Just wanted to ask where people from Zig Forums and other white nationalist chads can find like minded gf since I never met any woman that has more than 1 gram of brain or even being close to something that is white nationalism and white pride.
Where to find like-minded gf
Most women will over time come to adopt your views, at least that is my experience. The real problem is finding a woman that is genuinely intriguing.
Sage because outside of broad answers like "go to Church", anything specific will be a honey pot used to trap or kill you.
Just be a Chad Nazi and get out of your house. I have nice Aryan girls look my way all the time, at Church, or when I'm walking around my neighborhood.
this, if a girl is into you, she will mold herself to whatever you are, if she isn't doing that, she isn't into you but using you for gibs
I think you are right about this.The thing is that I don't want to have girlfriend that is a complete bitch and I don't want to have much problems in relationship for no particular reason.Today's relationships generally are brainless with no goal.I just don't see the point of having a girlfriend if I'm not gonna marry that woman and have kids with her.What's the point?The 5 minutes of pleasure?I don't care about that to be honest.I never was sexually obsessed with anything.
We're out there and just as lost trying to find men.
You are extremely unlikely to just “find” a woman pre-redpilled (I assume that would be “like-minded” for you) and psychologically and behaviourally suitable as a proper mate.
Instead, you need to find one with the proper traits, physical and mental, secure her as a mate, and then you must begin to train her and redpill her yourself. This is not as hard as you may think, they subconsciously deeply desire direction, behaviourally and in their ideas, from a proper male. You need to be that male, and you need to provide that direction - it should be done slowly but insistently. You cannot do this too quickly, and you likely cannot do it well enough or perhaps at all it the female in question is too old (above 30, possibly even late 20s it becomes pretty damned difficult, if not impossible).
Your average woman really isn’t concerned with politics. Those that are, are typically unhinged and not worth your time.
Mine is by no means “redpilled” but she sure as fuck hates all that anti-white shit going around. I’d say borderline redpilled, not quite full on 88 but understands the 14 words. Met her in college.
Good girls can be found anywhere, you just gotta be prepared to slay a few dragons before you find your princess.
Anybody claiming there is a magic bullet to this is full of shit. There may be higher concentrations of good chicks at let’s say, church or something like this, but you still gotta put in the work at the end of the day.
There are good women out there, but they are very few and every guy wants them. Finding a regular conservative girl is hard enough. You are going to have to become the absolute best you can be in order to have one. That also includes having dating skills, so like it or not, you are gonna have to date retards to get those skills.
You don't need to, they'll usually cling to you and your ideas if she's into you as a dominant male, but if you're a submissive, then you'll cling to her ideas and beliefs and take them on as your own, simply to get some love and pussy. The latter course of action is what many sadly take and you must never do this for obvious world changing reasons, you can respect that fact that a woman initally has different ideas, tastes or hobbies but never compromise your own for hers.
You have to make one.
You give me hope
When shopping for a car, do you look at one and say “I’m good!”, or do you check a few out, maybe take a couple for a test drive, compare, weigh your options, ect.
Unless your goal is to be a manslut (which it sounds like that’s not your goal) then this is somebody you’re gonna be with for awhile. Thus it is imperative to test the waters first. It’s not even inherently sexual, but people’s additutdes change over time, the way they treat each other changes (especially after you move in together). As an example first 6 months go peachy then you get into your first real fight, which can sometimes be an existential clash of life goals, ideals, philosophy, or even mundane shit. You may or may not recover your relationship from this. These are simply realities, you will virtually never luck out and be with the perfect person right off the bat. That’s unrealistic
I'll second what user said about women molding themselves to you if you are alpha/Chad enough. And here's the thing user, for years I thought alpha meant shit that it doesn't. I'm not sure what I thought it meant, but what it MEANS, at least as I understand it since reclaiming my future and meeting my wife, is that you greatfuly own all of your failure and triumph. Long ago my father taught me for better or worse: 100% of the shit that goes wrong in your life is in some part, large or all, YOUR FAULT. When you own that, you own and direct your success. You're in control. When women look for a man, they're looking for a man who's the captain of his life, someone who can steer his future. They'll gladly fall in line to a strong man. I think looking for redpilled women is less fruitful investiture of your time. Look for a beauty who is SMART, and as reasonable as reasonably expectable, and work from there.
