Richest Rothschild's kids IG

Richest Rothschilds daughters on IG :


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Their house in OP pic

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This Rothschild property in Geneva Switzerland is bigger than worldwide United Nations headquarters in Geneva…

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That's interesting…

All Press articles on The richest rothschild

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Visiting UN shithouse in geneva, that thing is absolutely huge. And rottieboy next to it. Nothing supsicious at all


When i was at UN Geneva i Saw The Rothschild house via fence pls find it based on my map

Be a real shame if someone attacked these faggots.

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It's funny, my gf stumbled upon a Rothschild girl's instagram once and was really put off by subtle yet obvious extraordinary wealth. It takes a while to notice but the locations, châteaus and food they picture themselves with are obviously on a class higher than 99.8% of how the rest of us live. I had to explain to her what the Rothschild family was and that these girls are practically above wealth in any sense we could imagine

oy vey, why are you posting this, mudslimes are our greatest enemy, these jews are staying in their legitimately held and owned lands, I don't see a problem here


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They are close to each other, just enter
The other one is on the hill towards the lake

Would be sad to see her getting ganged by a pack of muslims then raped and chopped up.
Given the photos on instagram, why don't those to look like proper jews with the exception of curly hair and pointy nose.

Should i share Olivia "s snapchat ? Its simple to write with Her and try your luck


Olivia looks quite qt.

Pretty rapeable.

Funny how kiddos that never worked in their lifes wanna dictate working class how to live.

You know it would probably be trivial for a ripped 4chad to seduce her and get her alone…

Their lives seem pretty plain, boring and uninspiring, despite all the money and luxury. No struggle, no goals, just pointless existence and consumerism. I haven't seen them look really happy on either photo. I guess this is the reward when you use infinite gold cheat.

(((UN))) is their project after all.

Don't forget getting child-raped by your handler but being told it's okay because it gave you psychic powers.


How come noone has targeted and raped these thots yet? Are they really that well protected?

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Another Rothschild. Wonder if they approve of this. Also, lol @ them hiding De Rothschild behind "der".

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Because it's the consortia that are the source of problems and targeting kids does nothing to fix those problems because they have no power. I don't know why people even blame the Rothchild family specifically, they are just owners if they are involved in the business it's probably only at the highest level. Do you really think people this wealthy need to involve themselves in crime?

Rothschild agency is behind the new 'Weather Tax' in France

The brilliant expatriate American writer and editor, Ezra Pound, supported Hitler during WWII. He told the British that the danger was not that their country might someday be invaded (by Germans), but that their country had already been invaded (by Jews).

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Their Parents approve that their daughter is dating an Saudi guy. And claimed it be fine if their daughter would date black guy too.
They are traitors, even to their family traditions.

How in the fuck?

Yea but nobody wants your 30 shit acres with nothing on it amerimutt. What is supply and demand? Just because youre an amerimutt redneck doesnt mean you have to be fuckimg ignorant. Try reading a book sometime.


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It's in St. Barths, you uncultured Amerimutt.


well this is an organic d&c effort

this is bad why? let them judge themselves.

Here's a map pointing out St. Barthelemy, fuckface. Supply and demand, ever heard of it?

Attached: World-Location-Map-Vintage-St-Barts-Map.jpg (450x250, 36.8K)

those jewess' are so rapeable

Reminder that (((saudi)))'s are jews though.

Gives international law jurisdiction there. Wonder why.



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You just proved the point you turbonigger

I have half a mind to believe that OP is either one of the Rothschilds themselves, or someone who is close to them. What a retarded and useless thread on some rich-nobodies that 99% of the world don’t care about. They all get the same fate on DOTR.

What the Rothschilds and every other rich faggot who thinks their immune to the real world don’t realize is that literally everyone is waking up to the worldwide ploy of rich-poor hierarchy. The proles aren’t accepting a left-right dichotomy anymore.

The revolution won’t be an ethnic revolution. It will be a worldwide mass execution of the 1%.

