Why is white race so important to you?

Why is it so important to you? I wanna know since from where I'm standing it looks like a bunch of people trying to feel apart of something. Also why is the white race so important? It isn't better than any other race last I checked the Muslims made the arabic numerals and the Asians made gun powder and paper money. So there isn't really any white supremacy. I'm sorry Zig Forums but it really just seems you guys want to feel superior to other people so you use race as pseduo supremacy but you really are just inferior. You can sage and ban all you want but it's true.

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shut up nigger

Ever think you're the real nigger?

white isn't a race, America is the only country that seems to group all light skinned ethnic groups under 1 label. And I wonder how it became that way

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shut up and lurk more nigger

Fine " European descent " is the proper term that's used just replace the White in what I said with that

There is no white race. There are multiple races which are white, all of which are hated by Jews and their puppets.

Remember to sage and report garbage threads from retard shills and off-site pests.

White people are responsible for 99% of art science technology, the best architecture etc

go back to cuckchan faggot

Do you prefer European descendant? Maybe it's gotta be more specific than that. Either way I'm talking about is referred to as white race in the posts about the white race.

Because we are part of it and if it goes extinct we also go extinct. Why would we want to go extinct? That would go against the survival instinct which is intrinsic to all living creatures.
So, according to you, basically not wanting to go extinct = white supremacy. It's not that we wanna survive or anything.
You are retarded. That's not an opinion but a fact. Your entire chain of thought is just non-sequitur nonsense.

Because we wuz Hyperboreans, obviously.

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it is who i am

That's bullshit nice try though matter of fact you're use Arabic numerals when you reply to me

On the other hand, white niggers have repeated failed to preserve what the rare White Gods have achieved in this world, allowed evil to flourish, and gleefully committed suicide again and again!


that does not change anything

How are you going extinct? There is 850 million of you. You account for 11 percent of world population you are far from going extinct.

You're right. It doesn't. You know it's not a big deal not like we use numbers to explain the world.

because the only things in life I value, were created by whites or are white people themselves. The only people I enjoy being around are white, the only people I want to work with are also white, the only people I respect are white. The only countries I want to live in, were created by white men, and are now being usurped. If whites were to go extinct, there would be nothing value left on this mudball except Japan, Korea and China, and I'm not Asian and would never belong there

Also whites don't need to force feeling superior. It becomes evident anytime you interact with technology or crack open a history book

There's only so much space on this mudball you fucking quadroon.

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Everything you need to know.

Personally, I jack off to women of every race and have hooked up with asians on Tinder but apparently biology has massive influence on our society and me being a collectivist believer who utterly is determined to prevent civilizational collapse as described by Sir John Glubb.

Other races, though providing a more colorful world make for subversive interactions, and in case of tropical races are blatantly inferior.

And advancement of medicine which saved lives

Learn to use the white man's words before you come here to shill, nigger.

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No, the white race is being purposely wiped out by a group of people they have allowed to take over the countries their forefathers created, while joyfully committing suicide!

Because prior to Western civilization the world was quite literally dark. And I don't just mean skin color, I mean my people invented/discovered electricity and then harnessed it. If we're talking superiority in terms of sheer innovation, everything pales in comparison to that. In fact there is no comparison.

Further, coming here and having a pre-secondary level of education isn't bannable, but it should be. I'd suggest that you read a book, unfortunately most were written by a certain people you hold in disdain. Maybe just kill yourself, amigo.

So you're going extinct? Maybe colonize other planets or something if you're worried about over population

Next you're gonna tell us that Africans taught whitey to bathe, right?

Vast majority of "Islamic" science was does by Persians, who are Aryan cousins of Europeans, or just straight up pilfered from the Greeks.

Who, arabs? No

only a degenerate can ask such a question

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And other races created important things for humanity I already mentioned it.