Protest Advice

I am going to be protesting against white genocide in my local area here soon. I'll have a cardboard sign that says "END WHITE GENOCIDE!" and a bunch of pamphlets explaining what white genocide is, why its a bad thing, and what the average white person can do to help stop it. Does anybody have any advice? I'm also going to livestream it. And to lighten the mood a bit ill be relaying anything (within reason) that people send in the chat to any people I encounter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Prepare yourself for questions/ statements like:
What is “White Genocide”?
“What are you some kind of alt-right Nazi”?
“My grandma died in the Hollocaust you racist, are you saying it never happend!?”
“White people create all the problems!”
Memorizing pre-planned responses to these and other responses can be helpful and disarming in high pressure interactions, and i definitely see some antifa type morons challenging your right to freedom of speach and right to assembly.

Good luck OP, hope you stay safe and possibly open some minds

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Learn the Mantra.
Listen to the first 6 podcasts here
It will prepare you against what the enemy will say.

The Mantra is your friend. It sounds crazy at first but think about it for a while and you will understand its effectiveness. Then when you use it against real anti-Whites, you will be shocked at how effective it is.

Do not allow them to provoke you into committing any illegal activities, even though they will deserve it. Remain 100% calm. In fact, smile and laugh at them. It will drive them nuts.

Be well dressed, be diplomatic, be peaceful, be friendly. Do not rise to people's arguments or get angry at them for being stupid; when they call you hateful tell them its the opposite and that everything you do is in the name of love. Exploit buzzwords like love, kindness and compassion; be sure to disassociate yourself from hatred and violence.

Pre-planned answers to bait questions is also a good idea. Your adrenaline might start pumping if you get surrounded by a group of hateful people which might make thinking up answers on the spot more difficult than it is when you are at your PC; as such having some rehearsed broad answers is a good idea, say them to yourself multiple times before going out just to make sure they are embedded in your mind, and so that you have them to fall back on should you get intimidated or concerned for your safety.

Most important of all is to stay safe. If there is a group of agitators who are clearly looking for a fight then you should withdraw at a steady pace. Do not run because you will not only make us look bad, but it might provoke them into attacking. A measured retreat is better for optics and your safety, unless they are actually trying to stab or shoot you; then obviously run or do whatever you can to get out.

Best of luck user.

Thank you guys, I'll be sure to implement these tactics to the best of my ability when I protest.

Depending on where you live, I'd say you should wear a mask or something. You don't want to be a victim of a witch hunt.
This. Record everything, and remember:

Fuck your cardboard, fuck your shitty presentation. Public appearances = appearance above all.


Yeah what this guy said.

You should stay in your basement and wait for Hitler's ghost and a nazi zombie army to come get you.

But seriously.

good luck.

You are really going up against the grain here. I would have started with a tiny red pill about limiting immigration.

I salute your courage. You are going to take a lot of shit. But the fucking queers could take it back in 1970's and forty years later they have the world on a string.

Thing can change. This time for the better.

bad idea. looking at any screen at all during arguments (and with that sign, you will be arguing constantly) is a horrible idea in itself, and spewing random dumb shit is the most retarded thing you could do
finally, make sure your pamphlets are solid. nazi imagery is obviously off limits. make them look as professional as you can, while also making the most important parts more visible - so that one look is enough to get interested in full contents

I have a lot of pro white opinions but have never acted on those opinions other than spewing them onto the internet. I'm gonna try and not be a cuck anymore and take a stand for what I believe in. If I get assaulted or arrested for any reason, that will only hurt the left even more and hopefully make more people do projects like mine. if I'm coming off as a dumbass or anything, so be it. I'm tired of remaining silent.

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Shit, you really are beyond saving.

go for it, someone has to break the silence.

If you are an American, I don't think you can be arrested. (not yet) but you might be assaulted.

I remember when the gays starting driving the fundie street preachers away with violence on my old college campus.

I hope you can begin to change things.

recording enemy's hostility is a good way to rally the normies agaist them, though it's indeed a bit of a cuck move

White Genocide is cringe. And the term is associated with White Nationalists and "Nazis".

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

Whats up, JIDF?

reminder not to reply to shills

This is the Tarrant effect in action.

You are a worthless coward and a waste of DNA

There is some truth to the "If you kill your enemies, they win" IN A NON-MILITARY SETTING; it's extremely bad optics for the dominant power to kill or beat up unarmed, peaceful demonstrators. Look at how things like Kent State affected the US psyche, or even that fat whore at CVille. It creates martyrs and emboldens resistance.

If the cops are called on you remember most of them just want to resolve the conflict and if that means tricking you into self incrimination they will. But be easy going about it not all Alex Jones GERRR Gorge soros bribed 400k to drop the case. Be more peaceful Resistance I feel like its important to voice my opinion in a constructive outlet. am I free to go?

