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I'm having sex. Sucks for you.
Central Americans and Indian immigrants are America's future.
As our society becomes more matriarchal, it also become more hypergamous.
In the past women would simply pair bond with their equals and people would have more sex in a monogamous marriage. The only people having the most sex nowadays are women 15-28 and degenerate chads.
There is going to be a lot of extremely bitter post wall thots and upset 30 plus year virgins that are not going to want to pair bond with each other in the coming future.
11 years ago
None of the analysts seem to take in consideration that the affects of manipulating men with Pop-Culture is starting to wane.
The term Virgin was never applied to men until the 20th Century. Virgin was less of a Virtue and more of a woman’s actual value. The ancients understood that for a woman to properly bond with her husband she has to remain a Virgin, otherwise she will never make that connect and the male will never achieve that familial relationship with her like brother and father.
In essence (((they))) distorted the word in order to break the family bond and between Man and Virgin to break the family and out of hate of the Holy Family. They shamed men into believing they’re not masculine if they are not having sex and whorified womanhood until we have the absolute Degenerate culture we have today.
Don't worry sweetie, the war we want so badly will take out all you incel losers. :)
The virgins and people with less than 5 lifetime sexual partners are right. They are more responsible IMO.
No rational person will want used goods (with diseases).
Pays to be a Chad. So what's being said is millennial SJW types aren't having as much sex?
Makes sense. It'll upswing with the pendulum spawning more conservatives in the most recent 20>generation.
ftfy, and all the social evils that come with that
Rather than highlighting the lack of sex, isnt it a much more important question to ask why they had more sex just two-three decades ago?
Is it as simple as technology, porn, distraction? I know not masturbating helped me get back out there after a year of not emptying my balls. I also expect chads here, not larpers.
The problem is quite obvious: There's barely any women with a personality that doesn't make you want to claw your ears out left. Since they are working now, and fed the propaganda that they are just as good as men, they're perma-frustrated that they aren't, making them constantly trying to prove reality wrong.
That, plus the hypergamy trend from Tinder and cohorts, means that nobody actually bonds anymore because a relationship nowadays entails a lot of work just to have a bitch in your life that can at any moment steal 50% of your property + alimony.
I agree. The kikes laugh at this though because they know what they are doing and the resulting bitter single childless whores will always be under their influence since there will be no husband. Also theories will laugh and get off on the idea of upset lonely men that have no options of pair bonding except with whores thus resulting in either extreme disfunctional families or no family at all.
Solution. Take up arms and kill all kikes so we can reclaim our country under natural patriarchal rule.
Also women and sexual confusion. Gotta consider back in the day was the degenerate free love movement, and we road the coattails of that for awhile.
Then feminism started hitting more of the mainstream, woman became more selective and uptight (“don’t objectify me!”), while simultaneously men have become soy-laden
Good point. Likewise I would say how the weekly has fallen into the levels of monthly in the graph is interesting aswell.
WTF does this mean user? Technically all the subhumans are 'americans' as well. 50% of the nation is niggerized. Who cares if they are not having children.
How do they know? Also OP fucking link WaPo so I wouldn't trust anything
This whole thread reeks of cuckchan
The cat's out the bag. Social Dynamics between men and women will never be the same until colapse.
Technology devalues male labor, the pill is a biological warfare women of the highest level, the single most deadly weapon to use on civilization.
((they)) never controlled this movement, they never started it, and if they did, they regret it because of the ramifications. Doubt me? Leave your eastern euro home, go to a place where this movement has been influeced by ((them)), USA, UK, spain… The list is large, don't forget SWEDEN. Now try and have a talk with the average women and see for yourself how the world has rotten;
There is no magic, why do brides wear virgin white these days? Atleast one could be fooled to believe in love, idolize a women for giving you kids, fabricate an ilusion where companionship with a women was more than the purchase of a cow that gave you kids, for whom you provided resources and she'd pass on your lineage.
While there's value in buying to cow, the deals used to be pretty good, but these days you already have to make mental escapes and cope for why there's nothing wrong with not being a virgin before aquiring this cow, you conjure up cheap excuses to forgive obvious childish and sometimes pathological behaviours, you'll be giving more than you receive, and what you receive is never given to you out of devotion, much less love.
