As things appear to be getting worse in this day and age I've begun to scour for more pieces of the puzzle concerning End Times prophecy. Thoughts?
Is This the Antichrist
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Many think its Kushner and I thought that until I came across that coat of arms.
Fundamentally it's a big nothing burger. The End Times are not here in the sense the Jewish (and others) are wanting. According to their religion and many Rabbis that have spoken on the subject there is a sequence of events that must come to pass for the 'end times' or whatever you want to call it. In a very basic sense the Jewish people must rebuilt the third and final temple, a great mixing of the people must occur and then do a deal with the Anti-Christ and he must be European. There Anti-Christ will cross them after a great piece and then their messiah will protect and defeat all the Jewish peoples enemies and happy days. And all this has to happen before the year 6,000 so they have 200 years left.
To me, it seems like they are forcing God's hand. All previous attempts at building the third temple have failed and it's not to say it will not be built… but I wouldn't want to be around that part of the world when that happens and it's not because I fear for a war… because the war would have already passed (in my opinion) it's simple God's wrath. The Law is above all else with our Jewish friends and damn the obvious signs or clear imminent danger of their actions. What I want to know is that why would the Jewish people think that they can force Gods hand? They are pushing this prophecy which isn't even Gods prophecy but mans prophecy. I can't see any divinity in the Talmud. I think we are all going to suffer but it's not going to be happy days and they are NOT going to get what they want ever.
It's also clear that practically all the Jews of old times converted to Christianity or were killed. So, I don't know why the Jewish people now can't accept it? They are so radical.
You're right, nobody expected TempleOS to be the literal 3rd temple.
The Jews are we think of today are Edomites. And the Jews of old are from the tribe of Judah and white people and Christians are the 12 tribes of Israel (13 minus Judah as they have fallen too). The Edomites despise God and that's why they are forcing His Hand. Its a big giant fuck you. Also I do believe Trumps 2016 victory was divine intervention so it's not too far out there to believe God is giving the green light go for the end of time
You are rerarded
I am anti christ. I am also anti abrahmic anti semetic and ant adamite and anti nigger and anti jew
Fuck them all
White globe only
If you're white then you're an israelite and to be antichrist is to hate your father.
Doesn't matter if you believe in it or not… the Zionists too and they are moving toward building the third temple.
They got millions of dollars of gold temple trickets, they got the temple robes dyed from some near extinct plant,, they dig up some 4 thousand year old incense, they even got the red heifer to sacrifice. All the jew voodoo is ready and waiting.
That trump coin was made to be used as an offering at third temple.
destroying the dome on the rock and building the third temple is like the manifest destiny of zionism.
Kill yourself. I am as white as it gets pal. My ancestors lived in caves in Germany forty thousand years ago. Jesus was a god damned jew. Your shit ilk ruined Europe
I hope Zionists go whole hog for this crap. I hope they destroy the centuries old muslim Dome of the Rock to build their 3rd Temple and start ritual animal. I hope they proclaim some dipshit the messiah and go full theocracy.
Then maybe finally Congress will stop giving them my fucking money.
Fuck off Jew
Literally no , ( ( ( you ) ) )
Jidf fuck off
How will they manage to destroy the dome of the rock mosque without being hated all over the world for doing it ?
We should help them rebuild the Temple and get this shit over with.
Daily reminder that globalist kikes are doing everything in their power to prevent the Temple from being built. Otherwise it would already be done so.
The Jew is using "Christianity" and "Democracy" as muscle against you! Hail the Aesir! Hail Victory!
That's where the world shattering peace deal comes in that only the Antichrist can accomplish
Actually the Israelites started worshipping false idols which is why they were originally banished from Palestine and cursed to forget their identity. That is how Europe started practicing paganism. Jesus came for his lost sheep aka the lost tribes of Israel and white people grabbed onto it and built the west.
The same way they bulldoze people's houses and take their land. They don't give a shit. They're the chosen people/master race and they can do whatever the fuck the want.
