There is currently a petition going on to execute Brenton Tarrant publicly. The comments section is getting quite good. Why don't we all hop on and join in on the conversation?
There is currently a petition going on to execute Brenton Tarrant publicly. The comments section is getting quite good. Why don't we all hop on and join in on the conversation?
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I'm not going to do that, but it's funny anyways.
Just remind them they abolished the death penalty because it makes them feel bad.
It would be a very foolish move on their part. It normalizes violence and murder, distances the masses from the state and generates an atmosphere if fear. It also creates a martyr. They will wait quite a while before they execute him. After the retarded masses forget. After a long media campaign. The actual death won't be publicized, but everything else will.
I already exposed him as a kike in my secret evidence I can't reveal
Everything is a psyop, nothing ever happens
Gotta get those twitter soy points before another happening makes everyone forget about this.
That would be 1000x times more radicalizing.
A psyop just flew over my house!
Yes the best way to make things happen
Just as they did to McVeigh
Where's the petition to have Brenton Tarrant publicly execute everyone that signed the petition to publicly execute him? I'd sign that petition.
They will only canonize him as a hero if they do this. They will give him immortal status. And imagine if he memes during the execution!
Would this be a bantu necklace, or are we embracing the Islamic tradition?
They don't have the death penalty for anything except treason in NZ
That's right.
Yeah, make him even more of a martyr. That'll work out for them. lmao
Im willing to bet hed want it.
A public chance to drop one last memepill before ascending to martyr status? Come on, no brainer.
So when they gonna off the hijab wearing tranny PM then?
seems everyone's a threat to him
other prisoners, the guards, other workers in the prison, civilians
He's already living it up in Israel.
He doesn't qualify for Israeli citizenship
Greatest cartoon ive ever seen is it OC?
based and epic
this, he needs to die and become a martyr
this is extremely poorly written, very immature and low IQ
yeah lol
problem solved
Huh, I just paid attention and you're right. Probably written by an 80 IQ Sandnigger.
are they gonna execute the maori nationalists too?
Holy fug this would be greatest win for us ever. I'm sure Tarrant would agree. He'll become a God.
He'll be forgotten as another life lost in the global genocide of muslims, not a god.
Begin composing iconography and martyr pictures. Anyone good at 'shop to show him ascending to heaven to be greeted by non-gay angels?
If they were to publicly execute him he would become a martyr. They would never do such a thing.
Sounds like butthurt muzzies.
I agree. that kid is a smug menace and no one likes him, so why pay him?
fucking based
ok, which one of you…
You fucking guys crack me up sometimes.
Do it, faggots. Show the entire world and make Tarrant an even greater martyr.
Fucking lel
I have insider knowledge because my Dad works at Psy Op.
Oh shit fellers, we best shut up and listen to this giagantic faggot.
can confirm, I was looking at the psyop registry yesterday
t. glownigger
Lazy nigger faggotry like this is why we keep you on imageboard duties.
Let's find out, who this James O' Leary is, assuming that's his real name.
maybe tarrant will get lucky, and the war will break out before his execution date.
fuck it, once the shooting starts and we cross the psychological threshold of 'killing is bad' we will go break him out, him and james fields. they are fucking heros
You forget about the nobel prize. 27 years of playing vidya and getting one afterwards is nothing I would throw just like that. Sounds much too comfy.
Does anyone think this hijab wearing PM cunt resembles a lot to that afghan girl who lost her nose? Maybe some user can shoop some OC based on that idea. I don't have access to a PC at the moment, otherwise I would try myself, but I am sure the results hould be hilarious.
Uh that isn't what he signed up for lol
next aryan hero must kill more 'innocent muslim people'
at least post the 70000 signature one
I almost wish they would do this now. It would play right into our boy's hands and give him a less ignoble death than getting shanked in the showers.
Hm. The big dick thing really is a myth eh?
"And I get more ass than a toilet seat"
Would make a great sequel to the livestream tbh
Apparently it's a londonfag
Can't say I'm surprised.
But they should. I'd pay big bux to watch him do a double okay sign with his hands as they shoot him on TV. That would be amazing.
she didn't WIN the election, that's for sure.
Be great if it happened, though.
Save us changing the law when its time to hang the leftists and their islamic friends.
These replys, keep em coming lads.
Really makes you think.
They should have him fight a muslim in the jewfc first.
PayperView gold surely.
Make it happen Dana.
wow, look at all these posts from non-butthurt kikes. there must be a way to involve niggers and charge for this event
cringing at Jews right now
Than you are also psyop and we should not trust you.
I don't know, I think it reads fine.
inb4 new shootings pop up once a week due to failed multiculture.
Wow, so now race matters again. Imagine having petition that states he was a "black terrorist" or "brown terrorist". Report this for racism.
These fags hate violence in all forms, pacifist coward pussies, until a white man has balls too big then something must be done.
Somebody totally missed the point of the manifesto.
Saint Brenton of Christchurch, he died for our sins. mmmm, has a nice ring to it. I'd fight under that banner
Nah, I'm good. Still recovering from Ebba's public execution.
I don't find this one, looks like they removed it.
and without trial. kek
Then he'd really be St. Tarrant
Why do people even pay attention to It's literally never changed or accomplished a single thing in the entirety of its existence.
You cannot kill a God
Never submit to islam guys
Because it's symbolic of our time, a bunch of nobodies who don't even live anywhere near whatever they want to change feel like if they virtue signal hard enough over the internet something will happen
looks more comfy than most of the dormitory around UCLA
Let them try to execute him publicly then do a dramatic rescue with motorbikes and full-autos and shit.
Alright motherfuckers, time to see if you're even half as tough as you claim to be, time to bust him out.
I'm glad that BT outed the TRS-haters as bonkers.
If they kill him he's the next fucking Jesus.
These critters are such hilariously hypocritical trash.
Wow they are really scared and going all out.