The anarcho-vegan incest-pedophile we reported on few days ago was arrested after mass call ins from Zig Forums to the local police after the videos of him getting consent from his daughters to do sex with him were posted.
The anarcho-vegan incest-pedophile we reported on few days ago was arrested after mass call ins from Zig Forums to the local police after the videos of him getting consent from his daughters to do sex with him were posted.
I can see it on the nightly news now:
Child Rapist Found on "8-Chan" Nazi Hate Speech Website
consent… c o n s e n t… (((CONSENT)))
Learn About CONSENT!
I wonder where this guy got his ideas from? Also, throw the cunt in a meat grinder.
I'm not gonna lie guys. I couldn't watch the vids. I've been thoroughly desensitized to all manner of gore and horror thanks to you, but the anger it would have made me feel could have realistically triggered a stroke.
Thank you, oh ye autistic diggers, you princes of men, for finding this weasel and getting him thrown in nigger prison.
What's your point?
Maybe try and get us some recognition for this, might make normalfags think that Brenton wasn't such a bad guy for browsing here after all
Amazingly, someone predicted this would happen in 2017.
From the book "Revival of the West". Free EPUB here:
Fortunately they are only jew kids, so it's not like he molested some little white girls.
People have been predicting this slippery slope for decades, this isn't something new
we say kikes are pedos every god damn fucking day. consult with your meme management officer.
>honest optics from the (((press)))
you are equally as retarded
I did, they are pretty wired, also worked with other annons on the thread, though it was the NeinChan thread that "fingered" him first, then confirmed as annons trawled social media for the faggot.
I'm pleasantly surprised anons found a genuine child molester. Well done.
Well that's a relief. I thought the world ended for a sec.
He is gay though.
Pretty sure this pervert is d0xxed already my dudes. Zig Forums is great at d0xxing shitbags.
I think there was a thread about this few weeks ago, before the arrest.
The material he produced is probably doing the rounds already.
she’s not even cute. and children are property so what’s the problem here
He's got an ED page now lol
Neck yourself, lolbert scum
The only problem is that he could have molested white girls, had the anons on here not put down their magnifying glass looking for swirly icons and hunted this retarded jew.
Can we go after his degenerate friend now?
That wasnt his daughter. Shes a hapa girl. Apparently the guy in vid is the boyfriend of the mother. He also molested the little girl's sister.
The irony in his statement is that if his friend truly was a paedophile, in the proper meaning of the word, he would not be exploiting the girls for his own sexual gratification; as a paedophile has a strong LOVE not lust for children, not as the jewed meaning that most conflate with molester or abuser. This creep is a mentally deranged jew (more than usual) and his feigned concern for the girl is one side of the coin; the other being what I suspect to be more aggressive and unpleasant. We might never know without further details or evidence.
A faggot is no longer a bundle of sticks, a gay person is no longer someone who's happy and well-off.
Get out of here with your pilpul
What does it tell you when fucking niggers, kikes and sand niggers are so damn cocky they’ll just post this kind of shit publicly?! White men have been made a laughing stock, pushover lame joketards that everyone can walk over and you sit and take it. Go ahead and throw all your ancestors under the bus. Ffs you’d rather be comfy than actually fight for something. Lazy good for nothing’s. Damn I’m pissed!!!!
An apple is an orange
Incorrect. The two girls are twins. There is a photo of him holding them in the hospital at birth. He was married to that whale beast, but then got divorced. The whale beast then moved back in with her prior husband. There is a son in the picture that is from her prior husband's marriage.
Kill yourself shitskin.
Lel, what a fucking faggot.
Religious fundamentalists agree!
I'm no expert but I think the problem might be that their are laws against coercing children under 18 to have sex with you. Especially if they are your family.
inb4 "bi isn't gay"