How to stop murders of whites in europe by nigger invaders Zig Forums?
How to stop murders of whites in europe by nigger invaders Zig Forums?
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Is there an english translation of the article?
There are several articles on the murder, but he only recently got on trial.
Baste & Redpilled
spread this shit
Wondering when they find out about the Nigerian-Ghana-Eritrean Gangs kidnapping girls from Europe (tricking them become their Girlfriend, then "visit parents in our country") to then force them into Prostitution for a month or two in said country.
Media, anyone?
you know. everybody knows.
Sorry if this sounds like D&C, but they don't target right wing women. Most right wing women are street smart enough to stay away from violent non-whites. It's usually the female left wing activists who meet their demise from believing in a lie. These are the idiotic contrarians who attack those who want stricter immigration (see: mollie tibbets) because they parrot the dumb shit that they see on Netflix and hear in uni lectures.
I am so fearful that current youth pimps work like this; they only pimp out the youth for a short period of time, after which they get dumped again. Abused girls will then not 'fall off the radar', but instead continue living with the trauma, probably stowing it away in a dark place in their corner and abuse drugs and do self-harm just to cope.
Capital Punishments need to be re-introduced.
Burn the coal pay the toll
Exactly, many continue onward with abusing Drugs.
Meanwhile EU supported NGO's combat human trafficking / forced prostitution in Thailand, Cambodia or India. Yea sure, it's "sick" that one can purchase a 9yo cambodian girl for about 2.575 BTC / 10.5k$ currently. But considering the overall structure of society in Cambodia not so much a loss.
EU used to be considered safe.
Now its total mayhem in many places, Medias will not say a thing and Police is widely not allowed to say anything.
There was a similar case last year where a young girl was murdered by illegal migrants.
Seems like most of the illegal rapers are pedophiles too. Of courses media probably wont mention this, since pedos only get sentenced if they are white.
media is crickets on this.
Modern leftist Journos are pretty much corrupt and dangerous traitors at this point.
Strange how Gangrape was non existent in crime reports before Arabs, Blacks & Packis hit the european soil.
yeah I'm starting to think that all these murdering rapers and pedos are getting imported so that the deep state can more easily hide their tracks when they do their freemason pedo sacrificing shit. They need someone to take the blame.
I'm Italian and this is completely false… This story has received a lot of attention and been featured lots of times on all the major newspapers/news programs. Once again Zig Forums has lied.
Nigger detected.
The media is always muted when it comes to these non-white on white crimes. We can't have the plan being distrupted can we? The pay masters are the people to pay close attention to, always. They quell the rage that should be felt but concealing these kinds of things from the average person, but they push non-white victimization to the forefront like a smog.
White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
Because the Nationalist shot up a bunch of nogs in revenge, right?
All financed by Saudi Arabia
and helped by American-Jewish lobby who dream about the Endsieg, no matter the costs.
But it's true, in Italy and most of East Europe such rape cases get widely covered. It all depends who is in charge, most politicans in East Europe have their own multi-billion $ imperium behind them, hence getting silenced by Pro-Liberial media is nearly impossible.
Luckily my country has less then 2% non White population.
Maybe we are in a war? If we are in a war perhaps its time to go on the offensive? How many more whites have to die before we start defending ourselves?
The Nigger is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our whites immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.
Well, enjoy it while it last . Don't think the migrantpeddling globalists will spare your country when it gets its turn..
He had dat style when coming to court doe.
You racyzz jelly because he swaggin'.
Italians tend to kill niggers. It's not made much of an issue nor is it broadcasted by those who do it.
If you are here without papers… You never really were here.
No, it's the machete!
Or maybe you go deeper and figure out it's the jews.
It’s an easy solution. Gas gas gas and remove kebab and mudshit. It’s the only way
You "forget"…
8000 rapes in 2018 sweden alone. Maybe italy finally got its shit together? How about other countries? How to create nigger repellent?
Why are only white countries getting raped and pillaged?