Good luck, I found my wife after applying Zig Forums to my life, first child is on the way.
Hi Ashley.
The thing is that I'm not very alpha,self confident or gorgeous person,if I was like that than I would probably never be an radical right winger,since when you are good looking guy you don't have to be very smart in your life to get women,it's even easier for a females who look good,since when you are a good looking female you already accomplished your life goals without doing anything,you will marry some rich guy,spend his money,do whatever you want and fuck with your husband's neighbor or some shit and go to your daily shopping with your bitch friends.That's basically the reality of good looking women,the situation with males is a little bit different,but yeah.There is rare amount of people who are both good looking and redpilled,since the today's dating is only about how do you look and about your physical appearance,and not about what's inside your heart and soul.
If you find a woman who isn’t fully pozzed with liberal politics she’ll slowly shift over to your views, especially if you know your stuff and aren’t a total sperg about it. I’m having similar problems to you, OP. I want to go off the grid and find a wife who I can redpill and who wants to have five or six kids. It’d be like finding a unicorn
You don't find perfect wives, you make them. Find a girl who is open minded and apolitical and redpill her.
women aren't ideological/moral/whatever, their lives revolve around taking cock. everything they do is for attention and social status to increase the quality threshold of cock they're able to attain
Required reading
Go away.
It's true, you definitely have to put in some work. That's how it should be, anyway.
Unironically, the levant.
I don't know about chads, but I can't even find a female that can keep up. Typically it's the Amazon sized women that can, but they are all seething leftists.
There are three rules to finding a gf:
1. If she's redpilled and single, then chances are she's a total slut or serial monogamist and you're better off not going near it
2. If she's in a relationship don't go for it
3. Find a woman particularly involved in politics
You don't need to make your entire identity fucking politics. There is more to life, and you need to have more than politics to get a gf.
The redpilling of your gf is slow, subtle but inevitable, so don't worry too much about it.
I liked her boots.
*3. Find a woman NOT particularly involved in politics, is what I meant.
Chad reporting in
I dated several women that would be considered 9's and full on 10's by even harshest of standards in a major metropolitan globohomo city.
Key here is to just have fun with the girl, joke and play with them, forget politics and other bullshit first establish that you can have fun, you bring excitement, provide advice and are a high-value partner.
Start of with being conservative and condition a negative response/dissaproval for classic leftist bs and high approval of pro-white stuff.
After 3-6 months the girl will have picked up on your cues and cater to them, few months after that she will have internalized them making it a part of her natural behavior. I legit turned probably half of girls i dated fully right-wing. Not sure how many stayed that way, but my fiance is trad af and that's a keeper. (she went through the same as i described above.)
Keep your head up & love our women.
This. Blessed post.
I actually believe you're a woman
She's gorgeous, what country is that?
If you are american, it is rightful spoils.
have you tried being not fat, and acting like a 1950's housewife?
How far did you go with them in turning them right-wing? JQ? Hitler?
Near impossible to find like minded girl. Women naturally adapt to whatever is the most powerful influence in their life. Unfortunately in many cases the strongest influence is degeneracy that comes from the Jew media and Jew indoctrination camps (school/university).
Any woman that is currently under the spell of the Jew is lost. If you want a girl friend to see eye to eye with yourself and to do the things you believe are best, then you better find a young girl that still has her innocence and be a strong man that guide her down that path. If you fail to guide her down the path then you only have yourself to blame for not being a strong enough man.
The question then comes to how to find a young girl with innocence that you can mould. High school is the best opportunity, unfortunately most of us were retarded teenagers who never were likely taught any ethics and how to be a strong man so as an adult the best thing you can do is improve yourself to be the best man you can possible be. Workout, constantly learn new things, acquire wealth. Anything that makes it so you will be a stronger more competent man and gets you closer to your goals. If your goal is to acquire a young waifu and have tons of kids then make it now and do the things necessary that will make yourself into the type of man who will be the best at providing a home to raise a family with and to develop your ideals so you can mould your wife and bestow them upon your children so they will grow up to be strong like you and continue your bloodline, always striving to be better and better in the constant struggle to evolve. This is what a man is.
Also when you wife them make sure to impregnate them. microchimerism is real and your sperm implants itself into their DNA.
I hate using my parents as an example but my mom use to hate seafood when she was young and after she married my dad she started liking seafood.
