Why do mods always take down CERN posts about dimensions and portals?
Last ones were full of good info and got 404 quick
CERN Threads taken down
Because it's above most people's pay grade, and I'll just keep upping the pill dosage until something gets said that makes people nervous. Which they probably should be. Mods get all sorts of assblasted when they realize just how insignificant their veneer of "power" really is. So, like toddlers, they just want to flip the board over and pout. They anchored the GATE threads a few times but they kept hitting 751 anyway
Thread I: archive.is
Thread II: archive.is
Thread III: archive.is
Thread IV: archive.is
Thread V: archive.is
Stupid people think science is magic. I see it all the time.
/x/ is for paranormal. I believe it's common sense at this place the knowlege about dimensions we just don't know the final CERN goal. Judging by thqt tunnel "show" i believe they arw going in a fucked up direction. Lets make a megathread abou it. Dump your best findings.
I believe CERN is the key to alot of stuff. If you are reading this and work at CERN dump the pills
I have a suspicion that it's a toy that attempts to simulate and/or interact with the 8d crystal that projects our 'reality'. Also it creates quantum distortions when they bang their rocks together, so there's some stuff you can try like that too. Compare these pics related and see how it works for ya. You can overlay or slideshow the first 2, it's somewhat enlightening in my opinion.
Also funny coincidence, I was just looking in my Sam Hyde folder when I saw the Berenstein Bears macro I posted. And I thought, what the fuck is that doing in there? Then I refreshed the catalog and saw this thread. Also I binge watched Steins;Gate last night. I barely notice the synchronicities anymore TBQH
It brings out the schizos more than normally.
Hi bolshevik faggot, your pet terms have no power here. If you cannot interact with the material in the OP but instead must fling around trash one-liners of jew origin, I suggest you just smash the report button like an confused chimp and run away crying. But in case not, what are YOUR opinions on what goes on at CERN? Or do you have any sort of knowledge or interest in particle physics or quantum physics in general? Or maybe you kept up in the last thread where I was working on describing 8d mathematics with set theory.
Which part in particular interests you so much that you felt the urge to post ITT?
Can I have a tldr? Just hit me with the pill
The distortion is related to the Mandela effect?or is the Mandela bullshit?
The Joe Rogan / alex shill programming is strong on this one
That would be tough, there's a lot of material to understand. Maybe if you asked a specific question I could give you a concise answer.
>Doesn't even bother to discuss the topic, just posts (((schizo5.jpg)))
Sorry if it bothers you, what I said in my post was completely accurate. I saw the pic out of place among 100 folders worth of memes, refreshed the catalog, and this thread was posted. It's why I was one of the first posts. Maybe someday I'll get around to teaching you how consciousness is self-reflexive awareness and we can pull you out of yahweh's demiurgic grasp. But I doubt it.
It's legitimate, and I think it has to do with the fact that the many-worlds theory is probably the correct one. I'm really not in the mood to tell stories my endless stockpile of personal experiences for the 20th time on this board, but suffice it to say I've seen it happen in real time, many times. Maybe we could discuss the holographic universe or the electric universe theories, honestly it's just a lot to get into.
This. Cern is bullshit. It's just a money scheme. All of the fantasies and "possibilities" it presents are just advertising.
Does anyone else think this used to be called the Mondelo effect just before the LHC first started in 2008f?
I will go through your archives and post back in a few hours. I'm almost 100 sure that there are many planes and sometimes they cross. Evem time does not work the way our clock tells us.
Have you seen interstellar and inception? I think in both of them (((hollywood))) was giving some hints. They are preparing us for something because some deeper info is not hidden anymore.
Not that Satan would lie, but can I assume you have even a singilicious satisfact to snack that up? Because I can point to a lot that CERN has been behind. Like, oh hmm I don't know let me think, oh right the internet. And this random crap you DEFINITELY won't comprehend:
1983: The discovery of W and Z bosons in the UA1 and UA2 experiments.
1989: The determination of the number of light neutrino families at the Large Electron–Positron Collider (LEP) operating on the Z boson peak.
1995: The first creation of antihydrogen atoms in the PS210 experiment.
1999: The discovery of direct CP violation in the NA48 experiment.
