Need some help here. Got into an argument about how shitty the Auschwitz gas chamber was and the girl brought this up. I told her he can't say otherwise because at the time it's illegal and he would get amnesty for crying out about the horrors before his death. We hit a standstill… It's 20 to 80 when it comes to evidence but this is a hard one to shut down.
SS admiting gas chambers
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry what makes this believable?
He would have also admitted to making human lampshades and brainbashing machines to save his life.
Ask her about autopsy reports of "gassed victims".
It will stun her.
watch david cole in aushwitz, he completey debunks the gas chamber nonsense.
this. tortured into confession makes the confession invalid. they british threatened their families.
Well since he is admitting to what is physically impossible, it should be helping your case not hurting it. Dropping zyklon b into holes in the roof of a building does not work.
Why argue go round her house and go alpha on her
Looks like someone visited him and put a gun to his head, forcing him to sign a pre-written statement. Same old song and dance about poor, poor jews, homosexuals and gypsies, and bullshit about pure master race that was already disproved. All people living in Europe, including slavs, could become citizens of the Reich.
The pdf is a testimony of someone who was in auschwitz for years and didn't see anyone getting gassed or killed in any way. The man who released it had to run for his life abroad. Somehow I have more trust in someone willing to go against the grain and make a genuine risk of getting his life ruined, or losing it altogether, for doing that under his real name.
OP here, honestly how did this start though? Was it all USSR and the jews jumped on board?
Doesn’t matter. We know they didn’t exist based on scientific examination and by the official camp records captured by Bletchley Park.
A 'confession' can be used to save your ass. Read Hoax of the 20th century before you ever argue about the holohoax.
The Auschwitz lies started being propagated by the jew Ilya Ehrenburg (main USSR propagandist, try to stomach his writings) weeks before the Soviet troops got there.
The NKVD started their further dissemination.
The Chemistry of Auschwitz
Was it translated from a german original? Because the choice of words seems more like it was first written in english.
hierarchy of evidence
where is the soviet forensic report on auschwitz?
what did the soviets tell the world after capturing auschwitz?
is this consistent with later versions?
what did the soviets present at nuremberg to prove the gas-murders?
what happened when western investigators looked into their "gas-murder camps"?
This has all the validity of someone signing a paper in North Korea the says "Kim Chee Jr is world's best ruler".
Maybe less, since European ZOGs get REALLY, REALLY weird about this shit.
I'm pretty sure you'd have a better chance walking away a free man if you politely declined to sign anything in N. Korea, especially as a foreigner.
No way in hell this German doctor would be a free man if he didn't sign this, or gave any info in anyway contrary to what the Jews running this shit show (who were not in the camp BTW) said "really really happened".
Or this.
not really, Red Herring.
It makes perfect sense there are no "autopsy" of "gassed victims" even if there really were such victims, because they'd have all be disposed of in Crema according to Holohoax orthodoxy.
The problem with "gassing" is the story given by Jews for the first 40+yrs after WW2, which they are thus very "married" to, is completely inconsistent with any possible use of gas, and what evidence remains further proves them to be simply typical Hysterical Jewish Liars.
Like most Hysterical Jewish Lying, it worked fine until it was impartially considered and examined with standard proven basic investigative methods.
This is Zig Forums:
It's fake. A lot of the evidence was fabricated
The courts say it didn't happen. It was an American that did the research.
The entire American Jew-dical system runs on threatening people without expensive lawyers into forced confessions AKA "plea bargain".
IIRC there is some weird shit the Judge does about "of your own free will" and if you mention the Elephant in the Court Room about this being a deal between you, your lawyer and the DA, regarding all the extra charges that haven't been even "vetted", much less proven, it all gets shitty and no-go.
You need some more knowledge and you need to up your Rhetorical warfare game. Google "Hammer of the Patriot" by Charles Chapel and read it 20 times. And you will be able to counter any bullshit libs kikes and leftards say.
Only morons would use that first slogan of lies, or a variation of it.
Still.. natsoc is both lauded and exonerated for genocide here.. make up your minds
Because trolling jews with gas the kikes memes is funny as fuck.Everybody knows it never happened.. but it will.
