Jared Taylor expelled from the EU on orders from Jewish Poland for talking about the Great Replacement during...

Jared Taylor expelled from the EU on orders from Jewish Poland for talking about the Great Replacement during conferences


Jared may be pretending not to understand what is going on in an attempt to find an administrative resolution to this so-called "Polish" problem.

In your opinion, who can ban an American whose mistake is to talk about the biological preservation of the European peoples from European territory?

Right: the Jews

The Polish government, which also spends its time shouting from the rooftops that it refuses Islamic immigration, is not on its first attempt. Richard Spencer, another white American identitarian, was expelled from Europe on Poland's initiative.
Or more precisely Jews who control Poland by phone.
If you don't know, the Polish Prime Minister is a Jew. He is also very busy censoring all publications that mention the role of international Jewry in the destruction of Europe.
In due course, if we do not start the fight against the Jews, the Poles will suffer the same fate as we did. It's just a matter of time. No country of Aryan settlement should escape the Judeo-globalist project of physical eradication through denatality, alternative immigration, racial mixing promoted by the Jewish media and international Jewish finance.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.fr/s?k=Cage de Faraday smartphone&__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss).

The EUSSR is not a meme

In an article about New Zealand, I talked about the inevitable closure of the European Union in the context of the final destruction of the continent's white nations. I invite you to read it or reread it (pic) because what is happening with Taylor is nothing more than the implementation of this plan.
In order for you to understand, technically, what this implies, Jared Taylor cannot go to these countries (pic related).

The argument used by Poland on the orders of the Jews who control is the accusation of "totalitarian" deviance.
Because obviously, committing to the right of the European peoples to continue to exist is "totalitarian". From a Judeo-globalist point of view.
It is nothing more or less than the rhetorical arsenal of the Bolshevik system of the time of the USSR. What is "totalitarian" is to collectively declare the whites illegitimate in their historical continent and to methodically implement, with all the state power, their disappearance.
Outsiders will gradually be banned from travelling to the continent for political reasons.
And do not imagine that this will require passionate speeches on the need to expel tens of millions of non-indigenous people. A single Facebook or Twitter comment will be enough.

The EU will set up a visa system with the USA that will allow Brussels to prevent all politically suspect persons from travelling to the continent. In other words, in a few years' time, the continent will be completely closed on the model of the Eastern Bloc.
The same applies to those who live in the EU: you will only be able to go abroad if the EU is willing to do so. In addition to controlling the movements of North American and European whites, the control of capital movements will inevitably be added. That is, your ability to move your money.
You will have noticed that this system has begun to be implemented within the very interior of the Soviet republics of Europe. The Jewish occupation government in France has already passed the law allowing it to place anyone under house arrest on the grounds that it does not like his opinions.
I reassure you, however: millions of sub-humans from the Third World will continue to arrive in sandals without a penny, welcomed with open arms on the money of the white proletariat. Especially if they are Bedouin worshippers.
Preachers from Saudi Arabia or Qatar will be able to continue to excite millions of Mohammedans in European mosques in preparation for the final jihad against Europe.
And the niggers approved by the Jews will be able to continue to call for the eradication of whites in the Hebrew media.

Jared Taylor is not a provocateur or someone who displays particularly extreme opinions. It simply undermines, in an intellectually articulated way, the myth of racial equality.
He has in fact always respected the rules of the system and carefully avoided talking about Jews, the myth of the 6 trillion Jews turned into sausages or calling for violence. Actually, he's probably not even anti-Semitic.
It is not as an anti-Semite that he is banned from 26 European states, but because he has underlined the seriousness of the threat posed by the EU's population replacement policy. This is more than enough to be considered an extremely dangerous enemy for the Judeo-globalist system.

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Holy shit!!! We're reaching ChiCom levels of lefty totalitarianism. Respect to Jared, though. Guy must be 75 and he's still fighting and sharp as a tack.

Take the necessary countermeasures

Since Jared Taylor mentions it, I am personally following in the footsteps of Lenin and Trotsky, but conspiring to weed the Jewry that controls Europe in order to save our culture and our people.
Taylor was targeted because he was speaking in public. If we want to become truly effective, we must begin to adjust our methods to the new political reality we are facing. We have the state against us, the media against us, the auxiliaries of the Judeo-globalist system against us. We cannot charge such an enemy head-on.
We must act asymmetrically.
In other words, we must, to a large extent, organize ourselves underground wherever we are in the context of a White International that is now in its infancy.
Let the boomers indulge themselves with their public meetings, which are always attended by the same people who have been convinced for 20 or 30 years. The only potentially interesting gatherings are spontaneous gatherings, launched shortly before on the Internet on very general themes.