Look at the patch. She's from Schlomoville.
You have to teach her, user. She might be like-minded as you, but of a different opinion or oblivious, in which case you need to make an effort and see that if she doesn't at first agree, she at least believes in you. By like-minded I mean teachable, open, sincere, but wholesomeness is a must for mothers. Sage because you need to go outside and look up from your phone for this to happen.
I converted several girlfriends to my 88 views.
plotwist: they were asian.
Exactly. You are extremely unlikely to find a Nazi gf, and if you do, you should be cautious. If you are strong and respectable, and you date a decent girl who has a good relationship with her father, she will most likely adopt your views sooner or later. Don't be an autist talking about race wars and Hitler on your first date, but also don't be a fag who lies about your views and feelings.
Any girl without instagram
I have also converted several girls from basic bitch liberals to racists who appreciate the many sacrifices and struggles of Hitler. But I'm not a filthy race mixer, so that's something. It is true though that a lot of Asian girls are inexplicably submissive towards strong white men, but honestly, it seems to me that most Asian girls who go for white men are very similar to the white men girls who go for niggers. That is to say, low quality.
pleb tier
I don't believe it, no way. This is a Russian girl playing dressup or something.
The lines can get blurry around the edges, user. Just remember to remind yourself when you're taken by an exception.
dysgenic tier
cultural centres. scottish club, polish club, etc.
traditional dancers. irish dancing e tc
Poisoning? No. Blurring White Ethnic lines in a potentially harmful way? Yes. Marrying a Japanese person as a German is as "bad" as marrying an Italian person as a German. All aforementioned parties are White, Aryan, and have proven to carry excellent warrior blood in fights for survival against the eternal hebrew. The only potential downsides in any such cases are identity issues - but even those are not irreparably harmful. Therefore, the best course of action is to respectfully maintain these White ethnic boundaries out of mutual love for our White brothers and sisters of different ethnic backgrounds. Only the great opposer, the perfidious jew opposes this respectful separation and sows death and brother wars wherever he goes.
You generally find quality girls in outdoorsy groups, especially in majority white regions. Hiking, climbing, camping, rafting, hunting, etc, these groups almost almost always mostly white, if not entirely. And even if you don't meet the quality girls directly through these groups, you'll make good male friends which is useful in itself, but may also lead to meeting quality girls through expanding your circles of friends.
And to answer your question, OP - date/marry your own ethnicity. Europe is best with separate beautiful arrangement of Nationality and Heritage. Blurring the lines is suboptimal.
Very few women will agree with your political positions off the bat but it hardly matters
women are more easily programmable then a fucking excel document
Attach your ideology to sexual pleasure
be open about it
be strong about
be confident about it
and make her cum to it
you can change a girl from a litteral liberal black lives matter supporting feminist to a full 1488 gas the kikes now waifu in a matter of weeks with this
Assuming you arent a complete faggot and are actually capable of saying the words and taking the actions you need to take
True user but borders dont purely define a nation either user
They'res a reason why hitler wanted to unite the germanic peoples under one nation, and why he did make the non strategic parts of france incorperated into the reich
An Austrian girl can marry a german boy
A polish boy can marry a ukrainen girl ect
the peoples of europe are unified by race and sepretaed by nationality
but THE nations which exist within europe are not ethnically dictated by where the jews decided to draw the borders at the end of the last war
No user this is just what the jew wants you to think
The truth is there are primordial parts of the female brain which, while they can be subverted and misled, can never be taken away
women will always be attracted to strong aggressive men
The only reason women fuck niggers is because the jews portray them in the media as superior
but make a girl orgasm four or five times while making her scream "SEIG HEIL" and all that programming gets washed away
Everything is subserviant to genetics man
and humanity didnt survive this long by our females being wrong about who was superior
broads that have "left" a church are probably good.
They were into what the church was saying up front, but figured out it was BS run by perverted con-artists.
OP, just find a girl first then worry about the rest.
There is hope user, just dont set your bar too high. Women are faggots just as much as you are.
