I have been a leftist since I've been interested in politics.I Went from "Progressive" to Marxist to Anarchist and have stayed a Anarchist for many years now.I have never felt any negative feeling towards the jewish people, I never even really meet more than a couple in my life. but after working several year's for a jewish family run facility I have had to interact with more than I can count and I have finally come to the realization that I hate them.They are disgusting, obnoxious freaks that barely act human.So please for the love of god help me plunge into this fucking rabbit hole because I cant look at these fucking kikes the same ever again.
I have been a leftist since I've been interested in politics...
Other urls found in this thread:
Not your blog.
No shit, it's called giving background.I'm not here to tell my life story.
Oh, so this isn’t your suicide note?
You're a typical whiny self-important millennial. Our struggle is bigger than your narcissistic kvetching.
Aight fuck it, i'm going to be nice to the kikes just to spite you fucking nerds.
Fucking christ if Zig Forums isn't good for learning about the fucking zionists what the fuck is it good for?
I'm sure that will turn out well for you
Jews are just normal guys that are good with money.
You want advice? You seem like an intelligent sort , so I'll say what I say to any blatant newfag here. LURK, LURK, YOU GODFORSAKEN ASSHOLE, LURK. We have such sights to show you. I mean it. Read the board. At any given time we will have enpough information just lyineg around. Lurk, and don't ask us for this shit. You are intelligent enough, now use that gift. God fucking hell, use your talent for good, for once.
Lurk for two years nigger.
Why should Zig Forums care?
Excuse my fucking spelling errors. But I mean what I said.
If I just need to shut the fuck up and listen then I can do that, thank you user.
Listen up OP. We are not against Jews. We are not against Judaism. But we are against those KIKES. Learn the difference.
All you need to know is they're out to genocide you. voat.co
Kill yourself you waste of space
Nice word Hershel.
All jews are the same
The blood of all jews is tainted with irrevocable evil deeds.
Post it in a thread about kikes
don't start low quality threads like this
OP go read The Culture of Critique - a bit of a black pill but it will wake you right the fuck up to what's actually going on here.
Fucking sage. Lurk for two years before you even think about posting again babby shit for brains
OP, don't feel the need to adjust your economic views. If you genuinely care about the Workers, please continue doing so. Regardless of what any cocksucker tells you, your economic views are not as important as whether or not you'll work to help your people. It wouldn't matter if you're the reddest Marxist theory-reading Communist economically so long as you support your race socially, and anyone who argues otherwise does not have the Race at the top of their priorities.
Has nothing to do with my posting here. You faggots haven't left me alone since you found out I was a poster here in 2017.
You need to shut up. You coming into Zig Forums with these questions is like a nigger entering a post-doctorate physics symposium on quantum mechanics, axing if da earf be flat nsheeit.
Nobody cares about you or what you do stfu desperate faggot
Neither desperate or a faggot. Get gassed by a bull.
Thank you Anons.
This town is too gay
You are anonymous. You don't have a backstory, is that understood?
Except everybody knows who I am ass licker.
I am not Anonymous. Even the President knows my name.
So what are going to do about it?
Easy, leave.