IMO its time to move on from simple Debunking, and time to start using The Holohoax as a "teaching tool" on how to do simple research and use basic critical thinking to spot liars.
I little work and study always convinces people that the rebuttal to Holohoax Denial is really no rebuttal at all, and they never honestly answer the right questions, or demand you mindlessly except the most obviously bias "eyewitness" on some point that is otherwise surrounded by nothing but lies as far as the eye can see.
But it does take a good 45 mins or so of study to see that, flipping back and fore from "Denier" site to "rebuttal" sites. But once learned that skill can be applied to all sorts of issues. What is the REAL issue and is it being addressed or are they just sounding and acting like they are addressing it?
Example: you call up a Union and ask "how much money does the Union take?"
"The Union doesn't TAKE any money, sir!".
20 questions later you will be told about "allocations" and "supplemental employer provided dues" etc.
I just remembered something, there was a testimony by the Commander of the Auschwitz camp, Rudolf Höß:
taken from "Das Dritte Reich und die Juden", 1955
"The Third Reich and the Jews", 1955
The quotes and the title have been freely translated.
He also said something about how it would take 3-15 minutes for the gas to work depending on the climatic circumstances. Someone must have gotten it wrong.
We have ids newfaggot.
Well, the nazi socialist/leftist party did put a lot of mentally handicapped to sleep, using some method other than guns. They would use hospitals for the mentally ill, put them down, and transform them to barracks for their soldiers to stay behind semi fortified walls with medical equipment to boot. You may wish to follow that lead.
Almost all confessions at Nuremberg were extracted with torture, evidence was not considered necessity according the rules of the trial.
might as well just round them up and not give them any water. theyd all be dead in 3 days. or give them the jim jones koolaid. gas chambers are a waste and pure retardation. also
Someone give OP the things about the book where they gloat about crushing the one guys balls until he decides to capitulate
The gas chambers are no more credible than the brain bashing machine, or the electrified floors, of the shrunken heads, or the skin lampshades, or the soap bars, or the dancing lumps of flesh in buckets, or the "geysers of blood" - it simply turned out to be the most memeable lie from the lot.
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
oh you.jpg
i am looking for a movie it is called "the goblin women of shekelstan" i think OP might have a torrent link?
This is no more proof of the Holocaust than Thies Christophersen's denying it is some sort of overwhelming insta-evidence, nor other high-ranking NSDAP and Wehrmacht figures' claims of ignorance. "A guy said so" is hearsay, nothing more.
In terms of the ridiculous document ("anyone who didn't fit Hitler's ideal of a pure Aryan race," for example), scroll down a bit here and you'll see some good debunking.
Nobody says that Hitler gassed any jews, but we all agree that we'll gas them again.
based Zieger
That wouldn't be considered documentation, that's just a witness account after the fact. Documentation means written orders by the nazis to gas jews etc
what is with this trend, not only confusing but on the verge of inversion. could you explain? is it because of not having english as a first language?
Disingenuous & incorrect, what anyone with the ability to reason have always believes is as follows:
"The holocaust never happened” Zig Forums amends this with “…but it should have." due to modern day societal disintegration, destruction of the European people, destruction of European culture, degeneracy, promotion of weakness, etc. that is most often pushed by jews it is felt that the last guy that removed them should have finished the job.
Tell her to watch TGSNT. If she refuses to, claim somewhat victory by default. Everything that is capable of debunking all ww2 phenomena is highlighted in that Movie. Otherwise just say that all the officers at the Nuremberg trials were tortured to incite a confession, and that this was of course covered up. History is written by the victors, and nobody ever knew (((who))) the real enemy was without doing some serious digging, or without being there and most likely on the losing side.. Unless you're one of the patton-types, in which case you're quietly dealt with by the same side you helped win.
Women don't know how to debate facts. They are not honest enough or rational enough to ever do such a thing properly, with only a few exceptions.
Also that there are 0 nazi records referring to the holocaust. Churchill and Trueman never mention it in their post-war writings. Its a comical hoax.
nice content. watched and ripped. thank you
The same could be said about the jew
Anything signed under torture is useless you fucking kike shill. Safe for transparent kike shilling.
