Making the case for the end of Left-Right politics

Ethnostates are not currently possible in any form. Anyone who believes in such fantasy lands are far removed from actual Reality and are a danger to our movement.

Feel free to leave this thread if you disagree, but that is the harsh truth. There is no feasible ability to turn any of our countries into the ethnostates we desire, at the current moment. This leads us to what is an actual feasible goal: Race Realism.

Race realism is the most simple and effective goal that our people can achieve in the limited time we have to act. It’s not the preferred plan for many of you, as you all so desperately desire your ethnostate, but it’s realistic and possible. Under race realism, we will have the next best thing to ethnostate. Whites will be free to be White, niggers will still be able to be niggers. The only difference is that there are no holdbacks to being our true White selves.

Race realism is easily achievable, yet very few on here wish to take up the cause over ethnonationalism. Race realism is also the true form of accelerationism that many seem to misunderstand.

Accelerationism, in its current bastardized form on the right-wing, is not about accelerating the lefts agenda into them overplaying (((their))) hand. It should rather be that accelerationism moves us closer to actual Reality. There should be acceleration for more race realism; understanding the racial differences between Whites, Niggers, and Spics, and then using that common difference to fight the faggot globo-homo capitalists that are attempting to enslave all of us into their dystopian reality.

Everyone on the Left and Right can agree that our ruling class is not beneficial for us, and they serve only their own interests. Leverage that discontentment in people.

This is a poor mobile write up, as I’ve quit using most forms of technology except for shitposting from my phone on the weekends. Most of my ideas can be elaborated more throughly if people are curious. The largest takeaway from this writeup that I’d wish for you fags to take from this is that: Right and Left need to work together, accept our differences, and go remove the globo-homo capitalists from our lives.

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There is only one solution , a white only globe planet
Accelerate works until it’s pitched battle time and that’s ok too

There never was "left-right politics" there is only jew and non jew politics. The left-right dichotomy is a jewish trick used to deceive the goyim into believing there is such a thing as a system of choice, when in reality there is no choice because the jew controls both sides. There is no actual choice in democracy. The vote is an illusion of choice used to tranquilize or pacify the goyim into believing they have some sort of control over their representatives. This, of course, is not true.

An ethnostate is possible, but it would surely lead to war, insurrection and secession. The jew system in current control will and is doing everything it can to suppress an ethnic revolution, by persuading the goyim that the revolution that they desire is a communist or marxist revolution, which pits them against us in a moral and physical conflict.

What we require is truth and order. What we need to is be able to tactfully persuade individuals that what we want to do, are doing or need to do is the right thing to do. We need all Africans to go back to Africa because they are oppressed and deserve reparations and deserve to go home to Wakanda. Jews need to all go back to Israel because they are oppressed and aren't safe and they deserve to have their own homeland and security. This can be said for every race or ethnicity and it is true, it is simply a double edged sword. Hell, even the injuns deserve to be in their original lands they were pushed out of by Jackson. Sure, but in reality it doesn't change much at all. We could do away with all welfare and rebrand it as "reparations equity" and that's all they get. Where there's a will, there's a way and whites, europeans have made their way through this world and we have conquered it and made it our own.

We must progress one step at a time. First step is to attempt to wrangle all the livestock into their pins for the slaughter, next step is the slaughter.

You realize this means bantustans for whites right? As in the colored races control all the good territory and whites live in trash "homelands" and go to work in the other territories.

Fuck off reddit.

All that it would take is just for whites to stop supporting them. They would starve or war themselves out to the tune of 90% in the first sixty days. That’s it. Just stop feeding them

We have to get them all there first.


We basically have them all there at this point. If we just stop exporting all foodstuffs to them they’ll naturally congregate. Once the factions split into starved or into open warfare we use biochem tech to mop up remaining pockets of mudshits

These morons are paid to spout crazy, unrealistic, evil nonsense like this constantly on practically every thread even if it has nothing to do with it.
The goal of national socialism is to have a place for one's people and to let others do the same. Europe remaining (and becoming more) white is reasonable and achievable and just, but in the same vein so should every other nation be able to preserve it's ethnic and cultural heritage on it's own rightful territory. Anyone who says otherwise has no moral basis for their positions and can therefore never lead a white nation. not to mention that constant wars of conquest is the literal opposite of "eco naturism"

Most of all, these shills want you to focus on absurd nonsense and look past the things you can do to improve the situation now. The idea is to splinter any movement toward white well-being into many incoherent offshoot groups that will independently fail to accomplish anything. Instead we must always keep in mind the central goal which is the benefit and continuance of our people, not the destruction of any but those who directly trespass against us
Allies are important to have as well, 88 was on friendly terms with the whole middle east and arab SS divisions fought along side german ones

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Each of you is so divorced from reality that it is sad. There are few and far between that frequent this board that have any sort of personal clout in the real world. The real world that has real people who behave and operate in accordance with the whole societal structure currently around them. You, onthe other hand, are decidedly living outside of the matrix. Your goal is to destroy the matrix and build a new one. This makes people resent you.

