There were a bunch of movies from the 90s that made being far right seem cool and tough. The Believer, Romper Stomper, and American History X are three that come to mind(any other good skinhead movies any decade let us know). I'm not exactly advocating far right people do random acts of aggression against innocent people, or random non-whites, but these sorts of movies just made the far right seem macho.

But when I look to the internet far right culture it just seems like people talking crap to each other online from their keyboards and its kind of a let down to be honest. I was expecting something a little more masculine. Instead its just people complaining about the big bad black man or the big bad jew, and hoping the fact that white people are nice guys will convince the leftists to stop abusing them.

I guess what I find most disappointing about the far right, is the level of aggression people express towards each other by way of texting indicates that they are compensating for a certain amount of IRL cowardice, online aggression is sort of like a way of venting for stuff that you let happen to you IRL, and its disappointing to see that tendency.

Here is a few youtube scenes from those movies:

American History X grocery store scene

The believer clip 1

The believer clip 2

Other urls found in this thread:


it's literally just leftist losers who say the N-word to feel extra edgy and "ironically" eroticize black people lmao

>aren't (((Hollywood))) movies about neo-nazis cool, fellow anons?



Ya they are cool actually, much cooler than computer screens

ya that's what I'm asking actually, check out the video above of derek vinyard going off on murray

somebody's uncomfortable about being told to man up heh

tits or gtfo


believer clip where a jew is confronted, clip above is grocery store scene american history x

This thread doesn't know the whole story. I almost got sent to a terrorist picnic camp last year.


Hello, agent.


They're still around. They're a different beast.

White-focused gang culture hardly even counts as political, it's just being drafted into a gang in American prisons. If you're black, you join Bloods/Crips, if you're hispanic you join La Eme or Latin Kings or whatever, if you're white you join Aryan Brotherhood.

They're not pushing for sympathetic lobbyists, rallying or drumming up activism, whatever. Or shooting up mosques, either.

Nothing cool about that and you won’t save the white race by doing that, Shlomo. Sage and kys

Prison is closer to the third world than it is to white society. Every individual for himself. Survival and ego are the only factors. Long term goals (civilization) don't exist.

Prisons are literally the perfect experiment to predict what will happen when the bubble pops and our logistics fail. Leftists can't into reality or business and don't see this. Maybe they'll be running errands and sucking dick for jamal the shot caller when things fall apart and they're still in the city.

I don't need a bunch of ugly American jews in a movie to tell me what to think.

Movies are literally Plato's Cave.

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The liberals I've spoken to say prison gangs don't count because only defective people go to prison.

you mean you don't want to dress up like an edgy hot topic employee and beat up gook gas station owners? wtf man how else are we going to establish an ethno-state?

does antifa have subconscious gay fantasies about fascists or something?

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I have fantasies about ginger Nazettes in leather with whips. That's just me though.

How does American History X make the far right seem cool? I mean sure, the main character is aggressive, has tattoos and is tough. But other than that, the guy is a fucking loser. He’s broke, he’s a criminal and he literally goes to jail for his crimes and gets torn a new asshole. Besides, the whole point of the movie is him realizing that being far right isn’t cool. The fact that anyone on the right would look at a person like him and think of him as “cool” is a fucking problem. Isn’t the whole point of being a skinhead to believe that white people are superior? Because if it is, that guy wouldn’t be a good example. He’s an uncivilized goon.

I just saw a whiny try-hard faggot

Ah yes, the jew movie about a white guy (really a jew actor) who goes haywire and it's not the niggers, it's the chinks with jobs. Yes I see.

The far right doesn't look like that. We don't ha e tattoos. We don't hate people. Hate isn't a far right thing.

If you want to see some other movie about neo-nazis, check Shotcaller. We don't want this image so sorry if you are disappointed. We care about original national socialist ideals. Not these gang meth footsoldiers.

Assault on Wall Street is patriotic as fuck. Dude gets fucked over by wall street fucks then kills as many as possible and gets away with it. He's not a skinhead or some bullshit. Just a security guard.

The veteran. Dude takes a stand against everything fucked up. Takes down hundreds dozens of shitbags before being shot. Cleans up neighborhood so to speak.

Law abiding citizen. Protagonist gets fucked over by the legal system takes the law into his own hands and brutally murders the men repsonsible for the death of his wife an daughter. The underlying theme is a nigger and a female do everything they can to fuck over a white man.

The veteran. Dude takes a stand against everything fucked up. Takes down hundreds dozens of shitbags before being shot. Cleans up neighborhood so to speak.

Bot posting? This is fucking weird. I bet you get profiled for watching all these links.

Oy vey, they know. Shut it down. Fuck off kike.

Shit. It's been happening since the other day I made a post about Muslim shills/trolls on Zig Forums. My phone opens apps randomly but only when I try to post something.

Standard script, definitely suspect.