1. If you are a young man
If you are under 20 years of age and have never participated in a demonstration or joined a party, do not do so under any circumstances.
All true revolutionary movements act in this way and select their best elements on this preliminary basis.


Because you have a huge tactical advantage. All gatherings are photographed and filmed, the identities of the participants analysed and then filed. If you are a young person, do not give the system any advantage by giving it information about yourself. Make him blind about you.
Be a werewolf, active only in the shadows. In broad daylight, you are a normalfag, devoid of political convictions, fairly anti-racist and a fan of video games.

2. Basic kit for the white man concerned about his safety
The Judeo-globalist state will become more and more oppressive as the racial contradictions of the system intensify. Tyranny is the only solution for Jewish power. It has no alternative.
You must immediately get used to taking preventive measures that will protect you from Judeo-governmental repression.

You must have a VPN.
You should stop exchanging via Facebook with third parties and prefer encrypted applications such as Signal (smartphones) or Ricochet (PC).
Do not discuss anything political with people you do not know physically.
Under no circumstances should you participate in DISCORDs that we have said and repeated, with supporting evidence, that they belong to a Jew who delivers information about nationalists to Western Jewish governments.
The Jewish government actively collects all possible data on all potential opponents. Just because it still seems relatively inert does not mean that it is not involved in the methodical planning of what will follow.

The system is at the preparatory work stage.
Nice, for example, is one of the newest laboratories in the field.

I suppose you know who holds Nice?

In a short time, you will no longer be able to take a step into a large French city without being identified by the Jewish occupation government for your political opinions, thanks to data collected on social networks. It will probably expand to other countries.

Via your IPs (hence the importance of having a VPN).

Don't forget also that you have a social graph (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_graph) via your smartphone. You can change your sim card, it doesn't change anything: the system can detect, through your simple contacts between phones, who you are based on your fingerprint. Basically, an unknown phone that is close to your girlfriend's phone 7 days a week is most likely yours. Bingo: You've been spotted.

Get yourself a Faraday bag (amazon.fr/s?k=Cage de Faraday smartphone&__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss). This avoids being followed by the cops and the Jewish occupation government. It is worth around 50 euros.

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3. Jews like their anonymity, not yours

You know, for example, that the EU will abolish cash and that electronic currencies will be introduced by the State. This is not because of a taste for technology but because the state in Jewish hands wants to know the slightest movement of capital and, if necessary, block it.
If you add to this the abolition of anonymity on the Internet in consultation with the major platforms (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that the Chief Rabbi of France was talking about yesterday, you have the conditions to decree the social death of any opponent.

White opponents, of course.

What will you do when the Jewish political commissioners of the have registered you as an opponent ("racist", "Islamophobic", "anti-Semitic", etc.)?) and that they will be able to block all your assets, prohibit you from travelling abroad ("terrorist risk"), and disseminate, as planned, your identity through the regime's press with the result that you will be dismissed at any time, forever, by a simple telephone call to your employer?
The poster collage era is over. Now we're getting into the hard part.
Act preventively, do not wait for the Judeo-globalist system to strike before starting to think about countermeasures: it will be too late, you will be marked.

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Is there anywhere I can go to escape this fucking net? I’m already going to be googlelagged for hanging here for years already. Every new white city seems just as bad as the last. I’m literally going to have to carve out a chunk in Africa or something

I'd avise French Canada, Northwest America or Eastern Europe.


But these are not bad alternatives.

Wow who would have thought that being kosher with jews at amren and giving speaking space to faggots like greg johnson and jack donovan doesn't protect you.

Well look at that, they DO know deportation works.

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I’m between Australasia at the moment and they’re both moving towards authoritarian governments faster than I can believe. Guess I’ll take my bong GF and head to the land of the free

Good luck

Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer are controlled opposition. Taylor is married to a jewess and his american renaissance organization was founded by a rabbi who held a speech there in the 90s, you can watch it on YouTube. Spencer is a jew and him and fellow jew Paul Gottfried coined the "alt right", which is the controlled opposition label that the jewish media started to promote during the 2016 election.

Him being denied entry by Poland is likely a way to smear Poland, using some jewish-polish buerocrat somewhere, just like Hungary was blamed for deporting Spencer a few years ago. Or it could possibly be that these two very based pro white countries are actually aware they're controlled opposition. Either way I say good riddance, we don't benefit from these agents staging drama and trying to create infighting etc.

Poland's PM is a kike.
He wants to ban an "antisemitic" Polish newspaper.

Our strength is in our numbers this is why the jews rely on us doing self censorship. Your advice on not joining any organized activist groups is sound - those are likely controlled opposition. But to constantly be afraid and try to hide is a mentality that jews are actively working for us to adopt. They want us to be afraid of being called "racist" and nonsense like that. The solution is to reach critical mass and we need millions of people unafraid of posting and voicing their concern on the internet for that to happen.

