"Calm yo ass down"

White man in hospital for thoughts of suicide gets slapped by a brown because he called the brown a bitch. later revealed the brown was dealing drugs from crime scenes that he had been to. he also lost his brown job.

this is the state of murica. whites on suicide watch and being beaten by drug dealing mutt cops on power trips when they speak back to them.


Attached: TheFateOfTheWhiteRace.jpeg (2330x748, 735.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


remember when police spoke english?

"calm yo ass down"

jesus christ. its all niggered.

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Cry me a fucking river

no one cares for your shitty post. it wouldn't even work on facebook with the boomers these days. thats how much whites have woken up to the hell around them, bearing down on them.

go away.

I am a white man who has survived the struggle with suicidal ideation. Would you like to know what kind of thoughts come after those demons are defeated?

Attached: flood.webm (640x360, 7.97M)

Face it, the SJWs were right about white fragility. Deep in your heart you know its true.

and the middle class is completely fucking gone. everyone is in debt, that white man was poor as fuck most likely, probably paid everything he had in taxes for nigger welfare. no reason to live, watching the country his grandfather fought to give him crumbling.

I know what they are and they’re great.

so youre a low IQ troll. already too obvious with your shuckin and jivin.

We're going to kill you all.

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Attached: Glass.mp4 (1280x720, 4.45M)

that webm at 1:04.. the relevancy,

"I have to skip the avocados now or I wont be able to afford the condo. The world is crumbling around me, see you in Valhalla guys"

this is how all white men will be treated soon enough. payback for all our imagined crimes against innocent brownie. any straight white male its going to be open season and nobody will care except other straight white males. but our voices no longer matter. you better be well armed and in shape or you truly are a worthless bitch. be ready for war.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making mistake, as they say.

Attached: Wrong neighborhood motherfucker.mp4 (640x360, 1.79M)

BBC is good and nice
Everyone is chemically fucked with. Your little white peepee has nothing to do with it.
lol Ameriturds are bombing brown nations to pieces as we speak
"some of us" lol I bet suicide by cop and drug overdoses will be the leading cause of white deaths in 5 years

Who's fault is that?
Go back.

The quality of life of the lowest poorest cracker is miles better than 99% of the world. You're a pathetic race of cry baby losers.

Not sure if you realize what it is that you're actually admitting right now, mr kang.

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Who’s fault is that? They live like slobs
Maybe they should buy some
They get welfare up the ass. Who’s tax money pays for that?
More like:
Or something along those lines

I have only seen spics buy avocados

That's probably because minorities are okay with being fucked with.
You will always be a slave

they are being appropriated by culture-less whites

lol its browns fault they live like shit while da govement and brown people and women are the reason my life is shit

angsty nu-metal emo ballads are the peak of white civilization

do non-whites really post on 8pol? or are these fucking co-hotel pros?

White culture is invisible to niggers the way water is invisible to a fish.

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ugga bugga gib me dat

The quality of life of an american nigger is miles better than 99% of the world. You're a pathetic race of cry baby losers.


This video should be named "the west trying to save Africa"

I wonder who came up with the technologies you're using right now to make an ass of yourself.

"just like buy new shoes man like pull ur self up bro"
but contemplate suicide once you see a black dude at the whole foods lol

stfu hipster faggot

And what are you going to do about it? Nothing. Quit fucking posting this shit. It does no one any good.

Yeah maybe if the fish started shitting out a hundred little drowning baby fish while the dog was trying to save it.

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ur boy in the video should stfu too then

Its called nigger. Or "racially inferior subhuman that ought to be sterilized".




lol you're gonna trigger this whole foods shopper here

I mean I was kind of joking before, but holy shit, you really never have seen a white person outside of a blue county in california, have you?

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There is no anger. There is no inciting. No one's doing a goddamn thing. Fuck off if you don't understand what's being discussed.

Heya at least where I’m from Whole Foods always had the best seafood

its probably not a nigger, its probably some dumbass antifa/trigglpuff

If it was a nigger it wouldn't have said whole foods.
Niggers don't go to Whole Foods.
Not enough malt liquor, fried chicken, and newport cigarettes there

Hmmm no word you are looking for is homicide, not suicide

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You cant make any case at all that even the lowest crackers are living the same hell world as even the average Mexican.

Even then your boy in the OP is some NJ hipster not some redneck double digit IQ trash

I think posting niggers being niggers is inciting hatred against niggers on the regular

God, I have so many smart ass retorts to this, but they just simply do not outweigh the strategic value of allowing you to harbor these illusions. The struggle is real, as you wogs like to say.

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Not relevant to fact or reality.