2010: The isolation of 38 atoms of antihydrogen
2011: Maintaining antihydrogen for over 15 minutes
2012: A boson with mass around 125 GeV consistent with long-sought Higgs boson.
And of course, as I'm SURE you're aware, encoding bosons is how quantum computing works, with qbits:
Where was this taken?
I don't
At CERN in front of their weird ass Hindu statue but it was some art project thing iirc
It's just old GATEfag crap. The most interesting part is the botswarm in thread 3 when we Tavistock'd all up in the shit. I mean there's other good shit in there too, it's just very pic related. If anyone has the links archives 6-8 I somehow deleted those.
note the red tint on the knife after shes been stabbed
Your're not even good at shilling. Have you been to Geneva or studied Cern? In my opinion they contributed more to science than even Nasa for example. They are doing some dodgy shit but that's a whole differenr discussion. Saying they are just a money laundring scheme is plain stupid since goverments have much better ways to wash it.
Someone please bring these archives asap we are going to bring all the info on this thread before it gets 404'd
Unless you actually work there, and in the role of particle physicist interpreting the data, then you're basing this belief on jew media reports.
How do you know what actually goes on there?
If you worked somewhere which produced nothing, but could continue drawing a high salary with easy work so long as you agreed to a lie (supported by the govt), what would you do?
They're very into that sort of thing. You've seen their trippy ass dance videos, right? They've got a few of these, this is the new one I believe. Personally I also like symmetry and dancing and trippy shit, so I don't exactly hate this stuff.
Art project? Was this reported by any news source? This seems like ritual magick or someone shilling hard.
And a little anecdote which you can believe or not.
I was (online) friends with a physicist who works on particle accelerators.
Something weird happened when she completed her Ph.D.
She got a job at CERN.
She took up Yoga and other eastern esoteric practises.
She dumped her long term boyfriend and became a slut.
Finally she cut off communication with everyone not also from CERN.
You know they have their own city there, with its own shops and its own currency?
It's a closed community and a cult, funded by the jew.
And you believe their press releases?
Truth is, we don't know what they're doing there.
The jew media reports are not always incorrect and I don't believe a high number of science people would be shilling just for francs. You gat get paid a lot of money in swizerland if youre good at what you do, probably even more than at CERN. If they are all mistaken or some of them control the show thats a different thing. You dont bring strong arguments to the table.
Eh, we hardly know ANYTHING anything. Oh sure, there are methods for looking in on things if one was so inclined and had the knack for it, but I doubt many people have that kind of training or ability. So it remains inscrutable
Never seen this one thanks for posting this is actually good on an artistic point of view. The hidden meaning its a different thing all together. One one side they are heavy science guys relying on hard data on the other bringijg esoteric symbolism and weird artistic presentations. They are preparing /programmig ua for something. Why would they present this if they wanted to hide it.
Which one of you autists is going to study phisycs and get a job at CERN? I believe it can be some kind of long term bohemian grove but with people that can actually think and are making progress merging the esoteric knowledge with science.
I've looked at it and concluded it was retarded because it's not consistent with what I know about the occult. The guy filming is entirely unconvincing in his reaction as well; he comes across as someone mimicking horror but instead sounds like a faggot trying to act shocked, like his intonation when he says "FUCK! SHIT!". There is absolutely no part of his reaction that conveys legitimate horror.
Yeah I'm aware and am inclined to think that based on the media reaction and dialogue about it that it might've been set up to diminish the fact there are large luciferian cabals that genuinely do sacrifice people. The sacrifice itself is certainly a mock sacrifice though regardless if it's related to the openly occultic elite.
Most of these occult threads are usually just unfounded but fashionable claims and then sperging out about platonic solids and claiming synchronicity in everything that falls along their lines which is most things. The only thing I know for sure about CERN is that a lot of money disappears into it trying to progress the scientism cult and that KiCad is pretty rad.
I dont believe anything at this point. Your friend was initiated on sex magick and gave her life to some "higher" powers. How many people work there in total? Are they not allowed to speak like do they have security clearences? Its funny they build it in switzerland the safest country in the world and one of the most dodgy with weird things going on.
What's that quote, something about science and religion becoming one and the same. Consciousness is the thing that collapses quantum superstates into a certain measurable state, but other than the definition of consciousness I devised and it's basically the same as many others have said, consciousness being self-reflexive awareness good luck finding a consensus on what THAT is. We know it's not the mere "awareness" of particles' forces interacting–because things don't exist until a CONSCIOUS observer measures them.