Indeed. I certainly haven’t forgot them. I assumed mudshit encompassed then but just to be sure
Remove all non-white filth from the planet. There that should cover the bases effectively
we certainly don’t prank journalists until the rest of them have a healthy fear of advocating for the genocide of their own people
But just to keep it clear, being non-white is having wrong genes. Inb4 christcucks come and shit everything down with jesus faggotry about desert camelshit mythologies for mutts.
I'm surprised how nobody is trying to hunt them down for good since the government isn't interested in doing their job, although of course their job is to protect this scum. At some point you'd think someone would try to organize and kill those fuckers for good because they keep getting away with it.
We are clear and most definitely on the same page
All adamite abrahmic semite christcuck filth will be removed from the planet along with the various bug poo nigger beaner and whatever non-white subspecies exist
Thousands of rapes and murders across europe, genocides upon genocides and mountains of dead bodies. And we are just sitting here shitposting on some tibetan ricefarming forum..
I bet while we were talking here, some european girl was raped by some illegal.
Based salvini of italy. He called these murderers "worms". on twitter.
This is now a Luca the Hero thread.
Because nobody wants to fuck nigs and spics when they can fuck the best.
but how come china, japan and many other countries aren't getting pillaged and raped? How come only european ones are suffering like this?
How did it get to this? How did the politicians fail the people this hard? It's literally come down to low intensity war at this point
Good, you've heard about it in Italy. We would never heard a single word about it outside the place it happened. That's how the controlled media tends to operate. If something like that happened here, it'd be heard about in the local town or maybe the state briefly and never covered outside it.
Now, if it was a white gang that did that, you'd hear it broadcasted everywhere.
Where are the fathers out for blood? Does anybody have a spine anymore?
It's high time for niggers to be mass HONKED
"Where are you dad.. why didn't you love me… How did it get to this? I just wanted to have a family. Why didn't you protect me? "
That's the point. at least someone would already try and organize underground to hunt down the roaches, for fuck's sake, a lot of those victims have fathers and not old because even kids are getting raped. Some of the older have boyfriends. I can't imagine anyone, let alone fathers of those victims, letting get away with this like that. Hell I know I would go on rampage if this shit started to happen close to me.
The politicians failed the people this hard on purpose. The people were neutered by jewish media and academia for the past 100 years to allow for their jew puppet leaders to do this to them with no consequence. And this is absolutely happening in China too, look up what is going on in Guangzhou with Africans and muslims and how their media covers it up. It crept into Japan in their cultural worship of the west and foreign things in general, but jews simply haven't had the same amount of time to neuter the population there the way they have to Europe. Give it time and it will slowly happen to Japan too if nobody stops it. Luckily, with the internet, many people are now aware of this and can work towards its prevention in countries like Japan.
Single mothers dont have fathers around user.
i agree . Good point.
I am looking forward to see how the gooks will manage the multiculti virus.
Japan already has rape problem which mostly comes from gooks and indians, although not to a high extend like in western world. The gook-controlled press doesn't report this either, just like it's never getting reported in Korea itself. There were various causes, even gook stabbing a pregnant woman 6 or 7 years ago, I don't remember for sure anymore.
Heck, some of those gooks in Japan are almost in the same position like in Korea, i.e. education because they have a thing for young girls. The most known example in the west is embed related. The guy in charge of the club is Shinichiro Wada, a zainichi korean.
Forgot to post this as well, The Secret Police File of Korean (Japanese ) Criminals:
someone needs to go to the bottom of this "media silence" phenomenon. Why is it happening, when has it happened, and what are the patterns? What can we know for sure? What are the FACTS?
This is obvious and no different in case of Japan either except local zainichi in charge of media are covering assess of their zainichi criminal buddies. They quite openly trying to shit on Japanese too, including Emperor and actively trying to brainwash the people. I don't know anyone who trust NHK or TBS, however. But anyway,
They're untouchable if we speak of non-violent solutions which will never work since the government itself is making sure to crush down on anyone who try to act like a true competent journalist, they even themselves admitted this not so long ago in Australia or even NZ and those aren't the only ones who do it. The point is of course not to make you too angry and fight back.