26 here, only months away from 27. Am virgin. I workout four days a week, bench 2pl8. Still virgin. The women in my area (midwest US) absolutely do nothing to me. The vast majority of them are overweight wearing ridiculous cowgirl jeans and/or sweatpants on the daily. The very small percentages that aren't seem to always be taken. I had once chance with a qt hapa who lived 4 states away from me but that fell through because of the distance. Fuck women. Fuck western women in particular. Yes, I'm pissed none of them offered me their virginity and as a result, I've been working to improve myself for the past year now. I've never looked better, physically. Now, I don't even acknowledge most girls existence. Walking on the sidewalk towards class and a girl is walking towards me? Don't even look remotely close to her. I literally turn the other way for the brief 5-10 seconds we intersect. It's hilarious and I will admit, I probably develop more joy out of this shit than I should. When I get horny, I watch 2d. Fuck 3d. can post photo of me if any fags here are calling me out as being an ugly piece of shit, I'm not.
Not having sex isn't a bid deal, don't be a shallow boomer.
What is a big deal is to be living in a society where getting married early and having as many white babies as soon as possible isn't considered as something that matters.
Fucking just for the sake of fucking is a degenerate thing.
Nobody cares about “muh get dick wet and have sex, I am better then you” and “having lots of sex is normal/cool while not having any means mental illness” nigger kike tier social shaming. We are above your shaming, for we see the your kinds lies.
Most people who are virgins are pure and only want to pair bond with somebody to raise a wholesome family with. They are above being a nigger who only cares about their peeper feeling good. Normal people what you kikes call “incels” are just upset that in our messed up kiked world most people are so fucked up and women such whores and societies so anti-male that it becomes very difficult to start a wholesome family.
Make no mistake, these people will destroy those whom are responsible for the destruction of which these people hold dear to their hearts, the nuclear family.
For the degrading and destruction of this you will be killed.
Price of sex skyrocketed for men. They can't afford it.
taken about a month ago. I'm 6'1'', weigh 190 pounds. Last year this time I was like 160. Never felt so big before in my life.
Feminist spotted.
You look good user. :) Don't wait too long to find a gf. Make White babies.
You don't understand, the reason it devalues male labor is because there are now jobs that didn't exist back then that are available to women, there are jobs that were available to men (And now pay lower) that have been replaced by technology, and this will only get worse, it happened in every society.
Women being bigger sluts than ever doesn't make sex easier to obtain. It just means they'll have sex with 50 Chads instead of 10 Chads.
Dog I’m only a couple years older than you and have a QT blue eyed white girl. You’re buffer than I am (I have a smaller bone structure).
Quit being a bitch, sack up and have kids you fucking pussy, instead of crying on the internet about how much girls suck. They don’t, their minds have just been corrupted. We stand no chance of winning this war if people like you cuck out and can’t even win over the mind of 1 other person
It can be done
That is because 'love', that is REAL LOVE does not happen until the very end of a relationship. When you have absolutely destroyed each other over time and come out the other end watching your bodies and minds degrade, emptying bedpans, caring for someone to their last breath. That is the only time it could ever be said that 'love' such as it is, between a man and a woman takes place. When you have been through Hel together (both that imposed by the world and that imposed on each other) and you are still standing by each other's side. Some people never get this from a spouse, only from friends, some people never get this at all, but some people are lucky and they do learn to love what is old and decrepit and smelly and gross because of the attributes and character that resides within.
Yeah yeah, male labor is " so useless" that working age men are only one who are net tax contributors.
Most of these jobs are forced equality affirmative action bullshit that only exists because of the law. This is another mechanism to siphon income earned by working men.
It's better than ever to be a Chad, you get a bigger slice of the pie when so many faggots are sitting at home masturbating and playing video games.
I bet you get a bigger slice of the POZ as well. Man whores are just as degenerate as sluts.
Come to St. Petersburg, we will go for drinks and get you laid with some actual woman :D
Degenerate, yes. As degenerate as she-sluts, no.
it's missing the wife being beaten to death
Nope just as degenerate. I know 23-25 yo who wouldn't accept a man-whore if you paid them. No one wants a partner who has a list of cock or pussy a mile long under their belt.