So what you are saying is we don’t live like subhuman trash (I mean Mexicans), and we have no right complaining that our government is importing said subhuman trash and making our lives resemble it more and more each day, and we have no right to complain about it?
Go suck a 12 gauge faggot

I don't think it is appropriate to be flexing at this time


You fags deserve these shitposts for bringing cuckchan here

We are aware.
I'm not that fluent in jigaboo, you'll have to translate this to English if you want a retort.
Here, I'm posting some diversity, just for you sonce Zig Forums is a board of peace. You mooleys love that diversity shit, right? Don't say I never did anything for you. There's that white altruism kicking in again.

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You don't even know what you're talking about.
Watch Univision & Telemundo news.
Middle class in central Mexico (like the capital) are not that bad off.


You make it sound like Liberia

You should have first said LEMME AXE YOU A QUESHUN


Don't even get me started on how plush things were in Iran in the 70s before the saracen sand niggers bombed it into a bloody husk.

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keep pushing, it's working

dumbass on suicide watch

You mean the same country that is the second most obese nation in world is in god strucken poverty?

What's the story behind this? Why didn't the little white child finish the job and plunge that broken bottle through the nigger's neck?

The anthropologist in me understands that you are trying to throw this comment back at me as an insult, like a zoo monkey flinging shit. But realistically I'm not sure what kind of effect you expect this is going to have other than galvanization.

Look, I've worked with wild animals before, so I'm willing to make more of an effort to try to communicate with you than some of the other guys here. You should have some appreciation for that. Ook once if you catch my vibe, my nig.

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That cucked faggot helped make this mess.

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Pretty much this.

I know I'm gonna take some heat for this but i don't care.

Persians, hispanics (castillo/light-skinned), and asians(outside of soulless chinese thanks to communism) are okay.

The only problems are niggers and semites.
And without semites, the niggers could be confined to africa.


True, at least he isn't a chimp.

Hard disagree on the Hispanics and I'll literally fight you over it. But it's hard to hate the Yazidis. I wouldn't fuck one. But I feel for their plight.

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You did see my castillo/light-skinned right?
Those are the blood lines from Spaniards.

Unfortunately like 60% of Mexico (and 80 % of Central America) is Mestizo

What we learned today kids is that White Fragility is a reality

Most productive thread on Zig Forums today

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Yes, and who was it that impregnated the mezito squat goblins en masse in the first place? At least the Persians have the excuse of being conquered by moorish pigs in the 7th century. They had no choice. Spaniards were just glory-drunk and horny retards.

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Cmon user lets not be like niggers still crying over slavery

all your bait is just mate

There's a non blurred photo of the suicide guy, White doesn't come to mind.

What I learned is that around mutts, watch your butts.

What we learned is how many replies you did NOT have an answer for.

The only fragility is your own. Go to Whole Foods and pickup some probiotics. that should fix it.

The only thing that's gonna be fragile is that ex cop beanlet's asshole after 5 years in the joint.

Don't worry Ferdinand, I still love you and will have your back in the foxholes always. But you take your bantz and you like it, you little aztec fucking paella nigger.

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His name is Andrew Casciano. Looks like an eye-talian. Eye-talians are half nigger right?

It's a good kind of pain

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You haven't seen me not calm.

Especially when the inmates are gonna figure out he was a cop and his charges

North Italians are Renaissance-tier whites.
South Italians are 110% wog shitters.

I don't go there because the employees are fucking weird.

I don't go there because the employees are weird.

What I have learned in school is that beating up nigger kids is a lot of fun. They scream really loud. I call it black fragility.
You know how their little ape nigger mouths are constantly screeching about "ooga booga" this and "muh dick" that?
When you're getting harassed by them, the best way to deal with them was often by bashing their skulls off of the pavement and listening to them cry "mommy mommy!"
You ape niggers are pathetic creatures, honestly.

How have they even maintained their customer base of bull-prepping yuppie retards and spoiled mullato suburbanites in the first place? Can't even pander to their own demographic. Shameful.

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Wow, literally thought that was me. Very similar thing happened to me and have same t-shirt


The patient appeared to ask that to be done to him

But at the end of the day you're still a

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This was a patient in an emergency room being struck by a cop. He's suing the city for $4 million now and will probably settle for half a million or more.

Honk Honk

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I believe a great man once too overcame a period of despair.

Cops that betray the people like this and are convicted should be put to death.

Instead, as minorities take of the roles of power, whites will be subject to this frequently and perpetrators will go unpunished due to minority nepotism.

lol those riots were over police brutality. Brutality as in black men being shot and killed by police not depressed fragile white bois getting a deserved slap by a cop.

Meanwhile whites see visions of Hitler when their food preparation habits are called into question.

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And this is why you niggers will never accomplish anything.

You can think of it as a slap this bitch bois daddy never gave him. lol crying ass bitch