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I'm pointing out the fact that I ain't hiding shit. You sending another reply with a map is kikery? Lol at you.

They look like the Dutch.

>hyper ventilating that somebody make an off handed comment about the value of property (((St. Barthelemy)))
You're too dumb to be a jew, they often make an effort to blend in. You're either a nigger native of one of the islands or you're some chink abomination from cuckchan.

The Rothschild family has been seen in some perverse sexual territory before. Four years ago a hard-hitting article in the Thai Fuck Shack reported that heiress Kate Rothschild had become a Jane Goodall level misogynist, 'dating' a black rapper with the primitive features of a gorilla.
Pics related

Here's an archive link to the article - (but Trigger Warning for the Jew shills or sensitive anons among us)
Rothschild Heiress Goes Full-Negro

In your opinion does coal-burning Jewess Kate resemble Jacob?

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It's right there.
How do you say "open bobs" in French?

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anyone has archive?

Montres tes nichons

I tried but archive don't work.

OP should have archived before making bread

That feel when an Archon who is more powerful than rothkikes and got awakened solely through personal efforts, zero rapenings so far. They seem pretty soulless in general, the worst thing that can happen for a kike is to actually get all the power, because he doesn't have any capacity to use it for any creative purpose. Retarded garbage like UN and climate cultism is the best they got. Abhorrent. Looking at them, I can only feel pity for those subhumans. What enrages me is that these rats have prevented so many people from achieving their potential, only to have such a miserable existence themselves and project it onto everyone else in the world.

Why would anyone do that? It's their system and entities behind them that are the problem, not these miserable wretches. On the contrary, they should consume their existence fully and plentifully. No struggle, no challenges, no growth, leading to spiritual death (not that there was much to die in the first place). And then they will get to live the lives of all those whose destinies they have stolen. One by one, there is a lot of time. I will make sure of that.

Same Semitic trash, also, Arabs are crypto-kikes. They got a bit carried away by mixing with Germanics, their chief Rabbi has probably warned them that they will lose their purity of impurity so they have to mix it up now. Same goes for British royals and all of the rest.

Wew. We should have memed responsibly

he should, but since OP is eternal faggot i didn't really count on it. shame, could have been some interesting pics. the younger one's was mostly vapid existence with a desperate want for purpose

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that first girl is one ugly inbred kike

There's IG archive tools, fool.

that girl looks like kirtaner from 420chan

She looks quite adorable, who knows what they did to her, pretty sad.

She probably was included in business deals ("You like 'em young, right? Here, take my little niece to play with if you sign this deal")
Or she was given to friends of the family or powerful individuals as a pet.
Naturally, she was present at the rituals where the Rothschilds worshipped their deity.

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They do not lead life as most of us understand it. I went to Cambridge and met many just like these women. They define themselves by different standards - they see us as restricted, unable to experience all life has to offer because of or moral, cultural and financial limitations. Perversely, this means that they are never able to fully experience their privilege because they have nothing to compare it to. So everything becomes mundane and hence their soulless, bored demeanour. Much of their time is spent trying desperately to feel something, anything.
But don't shed a tear. The noose feels the same regardless.

kike, kike - weasel like

They are Bacchus worshippers and degenerates par excellence, plus they have a very long tradition of prostituting their wives, daughters etc. to become richer so it's pretty much certain. At least they didn't sacrifice her to Chronos or something.

Not only that, they don't know to actually experience luxury, they have no higher aspirations, no taste, no sense of quality. It's like playing video games with cheats, they lose any point quite quickly. On the other hand, we are the ones who struggled, who experienced growth, who actually can appreciate quality. Who is truly rich here, and who is poor?

and here I am living next to a busy shitty road with a manhole that knocks every few seconds

If only I knew sooner about the jews I'd never bought this lmao kill me

They list all of their family members online for some reason:

Why do billionaires and rich people live in all white areas, in gated communities and mansions?

