The Varg Question

This is a serious post that will examine Varg Vikernes. It will inevitably trigger the shit out of Vargtards but that's only because they are part of the Varg cult and therefore lack critical thinking ability. Doubt it's a cult? Read the second image.

Why is this bucketshitter so popular?

My hypothesis is that he's the king of LARPers (he has many videos solely dedicated to LARPing, pretends to be a Viking, etc.) and lesser LARPers look up to him because he's simply a more grandiose version of themselves. That's how he sucks them in.

Whether this is true or not, there are three things that indicate Varg is either stupid or controlled opposition:

Varg tells his viewers not to fight but to go into the wilderness as Europe is flooded with millions upon millions of Africans and Semites who will permanently destroy the continent and European DNA in what will certainly be the greatest genocide of all time.
When is the last time not fighting someone is fighting you worked? Hint: never.

Varg is quite adamant that controlling women and being patriarchal is Semitic, Christian and totally not European. He states that allowing women to be strong and independent is best. Varg is therefore by definition a feminist. And it is precisely the emancipation of women that has helped destroy us because women vote for and do retarded shit.

This one is quite funny because is his Iraq video, Varg shows a picture of his father who has very dark hair, which, according to Varg himself, means Varg is also nonwhite; but he will endlessly tell you he is pure.
Of course, Varg has no scientific evidence for this being true and instead relies upon appeals to scepticism. While it is true that some people groups who are classically considered European aren't by scientific standards, sowing the idea that any Northern Euro with brown features is race-mixed simply because they have brown features is pure D&C and especially dangerous considering how small a minority we truly are.

Is this really someone we want as part of the right or should we be trying to red pill Vargtards on how subversive this Wikipedia citing goon really is?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't fight the system, doooood. Just let those niggers keep coming in because I'm telling you it will collapse and besides, what do you need capital and resources for? My wife's new book, Seekrets of the She-Vagina, available for $20 on Amazon explains how for the first time in English.

Mayhem is better than Burzum and is more metal

Varg is only good as an anti-degeneracy meme.

Heidevolk shits on Burzum, too. His only good album is The Ways of Yore. The rest is mostly low-fi screeching.

Let me guess, if I pick up a weapon and shoot politicians, blacks, arabs or jews, I am a wignat and the reason all white nationalists are the cause for white people going extinct.

This. You can't expect to destroy the system by being dependent on the system.

Shit, I meant.
Polite sage

For that I prefer Bone Awl.

He's a retard but I really like his music.

Hliðskjálf and Sôl austan, Mâni vestan are great.

lol okay fag the only reason his band is relevant is because he burned down a couple churches

Varg lost his will to fight in prison after realizing how fucked you are when they send the special forces after you.
He is right that it's better to have children rather than throwing yourself into a meatgrinder to kill some low level, replaceable, politicians or random immigrants.

Not to mention he stabbed Euronymous. That's perhaps one of the most famous murders in history. I've even heard it dropped in American rap songs.

If someone is trying to kill you, you only stand a chance if you retreat or fight back. Because there is no where to retreat to, our only option is to fight back. Varg's non-strategy is to do nothing.

I've yet to see one Varg criticism thread on half or full pol that doesn't involve blatant misrepresentation, strawmanning, or straight out lying about Varg and his beliefs.
It always seems like STJ supporters are behind these kinds of threads. If you are a STJ fag, just remember that pic related is your leader.

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Burzum is fucking trash
derivative, by rote, and uninspired.

I have not strawmanned Varg anywhere. These are his claims as they are. He says that shit all the time. And no, I couldn't give a fuck about neepagans because neopaganism is LARPing and your photo is only evidence of that.

am i missing smthg

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He burnt down one of the most amazing churches ever constructed. Like I said, he's a retard, but I've been listening to his music long before he started faggoting on youtube like a 16 year old girl.