Quit fighting guys. Post more movies please, preferably European.

No he does NOT fuckin' get away with it leaving that cigarette butt at the scene lmao

The Patriot is a great movie.

Your phone was probably hacked. I'd say factory reset it, but honestly I think some malware can persist in the backup image. When you go to restore it you will inadvertently load the malware back onto the phone. Get a burner phone or laptop for shitposting on boards. Stop visiting porn and religious sites. Those are the most likely to serve malware.

Not everybody who posts useful shit is a bot nigger.


You've got multiple IP addresses making duplicate posts. It's fucking suspect.

So basically… OP doesn't understand that the "far right" on the internet basically doesn't exist and he thinks there is a whole community of them, but in reality, they're just edgy teen shitposters that in real life are beta cucks and probably lets their wife beat them.

Libertarian as fuck. If you set Robin Hood in modern times it would be seditious to say the least. Anti-tyranny, pro-freedom. Liberty by law has been a driving force for many leaders of Western countries from early on.

Guys I found him. Stop trying to derail the conversation faggot.

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Yeah pretty much confirmed shill thread. Reported.

I.T. Server admin here.
Phone-posting tends to come with different IP's. Phones are not static, Their signal can come from different towers, and the time they're allotted to have an IP is short.
A phone's IP will change multiple times every hour.
It's why phone viewers count as a new, unique view on Twitch.tv.

Hopefully that helps.

300 and pretty much every movie about classical civilizations a right wing.

μολὼν λαβέ

Don’t let your memes be dreams, user.

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Mr. Tarrant just removed 50 bloodthirsty invaders from white soil and you're here trying to subtly shill the idea that "trust me goyim, Zig Forums is the NEW hot cool counterculture." We've known your tricks for years.

I really enjoyed that one where the guy's in his car and then gets out with a strobing gun, enters a mosque, shoots loads of muslims, goes back to his car, gets another gun, returns to the mosque, shoots all the muslims again, then gets back in his car and drives off over an ineffective speed-bump.
The ending's a bit abrupt and it's short, but the soundtrack's spot-on. Sadly, I can't find it on Netflix or any reviews on Imdb.

Fuck it, 1 minute too late

I have not watched a movie in 10 years and I will never watch one again

Nah, it was worth it to change it into a movie, I'm gonna use that in the future


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Looks like you've missed the entire point of those movies. It's not to make neo-nazis appear "cool and macho", it's propaganda made by leftists who use it to radicalize non-whites, lawmakers, journalists, and other leftists attacking right-wing ideology as a deadly threat. The majority of us are not Brenton Tarrant copycats because violence never works at all. It won't wake people up as they'll tolerate worse conditions like they do in Brazil, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

The left anthropomorphizes normal right wing views as being fringe, intimidating, and violent while anthropomorphizing radical left wing views as being normal, compromising, and peaceful because it's an easy method of brainwashing people. It gives them an ideological in the mainstream discourse.

It's why Jared Taylor is banned without any question from EU/Canadian countries for talking about the great replacement, but why ISIS fighters are met with sympathy when they request to return back to those countries despite commiting genocide/terrorism against Christians/Shia muslims. The former is portrayed as being intentionally evil and violent in fiction for talking about border security, whereas the latter is portrayed with sympathy for acting on their commitment for genocide.

Think that I'm crazy? Look at the double standard.
Right wing anti-immigration activists:

The issue isn't with Islam, it's just a matter of making circumcision illegal. The issue is with leftists who hold a double standard. Their issue isn't with violence nor hate, it's the frequency of propaganda and hitpieces that the ideology has.
Ever notice how the left's methodology is always omitting the Islamic terrorist attacks?

Sage for shit bait.

You can change that.
Optics don't care.
Remember "Nearest Synagogue"

tell me more

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.


I'm not far right but you're somewhat correct. We're mostly cowards here.
But then, so are you.
Something is wrong with White people these days.
Our men are cowards and shirkers and our women are whores and sluts. The jew has destroyed us spiritually.

Want to know something, newfag? On Brenton Tarrant's thread most anons were supportive of his actions or in disbelief that someone would actually do something to fight the invaders. Today, you'd think that 50% of 8/pol/ believes that he was a falseflaghoax but it's really only an exceptionally loud and obnoxious minority of cowardly conservatives who cannot imagine anyone actually fighting back and possibly jews and feds trying to muddy the waters as usual.
Yet the first naysayers on Tarrant's thread were not the dumbass flase flag screamers or even our numerous resident armchair revolutionaries critiquing his target selection.
No, the first naysayers were people who wanted the thread taken down because it might cause the organs to shut down Zig Forums.

Can you imagine?
Our race is being systematically exterminated by these monstrous jews and yet a significant number of people are more worried about a fucking website for shitposting than actually doing something.
In fact, most of the hoax-screamers, if you press them, they claim that the reason why they know Tarrant was a hoax was because the System wants to shut down Zig Forums.
So again, a significant portion of the so called National Socialists here are more concerned with a fucking image board than their own racial existence.

