Brexit is actually going to happen

Despite a majority of MPs not wanting a crash out this is the most likely scenario now. May can't repeal A50 without a GE, but because she used her resignation as a bargaining chip the EU will not approve any new extension because the implicit understanding is that May would leave office less than a day after signing anything. 2nd Ref can't happen without an A50 repeal, so that option is shot too.

The EU has openly admitted as such:

For as much as (((certain people))) want the UK to Remain, other ((((people)))) consider the UK to be contagion and are through with letting the British government dump their politics onto the EU as a whole. All the top Jews are not only sick of having to deal with Brexit but they're sick of having to listen to Farange in the EU Parliment and they're sick of having British Brexitiers having influence on their internal politics. May has shown herself to be both a charlatan and unreliable, Jews don't like being lied to by goys.

Not only is this an admission that the British government is totally incompetent, but it is an admission that the current system there is unsustainable and that Euroskepticism is spreading. They're now going to amputate infected limbs instead of trying to save them remind you of a certain somebody from a certain videogame released in 1999? Once the patient is infected, he's already lost.

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Other urls found in this thread: The Green Book, Volumes 1 and 2 (Irish Republican Army).pdf

Also: this was deliberately not reported on yesterday because Britain's state controlled media is in full shill/panic mode and has to seriously entertain MPs delusional fantasies that the EU will bend over backwards to them.

Promising news but I wouldn't celebrate until it actually happens.

They're scared because EU was a step towards world government and Brexit is the opposite of that.

More than anything else Brexit exposes just how incompetent everyone at the top is, fact is Cameron didn't have to call a ref in the first place, May didn't have to call a snap election and May could have negotiated a full cuck sellout deal had she sent BJ + Corbyn to Brussels instead of just Tories.

And when it all comes down, all these "people" can do is run around like scared chickens and hurt themselves in the process. Had May not stupidly offered her own resignation in exchange for votes, the EU probably would consider a long extension if it included a GE and 2nd Ref. She discarded that option and now the EU sees her sheer incompetency as an existential threat to themselves. Which is is, because if any Eurocrats were smart Euroskepticism wouldn't exist in the first place.

(by the way the EU media's damage control vis-a-vis the "end" of Euroskepticism is similarly delusional, just look at how Italy's Euroskeptic government cucked Germany into taking all their migrants which led Merkel to announce she won't run for reelection in 2021. If any serious resistance is given, the whole system falls over. Macron's continued and increasingly violent reaction to the YV protests is proof of this too).

I'm not sure if Brexit will really do anything good, even if we speak of EU economy, in fact on the contrary. It may provide nuisance for the kikes, but probably in small extend since nothing is really stopping them from continuing sponsoring EU or enforcing its policies in UK, in fact they can now push harder. It may be treated as symbolism to calm down the people and make them feel like something meaningful was finally accomplished so the kikes could continue to carry on and in fact use this to push their policies harder while turning all the attention by how much Brexist was successful and how "ebil alt-right/nazis" has finally won which would be false. Kind of what happened about Trump who in the end made things even worse meanwhile the media continues to keep that "alt-right/nazi" bullshit narrative about him.
In the end UK will continue to be a dumpster ruled by the kikes who will continue its destruction even more, like if there is anything left for them to destroy.

So do i pull all my money from the bank now?
What do incase of terrorism happening again?

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are britbongs leaving or nah? This is getting confusing

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you are incorrect in saying Brexit can't be cancelled without a GE. The PM can do that any time she wants on her own. It's unlikely she will, but she can

They likely will leave EU but mainly to calm down the people because they're actually afraid of another yellow vests English version happening hence why they're desperately trying to ban anything about them.

Based patriot with St. George Flag walking on top of St. Pancras Station in London shuts down Eurostar for 12 hours!

Remoaners and Globohomo on suicide watch!!!

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Important shit. Bump. OP is not a fag

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I'm still worried they will find a way out. Some loophole they can exploit, May quitting and calling for an election, false flags galore etc.

On one level I hope they do because it might convince people to put on their yellow vests.

Shoot ba- oh, wait. Stab ba- not that either. Are sporks still legal? If so, get one of those of those.

This. We all know the politicians and the Civil Service want to fuck us and Remain. We just dont know how they will do it yet.