That and own the United States Congress.
they will get america to do it.
They don't care what the world thinks about them. Are you stupid?
Everything you think you know about the end times is wrong. Call me a kike, call me a shill, call me a Christcuck whatever I don't care. Jesus said clearly that "of that day or hour no man knows, not the son, nor the angels in heaven, only the Father knows" (Matthew 25:36) Read that chapter and notice the fucking context. After Jesus verbally humiliated bot the priestly class and the rabbinical class in Jerusalem his disciples wanted him to see how beautiful the temple was, how important it was and Jesus tells them that it's all gonna be fucking destroyed.
They ask him when this is going to happen. Everything from Matthew 25:1-35 is about the end of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD, everything after that is telling them, and us, his second coming will be at a time no one expects so keep working and being faithful, hence the parables.
Antichrist is a word used only in the letters of 1 John and 2 John and it is defined in 1 John as anyone who denies the incarnation of Jesus, in other words, anyone who says Jesus isn't God in the flesh.
"But what about muh man of Sin" Yes the Man of Sin is mentioned, but A) it was written by Paul before his death, it is dealing with something different than John is writing about B) the description of the Man of Sin and the Antichrist are different from each other, which would lead a thinking man to ponder that they are not the same.
As for Revelation, the False Prophet is not the Man of Sin, but falls under Antichrist but ANYONE who denies the divinity of Jesus is an Antichrist. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, etc. are all Antichrists. Revelation is about the eventual fall of the Roman Empire. The beast of Romans 13 matches perfectly with the beast of Daniel 7 and, OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, in both of Daniel's visions of future kingdoms he sees everyone that would come after Babylon right up to Rome. Revelation is about Rome and the eventual fall
"But, muh third temple" This is such horse shit. It would actually be the fourth temple as Solomon built the first one, it was rebuilt during the Persian empire and rebuilt again under Rome by Herod the Great. Even IF they do rebuild the temple so what? Where are the Levites who will serve as priests? Where is the family of Aaron to serve as the high priest? And even if they build it God's not going to honor it because, if you read the letter to the Hebrews the Old Covenant, I.E. temple worship, was done away with by a better covenant, with a different and better priesthood, a better high priest and a better sacrifice. (psst, It's Jesus the Nazarene)
So there. Stop fucking flipping out about the fucking end times because no one knows when it's going to happen, the Jews can't do shit to bring it on. Better to spend your time raging against the Houses of Morgan, Rockefeller and Rothchilds and the other banking clans than this bullshit.
That only applies to the second coming of Christ. Not a general idea of when events are approaching the apex. Tell me, how much longer do you think we can go with all the degeneracy and the people in power being luciferian black magick pedophiles with a second tier justice system that favors them huh?
You will be in my prayers.
You are a jew worshipper
Albert Pike and the three world wars
Zio-Connections to the New Zealand Mosque Massacre
Kill yourself irl. Do it and film it cuck
jews did create red cow. it has something to do with prophecy
First ‘red heifer’ born in Israel for 2,000 years triggers armageddon fears after Christian and Jewish holy books say it will ‘bring the end of the world’
shut the fuck up brainlet, for the love of God, you are contributing less than nothing to this thread. fuck off. people like you should fucking LURK MORE instead of shitposting like a fucking 4chan faggot
Sorry to offend you rabbi
According to myth there have been a total of 9 natural red heifers. The one they bred is supposedly the tenth and the tenth one signifies the end of time.
Thanks for nothing I guess. lel
I'm wondering how can we accelerate this to bring upon The Happening that cucks have been preventing for too long and end this gay earth.
Did you even read? There will be no signs at all of the end times, there will be apex, no climax. Revelation has already happened, Rome fell how many years ago now? The only prophecies within the Bible that have yet to be fulfilled is that promise of Jesus' second coming. And of that day no one knows. It will happen when it happens.