Same judges as the communist purges, Russia provided them. The trials were a farce.
So they hunt down some ex-ssi who was 50 years removed from the war. Threaten him and his family.
Sign it and you get amnesty.
Don't and it's off to jail while your family is stripped of everything and made homeless.
as a german, this triggers me
literally shaking (unironically)
He signed a document(which has questionable legitimacy) under duress to save his life, because even if they had gas chambers, there were several "holocaust survivors" who admitted being gassed multiple times and nothing happened.
also show her when we used zyklon B against the mexicans and how many of them died in comparison
The holocaust debate ends here: cremation does not make a human or jewish body disappear. Even by modern methods, far more advanced than what the Germans are alleged to have used, the average cremated body leaves behind approximately five pounds of bone fragments and teeth. You can do the math. Millions of the mythical missing six million jews were allegedly murdered, cremated, and buried in mass graves, in precisely known locations. These graves have never been proven to exist.
Science has come a long way in the past 70 years. If only one of these mass graves could be uncovered they could extract such information from the bone fragments as race i.e. jewish, gender, age, possibly cause of death if it were poisoning by cyanide or carbon monoxide. According to Yitzak Arad, former head of Yad Vashem the answers lie just a few meters below ground.
Disturbing jewish graves is against rabbinic law user :^)
Of course you would have to remove the thousands of tons of concrete and boulders the jews had laid over the alleged burial sites first. So they have bad taste in memorials. That's not suspicious at all.
How convenient. That's bullshit. All they're required to do is have a rabbi come out and recite some gibberish over the burial site and itz all kosher. Small price to pay to destroy all denials of holocaust now and forever.
And it's been done before. Let me know when you see the evidence of masses of murdered jews.
We need to attempt to simulate the events of the holocaust, can anyone think of a way to attempt to replicate the purported events of the holocaust in such a way as to gather quality data without actually killing people?
we should be doing some experiements, especially the asnons with the needed scientific, technological, and historical savvy required by such a venture.
Using improper grammar should be punishable by death.
Not OP but can any ones post links that can disprove the Holocaust using anecdote evidence? Reliable information on this might be scarce for whatever reason, but if you can post links to reliable websites that prove that the Holocaust is a hoax, that'd be nice. I'm trying to look into it myself independently but I never truly fully grasped if it was or wasn't real.
Denier Bud made video demonstrating open air cremations as alleged at the 'Reinhard' camps, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor. There was a video showing the attempted asphyxiation of a human being by diesel fumes , which as it turns out some years after they made up this ridiculous lie aren't lethal. is one of my favorites or has links to everything and anything you would ever want to know.
it was a typo from rushing, you permavirgin double digit IQ sub human autistic fag.
Thanks user, I'll check them out.
You're that faggot OP from the Venezuelan thread, aren't you?
nice paranoia, you porn addicted queer.
Yep you are. You type just like him, never use caps and think that vulgarity = banter. Fuck off and stop shitting up threads.
Not to mention the offense of their religious peculiarities taking precedence over criminal accusations of an entire generation of Germans and the guilt that that they still carry to this day.
Yea okay, retard. I guess this other user blew you the fuck out huh?
Number two man behind the infamous Rudolf Hoess. In the interest of his defense he couldn't say it didn't happen, only that he knew nothing about it. How could the second in charge of the infamous Auschwitz not know about the murders of "approximately one and a half million mainly jews"?
Buh bu but muh nazis confessed.
Some confessed. At least an equal number have denied it. Of those who confessed it seems obvious that they confessed to such outlandish nonsense they were signalling to future generations they they only confessed to save their ass or their families and or make their jewish captors look stupid. The kikes didn't care what they confessed to as long as they admitted guilt.
Its simple. Give us facts not what some scared to death soldier might have written. The facts are overwhelming in favor of the hoax story.
An expert on gas chambers explains how they're built, used, and visits Auschwitz. Take a wild guess on his findings…
Lies are only thin deep. But the truth is…
I admit to being dragonkin. I guess we're all dragons now guise.
