(((The Irish weren't considered white)))


That's right. Our pal Ignatiev perpetuated this myth to confuse white consciousness. How many times have you heard this shit quoted?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was never a race issue, it was always religion. Irishmen and southern europeans (i.e. Italians) were Catholic and to the Protestants were slaves of the Vatican and thus no better than lowly niggers. This all from a time when the time difference from the holy wars in europe was as far removed as the world wars are to us. There was still a lot of bad blood.

Yes but (((they))) and their good goys love argue the non-white angle as their gotcha when discussing white identity.

Yes, but your account has disappeared from history, the new account as the pour as many Hondurans and Mexicans into the country as possible is to say "Irish weren't considered white, over time these people will be just as American as you"

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We're going to find you, kike.

we need to dismantle the jewish myths one by one.

The Irish were and are white faggot

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Yes, and this is one of their most viral. It's literally their best argument in favor of mass-immigration. Spread it this redpill.

It's worth remembering that it was the Irish and Italian voting blocs that destroyed the USA. The Irish and Italians came over to the cities and voted for the plans of the jews which the British, Dutch, Scandinavian and German Protestants always voted against. The mass importation of Irish and Italian people also changed the focus of the USA from a rural society to an urban one.

Many of them would go on to embrace the Anglo-Germanic culture and value individuality and freedom more than gibs and immigration; but they were the initial weapon used to undermine the USA and open the gates for the foreign hordes. Without Irish and Italian voting blocs the jews would never have been able to get the spics in.

L.A. Noire was a great game.

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Someone needs to make a "Registry of Lies" wikipedia, that registers all peoples lies, when they were lied, where and why.

It's time to make liars get exposed.

Ware the phoenician blood coursing through the taternigger's veins. kek

Irish have a massive inferiority complex and they're the only white race that it's possible to be "racist against". Think that about says enough, they'll never stop whining about muh tader holocause and le ebil Britun and the one sixth of the island that doesn't want to be part of their marxist terrorist republic

I'd take a picture of my Irish flag and great-grandfather's immigration papers but this beer won't drink itself.

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I'd just like to point out that the artist liked chins and hated alpines. okay, thank you.

Irish wern't considered "white" by the Anglo English invaders. Neither were the Welsh, Scots, and Italians. Basically they were all considered nigger tier people. With shit genes like the nigger. Read up on it a little more. Irish were sold into slavery in the 100's of thousands by the English, nearly starved to death and driven to genocide by the Anglos. But hey there all white now.

I have an idea OP. Stop being a fucking faggot and archive that fucking page so we dont all have to piss about with the nyt?

shut up

Ok Ignatiev.

Welsh and Scots were considered white. Irish were never sold into slavery but were indentured servants, just like many other people. Irish weren't starved to death by the English but by idiotic Irish entrepreneurs who decided to stop growing any crop aside from the potato. Irish blame the English for everything, even when their own stupidity or violence was clearly the factor that started everything; for instance they complain about Cromwell invading them despite the fact that Irish Catholics were murdering Protestant women and children. You think they weren't murdering Protestant women and children and that it was just an excuse for the English? Well, they STILL murder Protestant women and children every so often; so I think its fairly likely that they were doing it back then as well.

Plenty of Irish were treated fine when in the British Empire. The main issues happened long before that. The fabled Irish-Scotch brotherhood that exists in the USA is also complete bollocks; the Irish and the Scots hated each other more than the English did.

Typical lies spread by the Forever-Anglo and Jewish agents. Go back to cuckchan


Well memed, sir.

Your nose is showing. If you have an actual argument I would be happy to discuss it with you. Perhaps I am wrong on a point or two, but from studying it myself I do not think so. The potato famine and Cromwell's invasion are distorted to such an extent that they might well be described as a pre-cursor to the jew's Holocaust; its a largely baseless foundation myth that twists the facts to ridiculous extents to provide the people with a false identity.

It's also worth mentioning that a untied Ireland is a myth. According to Irish logic great Britain should be one nation.