I'm not really seeing that. It has all the hallmarks of the course correction gigakikes in the US are attempting to do with a reorientation away from muslims/mexicans [in the UK's case, theoretical asylum seekers] in favor of Hindustanis and materialist Chicoms to maintain the anti-White structure while edging it in a safe-for-jews direction.

wtf is the problem, you voted to leave so just leave already.

just cut all ties and thats it. What is the problem?

Leaving with no deal would likely be extremely damaging to the UK economy and citizens. It will leave them, for example, with no trade treaties with any country in the world

I haven't heard shit about MUH POOR HINDU NUFFINS since Apu got removed from the Simpsons. You sure that's the direction they're going?


What I meant is in a sense that with being part of EU it would be much easier to finance it. Basically it would bring more paperwork if they left EU but otherwise it would be nothing significant anyway.

That would make those retarded bongs to get up from their assess and finally start fighting though.

I fail to see the issue here.

Then they'll cry and blame the 'brexiteers' for the two wasted years of internal arguing, failed negotiations (which Juncker and Merkel made clear would not work out from the start) and attempts to get a second referendum instead of spending two years planning and making deals for Brexit.

who gives a shit you will recover. Just cut all ties and get over with it. damn nigger. just do it already this is getting annoying.

Being poor won't make the brainwashing fail. It will just make it easier to scapegoat the right wing.

I just haven't anything to support it is the thing. My guess, they'll try to paracitize China (via coporate vectors like Tencent) and use them as their new world power golem by riding the anti-white wave they've made.

Brexit is very entertaining regardless of the result.

She's a pedophile.
I still have trouble to believe why anyone should place any trust in the current leaders of the political system.

The UK owns the Commonwealth you faggot.
The EU is an ant in comparison to the Commonwealth
The UK cannot make use of its own Commonwealth because of restrictions imposed when it was swindled into joining the EEC by other traitors 50 years ago.

Don't you know that currently Spain can fish in UK waters and sell the fish back to the UK?
You think when only the UK can catch fish in UK waters and sell them the UK economy is going to be worse?? Deluded!

Join in, faggot.

lol ok

Brexit means breakfast lads. The kikes have trolled you.

Im not sure this is true. The English (((Supreme Court))) (supreme over what by the way? That was a strange thing renaming it in that manner) ruled in (((Miller))) that the prerogative couldn't be used to empty a legislative provision of effect - or to prorogue Parliament (in other words to pre empt it). Parliament passed a EU withdrawal bill which will repeal the European Communities Act 1972 upon coming into force - if she cancels Brexit (using prerogative) this act is being pre-empted - it apperas unlawful to me.

On a more positive note an actual no deal Brexit will be the beginning of the end for the EU as people will see there is life outside their NWO.

You think when only the UK can catch fish in UK waters and sell them the UK economy is going to be worse?? Deluded!

This is true, but the UK economy isnt built on fish. That economic sector (like all other industries based on national advantages) was destroyed by entry into the common market (same as the British car industry and steel and coal). Thats deliberate - it forces inter-connectedness and makes leaving more difficult.

Modern (((economies))) are now built on credit and on integrated supply chains. So you basically cant build anything in one place. You have to import parts from other countries where the shit and easy stuff can be done by slave labour - then the hard part finished in a real country like France or Britain.

No deal will be damaging in the short term - to the UK and to the EU. But whats most damaging for the EU is that it will show that people care more about their nation state than they realised - and that they care more about it than a few points of (((GDP))). This is insidious to them, and an existential threat because it challenges their worldview and theres nothing they can do. The EUSSR will, as a result, collapse under the weight of its own debt, the importation of Africa, and people realising how evil it is.

Short sighted nonsense. UK is the most innovative country in history bar none. There are upcoming technologies that make integrated supply chains outmoded.
The EUSSR will collapse. It's governance model ensure this. They merely haven't figured this out yet.

We can get guns here no problem, this isnt england.

Hhhmmm.. marxists or monarchist freemasons. tough choice

It will make the people desperate and they would have nothing to lose. They either die from starving or they fight.

>t…the people at the top are (((incompetent)))

she CAN get a long extension and they CAN hold another referendum

there will be another round of indicative votes on monday, and I predict there will be a majority for holding a referendum between her deal and a no-deal brexit

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Bullshit, UK media are quoting the tweet verbatim.
If they didn't report it, then it couldn't serve its purpose - scaring the shit out of Brits who believe the pantomime is real and making them beg for a deal - any deal.