Jews always nestle their way in to every power structure, but the sentiment among Poland and hungarys people is very based which is why they have very low immigration numbers.

Hungary is doing fine, but Poland actually gets migrants. The clergy constantly pushes for it.

That is also true, and other texts were written about this very specific concern (such as: "Be racist or die: you must decide"). I might translate them too later.

Law and Justice is a zionist front. They are NOT nationalists in the slightest. Don't confuse latent sentiment among the Polish people with a government that is leveraging elements of that sentiment to disguise who they really are [which, like Trump, they don't much bother with anymore].


if those two can't even do a thing in America (where their rhetoric has some meaning) why are they in Europe anyway?

Because of this incident

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That is not true, she is a Brit and a Christian.

Actually, probably got it confused with the "how to spot a jew" article in another newspaper, they're being called out left and right
We have a historical right tbh, we housed the jews we have free reign to criticize them when they go against us

Lol jews killing free speech because their lugen presse is dying. TOP KEK

image related

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Classic PooLand

Taylor didn't marry a kike but he has said plenty of times that he wants Jews as allies and that he doesn't really have a problem with them. But who knows, it could just be a front.

We in Poland know whats going on. We are not dumb. Search for the Article about only Poland newspaper (Tylko Polska). We know the Jews are running our Country. But our Young and Elders are dumb because of the lose of Education that was cause by the last Century by the Jewish Communists.

But Polands kike prime minister is based right?

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Why not wetback it into Finland? Just rub some walnut oil on your face and pretend to be a Syrian rapist. The human rights tribunals will probably upgrade your accommodations in Helsinki and send over a 14-year-old white girl.

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She may or may not be a racial jew, but either way, Jared is 100% kosher.

Attached: jews can very much be White people, men of the West Jared Taylor.mp4 (720x480 429.96 KB, 1.59M)

Well, he is focused on race only, no matter the religion.

For coward such as like you? Suicide. Better yet if you deal significant damage to the enemy in the process. Other countries don't need any more cowards anyway. I'd say stay and fight, but it's clear you will never do that.
Same goes for you,

Do you think the kike prime minister of Poland would just have a list of every single American jewish asset?

Both were shilled here repeatedly. Both are bad.

Jews are a race, not a religion. His focus is protecting jews by keeping gentiles focused on niggers.

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Deported instantly if you say the wrong thing but if you rape and murder white people it's a ten year struggle with 6000 appeals. This is really disgusting, so much for freedom of speech.

Poland goes from good to cucked back to good back to cucked again every five minutes. It's impossible to keep track of this country.

And what haplogroup would that be?
They don't have any significant haplogroup in israel? I know that some of the ancestral studies mark "ashkenazi" but I'm starting to think its all a meme, because I can't find the group for ashkenazi either.

If he was 100% kosher, he'd be front and center every day like Jordan Peterson. He's about 50% kosher, which means he's 50% too dangerous to put in public.

He's 100% pro-jewish, thus 100% kosher. His target audience is people who are already skeptical about race and might otherwise become jew-wise.

Jared's argument is that jews are White because they "look h'White" to him. That isn't any kind of race science.

ignore what he said

Lets talk about if jews are a race

Perhaps not so from your American perspective, but here in France it is exceptional to hear someone talking about race and ethnostate openly while being White. So even if he's kosher he would still be a public enemy here.

He's a release valve for whiggers, also trapped by his individualist/atheist values and perspectives, no different to Peterson.

Start at 9:55.

GOOD post

so by your logic Poland is smearing Poland.

Uhh yes…

I thought Jared was controlled opposition so why should I care

If he was controlled opposition why was he thrown out of a jewish run country?

according to that graph, greeks are further away from the average whites than turks and ashkenazi jews.

Also, if humans start at "Beduin" then africans are literally not humans. LOL

Also, most jews aren't ashkenazi, they are only a very small minority in Israel. If only ashkenazi are jews, then most jews don't belong to a race.

Also, good video.

LOL. Guess what buddy?

The only thing you need to do is to say "the ancestor of humanity is "the beduin" and then africans objectively are not humans. Since they are on another branch not connected to the beduins.