Daily reminder that Hitler said that mixing within Europe would lead to a lower of racial quality. (((You))) should read his second book
Rofl what am i saying, if course there isnt hope lmao
I know this sounds cliche, but if you just work on yourself, and live by your own high standards, you will become a veritable magnet of female attraction. Women are entirely malleable; they don't think like men. Rather, they are an excellent judge of character of men. Most men who have trouble with women are well judged by their hypocrisy and lack of manly character.
user you should read mein Kampf
the whole first three chapters are about his childhood growing up in austria and his belief that the two nations needed to be joined to unite the germanic peoples
you are right about mixing between european peoples
but european peopls do not live necessairily within the lines the jews drew to devide europe up between after the second world war
This. Women are objects to be filled. They will jump on any bandwagon out there if you push them.
Draw for us a map of what you perceive to be an equitable and fair aportionment of Europe along ethnic lines. I'm intrigued to see the results. Also, take into consideration post-war displacement and relocation of peoples and don't just slice up the land based on what you perceive to be rightful clay.
Have you tried not being a numale reject?
lol no user
because im not a narcasistic fuck boy with a god complex who thinks he has the intellect, much less the right, to undertake such a monumental fucking task
The only statement im making is that the borders of a state with a government named after a nation is not the same thing as a nation.
A nation, the reason we are nationalists, is because a nation refers to a genetically similar group of people
Im sure you'd agree with me that the term "white nationalist" or god forbit "alt right" is a wattered down jewed up term to refer to something which is already self evident and of european invetion
a nationalist
Someone who fights for his people, which is the proper definition of a "nation". A nation which can span continents and countries and yes even borders
With every birth of a germanic child the nation of Germania grows and our future gets a little brighter.
This is true
All you niggers are going to have brown kin sooner or later.
Eat a dick you communist faggot.
Sure, you can eat my seed.
Somebody is jealous of my man ass. Deadlifts man, deadlifts.
I know people are going to shit on me because it would affect the IQ of my children and all that, but find yourself a borderline retarded girl (high school education only) from the country. As long as you're reasonably smart she'll hang on to every word you tell her. Married, with a three year old daughter. She has accepted the JQ and thinks that Hitler was probably good but isn't exactly goosestepping around doing Roman salutes, and that's for the best.
Stay classy Adolf, Whites will make you their leader.
1. Be fit, sexy, mentally healthy and not abusive.
2. Fuck her brains out.
3. Be honest.
I'm going to agree with this. Interest in health, fitness and self improvement is a trait of the right. A good woman will know how to make herself attractive without artificial chemicals and slutty clothing. She will do it not out of vanity but out of respect for herself and her future husband. You need to have that same self respect and attitude to your own health if you want to find your woman. A good woman will look for a good man.
When you find a good woman you will need to treat her well so that she doesn't look elsewhere. I'm not saying spend lots of money on her and give her everything she wants. The right sort of woman will value your time more than your wallet. Find a hobby you both enjoy, talk to her and take an interest in what she does. See her as more than a cum dump and someone that cooks your meals, she's going to be your partner for life. As she begins to see you as a suitable mate and falls in love with you, her opinions and behaviour become more malleable. If you want her to become submissive be firm but fair with her and use positive reinforcement by praising her for doing things that you want her to do. Because she loves you, she will seek your approval. If you're too hard on her and keep punishing her, she will come to resent you over time. Being sparing with punishment will also make it more effective for when you do need to do it.
This has been my experience with own wife. It's been three years since I first met her. We have one child and she's expecting another. I feel very lucky to have found her.
You will never be white.
Double plot twist: I'm not white :p
If you're a nonwhite fucking Asians, you should be apologizing to them, not me. I'd string you up. They'd make it last for days.
Black face .. all the arayan girls love the bbc
I know more than one user who've found their virginal waifus on tinder of all places. While the vast majority of users are in fact Dégénérate filth, there are also those innocently nieve 18 y/os who are only there due to either peer pressure and/or because it has become the defacto place for relationshippings, and aren't actually yet corrupted. They're still needledicks in the haystack, but that goes for society in general these days.
women are for procreation
desiring anything else from them is unnatural
I was in a relationship with a girl for 8 months and then she dropped a bomb on me, she told me that she had been sleeping around with a black guy for the past few months and that she was in love with him. I was shocked to say the least. I told her i would be moving out.
Later on that day i see her get in a car with him, whilst playing rap music in the front stereo. I am entirely heartbroken, and not sure what to do now. I am a grad student working part time and had plans for our future, i even bought her an engagement ring worth 10k AUD i had been planing to give to her. I called her and apologized for being a bad boyfriend, she told me she didnt care, and it just felt better being with a black man, all of it.