Oh well she was a junky living at a rehab center so it's sort of sad and the shitskin should hang but really I don't care about her. She's a piece of shit, a good lookign piece of shit but probably infested with herpes etc.
Also there's another subtext to this story. I've met a lot of cunts like this bitch in my day and the arrogance is off the charts. Being a working guy with a university degree is not good enough, nothing is good enough ever. But a filthy nigger from shitville, a dope pusher, she goes off with him 100% trust and love. Messes up your mind? Yep it's supposed to. Well it doesn't mess up my mind anymore you demented insane nigger fucking sluts. Die.
Because high society doesnt want specific information being made public as it can damage their plans
all the time, bunch of news stories and documentaries out there exposing pedophiles like jimmy savile, evidence was brought to them in the 70s and people were told to keep quiet about it or else, apparently its happening now with the yellow vest movement, some people are saying how their media isnt reporting on anything about them and their people dont know france is burning right now
Rumors spread, then someone who exposes corruption all the time says that everything is fine move along, leaks happen and no one believes them, more and more evidence is brought to the light and notices, the final stage is when the full story is laid out in full and no one careing about it, like that time the US goverment apologised for MKULTRA but never stated that they stopped, or how the entire vietnam war was started over events that never happpend. evidence was as clear as day yet not a single person complained, campaigned or marched in protest, dont you think it to be strange that these goverment ending revelations get completely ignored by everyone and swept under the rug as soon as possible?
All media is lying, anyone that repeats the mainstream narrative is lying, if someonegets extremely offensive at you stating anything else then they know its a lie but doesnt want to face reality, leaks are to be believed unless proven otherwise, if shills come out to condem leaks as fake all the time then you can be assured that its 100% real
the media is used as a tool to make the public think a certain way, feel a certain way towards various stimulus, to make people violently reject anything that strays from the mainstream narrative, to maintain the status quo, to raise public support for something or make something seem more socially acceptable than it really is or to even create war between people, factions, ideologies,etc
And they're all crypto jew or shabbo goyim freemasons, probably of the Orange Lodge. Many are also in the Shriners.
A white girl who fucks niggers invariably hates her father with a demented passion and her shitskin fuckery and depraved drug addict lifestyle is her rebellion and revenge upon him. The more loving and just and kind her father is the more she hates and despises him.
Nothing is going to enrage a girl more than a father who attempts to protect her from evil men. That'll just make her spit venom in her rage.
Only exists in northern ireland and yes, they do controll the media, thats why we started making our own newspapers and radioshows, but I dont trust a republican as much as I dont trust an orangeman. I live right next to 3-4 orange lodges but I doubt the accept visitors
But couldn't you say that about any kind of media, including rightwing media? Let's take the first point:
What does this mean? How do you know this? What if P1 is just controlled by advertisers? How to know for sure that P1 is interested in mindcontrol and not in just indiscriminate distribution of objective facts? It feels to me like there is a giant mess overall and nothing can be established for certain.
Surely "P1 wants to be a tool to control the public and how it thinks" is a reasonable conclusion, but is it really a fact? Does this apply to all papers P2, P3…PN? If not, then how to separate them? How do we go to the bottom of dangerous media? It feels like there are no facts and we are drowning in assumptions, thoughts, opinions, and false intellectual rubbish. Unless we establish what is the objective reality, on logic, then there is no progress.
Not sure about you, but most women have been quite easy to turn against niggers, if you ask me.
Dindus now name their kids "Dindu."
He is Dindu, Dundu Nuffin.
The new Bond character on the latest Neetflix adaptation.
Because we need a thread every time a nigger kills a bitch.
Kill yourself moshe.
this was an especially noted case since it was an illegal migrant perpetrator, and it was especially heinous crime on a minor adolescent . Its kind of the worst of the worst, proving how dangerous europe is becoming towards innocent citizens.
Actually yes, we fucking do. She was one of our people, and a casualty of a denied war.
Orange Lodge is huge in English Canada and probably Australia and New Zealand too.