He states pretty clearly that he believes that gender norms are healthy and that men and women should be codependent on eachother in filling our their gender roles. He thinks that patriarchy leads to women hating and thoughts of women as property, that feminism does the same thing to women's opinions of men, and that neither of these are helpful in a traditional society. What you wrote is blatantly false and unsourced.

This also never happened, he explains his thoughts explicitly multiple times so that people don't think what he's advocating for is what you wrote. He simply acknowledges the fact that at one point in time all Europeans had light hair and eyes, so those who don't have those traits must obviously bear a negligably small amount of non-European DNA.

As for him advocating people "do nothing", he has said before this is simply because he doesn't want to be arrested. He said that if you don't believe in his approach you should read The Turner Diaries for advice.

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He can't go back to his home country because he was sued for millions to pay for the churches he burnt down. But that's ok because chicks dig murderers so he could fuck his blond Asperger's prison pen-pal.

Even with what he's achieved he's still a bit of a loser tbh.

Still, his music meant a lot to me when I was a retarded teenager back before the internet.

Yeah I'm not a kid either. Burzum sucks.

Gee I wonder (((who))) would do something like that

Patriarchy is just a re-inforcement by code of the gender norms.
He also states that patriarchy is Semitic and leads to said hatred.
Therefore he is against gender norms.
Also, he has spoken out saying that matriarchy is Aryan and has implied numerous times that women are better than men.
Regarding the nonwhite claim, he says that people with brown features are mixed. That implicitely means nonwhite. white + nonwhite =/= white.
His most preached strategy is to go rural and have kids and not fight. He states that this will help bring down the system.

It is you who are wrong. I have been subscribed to him for three years and am familiar with his main lines of thought.

I'm pretty sure Brenton Tarrant did but Varg decided to defend Muslims instead.

he does an important thing. white children is good.
t. semite

True. Very true.

His "cultists" are no different than any other youtube eceleb groupies.
Tells people to procreate and multiply rather than trying to be a childless martyr
The unnatural suppression of the feminine is semitic and foreign, however that doesn't equate with "women should vote"
Who doesn't, you certainly do, we all do, no reason to be pedantic and if such irrelevant points are all have to make a thread, then you haven't really got much.
You sound like you've got more of a personal problem with the dude than something honest and intellectual.
In the end though, he's got a lot of white kids, and all you have is this thread.

I'm mostly mixed with him.

His idea of starving the beast while living off the beast's money and infrastructure is confusing.

Feminism is also another weird shit. I hope he realizes all that valkyrie battle maiden shit is fantasy and not reality. Germans love sexy bitches, they don't want sexy bitches to rule over them.

Yah Nigs are all gonna have nigglets at somepoint. You Goy can't stop the brown train tooot toot.

What do you do when rats start to multiply in your house?

You do not outbreed them, you kill them.

Let's look at the FACTS about Varg, undeniable truths.

Even if you hate him or disagree with him sometimes you have to respect him.

That's because you are a fan. Go and try and argue about anything in his comment section. If you disagree with Lord Varg, you are simply wrong because Varg said so.
False dichotomy. You can fight and have children.

The idea that European patriarchy was ever about locking women up so they couldn't do anything is utter nonsense. It's about controlling them so their decisions don't fuck things up.

There's no point in having children when the jews still control the government.

They create liability.

As sad as it goes, Varg will cry when the government drives over to his house and take his aryan kids away.

He tells people to go live in a tent on cheap land they buy, or on someone else's land (after asking them).

Cmon… Abandon my STEM studies and chance at a decent income to support a family?

Also, nobody is breaking the system by not working; in Australia at least it's an employers market. If you don't work somebody else will be doing that job, and vice versa, if you do work then you're doing what somebody else would be doing. This is why I think it's good to aim for a high paying job and put the money into raising a family. Or you could move to a country area, have 8 kids and live off welfare like Varg does, w/e but the former is more appealing to me.

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Varg is and continues to be a good example of what nonviolent resistance looks like, even with the French authorities guns metaphorically (always) and literally (2013, last time) pointed at him and his family.


