Attack on teacher in Toronto: vibrant diversity in action

Just in case anyone was wondering, this is what schools in Toronto looks like nowadays. Nice and vibrant diversity.

Pic related is the coat of arms of Toronto

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Other urls found in this thread:

I grew up in TDSB schools.
Let me tell ALL of you first hand how it is growing up in Toronto as a white kid.
Toronto schooling is hell. You will be attacked. You will suffer. The staff actually tried to ruin my family life. This is what your children will go through if you put them into these schools. This is what they will go through if we don't ACT.

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What have YOU done? Why don't you just keep waiting for all the faggots who sit around waiting for the proverbial "we" to act and see how that goes.


A lot for the white kids.

Toronto is also the epicenter of smug self righteous and violently arrogant political correctness by the spoiled brats of the bourgeois. Neil Young epitomizes this kind of rich kid hipster ugly no talent asshole. Same with Jim Carrey. It's a Toronto disease that infected Canada, particularly Vancouver. Fuck me I hate that face. That is the face of Toronto. Kill it with fire.

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Toronto is accursed. Deservedly so. I'd rather live in Swift Current Sask. than anywhere in Onterrible. What a bunch of assholes. The worst assholes in Canada. It's got to be one of the most miserable epicenters of anglo jew rot in the world.

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Remember this is the city/province that made these two assholes the premier and mayor of Toronto, two nigger loving dope dealer thug assholes, and Doug replaced this repulsive anglo dyke bitch as premier.

Ontario and in particular Toronto are accursed and justly so.

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I don't believe this is true. The Canadian government said the greatest threat to the nation is WHITE SUPREMACY and these gentlemen look African.

Can you not do schooling through correspondence? I was thrown out of my HS in Alberta for severely beating up Filipino who went out of his way to annoy me flips are about as worthless as niggers, so I finished my grade 12 coursework by mail. I had to write my finals at some other school, but otherwise it was a fairly simple process.

With the internet there's no reason to go to school. Home schooling by correspondence is by far the best option. Also your undergraduate degree as well. Much cheaper and more comfortable; 3 hours a day waiting for and riding on the bus is horrible, miserable. That's what I did and do I regret it. University of Waterloo, that's the way to go.

Certainly sounds safer for HS if Toronto anons claims are true.

she's also a crypto-jew. I don't know why people can't see that.

Ontario is a province of Orange Lodge Freemasons and thus a nest of Anglo Jew perfidy

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Lol the cuck got culturally enriched.

Well, why did he vote for Trudeu. He sew the wind and reaped his own whirlwind.

i bet they all are so rich they don't give a fuck about anything, i bet they are pedos and do blood sacrifices on a regular basis too. Because they are basically immortal.

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It looks like a 3-segment horse shit.

So was your mom a druggy or just had mental health issues?

And they do love their adorable pet shitskins in Onterrible.

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They're trying to destroy the whole world with multicultralism, why? Just why?

Nothing in source URL specifies this happened in Toronto, or even Canada at all. It's still outrageous, regardless.

You're pretty bad at agitprop, just so you know. Do you usually fail at tasks?

WTF. Post the video with thread. Fucking fag.

They don't try to take your kids away for nothing.

It is Toronto. It's gotten a lot of press because this is the first incident like it anyone has seen.

What the fuck is all this shitty spam? Getting sick of these fucking mods posting this shit.

You come to a board that is ostensibly, reputedly the epicenter of world antisemitism and after all the immense Niagra Falls cascade of endless words on the perfidy and demented bloodthirsty nihilism of the juwes you ask a question like this?

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Fuck Ontario and fuck Canada!
The anglo meme is real. White niggers!

It's only disturbing if you're a red eyed white rabbit who's never seen the world outside of their hutch before.

That middle fat mason nigger has the starboard side of his apron medal undone like a fat fuck slob