Why don't they live with and around the filthy niggers and mudslimes they imported?

If they like them, they should live with them.


Find that whore.

Kill her.

Because only their children virtue signal, until they reach an age where the big picture can be explained to them and then nod their head and do as they are told to continue the tradition. Rothschild who maintain their virtue signalling tend to be offshoots of the dynasty or too stupid to matter. The Rothschild family isn't even the biggest jew dynasty.

This house looks nice.

A nice dumping ground for the niggers and mudslimes we will flood these mansion s and estates.

Let's gather a few thousand mudslimes and niggers in Switzerland, and flood the rothschld estate with them.
PeoplE in Switzerland should prepare for an offensive attack against this estate in Geneva.

Let's collect their migrants with a few buses, and ket them break through the walls and fences around the Rothschild estate.

We need a list of mansions, estates, Holliday villas of those billionaires who supported migration.

Could someone create a list, please?>>13048393


You are an idiot.
We cannot gather anyone anywhere because, not only do we lack institutional power, not only do we lack the ability to even communicate with these hostile foreigners, but we are afraid to even meet each other outside of 8/pol/
This is all just childish role play you're doing.


These people are not real aristocrats, and they will never achieve this status, the public don't consider them to be aristocrats.

Real aristocrats fight against mudslimes and other niggers, and they protect Europe from these groups.

I hope that q user will hang these criminals, each and every one of them.

It doesn't matter how much money they have acquired through criminal business schemes, they won't escape justice. Not a single one of them.

gas yourself shill, ask your boss to update your template next time


She's got Chelsea Clinton's mouth and jaw..

It's simple. We hire a bus and we write "Free Party at the Rothschild Mansion" " Free food and drinks" "Music and Ladies" on it.

Go to the streets of Geneva, collect blacks and muslims. Get around 500 of them.

Take them to the Rothschild estate, put a few ladders to the walls around the property, and send them in.

Tell them to go inside the mansion the free food, free drinks, the ladies are there.

Tell them that the Rothschilds like blacks and moslems, hence the free party for them.

How many pro migration billionaires do we have?
Where are their mansions?

Let's do the same against their land, their children, their women.

There is another one in Kensington and Chelsea. Jessica de Rothschild.

Kate Rothschild lives in Sheen. Her house was shown in the daily mail.

They let the migrants to our land.

We will give them the same gift.

It's easy to organise it.

Can you find the mansion of Richard Branson?

He likes migrants as well.

I think the nigger migrants and the rapist muslims he likes will like his blonde daughters.

of course he likes migrants. To him they are only synonyms to "salary dumps" that will make his stocks go up.

lmao enjoy article 13 and needing a masterbation license

Their family will degenerate into non-achiever status.

This luxury holiday home looks so white.

How come there is no multi culturalism in these areas?

I think we should make it more diverse, more culturally enriched.

All those niggers, muslims, rapists and tenorists these rich 'aristocratic' people like so much. They should meet them.

Let's organise a diversity party in this luxury resort as well. South America is full of niggers and criminal gangs.

Rothschilds like these migrants; let's send them to their peaceful resort.

If they don't welcome them with open arms, we will call them racist.

If their daughters and kids are hurt by criminal migrants, we will cover it up in the media and lie that nothing happened.

We should encourage shitskins to flood those places, we can tell them that they are rich and have many gibs there, also nice areas for them to camp at. Not sure how is it like in Switzerland, but the same Talmudic laws which are brought in most other countries to cuck people can be used against them. And the same propaganda that they push on everyone else as well. Make them drown in diversity, unable to make any move to stop it without suffering severe public consequences and being called the evil nayzees by their very puppets and the decadent system which they have created. Make the golem turn against his master. It would also cause the real estate prices to drop, hurting their finances.

You can always 'accidentally drop' some instructions at a local migrant center

I'm pretty convinced that true aristocrats are born that way, regardless of social background.
Get out

Tell them that they love having orgies with muds, the more the merrier. The smellier, uglier, and more diseased, the better.