Scratch a Anglo and a kike pops up. You aren't really making much of an argument either. There are contemporary accounts that clearly lay out that Cromwell's invasion was justified by the reasons of religion but that was just the cover for land grab and genocide of the natives. Here is an idea for you-The fucking English Protestants didn't belong there. Those fucking people were just invading hordes much akin to the Niggers of today pouring off the boats. Protestants should have gone back to England where their ultimate perversion of Christianity is alive and well. There is overwhelming evidence of the millions of Irish starved to death at the hands of the English invaders. I'm not talking about the holohoax they actually have the graves and records of the people perishing. As far as Irish stop growing potatos-most of the land was owned by the English thanks to Cromwell and the never ending wars of genocide by the English upon the Irish people. Potatoes grow in poor soils which was all that was left to the native Irish people, most of the land that could support other cereal crops had been claimed by the English and their traitorous supporters.
There are existent records in Dublin and Belfast of the English selling the Irish into slavery, or deporting them to the Americas or to Australia. Some of them are online if you google it. You are right the Scots and Irish never liked each other but fuck the English back to the French-Norman coast where they belong.

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I'm pretty sure William Wallace was a Norman. Funny how you don't hear the Scots complaining about the Gaels(because they aren't uptight losers). The Irish have a pathological hatred of the British isles.


The Irish were also slaves and my guess is the slavers were kikes. Sephardic jews dominated the slave trade in America and hid behind the generic label white to avoid criticism.

You cannot mistake a Sephardic jew for white. They don't look like white people.

Didn’t the paddys invade Scotland way back? People fight, it happens. Especially in Europe. D&c kike.

Reminder that this kike is advocating for white genocide in Harvard (where kikes are 10x overrepresented) and tries to fucking pretend kikes don't run this shithole of a country but whites do.

In waves. There was a coastal culture, not an island one.

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What point are you making? Yeah, from across Europe(and England).

Dr. Tony Martin has my respect in regards to his historical work.

Sephardics where not the ones selling the irish, that was jew from england, ashkenazic.

It's odd you should say this, because it was the south that voted for the destroyer Woodrow Wilson and then later for the ultimate gibs machine of FDR, not suburban Italians in Rhode Island. And I'm always somebody who defends the south when retards attack beautiful "flyover country" but now you're talking out of your ass and making it up as you go along to create new divisions.

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Based ethnic enclaves. More American than the Americans. Nothing you posted was relevant to his point. Do you even understand the meaning of the "gibs" meme?


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Do you even know the meaning of the new deal? Or the constitutional amendment pushed by Woodjew Wilson legalizing the income tax for gibs?

nice strawman you retard, you argue like a jew (in bad faith)

The (((The Irish weren't considered white))) talking point has always struck me as a retarded kike scam given the fact that immigration was legally restricted almost exclusively to people who were considered white, starting from the 1790 immigration act until the (((1965)) immigration act.

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taigs btfo

and (checked) btw

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Are Welsh people white? Generally curious, found out my family is pretty much Welsh all the way back.

Majority of the problems that morons on Zig Forums blame on Anglos can be blamed on the jewish "cousinhood", i.e. the zionist elite in Britain associated with finance, elites, and politics. That anti-anglo Zig Forumslacks rarely mention them goes to show just how garbage anons' knowledge is on the history of the jew (or that they are shills).

Go read the books The Divided Elite: Economics, Politics, and Anglo-Jewry, 1882-1917 and The Cousinhood: The Anglo-Jewish gentry. Both are scholarly literature and not garbage. Alternatively go read the historian John A. Hobson from the 19th century who wrote a number of books showing the connections between imperialism, colonialism, and jew elites. His analysis of the role of British Jews in the Boer war is very interesting, and generally ignored by most. Another ignored figure is Moses Montefiore, a historical figure rarely mentioned but very important in British Zionism and the eventual establishment of Israel. Guy had connections and influences all over the place, pushing pro-Jew shit among literary elites, media elites, foreign politics, financial elites. Basically the same shit happening today.