I was asking this question just today, ''what does it take to count as a conscious observer?" And again, does the "frame-rate" of an NPC's consciousness limit what actually EXISTS around him? Is that why plebs never experience any "magic", which is to say they never notice quantum superstates collapsing in their presence? Can a dog count as a conscious observer? A rat? A mite? A cell? I don't think there's a good answer I've ever heard. But I do like to puzzle things out on my own where possible. Hmm, I found this tidbit
Heheheh, practical magic FTW
Anyone ever hear about CERN being on that big time ley line convergence, where the temple of Apollo used to be?
Just an anecdote, not claiming it's strong evidence.
But as for the kike media telling the truth, I disagree. The majority (if we weight for 'seriousness') of what is reported is fiction, and that which does tally with reality, is presented in such a way as to further an agenda.
For the longest time I've thought that, if the experiments are a cover story, CERN is either just a tunnel system being used for some sort of trafficking, or it's going to be to used to fake/explain away a large destructive event in the future.
Good and plausible idea for a teenager/early 20s fag. (will take around 8-10 years of study).
But you're discounting something important - the impossibility of resisting 10 years of cultmarx indoctrination.
By the time "our" man gets the CERN job, he (or she) will be converted.
It's witchcraft/ritual.
This may look like "lol, took some shrooms and listened to Aphex Twin" but it's very serious.
If we have particle accelerator technology that can turn female Ph.Ds into sluts, we definitely need to blow the lid off it and get it out into the open.
Oh, I'm well aware. My QiGong is quite formidable after all these years of practice, and I take my dances very seriously. I myself also know a death dance or two. But what kind of 'magic' I do or don't do is probably veering, along with remote viewing, a bit too far off course from the topic at hand. Also
It's bullshit pushed by kikes to make you question your memory and perception and eventually reject objective reality, so they can keep you enslaved in their hyperreality.
That ley line comvergence is indeed interesting thanks for pointing that out.
I can almost understand the concepy of what you are saying. I believe the npc belief changes things around him. I remeber reading something along these lines on an esoteric book:
If you stood with your normal consciousness on the piramyds for example you would seed nothing special. If you could lower your brainwaves to theta or even delta waves without falling asleep reality would chamge around you. Thats why some people believe meditation and yoga are the portals to other dimensions and that your thoughts manifest in different ways when you are on these states. This could all be bullshit but I would love to get myself and eeg and a gram of dmt and do some experiments. Was this experience carried on already?
I went through college immune to brainwashing but i get what you are saying.
Im going to get the team that was dancing in the tunnep for my birthday. Daemon dance seems fun.
It really could be, the concept of consciousness itself is very slippery. It's more like being in love than measuring a photon on a screen. Still, we manage to believe in it. I find it plausible at the very least that the belief may proceed the perception. In a similar way to the tests they did where people's EEG's spiked a second BEFORE they were shown a traumatic image. You ever see that one? It's famous but I'm not pulling it up immediately. Same thing, there's a brain reaction BEFORE a stimulus which would make you want to move your hand. Seems like everyone lives a little backwards, it's just that most people never notice it. If one DID notice it, though
You are a jew or a leftist. Let me guess, you subscribe to "I fucking love science".
The funny thing about pseudoskeptics like yourself, is that you don't even check the literature, if something sounds "woo woo", then you shut off at that point.
Remote viewing (which you included in your list of 'woo woo') is a real phenomenon, scientifically validated.
How can you not know this?
You are are right. Never seen that one but going look into it very interesting. What got me this idea and to exlore more back in the day was some heavy LSD experiences with friends. We had like between 10 and 15 heavy lsd trips in a month firstly for fun but then to explore. I did not know much about the occult but one thing we got certain was about telepathy. It got stupid to the point none of the five of us could deny it. When yoy realise you can communicate without opening your mouth the snowball starts rolling.
I read about that, but when I checked the paper it had been misrepresented.
If he doesnt know about the monroe institute then there is some digging to do.
