Purple Proofs; Princess Ivanka Theory Confirmed

The purpleanon from last month that was on here said Trump sold him and us out so his daughter could be president one day now a book is out that essentially says the exact same thing with multiple inside sources quoted. Although it's obvious the books author was never as close as the user in question the book, Kushner Inc, is essentially a liberal normalfag cope version of what purple said about Jared and Ivanka.


Then today we have leaks about a feud in Trump family between Kikevanka and Don Jr. over who wants to become president next so it is abundantly clear from this and the fact attack Ivanka is off limits in the press the media jews are supporting the house of Kushner.


Even their shabbos in congress stay away from this stupid spoiled whore and her kike court jew husband.


To add further proof to we are going to get a jewish princess as president just look at what she does. She basically exists just to campaign for her future campaign. She has no official job portfolio in administration she travels around the country/world representing America/her father which essentially amount to 24/7 campaigning and normalizing her as an authority figure on the jewbox to normies.


Watch that video and tell me this bitch isn't running for office one day. They are conditioning the normies to accept that race traitor shiksa as a future leader it couldn't be more clear.

Purple made sure to remind us how important it is for us to disrupt Trump's events and remind him who the fuck put him there by pointing out what a failure he is.

Purple Archives (I know there were more I don't have them if other anons do please post):



Attached: image.png (1827x1027, 2.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off moshe.

Don Jr. as POTUS, top Kek.

Ya exposing kikes makes me a jew; really rabbi if that is the best you've got it's back to buchenwald for you.

I found the book, I haven't read it, perhaps there's some interesting info inside.

Women literally have no place in politics. I'm OK with a Trump dynasty, but not one that includes this batshit.

Read a few pages it was too much to take. Jews bragging about running real estate in new york, and how important they are. Jared's parents didn't like his brother marrying a "shiksa" (actual words) but Ivanka was different because she was a Trump and went to an Ivy League School. There was some crap thrown in about Trump being racist and anti-semitic, which is about as believable as flat earth. It seems like a book written for an audience which has a fixed set of biases and would like them to be confirmed.

How is blatant nepotism legal?
Who made such open takeovers legally possible?

Attached: oopsiewoopsie.jpg (811x379, 35.64K)

here's a 3d print model for bumpstocks. fat orange kike lover btfo thingiverse.com/thing:2593934

Attached: daa.jpg (200x925, 34.18K)

here's an embedded image, in linux just change to .zip and unpack

Attached: BUMPSTOCK-ZIP.png (1280x720, 1.41M)

This image better have dolphin porn in it or I'm going to be disappointed.

here's an archive btw, doesn't strip the zip contents

1. She's not a shiksa, she's a born and raised jewess. Her mother is a jewess so she's born a jew.

2. She started out her father's administration with her own office down the hall from her father's; the first "first daughter" in American history. Even Alice Roosevelt, Teddy's daughter couldn't pull off that stunt.

3. Ivanka is best besties with her dear dear dear dear dear dear dear dear friend, Chelsea, who is perhaps one of the most odious people ever to infest American public life ever, a truly stupendous accomplishment given American history.

Attached: trump-clinton-01-435.jpg (1160x629 234.91 KB, 99.17K)

God the jews are a horrible bunch.

Lol good luck everyone hates the Blumpfs now, Zion Don isn't even making it to 2020

always first, schlomo?

First post kike post, fuck off Kushner.

That's definitely the silver lining of Trump's total failure, no president Slutvanka

Things were likely rigged for him in 2016, they can probably do it again.

Never post here again.

Jared Kushner is not the father of Ivanka's babies, Hulk Hogan is. Prove me wrong.

Lol moshe is afraid the Ivanka 2020 meme is getting out of hand and that Ivanka will because the first Fuhress GodQueen of Humanity.

This just made me want to shitpost Ivanka2020 even more since it triggers the left into overwhelming subversive paranoia kek

t. cadre

We don't want your LARP here.

Q-LARP doesn't expose jews.