Yet morons on Zig Forums solely blame the anglo. This how you lose. By not learning from history and how the enemy operates.

no, it was race moreso than religion. english goons cant handle the fact paddies started settling on their conquered land, cant have that when you're pouring in english and scottish settlers into ulster. they have always hated us for being irish and their huge ethnic cleansing campaign backfired with the english wanting nothing to do with the settlers in ulster. it didnt matter if you were protestant or catholic, but if you were both irish and catholic its just a 2 for 1 or reasons to hate.

Same shit gets spouted by you amerilards about ulster all the time, no the conflicts here wasnt because they where protestant, it was because they tried to ethnically cleanse us from our lands

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We should write a book called

Yes, the Welsh are white and are generally held in pretty high regard by everyone. They are mocked as 'sheep shaggers' because they used to steal English sheep across the border, which led to the English ridiculing them by asserting that the only reason for such a thing must be their sexual perversion; in reality it was (mostly at least) about money. The Irish are white as well despite everything else I have said in this thread, it was their high rate of crime and drunkeness coupled with their Papist sympathies that had others looking down on them at certain periods of time.

For the most part the Welsh are a very amicable, hard-working and cheerful people with a fearsome reputation in battle, and were actually the inventors of the longbow which English armies would go on to use to such great effect. Regions of Wales have had industry and a naval-based trade empire spanning millenia alongside the rest of Britain.

Perhaps a good comparison for American minds would be that to the British; the English were your typical white American, the Welsh were honourary-Aryan Asian types, and the Irish were your typical nogs. Obviously its not a perfect analogy because the Irish are much smarter and better workers than the real nogs, but they were (and are still) known for being lazy and producing shoddy work. The Welsh in contrast were seen as hard-working people who never made any trouble. There were Welsh trouble makers, just as there were great Irishmen who contributed to the prosperity of England; but in general that was how they were all seen.

It should be noted though that everyone in Britain has some degree of contempt for everyone else, including every town and village and their nearest town or village, so seeing any of the nations hate on any of the others is not a rarity. The 'we want out of the UK' hatred that the Scots have recently gained for the English is largely down to American propaganda. Everyone in every part of the UK hates Westminster. That pretty much sums up everything you need to know about relationships between the different nations of the UK.

More myths replace the dismantled one faster than they can be disproven. Not to mention despite being dismantled, they will repeat the same argument ad infinitum as if it weren't debunked. Exterminate first. Educate second.

I know how history is and that the Anglo is the White slave to the Jewish master. Where the Anglo went so did the Jew, pulling the strings on the Anglo…same as it has been for hundreds of years. Your preaching to people who already have read the material and researched it themselves. Jews>Americanos>Anglos in the world today. The more things change the more they stay the same

I've been hearing this "race wasn't even a thing until the colonial times!" shit a lot in the past years, based on the fact that monarchs of the past would treat other monarchs regardless where they came from better than peasants from their own country. Yeah that totally means that nobody could tell an African and a European apart until evil whitey invented these differences to justify slavery.

Leftists often bring up the "IRISH WEREN'T CONSIDERED WHITE" bullshit but it was far more of a class and nationality issue than race. Racially there is little difference between the Celtic people of Ireland and Anglos. In the 1800s and early 1900s Irish people were looked down on because they were seen as uncouth and vulgar by the English and in America they were looked down on for being Catholic which was against the vast majority white anglo protestants coming from England.

TLDR: It was a class and religious hatred of the Irish not racial.

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It's worse than just monarchs being good to other monarchs. If you want your blood to curdle a little, read this.


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(((huwite slave masters)))

I see, thank you for the summary user. I don't see the Welsh mentioned much and it's hard to find anything that isn't totally pozzed liberal propaganda about the various white races so I do appreciate this. I recently discovered my Welsh heritage when I traced back my family tree. I discovered I had it on both sides of my family because there were two different waves of immigrants to the Americas that settled in different regions only to continue in-marrying with the group over the years.