But, there is a day of the Lord coming. Note I said A day not THE day. Biblical speaking the day of the Lord refers to a time of judgement. The reason why things are looking so bleak, or reaching their climax is, I believe and I could always be wrong on this, God is moving to judge the Western nations.
"But why?" You may ask, and since Zig Forums worships its own whiteness I will explain why. Because of the sins of the Western world. Zig Forums claims that white people are inherently superior in every way to the other races, included morally. Yet it was white people who began to march to a one world government. Look into Cecil Rhodes and the Society of the Elect.
In white Western countries the family has been destroyed by measures such as no fault divorce, letting gays get married and the push for more and more degenerate sexual behavior to become normal. Abortion has killed millions of children and has become so common place that we have laws on the books that allow for children to be murdered outside the womb. Our justice system is corrupt, our leaders are inept, insane or outright useless. God will allow strangers to move in and replace us, it's been happening and will continue to happen>
That's not to say that the course cannot be corrected, if we will but repent and turn from our wickedness, drive out the corrupt from our halls of power, remove the bankers and their stranglehold on usury and the money system.
But oh, we would so much rather be engaged in talking about how much we despise niggers and being divided along lines such as that instead of uniting against the true demonic enemies of mankind.
But as I said, I could be wrong, though a study of Biblical Israel shows how God judges nations by allowing incompetent leaders to rise to power and allowing foreign peoples to come in and displace the native population and culture. Of course every leader who comes to power has a chance to turn things around, but I fear that Western civilization is in its death throws. But it will not be the end of the world, new nations and powers will rise as they have done in the past and will continue to do so until the end of time.
Yes and? What;s your fucking point Moshie? Either have something to say about what I posted or go back to watching cuck porn because you're not enough a man to satisfy your horrible shiska of a wife so you have to jack off in a corner crying while Achmed or Jamal fucks her so good.
Blah blah blah. The end of time means the end of time and that Christ will return to do battle with the Antichrist in armageddon. I dont see sing mention of that in any history book let alone the entire internet which is almost the entirety of human knowledge
this is some babby-tier philosophical shit but these might as well be the end times, the only thing holding this moment together is your own perception of it and when you die it all passes instantly, universe gone in the non-existing blink of an eye.
Go back and read my first post you illiterate nigger. There is no battle of armageddon, there is no Christ doing battle with the Antirchrist you fucking mongrel.
funny you should say that, vid and link related
Baby tier? This is more of continuous observations I've made in the last 7 years and then I acquired possession of the coin which only renewed my interest once more. The fact that it exists means the third temple is more than just an idea
Please tell me moar. Enlighten me with you knowledge of no future happening
But christ did promise that at that time that generation would not pass from the earth before his return. Some people listening to him at that gathering 2000 years ago would still be alive. So either there is a 2000 year old wizard running around somewhere or jesus was wrong. Biblically wrong, which should be impossible for a god.
And don't give me any shit about a generation being 2000 years or something. His meaning was clear and only pilpul con-artists would try to wrangle a new definition for generation.
It wasn't directed specifically at you just kind of at the thread and my own post in general. I just meant that these things can be one of the first abstract wondering a person has. Most turn away.
You do have a point but nothing lasts forever and many have fallen pray to satan's illusion spell. Judgement is coming but this is the final one. Once the west collapses it's over man. Game over
Oh there will be happenings, and happenings withing happenings my fellow user, but if you're honest and use some common sense with the Biblical texts you'll see that most of what people claim is in Revelation, isn't. To make a TL:DR version, John the Apostle wrote the Revelation around 96 AD and it was addresses specifically to seven churches in Asia, meaning the events in that book would be of direct concern to the early Christian community. It is written in a, at that time, familiar literary style which uses poetry and symbolic imagery to convey truth. For further proof that this was and is about Rome compare the beast of Romans 13 with the beast from Daniel 7. If one will let the Bible speak for itself it is actually quite clear.