Varg's whole thing is that he's just a silly meme. He's famous for the crazy and autistic story around his black metal career and killing of his bandmate (whatever version of the story you believe.) He's basically just an eccentric musician with a screw loose verbally shitposting into his camera, but he's actually somewhat bright and savvy enough to know that he is a meme, and clearly enjoys it. People watch him because he is an entertaining weirdo who is both intentionally and unintentionally funny, just another internet curiosity like so many others.

However the Varg fandom that originally enjoyed his eccentricities and idiosyncrasies ironically ultimately started to take it seriously once Varg got e-famous and meme-worthy enough to start internet debates with people attacking him for various reasons. Now people talk about Varg as if he's supposed to be taken seriously, when really the whole point was that he was kind of a right wing hippie Gandalf with a crazy past that was fun to listen to, not someone who's supposed to be some kind of legit spirit guide or whatever he presents himself as. I actually kind of like Varg just because he's kooky and a fun meme even if he is kind of retarded, but people forget that was the whole point of why anons liked him in the first place. He's good as a meme IMO and his heart is probably in the right place but he shouldn't be taken too seriously, and people who get all worked up over him even less so.

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Yeah, I'm an Ozfag and this is true. And because of that, most jobs are shit conditions. Not third world but there is hardly ever a community because everyone is totally expendable. You are always only employee number x. That makes work soulless and that's why most people are depressed as fuck in their jobs. Oz really is on its way to becoming the world's first post community and culture nation.

varg is another e-celeb and a LARPing faggot nobody cares about. this is the equivalent of making a thread on 4cuck about why jordan peterson is controlled opposition. everyone with a brain knows this already and OP sucks cocks for a living.
it's called the fabian strategy and it was successfully created to deal with one of the greatest generals of all time.
varg is right in that there were many feminist societies in the history of europe, such as the spartans. also like the spartans, varg is an anus-licking faggot.
who is "we", what is the right, and who would ever want varg as part of his group apart from a viking cosplayer convention. >or should we be trying to red pill Vargtards on how subversive this Wikipedia citing goon really is?
again, who is "we"? I'm not going to go on a campaign of bitching about some dipshit on the other side of the world who barely has an influence, there is absolutely no point in this thread either.

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Nah man
Yes you can, but most white people don't have children yet, so better to focus on encouraging them to do something about that first, than encouraging them to risk their lives?
We agree on this, but there is a section of the right that very much do think that way.
I guess, but the points you started your thread on doesn't seem too dangerous, otherwise I agree.

Also eat my boogers, forgot to sage, you better savour your bump, cheeky bugger :^)

Part 1 of my reply to your dumb ass.

Serious? No. Its just more bullshit from a butthurt Christ faggot.

1. You can question him, you just can't act like a retarded Christ fag sperg about it and wantonly insult and cajole him. Thats what your faggot ass is REALLY angry about ie you want to call him names while questioning him but he benches (blocks) your sorry ass and you're butthurt about it because you wanted the right to just insult him freely you sad little shit.

2. Where's your financial disclosure dickhead? Anyway he doesn't owe it to us but has actually already explained where his money comes from (books, CD's) and you'd know that if you actually paid attention and weren't so busy remaining on your knees grovelling, genuflecting and sucking your false Jew god off.

3. Considering what he's been through (ZOG railroading him with a laughable kangaroo court that convicted him for self defense) not to mention the false flags we've ALL been through among other horrors of this society no one can blame him or any other sane pro white racialist for feeling the way that they/we do.

4. All Jew lies except for "Until the Light Takes Us".

5. No. Again you can disagree with him if you can manage to do so civilly and he won't block or ban you, you personally however can't do that so you get shitcanned and make butthurt posts like this one. BTW, Varg has even made entire videos at times admitting when he was wrong about something and even apologizing to people he's disagreed with until they proved him wrong.

6. Nope, another lie from your butthurt sorry ass.

7. Nope, we "Vargtards" have many other "leaders" and influences that we look up to. I myself am for example a student of the late Dr. William Luther Pierce as Varg also was and still is.