On my father's side my Welsh ancestors were some of the first people to move to the New World. I'm still trying to figure out exactly why they came over when they did but they were here many years before the Mayflower voyage. Men on that side of the family fought in both the Revolutionary war and the Civil War. There is a similar story on my mother's side excluding the fact that they came many years later (early 1700s as opposed to the late/early 1600s).

I'm interested in visiting the land we came from now. From what I've read the Welsh are pretty much British hillbillies and treated as such by everyone else in their native lands. I really respect the fact that they've managed to maintain their own area, language, and customs despite all the years of the King attempting to wipe it out. I'd really like to learn my native tongue at some point. Do you think CY Wales is worth visiting? Would they be willing to teach someone who's ancestors left the country in the 1600s or would they just consider me an Amerimutt? Despite the meme my family seems to have kept the blood lines pure aside from a couple that wandered off and took savage women for wives. Thankfully they don't seem to have done much reproducing. There is a bit of Cherokee blood in my veins but not nearly enough to qualify for gibs. It's so minute and far back at this point I wonder if I should even claim it. I've only claimed it when dealing with smug liberals/shitskins that claim I can't have an opinion because I'm white.

Speaking of, I'm really sick of the line that we're all immigrants in a melting pot in America. I had a Mexican co-worker a few years back that constantly peddled that BS. He once asked me when my people came to this land. When I told him it was wilderness in the 1500s/1600s when we first came and that their descendants fought in all major wars this country had in its defense/founding he shut up pretty quickly and never brought it up again. I usually hide my power level pretty well but I couldn't help but let my anger show that day. I'm tired of faggots that never fought for anything or sacrificed anything claiming we owe them gibs.

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This is it exactly. Keep in mind, JFK was the first papist. It was shilled he would put loyalty to the pope before his country.

If you aren't aware, the Welsh are the most Mediterranean of all the people in the British Isles, and the Brits in general have the most Mediterranean ancestry of any peoples in Northern Europe.

It doesn't really stand out as much today, but in Wales in particular, you will see a lot of people who look like they have Greek or Spanish or Italian ancestry. There is a standard 'Black Irish' look that is found throughout the British Isles. That includes dark hair and eyes with very pale skin.

Again, not that noticeable today with all the immigrants and movement throughout Europe. But if you were to do a tour of Northern Europe in 1900, you'd notice that the British population was quite different from the Scandinavians, Northern Germans, and others on the same lines of latitude.

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They can look like some spaniards because they're celts right?

This pretty much describes my family. Dark hair, pale skin, blue eyes. The only reason I don't have jet black hair myself is due to the fact that my mother was very pale and a redhead. My father isn't what I would call pale either, he tans so brown you'd think he wasn't in the same family when compared to men in the family that don't work in the fields. Put one of them in the fields for a year though and they'll take on that hue.

I'm ashamed it took so long for me to find an interest in where we originally came from but we've been in the New World so long I don't feel it right to claim our place of origin as my own any longer. One of the main reasons why I'm so disgruntled about the browning of America in general. We're losing the culture the original immigrants (whites) worked so hard to build up.

This is the most retarded thing I've read all day. You sound like you're reading pseudo science racial theories from the 1920s. Post some actual genetic studies proving your point or admit you're a D&C shill.

I can't find the definitive article now, but supposedly the earliest or some of the earliest people in the British Isles traced their ancestry to the area of Lebanon. This was a few thousand years ago.


There were numerous waves of different peoples coming through Europe, but those early migrants seem to have flourished in the British Isles, and left a much higher rate of ancestry there. No surprise that it would be higher in Wales than some other parts of the UK, as Wales has traditionally been a backwater.

Lilly Allen who broke my heart by being a retarded liberal is one-half Welsh. You see it on a lot of Brits though, like Russel Brand and many others. As Americans, they don't seem strange, but if you had moved to Britain from Denmark 100 years ago, you would have noticed a difference, with some Brits looking like they were from Southern Europe.

Yeah, it's fascinating to learn about this stuff.

Let's assume I was 100% wrong. What do you even think I'm saying?

