Even kikes know theres such a thing as "to much." Or rather, they understand risk vs reward. The current system makes them fortunes and gives them insane power. Going to war would absolutely throw all of that into jeopardy, all their economic places of power would be the first targets in an open conflict. You think it would just mean they'd be making way more money? No, right away they'd be busy rebuilding all that shit after it gets hit, and thats a lot of economic loss. Better to let the machine continue to grind along at its already insanely high rates/levels. Even kikes understand THAT much.
I agree they wish to demographically replace us, yes. But, they are already doing this. And again, they are nothing if not long term planners. The ones in actual positions of power don't do the stupid shit the hollywood kikes or average twitter kike do. They're far more paced and methodical.
You care more about all the spiritual nonsense than the kikes do, and thats saying something. Most of the kikes in these positions are mostly athestic in practice, they ARE jews, but they dont practice the religion or care about fucking red cows
And ww3 is a nice fantasy for people who have delusions about some great conflict they can fight in and those who want a "happening" or just want to see the "end" finally happen, like children who want to rush to the end of a book. Sorry, but its a really long dry boring read and it isnt going to get any more interesting, and none of you have yet to even convince me theres a remote chance of ww3 or whatever you want it to be
I've never said war is an unusual thing. Violence is how our world was built. What I did say, is that the METHOD of violence has changed. it has changed all throughout history. From tribal conflict, to city-state wars, to empires, to the entire world… and now, its moved on to economics and industry. War always changes, it has always evolved. Not just the tools, but the ways in which it is waged. Especially in our current times where theres no tjust economic war, but information war, propaganda war, and so on.
Yes, violence is the ultimate tool, and stabbing someone is the ultimate ultimate version of that tool. But, it isnt necessarily the most practical application of it in our current world. Why go up to someone and stab them, and risk being so close they can stab you as well, when instead you could deprive them (from a distance) of food, shelter, medicine, etc, to the point they cannot put up a fight and end up beggars in the street?
Far, far less risky ways now exist to make a fortune, destroy your enemies, and achieve your goals, all without losing or destroying your own resources in the process