What should i do reddit? Should i call her and tell her about the ring and hope she comes back?
Dd this guy have anymore stuff?
Also what board is that from?
Fuck the defeatist shills who say there are none left. There's more of us than you think, but we're even more likely to hide our power level because women care about being socially acceptable more than men do. And some are redpilled without even knowing it, because they're not interested in politics at all, but if you start a conversation about certain topics, you'd be surprised how many of their opinions align with Zig Forums.
Admittedly, you're less likely to find such women in the west and in Scandinavia. Although in Scandi they're a bit strange
story tiem
Knew a woman from there who was dating an african and wanted quite desperately to have kids, and because she was fat she had to make do with that guy (they did have a little mongrel eventually). Dating a 'groid, she was pretty bluepilled, but then I'd overhear her talking to him about his homeland and say stuff like "The reason your country is shit is because it's run by africans. You should let Europeans be in charge and it will be much better." He didn't even argue, lel.
Also, espousing "extremist" political views when you're a delicate little female in a group of women will make you seem really odd. It's kind of more accepted of men, even if men are more likely to be punished for it. As a whamen it's not expected, and you won't be punished, but you will be shushed and pushed aside even if you have the most evidence and the most convincing arguments for your case (especially then, actually). tl;dr it really discourages you from engaging actively in political conversations.
I will also add that I find it just as difficult to find redpilled men. Aside from one older acquaintance and some family members, I have not had a conversation with a single one that can qualify as that, even if I pretty openly broadcast my political stance. But when I do, men tend to be either shocked ("How can you defend the Italian election? It's going to be horrible for the country!" from a guy who knows who Evola was but is morally outraged by him; "Are you sure you want to watch this movie about the Nazis, grill? We could find a romcom instead"; "UBI is great, nobody will ever have to work again and we can all just party constantly, what's not to like about that?"; "haha Yeah, migrants are… erm" *slowly distancing*), or worse they try to sell me the notion that communism is a great idea, and it will totally work mang if only people come together, and migrants are good for our country, and don't you want to invite me to your place for coffee? u sure?
Met one guy, once, who was actively arguing against migration and was dumping some facts on a German chick about it, even facts that I hadn't seen on Zig Forums, but I barely exchanged two words with him personally.
But as some anons keep saying, most women aren't really interested in politics, and at a certain age (30s +/- 5 years) they're more interested in starting a family. So long as she's not an outspoken liberal, chances are she's more redpilled than she knows, or will become that way if a man provides her with what she deeply wants, which is a secure home and a family. Do that for starters and let the facts take care of the rest. You don't need to be some charismatic chad to show someone the truth.
This is a literal gold mine. I remember reading it when it first went up. And… I was on track with the waifu but this really cemented everything in place correctly. This is the talk I'll be having with my boys one day. 'Son, this was passed to me from an user many years ago on full chan, this is really important stuff, it's going to change your life, so listen up!'
My personal experience is that more chicks are red pilled than dudes. Dudes are 'sensitive' or brain damaged or whatever.
When I first met my waifu she asked me what I thought of guns. I was like, 'they're fine - I have nothing against them.' She prodded further if I had one or shot and then I went on about how when I was younger I'd shoot targets out to 400 and sometimes further and that I was a dead shot… like a real dead shot. I would duck hunt with a .22 and I would hit almost without fail. I ranted a bit too much about it. Her reply was, 'huh, interesting.' Years latter I asked her about that and she said that if I didn't like guns or hadn't shot a gun or wasn't interested in getting a gun I might as well have been a gay alpaca to her. She's amazing.
Welp I could give a whole abundance of advice and from the female perspective too but I don’t feel like being told tits or gtfo or whatever.
Advice of gtfo.
True.Nice advice,I hope it will help.
So redpilled.(((Instagram))) is cancer
As I said,I'm moral Christian boi,in matter of fact,I would say that LARPagans,atheists and other are not even close to being the real men,the point of being a real man is not having AIDS at first.
Yeah,you are right.I'm not looking for cum dump either.
Big oof for him.
I'll read it,with hard time tho since I really don't believe anyone who posts anime pictures on any site.
Try real life.
This is seriously sad. You people are pathetic.
Hey rabbi,can you fuck off?
a nigga ain't read dat shit monica c'mon nao boi