Are communists even human?
Are communists even human?
Not at all.
Not dead ones
no, they're property of the state
Requesting the pic: When asked what it felt like to take human life, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz replied "I wouldn't know. I've only ever killed communists".
Do it yourself nigger. Just search for it or visit an archive.
That's badass
cool thread spic
Huh? What makes you think I'm a spic?
human communists:
non-human communists:
tbh the real enemy was always liberalism
Dude, fuck Tito. His regime was responsible for the ethnic cleansing and mass murder of hundreds of thousands of Danube Swabians (ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia) after the war.
Helicopter memes? Helicopter memes.
Everybody sucks up to the Jews and Israel to keep face. Even Trump and Putin. It means nothing
Commies are either jews or jewpets, so no
They both sucked major cock. See Miguel Serrano.
Didn't Stalin hate Jews?
yeah true, but they still hadn't broken away from the Soviets at that point (happened in 1948). Under Tito they ended up doing something pretty good with Yugoslavia, part of the non-aligned bloc, although it probably wasn't "Communism".
right-tards act all hard until the real gangstas show up. suddenly violence is "nigger shit".
Le Pinochet meme is cringe but ultimately good, because it's a way of getting classical liberals to admit that they need to be illiberal to protect classical liberalism.
You've got to the count of three.
One. . .
Two. . .
You're on the wrong board Chaim
This one isn't a Jew. He spells like a nigger and thinks gangsters are tough. He is clearly pic related.
Kočevski Rog
Pinochet's country was in between the USA and USSR, he would have been killed and his country lit on fire if he made one move against the jews. He did what he could to cleanse degeneracy and oust the communist scum so future generations could be saved, he had limited options / power and he made something good of it in a bad situation.
Because (real) Rightist violence is ultimately in the service of creating a society in alignment with natural law and limits. This is far more achievable than leftist utopian goals, and so requires less violence. There is no "destroy the old world to build the new." Marxism is much more ambitious/foolish, seeks to re-engineer man (who is seen as separate from nature) and its violence tends to spin out of control and/or take on a kind of religious zeal.
ok but the point is Tito broke with Marxist orthodoxy (i.e. "fuck you jews"), and they had much more of a mixed economy. The values were more traditional compared to what liberalism did to Western Europe.
A lot of Jews happen to be wiggers.
Killed more yugoslavs post war than both the wars did
They are not. It will be time to remind them soon.
No they aren't
yeah that was in 1945, thousands murdered presumably on orders from Moscow. I suppose I'm talking more about what Tito gang did once they became independent. There are no perfect regimes in history.
Odd how a utopia is some place you get shot if you try and leave. The left is nothing without useful narcissists and miserable ugly. Communism is a means to an end, to overthrow using the weakest against the strong. It is a retarded form of political jujitsu that starts out as weaponized complaining.
Pretty sure tito gang didn't kill over 900k yugoslavs, but I'm happy to be proven wrong.
Got it.
They made the VC look like angels.
Christ what an abhorrent sounding language. Is there a worse sounding European language?
Stalin hated everyone.
The Jew is using so called migrants as muscle against you! They are a Jewish Proxy. WHITE POWER!
Always torture and kill communists.
Tarrant will sustain do nothing right-tards for 10 years. Why even prove you are anything but a bitch when you can just post a picture of what he did?
Jesus fucking christ
Read the Wikipedia article I linked
Is it Spanish?
I agree
No, it's clearly not Spanish sounds nothing like it. It's Portugeese
Portuguese is merely Spanish with a Russian accent, it sounds pretty to my ears. The ugliest languages I've ever heard include (in order from least to most disgusting to the ears) Finnish, Hungarian, and Turkish.
What movie is that from?
Capitão Falcão The Portuguese Falcon; it took a while for the torrent to finish, but I thought it was worth the wait.
That's probably the best way to put it. I am unfortunately Portuguese and I'm not really fond of them, every Portugese I met is a complete retard and the language to me can sound awful most times. I don't really take pride in being it tbh, they had a little empire I guess but they never really mattered.
It's pretty cool how a handful of Portuguese sailors were able to basically conquer India and much of east Africa
Pales in comparison to other European countries.
and also their Academic accomplishments and scientific discoveries.
Pinochet was a internationalist whore, who sold the NATIONAL resources of Chile (Copper, Water, etc.) to the fucking transnational powers. Was also a fucking shabbos goy, and allowed the infiltration of (((cancer))) cells in the State. The current President (Piñera) is also a fucking shabbos goy.