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The Welsh Question?

Regards, member of the Welsh-Saxon master race

Idk I’m a I guess diaspora, 50% Irish by heritage. I hold no qualms angainst anglos. You guys consider me white?
Yes? Then be done with this D&C tier shit meme

The only evidence you've presented that Welsh are mixed with Meds is two images of dark haired Welsh women. You can understand why I might be a little confused

He's not saying they're mixed he's saying that when the Island was originally settled they came from those regions.

Ha ha, it might be the opposite of the "Finn Question." I can't recall seeing hardly any Brits who have that partial Asian appearance found in Northern and Northeastern Europeans, and which Finns are most known for. Maybe the little bit of Med ancestry made it less visible.

I just posted an article, but I still don't understand why you would have an issue with it. I'm not saying they're black or something, they just have a higher degree of ancestry typical of Southern Europe today. It's definitely not a majority, but it's enough to have been noticed historically by many different authors, and the 'Black Irish' in particular are something everyone has heard of.

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90% of Irish land during that time was owned by Anglo.

Lebanon user? A few thousand years ago? That's Christian Identitarianism. The myth that the isles were settled by Israelites, that's like believing Romulus and Remus fed from a she-wolf's tits, or that Honest Abe never told a lie.

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Whatever, dude.



More like pic related.

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1 out of every 4 Welsh have black hair.
When the Romans invaded and occupied Britain, they went and et up mines in Wales, and set up towns in the area of the mines, towns which still exist to this day.
It's suspected Welsh have some Roman ancestry or ancestry of black haired slaves brought by the Romans to Britain

eh, guess its back to "Irish" chicks

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Begorrah, this is just like another potato famine!
Read A Modest Proposal goy!

Some Sephardim ARE White!

Honest to god, one of the few good things the communists did was murder the monarchs down to the last, ridding half of Europe of these foreign mixed-blooded parasites masquerading themselves as nobles.

Jews killed other jews all the time in early communism over ideological disagreements. Consider the extermination of the monarchs to fall under a similar line.

Filtered and reported

This is from the fact that the Spanish used to be Celts before being conquered by the Germans and arabs, not the other way around you retard. There was also massive Brittonic Celtic immigration from Wales to northern Spain when the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain.

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The Spanish link with the British Isles, including notions that the Black Irish were descendants of Spanish sailors that survived the crash of the Armada, is not what genetics studies are telling us. Of course, be mad and call me a retard when I am the one presenting authoritative sources on a non-controversial and non-objectionable topic. You totally raise the level of discussion on Zig Forums.

If I had to guess, I'd say with your level of knowledge you think I'm claiming that these early inhabitants of Britain were the equivalent of modern Arabs, when actually they were probably similar stock to the ancient civilization builders of the Near East, as well as the later Greeks and Phoenecians. If you have a problem with that, it's your fucking problem.

Thanks, I thought I would get more bites on that post, it is such a disgusting story. Also, it was about Peter the Great, who was for centuries held up as a model monarch.

Sadly, I can't find any image online of Evdokia Dioper, a proud white woman whose tragic story should be remembered.

And then they evolved.

You have to go back

I have no issue with it user, Rome and Greece the birth of western civilization was all Med people. They are historically some of the greatest European peoples to ever live. I was just confused about your statment.

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is it true that saint Patrick didn't actually chase out snakes and wasn't schizophrenic, but chased out jews and because of this was labeled schizophrenic by the jews?


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english envy. fuck the limeys.

Perfidious albion, indeed

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when a jew tells the truth it's just a setup for a bigger lie

lol butthurt

Hey Britcuck, want to talk about butthurt? Ask your underage daughter after she was passed around by Arabs

isnt that pretty much every page of wikipedia already you cocksmoking faglord

Mutt detected

Kill yourself, stop bumping this shit thread

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Political correctness, the last resort of the cuck
Go celebrate your daughter becoming a woman on the cock of an invader

Fuck off shill. Irish were always light skinned niggers

I dont


You understand


Or unironic

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