The UK will not be leaving, with or without a deal. This is a predetermined outcome and should be obvious. That anons here actually believe the kikes would throw away decades of work towards their final solution for Whites, by allowing the UK to leave, boggles the mind.
How can you be so naive?

I wonder if this is the full version, probably The Green Book, Volumes 1 and 2 (Irish Republican Army).pdf

I honestly think this is a big part of it. I don't think anything was planned overtly, but this mess may well have been born out of a subconscious British desire to make a pigs breakfast of any attempts at a European union. I recall an amusing old skit being made about exactly that point, and I'm starting to believe it.

Attached: alligator_gets_free_meal.webm (360x360, 753.64K)

Attached: LeaveMeansLeave-GuidoFawkes.png (458x796, 700.38K)

This man is a hero to his people, even if they do not know it. We need more like him.

more natural selection WEBM's like this plz. They were highly therapeutic.

it is the full version, shame its the out of date one, im sure there was a more modern handbook out there for the PSNI

pretty much all the negative effects that they threatened that were going to happen have basically already started to happen, theyre just stalling the initial signs of the long term benefits to pretend its all negative

Including World War 3?
Fuck off back to leftypol faggots

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Go away Blackpillfag.

I expect we will see more of this kind of civil disobedience if Brexit isn't delivered.>>13049225

I'll believe it when I see it. I fear that it may not save Britain anyway at this point considering all the other factors.

And monkeys could fly out of my ass
but probably won't

this only makes me angrier

you never know, uncertainties about the border could bring back terrorism even to london again, islamic terrorism only targets a few nobodies on the street but republican terrorism targets the goverment and politicians


i hope they dont so people riot in the streets, but i doubt the average english cuck would actually do something

Probably not. The demographics dont look good. But its heartening to see that despite the years of brainwashing, the mass of the British people remain immune and appear itching to tear up the globalists plans…

I hope the cops open up with machine guns if they start acting out.

what does it matter whether a man stands on a roof of this train station? Why would they stop their trains?

me too, nothing brings an entire people together like an attack on them by a tyranical goverment.
Is france in a civil war yet?

Just leave, what the hell is the problem? Just leave. Just do it faggot. What is the problem? Why are you waiting? DO IT.

the border, if its no deal the IRA comes back, but if its a deal then the UVF comes back

The UK will leave and the agenda will simply continue. Being in the EU isn't a requirement for mass immigration enforced by a police state.

Lol just get out and annex entire Ireland for the sake of kek. then annex scotland too lol

I just heard Trump is being impeached guys

Why would i want to annex my own country? a united ireland is good but not if dublin is still full of niggers, id rather stay partitioned
Those druggies can overdose and sit on their ass all day, no one cares about scotland, isle of man is more important than scotland

Then they will prove further that they can be saved by nukes and that even France was always better than UK. They either fight or they die.

That moment when your own government accelerates itself into the coming collapse. Yellow vests 2 mass execution boogaloo will probably follow. Wew. Get the popcorn.

Brexit will never happen. The entire british government is against it, even those that constantly toss out the shit deals May proposes. There will be a fifth act in which May will propose a second referendum and the Brits will vote to stay in the EU.
It's really not rocket science, the Jews haven't worked for decades to let some goy folks just vote their way out of this, especially not the brits who have done so much to turn themselves into a mixed race country.

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I hope you're wrong and Brexit happens

Are people literally such pussies nowadays? Stop the trains and arrest him?! At first just keep the trains running, send the cops to tell him to knock it off and if he resists, maybe issue him a citation for disturbing the peace. Then again, he's a White man who loves his nation, he should be lucky that they didn't send in the SAS and to throw him into a black site prison, and tortured to death.

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Leftypol disapproves of this deglobalization. (((One World Government))) cannot be achieved if the goyim… er… I mean nations maintain their sovereignty… er… I mean… racist nationalism.

You will see.
If you're smart, you will learn.
Otherwise you will convince yourself that Britain stayed in the EU because of some magic-last-minute-deal-that-saves-britain.
In reality there was never any chance of brexit.
It's pantomime and lies, all jew media is, even the "news".

Prepare for four-year-long salt thread compendium

Isn't Syria majority Christian?

No? Hell, it's got more jews living in it than Christian. Syria is a Islamic country through and through. Which brand of Islam is the real question though.