The Jew is using "Believe Science" and "Energy research" foundations as Muscle against YOU! Wake up, White Man. Hail the Aesir! Hail Victory!
people currently in their mid to late 20s started to recall childhood memories of the existence of something called gate where they'd seperate you and a few other kids from everyone else, usually in a small room like a janitor's closet. Most of them have zero memory of what went on in this program, others can vaguely recall all manner of strange tests they would be given. If i'm wrong here any other user feel free to correct me, it's been awhile since I actually read the threads
This looks similar to stranger things
Word to the wise indeed.
But I guess I can attach the dox. Someone might learn something.
That's interesting.
I'm not in that age group (not a boomer either), but I recall a strange woman coming to my infant class (ages 4-6) and using flash cards of animals, to link the names of the animals with sounds or concepts.
I think the idea was that subsequently you would recall the whole message upon seeing an image of the animal in question.
By the way, to any "skeptic" :
Fucking works.
Hemispheric synchronization works. In modern times it's called "binaural beats" and is even available as a smartphone app.
The binaural beat is real, if we play 200hz in your left ear, and 205hz in your right ear, your brain perceives (and you can "hear") the beat frequency (5hz) - a frequency below the capabilities of your aural hardware. This causes your brainwaves to become entrained at that frequency. Using this tech, you can modulate your brain waves to whichever frequency you desire.
This can facilitate "mind/body separation" which is the gateway to out-of-body experience/astral projection.
Astral projection is NOT a dream.
No, it is qualitatively different.
It starts differently.
It progresses differently.
It ends differently.
It's fair to suggest that perhaps being unable to hear frequencies in the brainwave range, is not a "limitation" of the human ear, but a protective mechanism to prevent entrainment.
Dynamic IP, still me.
Dafuq? The fact I started studying wing chun and qigong, from a grandmaster from Macau, as a teenager, makes me a jew somehow? Do leftists usually take up street fighting? Well, not just getting beat up in a street, I mean actual real life fighting. Do kikes usually? Also is qigong really well respected in the IFLS crowd? Is remote viewing? I feel like none of that makes any sense.
No shit, Sherlock, I can do it. I'm 100% NOT going to demonstrate it for you right now, but if you hang around for a while some anons will probably pop in whom I did bother to show it to. The magnetic motor guy, the Maine guy, but looking at people is a waste of effort IMHO.
Oh yeah buddy, that's one of the first things I got good at.
One of the original GATEfag posters checking in. And I'm 35 now
Fuck you
How is this image made? Looks like you put in a static pic and it generates fractals from it?
Wanna create some context for me there, Snake?
No it really isn't, far from validated or repeatable, or what would be considered accurate. Uri Geller tier cold reading.
Why don't you claim the million dollars off of your fellow jew Randi then? Don't tell me since you could remote view you have been able to break the surly bonds of requiring finance, and just spend your time shitposting here, because hey why would you waste your time taking down something like amazon or microsoft by remote viewing everything and leaking it.
Guess you're too busy remote viewing children undressing or something.
because this isn't /x/ you fucking retard
friend zoned (online)
She had tits thus passed
female quota
typical female shit
see above
she was fucking someone
no I don't know
Sounds like a fucking waste of money.
Dude what the fuck is this stuff, how do we even have it
Polite sage - not /pol material
I've produce many binaural encoded files, mostly using rain as the audio carrier wave beneath various musical interludes, which doesn't seem to interfere.
Time was, I did this using CoolEdit's amazing "Brainwave Synchronizer" component, until Adobe removed it from what is now Audition, several generations after purchasing that fine editor.
FYI - experiences using the audio while sleeping showed that regular intermittent spikes up to near-beta, after ~40 min in deep delta/theta reliably triggered the lucid dream state and enabled subsequent memory of dream events. I believe the conscious "processing" of the REM dream state occurs at the 'waking cusp'; thus purposely initializing that state with a single, brief spike up to beta yields near instantaneous engagement of heightened cerebral processing - after which. the restoration of the deeper delta/theta prompted by the encoding returns the baseline REM sleeping state, though with a lag. That is, the spike nearly wakes you up, instantly, but then you slide back down, gradually - rinse & repeat, multiple times through the night. The "lucid" part is the capacity to exercise conscious direction of that REM state, and this occurs repeatedly using the binaural triggering method, instead of only briefly - and once - while waking up naturally.
