their pawns for war, and they just start sacrificing their pieces intentionally, eventually the other side is going to move over and capture the king who doesnt have any pieces protecting him. Maybe he wants to strategically lose as many pieces as possible, but he still wants to win the game… so what does that end game look like, what is the king they are trying to capture on the other side, and ..

…more importantly…

how does a war with china or russia achieve that goal

The jew knows they need a strong back-up guard dog to defend Israel so they've been grooming Russia and China for years. The USSR used to be their main dog, but transitioned to the US over time. However they know that the American military just isn't very capable anymore… it's expensive as fuck increasingly reliant on muds for assistance roles and now even combat. Add to the fact that all Americans are so war-fatigued that they're against it no matter how much (((the media))) advertises it.

They know the Russkies and the Chinks could defend Israel much better, I really do hope they bomb America.

They'll probably continue to use the US as its paypig for as long as they can get away with it.

They want to get rid of all enemies for kikes (Iran/Syria/Iraq) before (((America))) collapses

So they can loan weapons/ammunition/etc. to both sides of the war expecting money in return? It's the most well-known way (((they))) make money through. I wouldn't doubt that (((they))) would want it sometime soon either, considering blacks are fucking running rampant in America.

See? this fucker gets it.

War.. has changed. It isnt two men shooting at each other from trenches. its two men in suits aggressively spending money and making deals to put the other out of business. The military as it stands now, is just an industry like any other, only instead of making cars or widgets, it makes bombs and tanks. Itll never use those things against any major power, but it keeps the gears of the economy turning, yes it wastes resources, but it also spins those cogs by employing how many millions of people across all its divisions? Which means economic turn around. Which enables the "real" war machine, which is the economy

Maybe, but the Russkies and Chinks aren't prepared to carry out the Amurika world police shit, not the way the US has historically.

The nukes will not come until we start killing the politicians and bankers.

Actually that makes a bit of sense. They probably wanted to establish a world power in the middle east. I think they might just settle with a collapse of two super powers east and west then conquer without interruption. Silk road in between them, the east and europe.

Okay, sure, agreed. How does war with china and russia achieve that goal? Russia already stabilized syria, attacking either china or russia directly would just spiral us into a global conflict. Better to destabilize them economically so they CANT support syria and iran before trying to fuck those nations over again

Rushing into war with them now would be stupid, it would just hasten our collapse, and wouldnt achieve their goals. Jews are nothing if not long-term planners, they do push harder and harder for things, yes, but they also plan quite a few moves ahead, they dont just see their first plan (destbailize syria, get to iran) failed because of russia, and then go nuke russia. No, they shift focus, drain russia in various ways, then go back to syria to drain and mess it up

Again, direct war does absolutely nothing towards achieving their long term goals. There will be no ww3.

Okay, sure. Except they already have industry setup in russia and the US that already do this. They make their money off the continued churning of the military industrial complexes in those nations, especially in the USA, so they're ALREADY selling to both sides and making fortunes. How does escalating to open conflict achieve that? better to just keep everyone hostile and on edge, without pulling the trigger, so they stay in fear and "want" powerful militaries on both sides

what does this have to do with anything? They already control the US economy and military, and their plan to replace us is going swimmingly in their minds, so why would blacks "running rampant" in the USA do anything about making them want to escalate to war? What does it achieve in regards to "blacks running rampant?" What is their goal with that, and how does war with russia/china achieve said goal?

You need to answer these questions before you state that they are justification. What "problem" is it for them, what goal do they have in mind, and how does open war achieve that goal?

I'm getting wood

The only reason the US would get into a two front war against two major powers, would be that (((someone))) wants it to get its shit pushed in. The US could maybe not lose (but not necessarily win) against one of them, but certainly definitely not both; at the same fucking time.
This is not war, it is suicide by Slav/Chink.

user, people have been predicting imminent war with China for the last 5 years.

War will never happen between USA and China. Not as long as Wal-Mart exists.

You forget how savage the USSR was, they played a bigger world police role in expanding communism than the US has ever had. They've even prepped Russia with too little easy wars, South Ossetia and Crimea.

The jews have done a great job at scrubbing the horrors of the Soviets from the minds of the average American.

try about 10-15

A war = MORE military spending, far more even. And we all know how much (((they))) love money. They'll be pushing for a war every chance they get, and the blacks hurting the US as a whole, gives them more leverage to destroy the US (that is, if that's what they want).

True. In addition, the System might be forced to implement a draft.
This would lead to mass resistance against the Regime and might precipitate its downfall. It would certainly create a revolutionary environment.

trying to make sense out of nonsense.
Red Heifer: Discovering your way forward


You should read more.


That's a nice fantasy for people that don't have the stomach for armed conflict. Just because we've had 30 years with a lack of a giant military conflict doesn't mean war is suddenly non-viable. The men in the suits you're talking about still have people killed all the time. Even they understand the use of physical force. It is the highest rung on the conflict resolution ladder. The U.S. is bloated and needs to decimate the people holding most of it's debt. In the attempt it'll destabilize itself and balkanize. Peace is an anomaly that is fast coming to an end.


The USSR's ideology was made, nation was founded and run by the jews. The anti-Zionist aspect is greatly exaggerated in historical revisionism. Like with Israel supposedly "helping" Rhodesia and South Africa.