This is one of my greatest fears as well. Whenever i read about a shitskin raping a European girl its there, in the back of my head. Festering. And then i have the (((state media))) of my country, that translates 'rape victim' to 'ex', just so society can wallow in a comfortable warm blanket of harmless, non-threatening newspeak.
There are dozens of Luca Trianiis, you hardly hear of them however, since youre dependent on (((news))) to report on it.
And then theres shit like this:
nigger stabs rapist of daughter, hero and a lion mom
This is what the kikes are against of, however. They don't want you to know this shit. People must report this kind of news as often as possible, it should be your duty to spread this shit to make people's blood boil, to make them hate this scum even more and not just deep down. They should feel real danger and thus losing comfort not for criticizing the media and going against the kikes but for not resisting against their enemies.
Hell I can see people on this site to get fed up with this shit and start doing something instead of just bitching on the Internet.
Yes, ALL media is the same, right or left. DONT trust anything they say.
If the news pushes something hard enough and for a long time, eventually people will believe in it as to not appear abnormal, no one wants to be labelled as a nutcase because they dont trust the news 100%. It also means that people know what the know and they do not know what they do not know, take smoking for example, news media shilled hard and said smoking isnt bad for you, infact it has benefits and people believed them because they didnt know anything else and they had no reason not to believe them, big shock they lied and smoking is now banned from being advertised and everywhere on the packaging is warning signs. they made people believe something was good for them and no one questioned it, when facts come out that it was bad for them everyone jumped on the bandwagon saying how they knew smoking was bad and how smoking must be banned in theatres and bars. but in the time before anyone saying smoking was bad was called a loon or even a nazi, as they where heavily against smoking.
They say it themselves multiple people who used to be journalists outright say they are either payed or forced to do it, media dont care about the news they care about shaping public perception thats why when a muslim commits a terrorist attack every outlet claims NOT ALL MUSLIMS, constantly reporting on pro-muslim ideals side by side with an increase of reporting on islamaphobia and other hate crime, how it divides us, the media is not a public service for informing the people its a business.
they always are, the paper must conform to rules and standards or else it wont get published, peer reviewed,etc you can easily tell if its advertising anything by what the paper is about, like car seatbelts, they never used to come with the car but when they started to take off everyone was talking about how X study proves that seatbelts make you safe, prevent fatal injuries,etc clearly conditioning you to the idea of buying one.
Major factor is who created the study and with whos funding, a think tank funded by the goverment is straight propoganda pieces, anyone associated with a think tank or gets funding from the goverment is a sure sign. if some independant is making a paper about paperclips and the funding comes from a paperclip manufacturer then thats another sure sign of public manipulation. you can also tell by the people who create the paper, a bunch of marxists who research gulags will obviously come to the conclusion that they were stalins gift to the green earth, same goes for diversity being a strength and white people being evil
You will rarely find these papers, they are always suppressed because they could kill billion dollar industries, bring down goverments or change life as we know it something as small as circumcision got heavily suppressed in the US and the researchers were ordered to keep quiet, there was also the various inventions made throughout the 20th century that could have changed the world, but they were called hoaxes, I dont get why people would be offered millions or be murderd and have their blueprints burned over a small hoax. There was something about growing plants, fruits and vegetables with electricity too that never really seen the light of day depite producing much greater yeilds at much faster rates, even making the plants revert back to versions they had previously evolved from.
Thats the whole point of it all, if people are confused they will search endlessly for answers they already have through the piles of disinformation to keep them forever occupied, but if people are of clear minds they will be able to see whats happening right infront of them. Its like the old emperors tale, his people one day began to get restless, started to question things, crime rose and there was a chance of the people destroying the civilisation built, the emperor then gave his people bread and the circus and they went back to being his subjects.
Thats the main issue, the reality that has been created for us is the biggest instrumment of our own demise and eventual extinction, we must destroy reality as if someone can create a reality then they can also control that reality
Always thought it was a northern ireland thing, why would canucks and aussies be interested in william of orange? I guess it makes sense that most of britians colonial settlers share the same beliefs