Jesus said, as I have pointed out, there will be no signs of his return. When he was on earth even he did not know. His Apostles and disciples wrote constantly that his return would be like "a thief in the night" it will happen at a time people do not expect, just as in the days of Noah no one though the world was gonna flood and BAM you're underwater. So shall it be with the coming of Christ.
You are correct sir or madam in that promise Jesus made in Mark 9:1 "I tell you the truth, there are some standing here who will not die until they see the kingdom of God come in power." Now, as you said either we have people walking around on this earth who are over 2,000 years old OR, the kingdom of which Christ preached has indeed already come and is established (let you in on a little secret, those words were fulfilled in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost. What we call the church, more literally the assembly, is the kingdom of which Christ spoke."
No, a generation is no 2,000 years, that's just fucking stupid. I would say a generation lasts about seventy years or so, from birth to death. Such as the Boomer generation etc.
As I'm sure people felt when Assyria collapsed, and Babylon, and Persia, and Greece, and Rome, and the Mongols, and the Ottomans, and the various dynasties of China. When the west falls another power or powers will rise to fill the vacuum. Personally I think when the west does fall, at least in the US, we're going to see massive balkanization of the states.
And even if this is the end of all thing (it's not) take heed to the parable of the ten virgins and the faithful servant. Just keep working and keep the faith and no matter when Jesus returns you won't have to worry because you'll have been busy doing his work.
You bring up a good point but what if rome still lives? It's just underground in 4 locations. London, DC, Rome and Israel. London being finance with the bank of rothchild and the base of davidic royal blood (CoA in OP), Rome the richest religious center in the worl, DC the command of the greatest military in the world and national government of the richest nation and finally Israel which is the future throne of it all.
They didnt have weapons that could wipe out swaths of people then
I should also point out London, Rome and DC are completely independent of their home countries
I do find it curious I mention Cecil Rhodes and he Society of the Elect and that gets zero response.
Zig Forums you should really look into this man. I mean, really, really look into him.
we're all going to die!
I totally agree with the, 'it doesn't matter what you think.' What does matter is what other people think. They do have all their shit ready to rebuild. From what I KNOW they can rebuild within a matter of days…. maybe as little as 48 hours. To me, they are simply going to be building in the wrong spot. I've been watching for years them preparing for the big show. There are fundamentally two outcomes: they get their third temple and nothing really changes for them; they get their temple and everything changes for them. Both outcomes could really sink the ship for them. The first outcome of nothing changes kind of says, 'hey, this shit didn't matter at all.' The second outcome with changes could be… some really heavy shit like, 'ohh we done fucked up now.' I'm betting on the second outcome.
You are right. In summary, they are fucking cunts.
at first, it will set up every loonie on five continents, but after awhile everyone who didn't slash their wrist in religious mania will get over it.
It's not like Cthulhu. Cthulhu is real.
this makes me sick.
The United States as a secular republic has no fucking business trying to fulfil biblical prophecy. No more money to Israel.
It really get interesting when you notice he changed his title from "Defender of THE faith" (meaning the Church of England) to "Defender of Faith(s)"
Comon guys do me a solid and at least give me some greentext or a decent link. I want the good info, not to have to look through 20 worthless websites like kikepedia
Yeah everything I've found is pozzed to fuck.
A topic this complex and abstract requires you to do your own research so you can better learn and understand it. Spoon feeding you info on something like this in my opinion is ill advised because there is a massive amount of misinformation. It's best to read through as much of it as you can and sift the truth out of muck.
Zig Forums may praise it's whiteness but it sure as shit opposes degeneracy. Zig Forums has grown as a child does… into an adult. Zig Forums is the young white male adult. Even most atheists here side with the Christians on this point (to do with morality). White man did heaps of bad things? Have YOU BEEN TO FUCKING AFRICA? HAVE YOU BEEN TO ANYWHERE IN IN THE MIDDLE EAST? HAVE YOU BEEN TO INDIA? You might be a self hater or have 'distilled' the problem down to the white man. You don't seem to take the Jewish (and I'm supposing) Islamic way and outlook of life as a reality in your calculation of what happened. I sure don't want to pay for the sins of someone else, I'll pay for my own, don't lump me in with some asshole shit. Your point is not full - you cherry pick. Fuck you cunt.
