Ethnostates are not currently possible in any form. Anyone who believes in such fantasy lands are far removed from actual Reality and are a danger to our movement.
Feel free to leave this thread if you disagree, but that is the harsh truth. There is no feasible ability to turn any of our countries into the ethnostates we desire, at the current moment. This leads us to what is an actual feasible goal: Race Realism.
Race realism is the most simple and effective goal that our people can achieve in the limited time we have to act. It’s not the preferred plan for many of you, as you all so desperately desire your ethnostate, but it’s realistic and possible. Under race realism, we will have the next best thing to ethnostate. Whites will be free to be White, niggers will still be able to be niggers. The only difference is that there are no holdbacks to being our true White selves.
Race realism is easily achievable, yet very few on here wish to take up the cause over ethnonationalism. Race realism is also the true form of accelerationism that many seem to misunderstand.
Accelerationism, in its current bastardized form on the right-wing, is not about accelerating the lefts agenda into them overplaying (((their))) hand. It should rather be that accelerationism moves us closer to actual Reality. There should be acceleration for more race realism; understanding the racial differences between Whites, Niggers, and Spics, and then using that common difference to fight the faggot globo-homo capitalists that are attempting to enslave all of us into their dystopian reality.
Everyone on the Left and Right can agree that our ruling class is not beneficial for us, and they serve only their own interests. Leverage that discontentment in people.
This is a poor mobile write up, as I’ve quit using most forms of technology except for shitposting from my phone on the weekends. Most of my ideas can be elaborated more throughly if people are curious. The largest takeaway from this writeup that I’d wish for you fags to take from this is that: Right and Left need to work together, accept our differences, and go remove the globo-homo capitalists from our lives.