Untrue, the clergy here is not a homogenous entity as it should be, it's split between "progressives" that get attention of mainstream media and are liked by them, they're the minority and get all the credit. Just because the pope is disgusting, doesn't mean that all Catholics are cucks.

you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, its standard for controlled opposition to be persecuted to make them more believable, happens all the time

Because le travel and le culture lol

Jews aren’t a race you dipshit. They are a multi-ethnic religious group. Three main ethnicities are Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and whatever the Palestinian one is. And that’s being generous, since most of them qualify as mutts or are inbred to all hell.
This shitty take, that Jews are a biological race, and especially when people start making essentialist claims about Jewish greediness or antisociality, is because everyone on Zig Forums has a raging hard-on for Hitler because so edgy lulz, even though it’s current year PLUS FOUR, and they’ve come to see Jews as biologically separate from whites when they aren’t because that’s what Hitler thought that fucking idiot.
Genetics prove otherwise. Evola’s spiritual definition of the “Jewish race” is much more aligned to reality:
I bet you listen to TRS for serious commentary on Jews. You should actually kill yourself for thinking a fat computer nerd, an ex-goth, and a cyclist had any solutions to the 2000 year old spiritual struggle over the destiny of the white race that began when THOSE FUCKING JEWS crucified our Savior. And you actually think this has anything to do with fucking genes?

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These two videos needs to be seen by everyone. Video 1

video 2

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Also, why the fuck are they taking his passport if he wasn't allowed to leave the international terminal? If he isn't permitted entry they don't get to take his crap.


Nice try.

The USA just banned Martin Sellner from his own wedding.

But the JIDF on Zig Forums, that is who we should listen to?

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Yet they have genetic testing available for gibs.

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Jews you say? They look huwhite to me.

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yes you understood his post well done, now argue against it or gtfo

The main reason why the Jews are on winning side of this battle, is because many are afraid of them. The Jew doesn't have to fight you, if you are a prisoner of your own fear. Fuck these mutilated mules. Let them gather data on you. They should be scared of YOU, no the other way around.

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Every day I hate this clown world more and more.

Somali rapists welcome. Jared Taylor banned.

Well, most jews aren't ashkenazi. Not sure if most of them are white tbh..

They are an ideology that clings to the identity of a race, whilst not actually being of a single race. Judaism is racial satanism for mongrels.

we need a plague asap.

Daily reminder that Poles - and by extension all Slavs- should not be considered white for all intents and purposes. They must and will be removed from Europe when they the time has time.

Fuck off, jew. It doesn't matter if you fuckers are levantine mutts or something else, you're still a distinct biological group that can be easily identified and wiped out.


Slav-Apologists will be among the first to get the rope once we've dealt with the Jew. You scum and your descendents will rot in hell before this century is over.

Back to cuckchan you absolute brainlet of an alt-kike faggot.

Shut up, you fucking kike.

Spoken like a true jew. Enjoy the coming pogrom.
t. Ukrop

Go suck off your nigger pastor and watch some more E. Michael Jones you faggot.

Slavs are ultimately little more than Europe's Mexicans. An inferior race of mongrels who's only purpose is cleaning toilets and doing basic, low quality construction work in more civilized nations. You insects have been occupying valuable Lebensraum for far too long already.


The notion that one has to be a Jew in order to dislike Slavs is truly amusing as well. You, who have repeatedly aided the Jew throughout the ages.
From Hitler to Patton, the subhuman nature of the Slav has been widely acknowledged should be no secret to anyone who's at least faintly familiar with them.

So basically, you want me to stop posting here or anywhere and isolate myself from all non-Jewish sources of information and the entirety of White advocacy forums.

That's absurd. The ADL isn't disseminating their list of agents to every synagogue on the planet.

Wie der Jude, so schreit auch der Slawe vor Schmerz, während er dich schlägt.

You rats should think what you say, as people will wake up again at some point.

You're just jealous that we're half barbarian, half civilized, snow-niggers that can build nukes.

I would certainly hope so. The day my Germanic brothers will unite to liberate Europe from the mongoloid menace will be glorious indeed.


Your Germanic brothers would rather have Ahmed molest their prepubescent sisters, lest they be accused of racism

Are you even trying?


Stop feeding the D&C.

Europeans can start taunting each other again once all the semitic and nigger filth are gone.

Ah, how refreshing to have you show your true colors at last. This is kind of hypocrisy we're up against, comrades.

found a jew

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Most jews in the world *are* Ashkenazi.

Freedom of speech isn't real, especially in Europe. Germany claims to have freedom of speech, then they employ dozens of cops to lurk Twitter and Facebook so they can arrest people for saying mean things about Muslims.

but most jews live in israel, and there are 4 equally large segments of haplogroups in israel with a fifth mixed minority? Haplogroup J doesn't even make up 15% of israel. It's objectively impossible for most of them to be ashkenazi.

Yes, these mongoloid asatic peoples are 100% european, dont be fooled by their bonestructure and phenotypes and asian features, even finns are more european than the slavs. Saying the slavs are eurpean is just like saying jews are white, it just isnt true.

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Who cares if they are controlled opposition? The question shouldn't be if someone is controlled, but if they help us. Fighting over whether someone is legit or not is a waste of time.
I know this guy is a shill, but it's a point i want to make anyway.