6 user? WTF did you kill that fucking homo who molested you?
No you moron, these jobs exist because the progress of technology created them, you're a fool if you think most jobs require more than obedience and an average skill set in something, women aren't bound by danger, their lack of physical power any longer. They exist because of demand, the law in the countries I mentioned is obviously, just throwing more gas into the fire, but the need for a persons work isn't made by LAWS.
Obviously the highest contributers in western civilization are males, nothing was said about that, and that these are exploited to pay for welfare state that destroys them and prevents feminism from growing rampant, the issue is still the same, the cats out the bag.
Only way for this to end in voluntary women submission is societal colapse. If you have dreams of taking away womens rights to vote, via non violent means, you're delusional. Technology progress that isn't properly handled by society (It never is and never will be) has drastic impacts on the artificial human being, that not even ((they)) in all their thinkering can account for, affirmitive action is just bandaids, they cannot control feminism and the female solipsism, so they've doubled down since the 1970s and thats the plan.
Whatever you say, user. The double standards there that women always bitch about exist for a reason. A man that gets laid all the time has to have balls enough to put himself out there, and is likely handsome and fit, which takes effort and skill. A girl that gets laid all the time just says "yes" regularly to the masses of men who wanna fuck her.
last summer (with a prostitute, not sure if that counts)
last time I had sex if that doesnt count? probably 2-3 years ago i dont remember
Maybe because women have made everything rape. Maybe it's because women have made it so you can accuse someone of rape a decade after a sexual encounter. And maybe because states made it illegal to hit on ANYONE at work which is the only place some people even see another woman before they go home and ponder suicide before sleep.
Yeah maybe it has something to do with that?
Kill the kabob
Love is just chemicals in your brain, you can argue semantics and conceptualize what "love" is, if you don't feel love, what does it even mean to know what love is, or have the "truthful" conceptialization of love?
My point is that the conditions through which I can feel love are not reunited in this day and age, I've felt it before, and i'm well aware of what it is to be in love, to generalize that the modern female makes it harder for a male to feel in love during a relationship, if this male is healthy, respects himself, and demands the same unwavering standards of his loved one. You'll find 1 women in a billion for which you can spend a lifetime with and in the end say, "I've felt more love than otherwise with this women"
Murder all kabob with money
Men are waking up to the fact that women are basically whores. It's not their fault, genetics and past natural selection have dictated that women spew out kids and milk the nearest guy for support. Because it's instinct, they milk anyone who'll fuck them, regardless of kids.
Shut the fuck up. Kill or kick out every powerful kabob now
Also, it's been scientifically demonstrated, but is also just common sense, that high partner counts diminish a woman's ability to strongly pair bond which is imperative to being a good wife and mother. However, high partner counts do not affect a man's ability to pair bond, so a man that sleeps around before starting a family is still able to be a good husband and father.
Women are more selective than men user. Your argument is invalid. If women were not more selective than men we wouldn't be having this conversation. You can PRETEND that women are less selective than men but it is a very small number of women compared to the vast majority. Maybe the women YOU want to fuck are sluts so you have this perspective but even in lesbo relationships, women are naturally far, far less promiscuous than men.
Women do not want a man who has fucked lots of other women. They are not going to be loyal (that is the nature of fucking lots of other people; loyalty is compromised) and they are going to be POZZED to the hilt. No one wants the POZ passed onto their offspring.
I don't disagree with you, see my post above yours. Of course women are more selective, they're the ones that get pregnant.
thanks user.
good for you user, I'm envious of you. Honestly though, I believe I have good reasons to bitch in this regard. The women in my area I despise so much so… Words cannot describe my frustrations with them. The drinking, the tattoos, the mindless followings in following the latest shitty pop songs, kikebook, social media, they're all the same. Honestly, once my three shitcoins moon in the next crypto bull run, I'm seriously thinking about moving to either Japan or Seoul. Fuck this country, hasn't given me shit.