The logical and more better suited method is to distort the matrix, this is the point of clown world becoming a meme in the right wing. Nothing matters to anyone except personal greed. Point everyone who is retarded towards the globohomo. They will end the system for us.

Traditional acceleration should be our goal. Mend the left and right into a war against the globohomo, and then we segregate after.


Go ahead, convince America that only Whites are allowed. Or conversely, convince them there are inherent differences between human sub-species and get segregation, the next best thing.

Your right there is no way. I have given up on Christians in America. Islam is the only hope now. At least with them they will burn with fire the tranny and fag, put women in their proper place and treat the nigger the proper way. They hate the Jew. The biggest problems with Islam is the Jew interference in it anyway.

>Go ahead, convince America to believe X without control over the (((media))) and indoctrination systems
One way or another, the Regime will be destroyed. Then things will fall how they fall.
Since all people are racial by nature, it will not take long for the natural order to re-emerge.

You mean the whole societal structure that actively and passively works against us in every way, shape or fashion and cohesively structures itself to undermine our culture, people and ethnic heritage at every single opportunity? You mean the whole societal structure that is working tirelessly to literally wipe our entire race off the face of the earth and destroy any remnants of our history along with us? You mean the whole societal structure that allows non-whites to actively kill, rape, maim, pillage, plunder and sack us in every country we inhabit with zero consequences or repercussions and in many cases rewarded for their actions? You mean that whole societal structure?

Under what premise will people “revert”? You have three generations that have been fully under jewish propaganda.

This comic is for (you)

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Is it supposed to be insulting?

Why not?

>Accelerationism, in its current bastardized form on the right-wing, is not about accelerating the lefts agenda into them overplaying (((their))) hand. It should rather be . . .

Acceleration: Action-stress-polarise-reaction-repeat

Working together with the soys is counter productive.
Conflict is part of the acceleration required.
The left in its current form is perfect: Shrill, ugly, ineffectual and a laughing stock. Yet still able to piss people off.
You don’t team up with retarded niggers you just wind them up and watch them go.

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Ethnostates are not currently possible in any form


Israel has one and the United States supports it no matter how many bodies pile up.

We could have a white globe if this was 1890. But the darkies don't just have spears any more.

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Release a dog back into the wild and it will soon revert back into its wild state. Knock out the kikes for a few months and people will return to their natural state.
Don't believe that White people are capable of being nationalists anymore? They're already racial nationalists. Everyone is. Everyone is already "racist"
The trouble is that people are not acting upon these racially based truths.
Except of course for the anti-White psychopaths. However their actions are expressly anti-White racism.

But the fact remains, ALL mentally capable adults (and chrildren for that matter) are racists. You would actually need to literally have some sort of mental problems not to recognize race. And I'm not trying to be cute or snarky. That's just the truth.
ALL mentally sound individuals see race as more or less the important part of society that it is. The trouble is lack of action based upon this truth.

Dont underestimate what a good crisis can do. Balkanisation of several large stretches of land is possible. If America is as divided as sometimes portrayed you dont need to think in the scale of states or even counties. You need to think in villages and small cities. Towns that selfsegregate or -cleans once shit hits the fan.
You have people that believe voting works, that democracy works. These people are idiots, because they dont see the grand truth of (((politics))). You also have people that dont see the truth of race. I think you are one of them.
Which is a good thing, because you will come closer to reality, as you so eloquently tried to put it.

Just be more like based Osama. He wasn't concerned with left and right, only up and down.

Ethnostates are a dream of collective psychosis. Live in your own skin like someone strong enough to be themselves. Quit wishing for daddy pigment and mamma chimpanzee to plug your dick in for you; just be yourself.

kys faggot.

Osama did nothing wrong.

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Well put.

You just described a natsoc government.
