Nice until we are not

Is this true? Do you know immediately the extreme but necessary things you need to do?

Those themes are described in this review of office space with each white man eventually snapping and acting out his initial extreme solution. Is that what happened to Tarrant, Brevik, McVeigh or any so called right wing extremists? Are there tens of millions of white guys on the verge of snapping? Do you know what must be done?

Attached: office-space-fish-clean.png (960x540, 696.13K)

If more guys were "snapping"we would free ourselves by now.



The Horizontally Oriented Mind
The Feminine Reproductive Strategy
The Left
uses violence incrementally, as if on a dial/ a scale of 1-10

The Vertically Oriented Mind
The Masculine Reproductive Strategy
The Right
uses violence like a switch—it is either on or off

Yes, white men are nice until they are not.

Everyone who was involved in anyway in the mudslime migration directly or indirectly in the past 30 years will be hanged.

And reported for continued spamming faggotry.




BlackPill's thesis is convincing considering the general reaction people have to the film. There is no question that all white men aware of a problem possess a final solution to it, but I wonder how they can know when to act. But then, maybe that's an advantage. You can't easily squash what you can't predict.

Okay. I think you're right. Sorry. You're right.

Reporting doesn't do anything on Zig Forums and hasn't for a long time.

Attached: Americans.jpg (720x524, 181.19K)

This is a true video and the channel black pilled is also good. One of my favorite jewtube channels.

You know that this was a roast of Americans by the German dude, right?

Sorry but most of the time this is just cope-toughtalk from a beaten man. Conservatives have been warning 'don't push us any further' for 50 years and always back down.
means there is no viable way forward so you just go nuts.

seems accurate

Attached: hate.webm (640x352, 3.87M)

Conservatices are democratic, pacifist cuckolds and have never made any threats of violence for as long as i can remember. This video is clearly about fascists.
Also, this whole video is about how white men don't snap, they just act out the most radical approach to the problem they have which has been determined from the moment the problem manifested once all that holds them back has been eroded.
The video is 100% accurate. Also, there is no threat or "tough-talk" in that video, its a solid assessment of the psychology of white men. He isn't saying "don't push us further, or everyone will snap" because he isn't saying that the perceived costs which acting out the most radical approach to the problem are low enough for large parts of the populace yet, or that this will ever happen. He is just explaining how Breivik, Brenton or Dylan came to the point where they decided they had enough. It wasn't them suddenly snapping and killing a few people. Breivik and Brenton planned their attacks for years. They are highly intelligent and completely sane individuals which just decided that they didn't have anything to lose anymore which outweighed the prospect of life in prison.

Attached: roof.jpg (465x312, 47.89K)

Its a good job we aren’t conservatives then.

If any of you would like to take a break from encouraging each other to go on killing spree, maybe you could go outside and put up three or four stickers. It's nice outside and you could use a walk.

Attached: it's okay 03.jpg (800x600, 110.23K)

The jew's biggest plan right now is deradicalization.

American revolution was won with 3% of population.

Most people are sheep, and only require the bare minimum to motivate/de-motivate them.

Can take a walk and kill muslims the same day, ya know?