The nuremburg trials were not bound by the conventional rules of evidence.
It was even formally stated to be so.
Start here Archive:
Physical evidence beats 'confessions' and testimony. Particularly when so many 'eye witnesses' are provable liars and the 'confessions' were extracted under duress.
In order to gas people you need to get gas in, keep it in then remove it safely.
Doors must be gas tight and open OUT for obvious reasons.
Any windows must be reinforced or non existent.
If Zyklon B was used then where is the prussian blue? Its found in the fumigation chambers but non of these 'gas chambers' why?
Some videos on the subject:
Further reading:
Many people are not well informed but these seem all right:
This screencap is all you need.
There were delousing chambers which used gas, so technically he didn't lie. Strangely, no reports or written mentions of gas chambers were made by SS officers during 1942-1945.
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
The ‘atrocity propaganda’ was a thing developed on the Eastern Front. The (((Polish))), (((Russian))), (((Gallician))) and (((Ukrainian))) partisans as well as the Red Army/NKVD factions did an awful lot of nasty things to POWs and dissidents attempting to take advantage of the advance of the Wehrmacht. This in turn elicited increasingly harsh reprisals from the Germans, as acts of war.
From early in the war, the NSDAP were always conscious that jews were continually seeking to exploit them with black propaganda. For this reason, they sought to have the necessary partisan-suppression (executions and burnings) carried out by the anti-Communist dissidents as often as possible. The Waffen SS were best suited to fighting partisan warfare and this became their speciality. It was nasty work requiring the most dedicated and zealous troops.
Ultimately the black propaganda of evil SS massacring innocent jews was constructed by the Russians. They later captured SS documents pertaining to the activities of the SS in Baltic states. Some of these (relating to the Kaunas killings, and the involvement of Stahlecker’s Einsatzgruppen A) discussed the reprisal execution of (jewish) communist/NKVD operatives by the locals in a way which could later be used to suggest it was German policy being carried out by proxies instructed to do so. Stahlecker died in action in 1942 so these documents became of great value to the black propagandists constructing a narrative of jew-killing as policy.
In reality, the German aim was to suppress partisans, keep its hand clean of any suggestion of killing jews and clear Communists from the Baltic states, Gallicia, Ukraine and arrange for the transport of jews into these regions. This is why there were so many ‘displaced persons camps’ crammed with jews in these regions following the end of the war. Ask any jews with Gallician/Polish or Ukrainian history and they will often tell you stories of their grandparents meeting in these camps, which were in Soviet held territory. So many ‘survivors’.
The holocaust is the Biggest Lie Ever Told.
Work on your commas next, faggot.
He describes himself as an opportunist. Is it not opportune for him to confess to whatever charges they put before him? Many such cases in current time to.
It was drawn up after the fact by some jews and handed to him to sign.
Confessions after torture aren't reliable.
Wrong. Correct version is:
Sure. Jews aren't people.
Oy vey don't dig up the fake graves
German POWs reported that the torture techniques included deprivation of sleep, starvation, systematic beatings, ripping hair from the scalp, menacing with red-hot pokers, threatened use of electrical devices to deliver shocks, and, finally, the worst torture of all, the slow and systematic mangling of the spermatic cords of the testicles—a procedure that had their victims thrashing about and screaming like wild animals for hours.
Don't attempt to argue rationally with women, or children – they are not rational, but emotional, for the most part. Appeals to emotion is how one reaches them.
Heck, the holocaust should be real. Uncle Adolf was a big softy, to our detriment. Make them see that. Teach them about Weimar Germany, if at all.
This is the main thing that really rubs people's almonds. If you wanted to kill people en masse, you simply don't give them water. That's it. Any other way is needlessly complicated, expensive, and time consuming. The bolshevik jews knew how to murder millions. Every atrocity in human history would tell you that killing 6 gorillion people in the way that was claimed is nonsensical, and that no human being would ever use those methods. Also, 'survivors'. How can you have lived through 6 years of a camp designed to kill everyone in it?
I meant to say "accept".
common typo