Billionaires, Jewish communities, (((Trilateral commission members))), pro-migration politicians, the choices are endless.

If billionaires like migrants, we will put them in their luxury mansions and holiday resorts.

We should organise a huge ferry from South America to Necker Island. Let's dump there a few thousand niggers.

I think the Branson family and their friends are too white. Becker Island is too white. More diversity is needed, and we should flood it with criminal migrants.

It will increase the GDP in Necker Island :)

Swallow a shotgun you cuckold fetishist scumbag.

lmao nice concern troll kike faggot.

Yes, let's look up the members of the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome.

Their houses are too white.

Their wives and daughters and children in those luxury mansions need more diversity.

Nigger rapists, muslim criminals, they should be accepted by them, they said they liked them.

There s enough space for poor refugees at these mansions, resorts and estates, they should take them in and support them financially.

Let's organise these diversity parties at the mansions of these billionaires, pro migrant leaders.

It's so easy to organise it.

Branson literally is a Satanist who prostitutes teens and children at his Necker Island. He doesn't care about anything.

They don't want too many niggers in one spot, thats why they spread out their corporations all over europe, and then let niggers immigrate as much as possible. That way stocks rise up like a rocket due to salary dumps, and they get to milk cheaper labor for a long time without any repercussions.

Dumping 10k niggers in one island wouldn't work for them, they need the white slave class to feed the nigs for them.

I think this fake aristocrat Rothschild girl looks too white, too white.

She needs more diversity in the land where she lives, the area of her mansion.

These poor refugees want free food and a place to stay.

It would be heartless of her if she didn't let these criminal migrants in.

If they don't like the busloads of refugees, we will call her a racist Nazi.

inb4 some based user smuggles some nigger migrants into their private islands KEK

You burgers really are the amalgamation of the biggest scum that squirted out of Europe's anus over a hundred year period.

I think we should help these poor refugees, criminal migrants to find a new home at the real estates of these people.

Billionaire like migration, they should be happy.

It will solve the demographic problem at these mansions, holiday resorts.

Look at the billionaires, these pro migrant leaders. They are all white, too white.

They need more diversity at home, and we will give it to them!

Let's hire a few buses and hlpthose migrants have a good time.

We should set up an NGO for this to cover the cost of dumping thousands of niggers and mudslimes to their land.

It's all charity. Diversity is a strength!>>13050079

Their leadership is too white, indicating systematic racism. They need to get some persons of color ASAP.

Someone save it before they take it down.

Better smuggle Muslims, they will rape them and then stone them for adultery, making these degenerates embrace the will of Allah :>)

nice IP hop, kikeboy. gonna cry? gonna moralfag? gonna piss your pants?

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Why would they say no to 10k niggers?

It's good for the economy of Necker Island.

Most of these refugees are doctors, engineers, women and children according to the main stream media.

Why would they not let in 10k niggers to their land?

Are they racist?!

We will send those migrants there whether they like it or not.

The same way they did to white countries.

Where are those rapists who molested that little French girl? He should be sent to meet these billionaire pro migrant idiots and their daughters. Why not? They are good people? It has nothing to do with religion.

This reminds me of christcuck/leftist politicians being against the wall, and then having a massive wall around their house.

They are hypocrites and hardened liars , there is no point negotiating with them.

Just take your anti-white cuckold snuff fetish elsewhere you sick brown eyed weeb faggot.

Not only are these deep state families too white, their land, their real estate and resorts are empty.

Surely, they can make place and feed the thousands of refugees we send to their mansions.

Clooney s have a mansion in Italy. Let's flood it with thousands of nigger refugees.

They said they liked them.

the only anti-white kike here is you

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Bridges, not walls around their mansions, that is what they need.

They said refugees are good, we should give them the gift of 10k nigger and muslim refuggees into their luxury holiday home.

All we need are a few hired buses. Who knows maybe some bus drivers would take these poor refugees to these mansions.