8. Only when you Christ fags name call and cajole (ie "bucketshitter as just one example of this) instead of making actual arguments is this true.

9. Don't see anyone doing EXACTLY what Varg does but moreso rather taking inspiration from him and attempting to live their lives in a simpler way that is most doable for their own situation which of course is perfectly fine. Varg even says people shouldn't necessarily be exactly like him but simply do the best they can to live a simpler life and again you would know this if you actually followed along with his video postings instead of getting butthurt about him not embracing your false Jewish god and blocking your sorry ass when you insult him in the youtube comments section as Christ fags are typically engaged in doing against your Jew god's will (Jesus told you faggots not to insult your "brother" which Varg and all other male humans count as under Christ insanity's narrative).

10. Whats harmful about Varg telling us the truth that Tarrant did nothing positive for the white race? That is objectively and factually true. This false flag harmed whites more than helped us. Whites are now being disarmed in New Zealand and killed for resisting not to mention people can go away for 14 years or longer to Nigger University (prison) just for having a copy of the false flag video or Tarrant's pathetic Jew written "manifesto".

11. Actually they're not thought of at all other than as Jew scum/shills/agents which they are/were all along.

The biggest thing that put me off of Varg was his slandering of Tolkien's work as being "Semitic appropriation of pagan culture", completely omitting Tolkien's own reverence for ancient Europe, the surprising amount of pagan tradition and worldview infused into Catholicism, and the fact that Tolkien himself was, ya know, white.

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Varg is a moron and pagans are faggots for pushing this anarchocommunist.

Varg is actually a big fan of Tolkien, IIRC he basically said the only thing he doesn't like about it is the catholic themes, and he's mentioned that he believes Catholicism to be about 90% paganism with a layer of aemite slapped on top.

He does not. He wants people to form tribes and wait for collapse. He says it is impossible to fight against the system's forces (I agree with him on this point)
He ain't wrong about this. Females have social roles but seeing females as propety is semitic.
No, he tells that these people have some non-white admixture. He is wrong about this though, you cannot even define race completely correctly by DNA and we do not know what caused light pigmentation in Europeans

Funny how there's hardly any instances of it actually working. That was the point. In times of war, it's by definition suicide unless there are some strange circumstances in play.

If too many take him seriously, the consequences could be rather dire.


Citation needed.
Citations needed.
You can but you'll always be wrong because Varg is Varg and therefore he must be right. He even insisted on calling Tarrant a Christian when there is no evidence and all people who disagree are wrong because reezunz.
Citation needed.
So you agree with someone whom Varg also agrees with. Hmmmm, maybe I am right!
My post has nothing to do with religion but of course because I disagree I must be a Christian because only REEL AIR-REE-ANNS agree with the Snow Niqqa.


If you think Varg dislikes Tolkien, it's clear you've never watched his channel. LOTR was a foundational work in his worldview and influenced his creative work as well. Not only that, but he brings up LOTR references left and right in his videos and uses characters like Gandalf as tropes for moral heroes in European history.

This is clearly a troll thread.

Kind of this tbh.
But miscegenation does play a big role in Tolkien's works, from the Silmarillion to the end of the Ring War, from demi-god and elf, elf and human, elf and human, and then the products of these Elrond and Elwing, one live forever as elf, one die as human, both half elves, Aragorn direct descendant of Elwing, basically marrying his own grandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrand….grand cousin.

There will be no collapse. We'll got what happens in every case of 'collapse': basically, we just slowly sink further into shit. The Jews are playing a demographic war you can't win by sitting out. He's effectively telling you to do nothing.

Nope, it was also European.
Right, and that implicitely means they are nonwhite because white + nonwhite =/= white. It never has. He's implicitely stating that they are not European, you stupid nigger.


I will admit that "About J. R. R. Tolkien's Inspirations" is one of his only videos that I've watched in its entirety. Maybe I jumped to conclusions from the overall negative tone of the vid.