It's fucking pathetic.


O Hai!

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This place is a shouting match between good people National Socialists etc and scum. Most of the in fighting is either between these or general shiposting for funzies.
This place ISN’T the far right, its just part recreational venting, part training montage, part rhetorical training camp and probably more.
There are more 'high brow' places if thats what you like. But if you want organisation and results youll need to do it yourself. carefully, fren

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remember kids, flabby jews always project their emasculation onto others

Look at this fucking out of touch boomer. Look and laugh.

Holy fucking shit boomers are fucking retards. I can't wait to gas you all.

Good shit there

Based and Nomad pilled.
Praise Tengri

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You’ll never be white you nigger

Kill yourself.

Macho? You want leather?
Were the SA workers "macho"?

No, those were propaganda films to make nationalists look like low IQ degenerate freaks.

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I noticed that too, there is an over emphasis on linking white nationalists to degenerate homo activities in hollywood, it's the ultimate kike projection. I used to watch Oz on (((HBO))) back in the day, and the MAIN perpetrators of ass fucking were always the Aryan Brotherhood, it was the main punishment and threat over everybody. The most important long running plot of the show is about the leader hate raping and branding some lawyer that got on his wrong side.

Fascism was literally the ideology of the middle class. In Italy the cities divided themselves with the working (and criminal) class becoming militant communists; in response the middle class became fascists.

It's a little bit more complicated in Germany because the entire nation was bankrupt when Hitler came to power, but as should be obvious from the fascination with obscure literature, symbols and history of the National Socialist brass; it was the educated who flocked to their banner. I'm not dumping on working classes by the way, the working class is usually nationalist by default making them attracted to those groups that are dedicated to protecting their rights; but the actual movement of the 'far right' is that of the educated elite who pursued history, philosophy and theology to reach their position. The often simple working class types were just along for the ride as they saw a people who genuinely gave a crap about them; although of course there are plenty in the working class who are the intellectual elite and were attracted to it for more philosophical reasons.

The far-right was never the one who started the violence. We are not, and never were the thugs. The Brownshirts of the National Socialists, the Blackshirts of the British Union of Fascists, and the common Fascist Ultra of Italy was ALWAYS acting in response the violent predations of far-left communists and anarchists.

We are Order to their Chaos

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The streets were retaken in pitched battles with communist filth by brave working class, National Socialist men that stood against the scum. Hitler was an aspiring architect sure, but he worked as a labourer and builder before the WW1 and then became a corporal.

Intellectuallist faggot.

Does it matter? Violence and murder aren’t wrong and to limit its use to self defence is not only absurd and inconsistent with Natural Law, it further reinforces your bourgeois detachment from reality.

I would rather have half a dozen skin heads than one hundred ivory tower, big brained nibbas.
Go back to counter currents and suck grinder greg off in the comments.

As said, in Italy it was literally the middle class who were the Fascists that fought in the streets. You did not really have a middle class in Germany in the Hitler era because the entire nation had been destroyed by the jews and their Weimar catastrophe. Nonetheless the National Socialists were clearly obsessed with philosophy, history and theology; have you ever listened to the speeches or read anything written by their top people? Calling me an intellectualist faggot is really just shitting on yourself; Zig Forums is the Nationalist Intelligentsia of the modern era whether you like it or not.

As said before, there are of course intellectual powers from the working classes, but the fact remains that Nationalism was an ideology founded by the educated (it is also a relatively recent phenomenon, and all attributions of peoples being 'nationalist' in the past are only done so with the lens of the post-modernist); Nationalism is more than mere tribalism or familial defense, in Fascism and National Socialism it manifested as a code of ethics and a duty to every man. The Jew tries to portray it as something crass and basic, tries to disregard it as instinctual xenophobia as opposed to a theological imperative that took into account all of history.

This is not about being divisive, and the sympathies of Nationalists usually lie more with the 'working class' because they constitute the majority of the populace which Nationalism seeks to uplift and defend. The fact remains however that it was not a working class (at least as understood by Americans) movement; it was not an elitist or occultic movement either, nor were its adherents the least bit snobby or pompous. The foundation of Nationalism reaches far deeper than hatred of the other or defense of our own; it is about natural order and divine purpose.

If you only understand it as 'I hate niggers' then okay, but you are not so much a part of the movement as you are just along for the ride. Our movement is far deeper and more profound than that, and whilst we will protect our kin regardless of their understanding; it is a disservice to us all to be portrayed as a nothing more than a bunch of barely-literate tattooed skinheads.

I am well aware of the scope of National Socialism, thankyoufaggot.
Zig Forums isn’t intellectualist. Know your terms and get them right.
and you’re still an intellectualist faggot