An argument for Brenton being a FF

>two hours after the "attack" (((they))) bomb Gaza (they did the same trick the last year with a "lonewolf" too)
Not mine but I want to see how do you address this.

Attached: 20190330_141146.jpg (610x457, 96.35K)

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i agree, although I wouldnt call it a false flag as I believe the shooting really happened, I would call it something else

conveniently Trump declares Golan Heights as Israeli territory shortly after.

Did anyone ever figure out this footage?

Attached: TWO_SHOOTERS.webm (608x892, 620.75K)

False flag does not mean 'hoax'. Words have definitions, retard, so read a book.

That is quitr bad quality footage. Other than the text it could be anything.


They always pull this bravado where when they become threaten they launch an attack against there enemies at home and abroad via a psyop like 9/11 or Tarrant.

The MSM will be talking about how "internet trolls" have made him St. Tarrant for years to come, no matter that we saw through there bullshit FF from Day A.


What are you implying? He says he used guns to further polarize society.

bunga gro bunga?

Can someone address the claims made in the OP?
I know that at least one (Israel bombing Gaza) is true.

Witnesses are fucking retarded, man. The amount of time I've had one tell me there were a dozen gunshots when there were only 1 or 2 is absurd. They think echos are gunshots.


Yes, he also went and shot another mosque after the stream.

Honestly, we may never know, I can't begin to contemplate it all until I figure out who the miscreant was that stole this poor man's socks.

Attached: socksnosocks.jpg (720x827, 62.17K)

Many of these kind of things are due to artifacts in compression and low quality.

Honestly only suspicious stuff is how Bretnon get money for his Journey around the world. But that could be explained by his bitcoin/connect investment.

What about other suspects? And israel repatriation?

Not to mention the direction the light is facing.

Fuck off back to kikechan moshe.

Please provide an example.

He paid for trips to Pakistan Turkey and Israel with it, as well as obtaining military issue eqpt. All without raising any red flags at all. Meanwhile if you say men aren't women on twitter the zogbots come calling.
Get fucked. Fooling nobody.

Do you know how to read?

Tarrant was clearly a Mossadi stooge:
>Tarrant somehow visited Pakistan as a muslim hater, stayed in an (((Aga Khan))) hotel there
>Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity
TL;DR: sage and kys, ziokike shill

Than don't say it on twitter. I didn't know that traveling around world is terrorism. Or buying guns. Burgers buy guns like toys.

I don't think it really matters whether it was a FF or not.

It had a desirable outcome, which is

Further proof it was a false flag.

From this video, the casings "dissapearing" into the air when he shoots outside. There are many examples of this in Youtube. You can see this if you watch a 144p vid.

What I think is most probable is that the man was wearing blue shoes with red and white soles. In the frame where he exits the mosque the soles are pointing outside so they are a tiny part of the image and thus compressed out of existance. Still, you can see a faint white line where they would be.

Kill yourself.
No, lowered.
So where is anyone doing anything.
Again, no.

Nice d&c thread kike.

Kvetch more faggot.

He clearly says in his manifesto that he doesn't mind muslims living in their own land, which is what pakistanis are.

How is this "proof"? He streamed the first shooting and the stream ends with him going to the second one.

> Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity
He "supports" him as a manifestation of white union and common purpose, but despises him as a policy maker or politician in general.

Fourteen words and Odal rune.

Irrelevant, and he also doesn't hide this.


Can you read?
I have not seen someone addressing the "other shooter".

Until I see a white plastered wall show no signs of damage after bullets hitting it due to video compression I'm going to have to remain a disbeliever.
The casings could equally disappear because they are cgi overlaid on film.
"But you see a casing hit the ground", yeah, why isn't that one casing part of the original film, they threw a casing on the ground where he was going to firing; doesn't match with the number of shots, all the casings fly out the gun exactly the same, which may be how they do, but you would have seen multiple casings on the floor traveling the same direction.
There's far too much wrong with this. It's 911 tier.

All these proofs are weak sauce, I'm open minded to the idea of it being set up or a FF but haven't seen anything convincing yet.
It's easier to believe some rando Zig Forumstard had enough muzzie attacks and retaliated.

Have you never shot a gun or seen one fired before you illiterate fucking nigger?


Attached: 20190330_153043.jpg (719x404, 141.74K)

The only thing I could find was this

Smells like a fabrication really.



Its pretty much clear at this point that the kikes have been shilling the "Its a false flag" disinfo as an attempt of deradicalizing Zig Forumsacks.
Le CGI meme, fake videos, bullshit articles like these with absolutely no source leave no doubt that this is the case.

Attached: bowling.png (509x767, 500.08K)

It was just arguments that I had found that kind of convinced me.

Nobody is buying your anecdotes, kike shill. These "arguments" have been shilled at nauseam on this board. You were among the ones shilling them and you are aware that they have all been debunked, but you're reiterating them anyways in case some newfags come to the board. Kill yourself, you utter failure. Reported.

This genocidal IQ90 serb doesn't like us investigating his remove-kebab le epic maymayer guyse. It's all a coincidence, shut it down, remove kaybab! totally not forcing my meme and shilling hehehe.