Migrants attacking boats to get into europe


Thoughts on this?

Do you think this is about to be more common?

Attached: malta specfor operation.JPG (1074x527, 111.8K)

Good I want more Europeans bloodied and beaten up on the streets.

welcome to 2015 newfag

PS. niggers have been doing this for centuries

What is there even to say? They should have been shot on sight. A 15, 16 and 19 year old committing treason is unacceptable.

Another day, another WG war event.
Of course the whites are tolerating it as usual, and just keeps on cucking.


Attached: UN PIRACY.JPG (990x405, 63.58K)

Actually 50 years ago or more a non European person would not be welcomed at all in Europe. Apart from in special circumstances.

If you look back far enough North African sand niggers used to raid southern european towns for their slaves.
In the 1600s muslim slavers took every single person from a town called Baltimore in Ireland. Leaving it empty. Forcing them to row boats for decades until they died. Or be in a dirty muslims sex harem.

What do you expect these starving migrants, who have been saddled with centuries of white racism, to do in order to make the passage? If European countries showed the least bit of responsibility, they would arrange transport for them across the Mediterranean. Those nations want all the benefits of diversity, but just expect it to show up at their door with no effort on their part.

It's yet another example of white privilege. smh

Attached: Sierra-Leone-Refugees.jpg (900x710, 183.66K)

If Africans want white civilization so bad then Europe should take over Africa again.

I agree, my privilege makes my a physically superior organism.

Some niggers do, they got cucked/gifted.


Learn to make them walk the plank in international waters or sink them before you pick them up. The captains are trying to adhere to social grace but damn if it isn't wasted on the filth. No good deed goes unpunished.
Also, this isn't reddit, learn to bake proper bread.

Paying tax and being a cuck is the most dangerous thing europeans have ever done.

Who the fuck keeps voting for the leftist parties?

Brb nigger forums

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Human traffickers are notorious for using unseaworthy boats, and then they escape in their own life rafts when the boats sink. There are instances where they shot/beat people trying to get into the lifeboat

They are also probably working for some soros financed NGO.

Pirates should be put on plank while still in the sea or at least shot on sight.

What's your point?

Attached: 0 Fucks Given.gif (500x229, 490.69K)

Why the fuck was Roachistan bringing refugees in Europe?

I blame Confederate statues for these boat attacks in particular, and for all crime by Negroes in general.

that gif is exactly my reaction.