Aryans miscegenated a ton with the peoples they conquered. Ossetians are probably the closest people left to pure Aryans. Us eurofags are just as much caveman hunter-gatherer as we are based steppe pastoralist, genetically speaking.

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I don't care, I just want to grill for god's sake

except it's what helped the russians beat napoleon you fucking idiot. the fabian strategy doesn't translate into an overall war strategy of course but it can be a great idea in tactical terms.

Part 2:

He tells the truth and when people do that they can't help but become wildly popular in a sea of liars and Jew controlled dissent shill bullshitters such as Apedre Angloon, Gavin Mccuck, lisping queer Dickie Spencer and Jew bastard "brother" Krapner who promotes white destroying Christ insanity as something positive instead of the spiritual version of AIDS that it is.

Its you Christ faggots that are the LARPers. When is the last time your sorry ass ever had the godless on the run?

Last time you burned a witch or stoned a heretic?

{Crickets chirping}

I rest my case.

You're a faggot LARPer like the rest of the Christ lemmings of current year 2019.

Not true. He tells you to live a simpler life however you personally can go about doing that and to "starve the beast" meaning don't buy crap you don't need that only makes (((them))) rich.

This is a type of fighting you low IQ Christ fag dipshit, its one strategy among many and Varg just recently told us in a video that his method may not be for everybody and encouraged us to all find our own way to combat ZOG how we best saw fit to do it. So if you want to worship false flagger Tarrant go ahead and do it but don't be surprised when you finally figure out that worshipping these Jew stooges much like waiting for Jesus to come back isn't going to bring you the world that you want much less save the white race. Then your dumb ass might finally be ready to embrace actual productive ideas for a change such as Varg's or perhaps someone else's whose not on the Jew pay roll promoting frothing love of Jew controlled agents like Tarrant and Breivik.

It worked for Ghandi dipshit because THAT was a type of fighting just as Varg's strategy once again too is a type of fighting, just not one that is commonly and readily recognized as "fighting" like a fist fight or a gun battle is to low IQ's such as yourself.

He doesn't support the pozzed version of (((feminism))) which is all that matters at the end of the day and if you think Apedre Angloon's "White Shariah" is going to work much less ever be implemented you're an even bigger retard than I initially thought.

No. He is only talking about purity scale here. Blonde hair and blue eyes are the whitest of white traits and thus need to be preserved more than anything.

Thats because (((they))) control (((science))) thus making it politicized and untrustworthy where it pertains to certain politically charged issues (usually surrounding race and IQ).

Doesn't mean Varg is wrong and (((they))) are right.

It simply means unless or until we get a non Jew controlled government we simply can't know the full truth or what is true because (((science))) presently is not controlled by honest people looking for honest answers.

Yes. We need more of Varg types and less tards like you that think voting in a Jew rigged game works and that fighting and or killing muzzies (the symptoms of the Jewish disease) somehow makes more sense than killing or expelling or mass arresting top Jews.

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You just revealed yourself. You are not from here. GTFO shill
Back to
You won't get any information from me. You will not get answer to any of your questions

And we are in a state of absolute war and multiculturalism is what's being weaponized against us to kill us, which means that Varg is wrong. Thanks for admitting that.

Varg is mean, but at least he's right about most things unlike shill OP, who misinterprets the guy.

I post how I want to post but I can't see any leddit spacing or outsider memes so I think your suspicion is just a product of you malign schizophrenia.

that is his opinion, and he think it's better to have have his small family out in the forest or somewhere to hunting and gather stuff. I think Varg is super black pilled and think it's too late already.
Varg is just practicing Scandinavian gender neutrality which has been there for some time, since if you where in Norway lets say between 16th century to 19th century if you where a woman and did not do anything useful like herding call/sing, taking care of the kids, cook food and maybe other stuff why would anyone want a weak woman?
Varg subscribes to Nordicism the idea of the Nordic race being superior to other races, it's just eugenics don't take it personally.