So in other words you don't have links or docs saved?
OK I did do some initial reading and I do recognize the name actually now that I recall it, I'm suffering from that American it's on the opposite side of the globe issue on this topic. Which is too bad because we need SA to launch our sub drones to sud/pol/, so I'll get on it, I can spare a few minutes.
The anti-Christ are a people who enslave the world, and plot against and destroy the white race.
Far more interesting is he was a Freemason, and a Light Bearer at that.
The best resource I can point you to is a book called "The Killing of Uncle Sam" The authors of this book did their homework and at the end of every chapter is a bibliography of every quote and every scrap of info that needed a citation.
The best TL:DR I can give so far is Cecil Rhodes, as a Mason wanted to reunify Europe and America, to do this he used his connections to get rich and power, created the Society of the Elect that would work towards this goal, he became involved with the Rothchilds who financed his take over of the diamond mines of South Africa. Basically this cabal is the Illuminati working through the Fed, the Council on Foreign Relations, the CIA, Rothchilds and others.
Also they were all homosexuals and pederasts and heavily involved in the occult. Let that sink in for a moment with thinks like spirit cooking and pizzagate.
I am here. you have forsaken me. Now you are doomed!
My Kingdom will exist in the next world to come.
I don't hate white people, nor do I hate myself. But neither do I think that white people are the end all be all of civilization for there have been other members of the human race in the past that have done great, and terrible things.
I also do not ignore what influence other peoples have on us. My problem is that Zig Forums treats whiteness as this inherent trait that bestows goodness and morality to a person, by virtue of simply being white, yet these supposed inherent advantages of white people did nothing to stop the subversion of the banking clans to their whims. And I hard about Cecil Rhodes because he was a white man who set all of this bullshit in motion. Hell Nathan Rothchild wanted to build a homeland for the Jews in South Africa, not the Middle East and he was going to do so with Rhodes help.
His former wife who bore William was princess Diana and she died in an odd manner. He also has a strange obsession with Islam and the occult. Definitely worth looking more into considering hes next in line for the throne.
White people are the lost tribes of the House of Israel
Yes, he also allied himself with the Rothchilds, set about creating a one world government, was deeply involved in the occult, a homosexual and a pederast, a Freemason, allied with J.P Morgan and Rockefeller among others. He's an interesting man alright, and his actions had wide and very long repercussions.
I did skim the part about DeBeers, and I do know about their kike shiny-rock racket
Welcome to clown world. Apparently we're the only noble people left on the planet.
I have been here for 50 years, so WRONG!
Yes, and your Lord God warned you of your fate!
Jesus is my lord and savior and I am not afraid to say it. So my fate is written in the Book of Life
You are a FOOL!
I AM your lord in the next world to come, but only YOU can save yourself!
You are missing a really important thing… that we see through Gods eyes. All the good and all the bad – we know. We can turn to or away from it. Your simple aboriginal can't. You are literally comparing a banana and an elephant together and saying they must be the same. Are you for real?
Actually, his read of Revelations seem accurate and he's not the first to come to this conclusion.
See my previous post
Now YOU are the FOOL!
The book of revelation was a veiled written curse against rome in the form of a prophecy. The biblical old testament prophets were not predicting the doom of their enemies to try to see into the future, they were predicting the doom of their enemies to try to create the future through the act of writing down the prediction or speaking because they recognized words as performing a magical function. For this reason the roman empire outlawed prophesying against it and this is why the prophecy against rome in the book of revelation used symbols, they didnt want to get punished by the romans.