Way more impressive than the Anglokikes and their "conquest" of India IMO
No, communists are ravenous bloodthirsty beasts.
Communists (real communists, not latte sipping soyboys) are the bottom rungs of society, they are the drug addicted, violent, drunk, scum of the earth, born in the huts of alcoholic abusive scum. They have failed to create anything for themselves in times of plenty, and in times of little, they starve. They spend their entire lives envious of the fact that there are others that have what they don't, feeling powerless and bitter.
Communism seeks to invert the social ladder, put the best on the bottom and the worst at the top. It should come as no surprise that these horrible beasts, given power over the lives of others, will become the worst, most violent killers, exacting revenge for crimes that exist only in their heads, and acting out their rage on the innocent.
Well said
At least they didn't bitch out and continued to defend the White Africans until Antonio Salazar died in 1970. Even the supposed quasi-fascist Francisco Franco pussied out and left White Africans twisting in the wind as USSR trained coons were murdering and raping innocents in Mozambique, South-West Africa (Namibia), Rhodesia and South Africa.
communism is a collective suicide cult ask jim jones. theyd rather wipe out all life than acknowledge the world will never be perfect and discomfort will always be present.
add Kim/Maduro to the human communists list
Maduro is jewish, he's sub-human by definition.
is this nigger serious? all communists are lobotomized spastics trying to form a perfect world with imperfect components. its why they always fail and national socialism thrives. you cant expect broken people with misaligned wills to work together when there isnt even a higher purpose to strive towards. commuist philosophy literally has no higher purpose. natsoc succeeds because it seeks to create a better world with what components do exist not a perfect one. you cant strive for people working harmoniously with other broken people which is why communists always end up killing each other off. its so retarded because not 2 people in the entire world are going to agree on every point. working together and getting rid of personal benefit just destroys people even further when theyre forced to share with people they come to understand dont even agree with them. creating hateful npcs that will kill goldfish for no reason.
It's judaism for goys. Of course not.
reminder national socialists are the only real socialists
It means everything, you gay cocksucker.
No, they just need to realize their ideas of an ideal society only work in white countries.
Odd, most of the Communists I have met driving around thw US were all rich dickheads.
Of course not.
It makes sense that an ideology driven towards the least common denominator attracts the most subhuman elements of any society, those more apt to emotionally driven chimpouts and animalistic behavior. Just read about the favela tier murder of Mussolini, his wife and other high rank fascist official to convince yourself these are merely biped animals clumsily imitating humans, lacking the spark that truly distinguishes man from monkey.
Most rich parents in today's America are alcoholics / cokeheads
Somebody is mad
Hate what the people have become do to subversion and degeneracy,not for what they were,almost every country in Europe is on the same boat as we are.And don't insult the language of Camões just because we have a bunch of wannabe niggers butchering the language.
Capitão Falcão,it is a satirical film about the Estado Novo.
Yeah, Mussolini's lynching was nigger tier.
He purged a lot of them, and pretty much single-handedly returned USSR into Russian hands. You think it's a coincidence that he is as villified as Hitler today?
you havent heard german then
Lol good one. Saying you like Hitler in public will get you arrested and vilified forever. Saying you like Stalin will get you a few strange looks but at worst you'll be just labeled as eccentric and suffer no consequences.
You had to ask?
Le baste kikes!!1
Im pretty sure Stalin just wanted power for himself thats why he got rid of Lenin and all the other bolshevik jews which would have been an enemy to his consolidation of power. The Jews probably let him be because he was still advancing communism even if it was his own version of it and fighting the germans which the jews wanted gone.
Fuck off, alt-kike faggot.
Poortuguese. Proper European Spanish is a beautiful language.
Gooks and Chinks lack empathy and inflict suffering without thinking twice. Did white Communists in Russia inflict as much suffering without the threat of said suffering compelling them? Communism is definitely incompatible with humanity, it was created by the Jews of course, but you need horrific people and subhumans to carry it out.
The communist revolution specifically took advantage of the lowest dregs of the Russian society which made the lowest dregs of England or Germany or France look saintly in comparison. Russia even today is unimaginable to Westerners until they see it, now take it in 1917. There was a reason you could start such a revolution there in the first place.
I dont have a natural castillian accent so I wont try to speak like that. But man does it sound nice when properly spoken. Its a damn travesty how Latin America has butchered the Spanish language. Argentinians have a nice enough accent but everyone else is just bleh.
Jews arent human. And CIA/Mossad, but thats redundant.
Of course it does you either side with the people or with (((them)))
But you wouldn't understand because your a kike.