This, for whatever odd reason, people seem to think war is an unusual occurrence, one that just happens. I think, when you include human nature in the picture, peace is more of an unusual occurrence. Everybody wants to rule this world, so why is it such a far fetched idea that they'll actually do something about it, that is, in the most fundamental manner possible?

Because Europeans are still all over the place and there are plenty of them. And Europeans are starting to get wise. You can only use soft tactics so long. Eventually the Europeans that are left will stub up and refuse to be moved by pleas for sympathy. The problem with demographic replacement is that even if there are only a few million left there are still plenty to concentrate their numbers, fuck shit up, and grab land and resources for themselves. And at that point, the European will do what he has always done; expand and conquer. Only this time thanks to shlomo there won't be any infighting. Europeans wont fight each other anymore.

Read more, post less. The damage done by you boilerplate "anti-communist American conservative" types is almost incalculable. You didn't read the article in 4 minutes.

One is not like the other.

Even kikes know theres such a thing as "to much." Or rather, they understand risk vs reward. The current system makes them fortunes and gives them insane power. Going to war would absolutely throw all of that into jeopardy, all their economic places of power would be the first targets in an open conflict. You think it would just mean they'd be making way more money? No, right away they'd be busy rebuilding all that shit after it gets hit, and thats a lot of economic loss. Better to let the machine continue to grind along at its already insanely high rates/levels. Even kikes understand THAT much.

I agree they wish to demographically replace us, yes. But, they are already doing this. And again, they are nothing if not long term planners. The ones in actual positions of power don't do the stupid shit the hollywood kikes or average twitter kike do. They're far more paced and methodical.

You care more about all the spiritual nonsense than the kikes do, and thats saying something. Most of the kikes in these positions are mostly athestic in practice, they ARE jews, but they dont practice the religion or care about fucking red cows

And ww3 is a nice fantasy for people who have delusions about some great conflict they can fight in and those who want a "happening" or just want to see the "end" finally happen, like children who want to rush to the end of a book. Sorry, but its a really long dry boring read and it isnt going to get any more interesting, and none of you have yet to even convince me theres a remote chance of ww3 or whatever you want it to be

I've never said war is an unusual thing. Violence is how our world was built. What I did say, is that the METHOD of violence has changed. it has changed all throughout history. From tribal conflict, to city-state wars, to empires, to the entire world… and now, its moved on to economics and industry. War always changes, it has always evolved. Not just the tools, but the ways in which it is waged. Especially in our current times where theres no tjust economic war, but information war, propaganda war, and so on.

Yes, violence is the ultimate tool, and stabbing someone is the ultimate ultimate version of that tool. But, it isnt necessarily the most practical application of it in our current world. Why go up to someone and stab them, and risk being so close they can stab you as well, when instead you could deprive them (from a distance) of food, shelter, medicine, etc, to the point they cannot put up a fight and end up beggars in the street?

Far, far less risky ways now exist to make a fortune, destroy your enemies, and achieve your goals, all without losing or destroying your own resources in the process

do any of you faggots take this shit seriously? Because all i see are two powerful families fighting it out between themselves while both worshiping lucifer. See it this way - let us pretend we have a company that wishes to sell cakes. One company is a creative company, these guys are responsible for coming up with a concept… The other company, well, these guys are responsible for marketing the concept. The two companies are always pitching and vying for new business but the supra (emphasis on this = SUPRA) natural elements also tie into things. The east want a bi-polar world and the west want a unified world. Both options will fuck you regardless who you choose, it's all part of their plan for a victory they'll never achieve despite thinking so. The most important thing you guys can do is understand this and find the objective Truth… Seek Him with all your heart and understand that the jews and their minions are part of the puzzle. You guys should understand that we may be swept up in (((local))) politics, but at the end of the day, we're all just cogs in their machine which is why you should go out and do your own research. Understand that the poor zogbots who are friends and family are simply blood sacrifices as it was in WW2 and 1. It's simply just a way to create energy and power. Remember anons. The life is in the Blood.

caught me off guard

Attached: a7c0dac31ce7360f0b1041eb6e83b6a76fa042a7f75b8a283bbeb5df80b2e7c1.jpg (559x556, 30.46K)

I've seen this type of argument before. I'm not a fucking conservative, I'm a third positionist/fascist/natsoc. Are you seriously fucking defending (((communism)))?

China predates Jews by thousands of years you moron

Holy dubs. Read your bible. The kikes will be the ones to automate the very anti-christ the christians speak of.

It's not a stretch. Watch Age of Deceit 2 on YT, watch corrupting the image full, watch what is happening in the world, it all makes sense. Transhumanism, chipping and all that shit you see happening in China and Sweden are the prototypes of tomorrow. It's happening, albeit quickly however you may call it slowly. I beg you to wake up though.

And would they not have even more power if a war-ridden country owed them money, and especially, a world superpower? I can't see any way a war wouldn't benefit them. It's not like they hold their fortune in a country's currency, as we all know they themselves are responsible for (((inflation))).

it will be no war, they need activity, all that military personel, USA & UE are prepare for war with weapons of mass destruction and islam conquer the world with birthrate! islam is more smart that we belive!

There won't be any major wars between big powers due to mutually assured destruction, it will be proxy wars and cyber wars

Why would it even matter if:

You read what OP said, right?

Money well spent.

Read more, post less. You're clearly not reading the articles and evidence put forward.

Fuck off commie, go back to Zig Forums.

This post brought me hope for the future.

This is the kind of guy who votes for Lindsay Graham.

what could possibly go wrong