Tell me, what happens when the west collapses and the world is in possession of weapons that can wipe entire swaths of people
According to the biblical Book of Revelation (the Apocalypse of John):
1. At the end of this "world age" there will be a "small tribulation", followed by a "greater tribulation" that will end almost all life on this planet and culminate in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Judgement Day.
2. The "small tribulation" is a series of cosmic catastrophes. "Fiery mountains" crashing into our planet and destroying 1/3 of all landmass, "stars falling from the sky" "causing all men small and great to hide in caverns". Several waves of mass destruction caused by God's wrath that will - repeatedly - kill off 2/3 of the world population through pestilence, hunger, war and death, until only a fraction of the current world population is left.
3. At the end of this "small tribulation" the "two witnesses" will appear in public. According these will be two extremely powerful biblical prophets: the prophet Elija and the prophet Henoch. They will be invincible and will have the power to smite earth with biblical plagues as they see fit. Eventually they will end up in Jerusalem and will be a slain by a "beast" (an antichrist figure). Their dead bodies will then be ressurected in public by God and they will return to heaven. This is the starting point of the "Greater Tribulation". At this point the "beast", the antichrist, first appears in public.
4. The name of the "beast" adds up to the number 666. This name is know to many people, but talking about this on the internet will get you the kind of attention you do not want. The internet is tightly controlled by the cult of the beast, world wide web = www, the letters www stand for the number 666 in hebrew. You will not find the truth on the internet. Do you think it's a coincidence that zionist jews control all the big internet companies? Zionists = the cult of the antichrist.
5. The "Greater Tribulation" that is described in Revelation chapter 15 and 16 is a wave of cosmic catastrophes that will rapidly end all life on earth. "The seven angels with the seven plagues", aka the "seven bowls of god's wrath". Oceans turning to blood, scorching heat from the sun, an earthquake strong enough to destroy all cities worldwide, an unnatural egyptian darkness that befalls the "kingdom of the beast" (Israel), huge "hailstones weighing over a hundred pounds" falling from the sky. This culminates in the beast and his lackeys trying to slaughter the remaining christians in the "battle of armageddon", which will trigger the Second Coming of Christ.
Much of the traditional christian apocalyptic literature has been sabotaged by the zionist cult of the antichrist after WW2. The universities were infiltrated and the traditional interpretations of the biblical Book of Revelation were buried and replaced by "new" and "modern" interpretations. You will not find this kind of knowledge on the internet.
CERN will open the bottomless pit releasing Abandon
Ok, this sounds fantastic. Where do I read more os this?
Not to be overly facetious but I'm literally reading this online right now.
How convenient. Those are some real christian goal posts you have there. The church is certainly not the kingdom. Do I have to remind you of all the perverts, homosexuals, pedophiles and murderers that have been popes? The voice of God on Earth? I know, you would then argue some bullshit about the bad ones not actually having God's blessing, but who VOTES for the pope? The bishops that vote for the pope are supposed to be wise in matters of ethics, and look how frequently they fucked up? Your church cannot possibly be the kingdom, it has been corrupt pretty much from the beginning. And this is assuming that I let you twist words. I don't. The END OF THE WORLD, was supposed to accompany Christs return. ALL of these things were supposed to happen in that time. Rome fell, but the world did not end. Christ was wrong, and Christianity is a false religion. Just like Judaism, Islam, and Communism. Never try to peddle jewish theology on Zig Forums, that shit doesn't fly here.
A good extensive university level commentary on the Book of Revelation is a start, as long as they cover all of the traditional interpretations. These are however lacking information thanks to the zionist infiltration of the universities. I used Gerard Maier's german commentary at first, then went from there to some older source material. Also, if you want a deep understanding of the Book of Revelation, you need to learn greek and read the greek original text. There is no way around this because the text contains many hidden historic references that are lost in translation. It's only ~30 pages or so of greek text so it's not too hard, took me like 3 months to get a grip on it.