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The choice of image and the proposed form of the "protest" and shilling it here sounds eerily similar, where have I heard this before?
Oh yeah.
"Radio Renegades" (Kyle and Sinead) and their "armed protest against the fed".
Whenever duct tape and fetish pictures of gagged women show up, suspect Sinead Mccarthy's work.


just END is not good
because it can end in more than one way


Why not infiltrate Antifa and false flag with a sign that says "White Genocide Now!" or something to that extent?

Stop is also a more active word than end

Just because you’re broken enough to get genocided by peaceful, nonviolent opposition doesn’t mean you should drag others into it by “opposing” beige genocide so uncharismatically that people long for your failure.

Here, let me give this thread a less slave-psychosis purpose and remind people to be individuals again:

“The move was met with immediate criticism as New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called it a “reckless announcement” and urged his colleagues on both sides of he aisle to reject the initiative. “U.S. foreign assistance is not charity; it advances our strategic interests and funds initiatives that protect American citizens,” Menendez said in a statement.”

Foreign assistance would work better if it was charity. Nationalists have a shitty idea of how to defend a nation’s interests, while people motivated by honest compassion tend to do things right for national interests without particularly worrying about national interests at all.

I’m still happy to see aid cuts. The programs can be reimplemented in better forms. Future aid programs should focus on helping foreigners grow roots where they are. If I were a poor foreigner, that’s the help I’d want, so that’s the help best fit to a reciprocal ethic.


Godspeed, user. I am sending a part of my life force to aid you in spreading the message and convert sceptics.

Are you living in the 1960s?

Add "in South Africa" and be detailed about one specific case where it really is undeniably happening. Let people make the correlation on their own.

>>>/gamergatehq/327723 How The ANC Became A Communist Front
save that info and reuse it

Make us proud, user. You're an inspiration to me

Good for you, faggot. I haven't staged any public demonstrations or anything - that's not my style. But I make a point of talking to random normalfags and sharing my views. Godspeed.

You realise that most normalfags will just coin you in as a 'the end is nigh' tier doomsayer right? The people most likely to engage with you are either on the fence already, or will be so vehemently opposed that they cannot resist engaging with you.

Maybe instead of having posters that say 'end white genocide' like some neonazi characature manufactured by jews, think of a way of saying it that puts a spin on the whole phrase. Just remember, I would wager that even here most people are aware of how normalfags think or were even considered on the normalfag wavelength for a time themselves, how would a normalfag most likely react in a situation like that? Probably negatively. I do manage to find some respect for your earnestness though, so if you're prepared and ready for public hatred, I say carry on. As much as people like to say optics isn't important though, I give you two names; Tarrant and Bowers. One brought memes into the equation, and was generally pretty relatable. The other unfortunately probably came across as unrelatable to most normalfags, and even some people on the wavelength. Brenton's legacy will definitely last as well, charisma is key here. Something to bear in mind.


What do?:

your may want to talk to your kike overlords about the shit script they gave you

Question: are you a eurofag or a burger? Because if some antifags try to stir up trouble and things take a turn for the worse then you would need a legal strategy.

Lurker here. What's a burger?

Antifa is going to take pictures of you and murder you in the street, unless you're in a sufficiently large group with a sufficiently reasonable facial covering (bandana, mask, scarf).

Make sure that if you do this, you're surrounded by at least 40 other people, all with the same idea.

Lurk moar.

At least I'm actually trying to do something about it, unlike you. If not me, then who? I don't see a line of eager beavers wanting to do something like this.

Noted. Thank you, user.

I've noticed that alot of people in this thread are talking about antifa as if they are a something to be afraid of, and they might be. But in reality; They're a bunch of clown haired faggots that support pedophilia. I live in a somewhat rural area and I have never even seen a lick of antifa or any liberal for that matter. And if there are any antifa faggots lurking in whatever shit smeared cave they hide in, they are more than likely lone and mangy coyotes. If they show up and inflict any sort of bodily harm upon me, I will not hesitate to bloody a faggots nose. But other than that, I will remain peaceful and reasonable. Also, if they try to over dramatize the situation (like most liberals do) all the authorities have to do is check the livestream and see for themselves. I'll have my phone propped up on a box, or just spend a few bucks on a cheap tripod thing. So the phone will have a view of the area surrounding me and such.

I am no coward. Either that or I am stupid. Let them come. I will stand my ground.

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Nah you’re not stupid , not by a long shot. My guess is 145ish or slightly higher. Do it. Film it and livestream it and have a back up buddy streaming it too. It’s good to focus on STOP white genocide and point the South Africa and here especially with the fagniggger thing in chicongo recently. This could work you just have to , ahem , pull the trigger on it
I got your back bud

That OP image was already cringy for a political statement being emo and all, but it's further enhanced by the hamfisted photoshop work. The red lettering on a black background further make this look like a kid from the MySpace era made it. I don't think that helps our cause at all.

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Holy shit you're retarded

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There is no white genocide. White men are only being castrated by their white women and gay children.

Stop blaming the world and blame yourself loser.

Reddit and soy the post

Carry pepper spray and moist towelettes