I'm not a huge Varg fanboy but has seen some of his videos and think they are alright. I've not watched every video since his survivalist style remind me of childhood to teenage years, in the small town I lived in Norway which was go outside for a little hike in either conditions like cold,rain, windy and snowy and walk for 2 hours at-least once a week. And when I was a teenager and was getting my hunting/rifle license it was more walking and being outside, even so bad as sleeping outside when it's cold in September or April if it was not another month but you get the idea.


I never contested that varg is wrong, however fabius wasn't.
imagine being this tryhard.

>He doesn't support the pozzed version of (((feminism)))

Varg is from irap?

Is his wife an application of his ideas? If yes, he's far better than low testosterone Spiritual Semites I used to see back when I was going to the church.

Where are your numbers for fighting back?


I know but realise that statement in the OP was rhetoric.
*tip tip* XDD

And look how it's worked out so far. Norwegians and Scandis are supercucks for a reason

We're still alive as a race you dumb fuck and until that fact changes you have no proof that its not working.

You should show us what you can do with a guitar, drum machine and pair of headphones as a mic.
It isn't derivative (of what, say what filosofem is derivative of)
By rote, please show the formula, the well trodden path.
Fucking trash and uninspired, well you could say that about 99% of music released and sold.
I like filosofem and the track war, I don't care to listen to the political ramblings of musicians or actors though.

You've outed yourself, rabbi. Don't you have bloody dicks to suck?

But only majorities in our nations for the next thirty years before we become minorities. Already in Austria whites are wearing Islamic veils. Same in Scandi. No one is doing anything. We are going extinct at a rapid speed.

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When did I say anything about Paganism? Even Evola spoke poorly about neopagans but I guess Evola is then a kike shill, too.


Varg even states that blondes shouldn't breed with Brunettes, stating it would be race mixing. Then he ironically calls himself a racist because of that.

Nigger, please figure out how embedding works before tripleposting and adding nothing of value like a complete retard.
Vid is good though

I find he has a lot of good things to say, but I'm all for open discussion and analysis on anyone with a following.

As for OP's points:
Going outside a wicked society to become self reliant and raise your children without zog influence is hardly "nothing". He encourages modest living and survival skills as well as a wholesome family life where children are allowed to learn the value of work, play, and intelligence. Survival of your lineage when SHTF is the opposite of nothing- it's everything.

I agree this one is somewhat off-putting, what he says about gender dynamics, particularly what he says against being the head of your woman, etc. But let's be honest, if you watch the videos and observe the family dynamic, he got very lucky that he found a reasonable, traditional and relatively level-headed woman to make a family with. If more women were like the one he has, then maybe he would have a more valid point there. It is not realistic at all for the common man to shoot for being all egalitarian with the selection of women we're dealing with today.

This is just not true. What he maintains is that the genes that cause darker hair and eyes did not originate with Europeans. He made very clear that this does not mean that the person themselves is "not European", "nonwhite" or any other such nonsense, just that the blonde hair and blue eyes are features that came out of purity in European genes. Agree or disagree, you're flat wrong on that point.

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Imagine creating such a convoluted excuse because you posted a picture of your father before you decided your new line of D&C was in fact that brown features = nonwhite genes. Varg is a fucking spastic and if I was Varg you would call me JIDF and you know it.

Really gets the noggin jogging.

So (((varg))) considers France his homeland, despite being a nordnigger, yet colonies are too much for him. What a cuck.

Also reminder that those who do it for free have been caught shilling him, I wonder why

You are mostly thinking of Swedish virtue signaling and listening to Jewish lies.
Norwegians will always be peculiar no matter what, and it's not that bad the bad thing is that Norwegians are open to people.
I don't know enough about Denmark only that they talk funny and have an awesome alcohol industry that makes snow chinks in Greenland more or less alcoholics.

Typical dishonest Christ fag.

Its all about what makes more sense you Jew tool.