"The Antichrist Legend" by Wilhelm Bousset from 1895 was written pre-zionist censorship, but its hard to get a copy of it. There are some reprints out there though, It extensively quotes and translates old texts about the future jewish antichrist.
The extra-biblical "Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius" written in the 7th century talks about a future "christian king of the romans and greeks" that will go to war against Islam and will enslave all muslims worldwide. Something that needs to happen before the temple in Jerusalem needs to be rebuild. The text was recently translated into english again and published by Harvard Library.
"Trial, Tribulation and Triumph" by Desmond Birch is an interesting modern interpretation of the christian end times prophecies.
"The Reign of Antichrist" by Rev. Gerald Culleton was written shortly after WW2 and quotes alot of old sources on the antichrist.
One of the most interesting medieval manuscripts about the antichrist, Scivias by Hildegard of Bingen, was destroyed in the firestorms of Dresden. There is a very real chance that the text we have today is a post-WW2 forgery.
Also, Roman Polanski referred to the birth of the antichrist in his movie "Rosemary's Baby", a movie about a satanic sect that oversees the birth of a baby with devil horns. The movie is a direct reference to the traditional interpretation of Revelation chapter 12, namely that the antichrist will be satan himself, who is tossed out of heaven by the archangel Michael after he kills a newborn baby. Satan then gets stuck in the body of the newborn baby and roams earth in human form.
One year after the release of this movie, Polanski's pregnant wife was abducted and murdered by the satanist Charles Manson. Manson was subsequently hyped up in the zionist media as some kind of pop star.
The cult of this zionist antichrist is everywhere today, the entire establishment of the USA/Israel and the greater part of the european establishment are part of it.
Your mistake, and this is not your fault as many, many believe this to be the case, is to confuse the Catholic church with that which Christ said he would build. In fact the word church appears nowhere in the original language, which was first century Greek. There is nothing even close to that word in the Greek.
The word that is often, and through my study I feel erroneously translated as "church" is the Greek word ekklessia, which means assembly. So when Jesus said "Upon this rock I will build my church" as our English translations read it a more literal translation would be "upon this rock I will build my assembly." you see the difference?
The Church, as it is used today refers to a building, more often than not, or the idea of an institution that has a central power base, ala the Catholic Church. Yet, if you read what Jesus said, read the history of the early church in Acts, and read the letters of the apostles you will find none such teachings held within Scripture.
I find it funny that the Catholic church has bishops, yet in the context of the word translated as bishop in order to even be considered as a bishop one must not only be married but have children as well. If you trace back the history of the assembly of Christ as found int he New Testament through the ages you will find all the places where it has split from the foundational blueprint of the New Testament.
So, yes. any "church" that does not match the pattern found within Scripture is not that which Christ built. The Catholic church didn't even come into a fully realized concept until 427 AD after the fall of Rome.
Pope Francis is the false prophet.
Repent, Jew. Jesus is the messiah, and you're going to burn in hell forever if you don't ask him for forgiveness.
I'm afraid it isn't that simple.
fucking Ayy
This is where you, and the Christian version of Revelations has gone wrong.
The battle will be between rival groups of our creators when the returning group confronts the condemned group and their minions who dwell here.
I will play a small part at the end of this earth age, and then a major one from then on.
Weren't the second boer war and the Afrikaner concentration camps his idea? I hate Victorians. Their love for kikery and kabbalah is only matched by today's zionists and hollywood.
All speculation is just speculation until the abomination of desolation comes, then you'll know for sure.
kek y'all got so pissed off for being called kike worshippers you don't even deny it anymore, you just acknowledge it's true and keep sucking your jew on a stick's circumcised dick. do you even care about stopping white genocide or is it just a cover so you can win more converts to your jewish cult? because if it's the "end times" why do you even give a shit? just do everything (((they))) tell you to so you can fulfill your "prophecies" and the kike you love so much can come back and make everything better like your jew books promised.