Take the necessary countermeasures
Since Jared Taylor mentions it, I am personally following in the footsteps of Lenin and Trotsky, but conspiring to weed the Jewry that controls Europe in order to save our culture and our people.
Taylor was targeted because he was speaking in public. If we want to become truly effective, we must begin to adjust our methods to the new political reality we are facing. We have the state against us, the media against us, the auxiliaries of the Judeo-globalist system against us. We cannot charge such an enemy head-on.
We must act asymmetrically.
In other words, we must, to a large extent, organize ourselves underground wherever we are in the context of a White International that is now in its infancy.
Let the boomers indulge themselves with their public meetings, which are always attended by the same people who have been convinced for 20 or 30 years. The only potentially interesting gatherings are spontaneous gatherings, launched shortly before on the Internet on very general themes.
1. If you are a young man
If you are under 20 years of age and have never participated in a demonstration or joined a party, do not do so under any circumstances.
All true revolutionary movements act in this way and select their best elements on this preliminary basis.
Because you have a huge tactical advantage. All gatherings are photographed and filmed, the identities of the participants analysed and then filed. If you are a young person, do not give the system any advantage by giving it information about yourself. Make him blind about you.
Be a werewolf, active only in the shadows. In broad daylight, you are a normalfag, devoid of political convictions, fairly anti-racist and a fan of video games.
2. Basic kit for the white man concerned about his safety
The Judeo-globalist state will become more and more oppressive as the racial contradictions of the system intensify. Tyranny is the only solution for Jewish power. It has no alternative.
You must immediately get used to taking preventive measures that will protect you from Judeo-governmental repression.
You must have a VPN.
You should stop exchanging via Facebook with third parties and prefer encrypted applications such as Signal (smartphones) or Ricochet (PC).
Do not discuss anything political with people you do not know physically.
Under no circumstances should you participate in DISCORDs that we have said and repeated, with supporting evidence, that they belong to a Jew who delivers information about nationalists to Western Jewish governments.
The Jewish government actively collects all possible data on all potential opponents. Just because it still seems relatively inert does not mean that it is not involved in the methodical planning of what will follow.
The system is at the preparatory work stage.
Nice, for example, is one of the newest laboratories in the field.
I suppose you know who holds Nice?
In a short time, you will no longer be able to take a step into a large French city without being identified by the Jewish occupation government for your political opinions, thanks to data collected on social networks. It will probably expand to other countries.
Via your IPs (hence the importance of having a VPN).
Don't forget also that you have a social graph (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_graph) via your smartphone. You can change your sim card, it doesn't change anything: the system can detect, through your simple contacts between phones, who you are based on your fingerprint. Basically, an unknown phone that is close to your girlfriend's phone 7 days a week is most likely yours. Bingo: You've been spotted.
Get yourself a Faraday bag (amazon.fr/s?k=Cage de Faraday smartphone&__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss). This avoids being followed by the cops and the Jewish occupation government. It is worth around 50 euros.
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