No wonder they love hitler there.

Do you think facts matter?

They don't. Syria isn't actually the huwhite ethnostate reddit wants you to believe. Most if not all Assyrians are now of semitic blood due to Arabic populations and proximity near Israel/Palestein.

Are you some kind of moron? Leaving the EU won't change anything about immigration. All countries led by old people are for it.
What it does it make it harder for kikes to dictate what kind of light bulb you can sell.

Have you not paid attention to the Gospel of St. Tarrant the Remover?
Shit getting worse is exactly what we want.

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That's the talking point the (((press))) and it's mouthbreathing sycophants keep touting every day. Truth of the matter is that The moment the brexit votum happened, all sorts of countries from outside the EU reached out to GB to offer new trade deals. If No-Deal-Brexit happens, and their hubris might actually see that happen, the same will happen again. China, Japan, burgerland, you'll see everyone who isn't at the mercy of Britain's jilted ex instantly offer fast-track trade deals because why ditch a perfectly fine trade partner?

You are as dumb as they come. Talk to a single british person why he voted leave and he will tell you about the paki parasites. For decades the british government blamed all migration issues on the EU, the media with their propaganda at Calais made the connection to it all to easy. Look at all the niggers and shitskins trying to board lorries in France to get to England. Why isnt the EU stopping this??

This is the common belief of the average brit. Of course migration wont stop because all the british parties are pozzed beyond belief, even UKIP. But in the mind of the british voter leaving the EU is akin to stopping migration and Brexit was all about it. Not the fucking NHS or some other shit they made up to blame Leave for some false advertisement.

Theresa May wants to give £39 Billion of taxpayers money to Donald Tusk.

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Farage comes on in an hour, see whar he has to say. He's been saying all week it's a fucking bluff, think I agree with him….

Oh, but it will! Currently, politicians can blame the EU. After Brexit, the buck stops with them. That's why they want to continue free movement of people, so they can continue to dodge responsibility for ruining our country with their greed and corruption.

t. Brit

Lol the U.K. will Remain and is better off doing so in the long run. The EU is certainly not perfect but I can imagine it getting better once the Russian problem is dealt with. Many forget what the original concept of the EU was and the immigration flow will eventually stop; they are very right wing on everything else. Not to mention that leaving doesn’t help the U.K. with its internal problems, which are not tied to the EU. If you’re an actual National Socialist, you would understand that Russia with its (((EAEU))) poses a massive threat to the west and would just consume the U.K. shortly after leaving the EU. Tl;dr we can deal with the chinks and kikes once the vatniks are all gone.

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Brexit won’t happen and you’re all retarded niggers if you think otherwise.

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Good, the porer a nation is, the less immgrants come to it. Unlike what Zig Forums would like you to believe, the main reason Poland and other Eastern Euro countries are paki-free is because they're poor as fuck and can't physically afford shit like gibs. The porer the UK becomes, the better. Bankers, kikes, business owners, kulaks, pakis and bourgeoisie will be BTFO and forced to flee.
Land and God, not shekels and allah, okay thank you.

They're neo-liberals, how is that right-wing?


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Kikeshills are especially spastic today. They must be really assblasted about the whole ordeal.
At this point both Brexit happening and not happening benefit us. People are getting majorly pissed off at this blatant disregard of (((democracy))).
Not to mention the EU further losing power in the eyes of other nations.

Are you one of these zionist-NATO-fascist from Ukraine who thinks the EU is the best thing ever and russia colluded with Trump? I dont say this often, but you should consider killing yourself.

The EU isn't losing power dumb ass.
Other european nations are literally laughing at the UK's stupidity and more are trying to join the EU. Soon North Macedonia will be a new member.

The British will be back in eventually as their people, especially the new generation, BEG to be let back in. The EU will graciously allow them back in since they are kind, but they will demand the UK become a full-fledged member, just like all the other EU members.

Your desperation stinks to the high heavens and practically everything you said is either bullshit or irrelevant.
Delusional slavs trying to get more gibsmedats from the EU doesn't raise their power, not when Italy, Hungary, Austria, Poland and others all working against various EU policies directly and indirectly.
As for the english they want fucking out. Even remainers just want to get this shit over with and all the guv'ments resistance only makes it worse for them.
Your kvetching is only further confirmation about how desperate kikes are about it.

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