You're a moron if you think past sexual partners is in any way relevant, harmful, or affects female sexual attraction towards males. We don't live in a world where females, without a male, will watch their child die of hunger before they perish. What you see with female sexual preference and choices this days is unrestricted female sexual nature.
Don't blame the women, blame yourself. Women follow strong men. 🏳️🌈
WRONG. Women follow whoever kikeburg on the media/kikebook tell them to follow. Go back to reddit faggot.
11, raped
two nights ago
Calling me a faggot, when you're talking about giving up and moving to another country to racemix. Pussy.
That's because everyone on here is a loser. The alpha males like Harvey Weinstein are getting all the action because they're fit, handsome, hard-working and successful, in other words, everything the people on this board will never be.
He has power. That can get you plenty of sex but most women won't really enjoy it.
Almost 5 years
I've had one sexual partner between 17-23. I'm almost 28 and haven't had sex yet. One thing I really fucked myself was being in a relationship throughout undergrad. I'm in peak shape now but idk how to find women. I'm just gonna get crypto rich and find a slav waifu. And another thing. I graduated HS in 2009, just a couple years before tinder was a thing so I never really grew up with it. What makes it worse is women mu age, 27, are all used up whores, especially one's single this age. Ideally I'm shooting for 20-24 tops. I'm not even bad looking idk wat do anons. I live in a pretty multicult northeast region and have to for work.
I still think it is detrimental to a relationship if a man is a whore. I also think partner count matters a lot more to women than you might think.
Sorry it does change the way women feel about men. It makes them extremely unattractive as a partner. You can pretend that it doesn't because you want to be a whore, but it makes a difference to women who are high quality partners.
9 months ago
I lost my virginity banging my hot nympho babysitter
Me and the ex tried to keep track of how many times we fucked, lost count around 10,000 over 18 years. She was crazy though, borderline personality disorder. If I went two nights in a row without doing the deed, she would conclude I was cheating on her, lol!
I finally left the bitch 9 months ago. Have been keeping to myself but recently started dating. I'm no better than a 6 but I'm not having any trouble. I snagged a lovely girl not 15 minutes after signing up on Match (which is unusually quick). All I have to do is get their attention, almost all of the girls who give me an audience go out with me. You just have to know how to talk to them. Avoid talking up how good they look, focus on her personality traits, don't talk about your exes, be aloof (just don't hound her), don't apologize for everything, tease her, don't get butthurt when she teases you… basic stuff.
Although some women may not want anything serious with a known manslut, if argue that most women don't want an inexperienced man either. A man that's of age and never had sex, a lot of girls will be suspicious why he never got laid. What's wrong with him? she'll be thinking
You're a baffoon, stop talking like a kike, what is "high quality" partners if not the male who gets access to have sexual reproduction with women? Do you think high quality human beings are having low amounts of trouble getting sexual access to reproduction?
How can you say women see men who they give access to sexual reproduction, aka high quality men, as unattractive? You're stuck in a paradox, reality is not what you conceptualize it to be.
If all of you have had sex before, why do you think you're entitled to a virgin?
Man my bad if I sounded like a dick or bragging. I just hate racemixing and the idea that so many women are so pozzed that it’s fucking up our birth rates.
It’s one thing for us to sit back and lament the Jews for collectively fucking up the minds of so many decent whites. But the fact we are so easily subverted is testament to a mental weakness of our kind, and weakness that is no longer selected out for my modern society. Sorry to hear about your struggles.
My hapa offsping would destroy the offspring of your white trashed roastie. I'm picturing you with a good representation of the white "women" in my area. You're wife has a spray-on tan with two tattoos, one which is visible on her ankle and shows sign of wear. She's in her mid-30s now and like most white women, is showing signs of serious bloating. Her attitude is constantly approaching bitch levels because you've stopped having sex with her years ago shortly after experiencing your mid-life crisis. Meanwhile, I'm fucking this. But whatever, enjoy your white "women" in her prime while she lasts. Hope you get the most of the next three years dude.
Has nothing to do with entitlement, dumbass. Virgins make better wives and are more committed to the relationship, that's why men want them.