Pragmatically, this is useful for hastening problem-solving at a (just barely) sub-conscious level. In my understanding, the idling brain machine works through multi-layers of stored sensa & information while sleeping, concatenating comparatively recent remnants-of-the-day with older, stored experiences & produces from their interaction spontaneous "run-throughs" of this montage on our sleeping, abstract stage - without conscious intervention. The human brain has adapted to do this to solve problems while sleeping. It's probably why we sleep.
The downside of this intellect mechanism is that the Big Chair in the Cartesian Theater normally remains empty through deep somnolence, except just as one awakens. This is why we briefly remember pieces of the dream from which we were just awoken. Using a binaural spike to trigger a very-near (but not full) waking state temporarily occupies the chair, as it were, and permits rational analysis, interaction, and - most importantly - subsequent recollection of the working dream.
In earnest, it's a viable exploit of the brain's nighttime operating modality via our long-distance hearing interface to improve analytical function - often of sub-conscious, disparate source materials. I think it would help any budding genius to better use their smarticles.
It does not in any way relate to planetary, galactic resonances (unless you layer it beneath a Beastie Boy mix maybe..which is hard to sleep to). I use Satie "furniture music" because rain alone is too boring, and his compositions intentionally lack any hook, or - for me - lack experential associations which might interfere with raw subconscious pattern occurrences. YMMV
Sry to blog. Pet subject. And would be better posted somewhere else.
This looks very disturbing and disgusting, you are having these deranged minds trying to tamper with the fabric of reality. Why can't we get cold science without kike faggotry and cultism.
Are you that user with 6,000,000 IQ ? :>)
Kill yourself. When you hop dimensions, do it again.
You could take this over to /x/. That board could use any posting at all, really.
Do we have binurial beats specifically designed to get us into F3 and astral projections? I know the jew uses techniques that use intervenious but most dont have that ability
monroe tapes
Do we have any good scientists who are outing cern or explaining how they're trying to do what they're doing? I've found this one guy on blogtalkradio but it just seems very unprofessional and Alex jonesy.
hm, you know the machine is down for two years.
Fly a drone in there.
Interestingly, a few days ago, I decided to 'go down' to whatever there was in my mind. I did this by way of a little mine cart because I woke up from that but decided to use that and go 'deep'. So I envisioned a dark tunnel that went down at a 45-50° angle and just let it roll. After a while I dozed off and suddenly saw this reddish wall come into view with a stop thing. At the immediate right there was a large double metal door as was there on the left the same thing. I hit the barrier and suddenly heard a metalic TAM from the right door; as this happpened I jolted awake to see this inhumane eyes looking at me. Orangey skin with fiery pupils just stared at me as I ht that barrier. Freaked me the fuck out lol In this thing's eyes I could read 'got you'. Now, I don't believe in this shit so I will do it again next time and see where my consciousness will take me. I'm very curious. I already had experienced the 'silence' within myself in meditation so I'm literally 1 or 2 steps away from enlightenment. The thing is I have very slight Tinnitus so it's not always easy but still doable.
Any interpretations what that could have been 'down there'? THis shit is fascinating.
surprisingly, a kike free first post.
Back to /x/ with you, you schizo nigger.
Not if your will is strong. There are such people on Earth. With a deep hatred of the System that they'll blend in, talk to friends, accept the oddities, all because one day, destruction will come and these people, these ex-colleagues, will be stupefied. But you were on our side!!!
No, never was. I just pretended. I always hated you. I smiled at you, not for the present time and who you were or what you said, but for what was to come and how you'd be munched beyond comprehension.
This CERN thread survives.
Make it more Zig Forums and enjoy!
What's the yearly budget of CERN and how long has it been going on?
Budget is about 1.14 billion USD. Started in 1954. Discovered the Higgs boson, predicted in 64 by scientists working to combine theories of the two fundamental forces of nature. Cost of the LHC was 10 billion euros and took 24 years to build. It's been operating for just over ten years now. The Higgs boson was the last remaining piece of the standard model of particle physics.This theory covers all of the known fundamental particles – 17 of them – and three of the four forces through which they interact, although gravity is not yet included.
Cern hope that the LHC may produce a dark matter particle in order study it. Which they say makes up 27% of the universe, 68% being dark energy, and 5% being the regular matter we see.
I should've proof read.