Fighting the disease itself (Jews) or their symptoms (Islamic immigration)?

If you personally had the balls and knowledge to create a virus that would wipe out 1 million muslims exclusively or even 10 million or hell even ALL of them it still wouldn't free us or our societies from Jewish control and intended white genocide since the pozzed white liberals, the mexcrements, the niggers and the Communist Chinese would remain and ALL are useful idiots of the Jew ready to do the Jew's bidding against the white race in the interests of the Jew's white genocide agenda.

So again you're either a dishonest Christ faggot or a Jew shill bullshitter tryinig to obfuscate the issues as usual.

And yet they had the warrior spirit and (primitive) eugenics, while we have cucking and gazillions of spics and niggers.

OP, a quarter of all the posts in the thread have been you screeching about LARP, Vargtards, Neepagans etc.
Personally I come from a family with two blonde sisters, a dark-haired brother (who was platinum blond in his youth) - and both his kids are blond aswell. Our parents are the same, my mother is blonde and my father has dark-hair like my brother. I have sandy-blonde hair, somewhere in-between what my brother/father and sisters/mother have. It's not out of the ordinary for europeans to have this kind of pigmentation pattern, divided by gender.

You're obviously a scientifically illiterate christcuck who's butthurt and is projecting an accusation of your opponents being 'triggered' as some sort of pre-emptive defence.

Utterly pathetic.

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((( )))
Rabbi you insult our intelligence.

Anyone notice how much blatant reddit spacing is going on in this thread? I wonder (((why)))

Whites really need to swallow their pride on welfare. At least in countries with significant gibsmedat populations, the white man does all the work and his money is taxed and given to niggers and spics and Somalis and whatever else. Young couples can't hardly afford a family these days. Or I should say, young *white couples, because absolutely zero other races give a fuck and they shit em out like nothing, no matter how broke they are, gubmint pays them to do it.

So ask yourself, is it really worth it clinging to an older sense of paying your way when it's completely counterproductive in the reality of the modern system? Assuming your goals are anything along the lines of securing the existence of our people and a future for white children, why not have that money the government stole come back to YOU and YOUR FAMILY as "welfare" that you earned rather than going to some shitskinned leech and their rat's nest of offspring?

That's a yikes from me

Its not reddit spacing you dumb fuck millenial (did not originate with reddit).

Its how we oldfags post and it is superior to the walls of unreadable text your tarded neon colored haired generation of Bugmen prefers.

Varg murdered the modern savior. Euronymous wished for world communism because it was the most likely route for maximum suffering. Euronymous might have been onto something!

Why do we tey to avoid the collapse? White folks trot off to work, day after day, in order to fund our brown and black inferiors. Our replacements. The end of the current course is that things turn into totalitarian shit and everything suffers. This in mind, why not just invite death? We are destined to become a third world nigger republic, so we should stop playing the game. Quit "working" as much as possible and barter. Move to the boonies and welcome the gulags.

Get ready to be mad max in brownworld. Hope you lads have your funs.

muh reddit spacing is the first refuge of the dishonest scoundrel who cant counter an argument because they lack the brainpower to form a coherent thought.
Just leave

Who Brenton harmed directly:
51 dead sandniggers
Who Varg hurt directly:
white Norwegians
Oh – wait!!! They were Jews. Whoops. Haha. (Just nod if that's the correct response, Moshe.)

We fight both, all enemies known to us must be fought and destroyed. The mudape is an enemy, they are overt about it, the kike is an enemy, they are less overt about it, but they both have declared war on our blood, and for the sake of our blood they must both be destroyed.


Tarrant harmed the entire white race and no muslim was hurt in the staged production false flag psyop.

No blood spatter= hoax.

Sorry Chaim but we're onto your bullshit.

If he staged a live shooting he's better than the entirety of Hollywood directors put together. You, sir, are a true schizo.

Reality isn't like your videogames Timmy. Get off the computer and join us on the porch, we're grilling, he'll yeah!