Whatever weeb. Go get your slanted pussy, but you may be surprised. If white women don't like you, Asian ones probably won't either
You've got this fantasy in your head where white girls are all degenerate sluts but Asian girls are pure waifus. Whenever you grow some balls and get out there, you will be sorely disappointed. Heads up, Asian girls go for Chad too.
its the birth of social media combined with global insecurities that has turned every man on the planet to a beta cuck and every woman to a gold digging whore
we're moving away from nature and embracing our defective genetic mutation and in return we're moving away from a balanced creature with logic, deduction driving the behavior mixed with a healthy does of instinct to an overly instinctive with self-preservation over herd immunity tendencies making our decisions
we're doomed to fail if this left-right spectrum keeps expanding, not that it bothers me in the slightest, we're self-indulgent semi intelligent creatures destroying everything we ever touch, and by Definition we are a parasite to this planet, and overpopulation will be a problem soon, when the box is too big to contain this many parasites, the parasites will all die, and i don't see this shit of a board or the leftists kikes could ever prevent it
instead of facing the real problems, we're squabbling like faggots over what skin color gets to do what, survival of the fittest and natural selection will take us all out together, it doesn't discriminate, i might be really high but im not wrong
Go back to reddit, faggot. It's full of your kind. Humans are number fucking one and we always will be. If we're so shitty, why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Relocating to Tokyo or Seoul would easily put me in the top 20%. I'd even say top 10%. I'd be fucking women there even the "chads" in my area could only dream of fucking. Have fun limiting yourself to white women though bro, if that's what gets you off, good for you. I should tell you though they've been in a solid decline for decades now.
Your story is similar to mine, dubsman, though I'm 27 soon to be 28 and not as buff, yet still physically fit and muscular. I completely empathize with your disappointment in western women because it's hit me too; they're just so vapid, empty, superficial, and hedonistic. They're all about appearances, money, status, or sex and that's not a mate worth loving or building a grounded and healthy white family with. I'm stuck in the 2D realm myself, though, it's as says; we can make it or, failing that, the white race has other uses for strong men if you know what I mean.
Go ahead and betray your race and your ancestors, user. Doesn't affect me or mine.
The word you're looking for is "hedonism"
Do you live in the city, or do you just not do anything where you can meet girls besides those in bars or clubs?
If suitable women of my race won't even give me a chance, what the fuck do I care about m-meh race? Fuck them and fuck my race. I'll happily move elsewhere where the attractive, not-complete-fucking-degenerate asians (strictly korean or japanese) will give me a chance. I'm sick of western women. I'm fucking done. I cannot wait until I have the funds to get out of here and start fucking pic related.
Perhaps that man had principles he did not want to turn his back on even when he was faced with the opportunity to do so. Not being a slave to your urges can lead to great things.
Fuck off or start spamming "HAPAS ARE SUPERIOR TO WHITES" again, you utter fag
Having mixed race children is selfish, and unfair to them. By doing so you rob them of their identity and a blood connection to their ancestors and history.
Maybe so. That doesn't change the fact that girls will be suspicious.
kys halfwit, you and your nigger genes have fucked this planet so far up its ass that we can't even have fucking kids anymore, global warming is gonna fuck us to death coz consumer faggots like you prefer plastic over a future
I literally work as a conservationist, numbskull. Keep hitting that joint, it's good if pussies like you are kept passive. Maybe go masturbate too, just to make sure.
Go back to 4chan.
Your description of them is nearly perfect. Much better than mine. I'll probably give it one more year and see if anything happens, which I highly doubt anything will. After that I'm probably just gonna say fuck it and move to Asia. Anything has to be better than my current situation and I'm running out of time.
If it's a trust, but verify kind of thing, that's not such a big deal.
30 minutes ago ayeee
If you're white, consider moving to an Eastern European country instead, or a Central European country.
Or anywhere that whites live. Familiarity breeds contempt after all.
What's up with these censor boxes? Are you some Yakub looking motherfucker?
This is bullshit. One, I never gave a shit about my "identity" and/or "blood connection" and don't think most do either. Two, even if they were to give a shit about that. They do have connections. They're part mutt, part Japanese/Korean. If they want I'll introduce them to the wonderful, American capitalistic holiday known as Christmas/Trick-or-Treat/Easter.