Let's discuss ways to circumvent censorship in social media, could this meme be more subtle? With the facebook ban on "white nationalism" etc, maybe the best way is to pretend to be jewish and just be proud of all your "accomplishments"?
Other urls found in this thread:
why didn't you just discuss this point in the thread about the ban?
Tried to post it in the other thread but it won't let me, how gay
guys, just come over to darkchan on the darkweb. It's much safer there.
The normieweb has been compromised and there is no point supporting this dead shitty form of internet anymore. Tor = Free vpn, free anonymity, no crawlers, no google.
There you go
Butterfly warfare is the best warfare
sounds like a fed honey pot lol
It is mathematically much safer. You get to jump between 4 proxies on the TORnet, (inclusive your initial VPN node), where is the honeypot?
If anything , the government would shill against this, since this is the only place on earth where they have zero control. It is mathematically much safer than conventional internet. Using normieweb just lets big corporations datamine the shit out of you, and god knows what data hotwheels sells to advertising kikes.
Darknet is the future
the feds would much rather we herd ourselves into little echo chambers where we can't affect the general public, we need to use the legacy social media to reach critical mass
You've got repeats there.
That's actually the best way to do it, instead of pointing it out in a negative way, present it in a completely overwhelming positive way that makes people uncomfortable, like "I am so proud of my Jewish heritage because they are instrumental in allowing your children to love themselves by accepting that they are transgendered in their hearts and that girls can have penises as well," or something like "we helped create pornography so that insecure young men don't need to have a desire for real relationship and a family when their needs are served on the internet."
well, maybe its an echo chamber for now. But if everyone goes to the darknet, it will be pure and utter chaos, nobody will be able to be watched.
The endgame is the darknet. Once the normieweb becomes completely censored people will go there.
it will be really fucked up if the censorship truly reaches that level
1984 man.. it wasn't just a manual.
Just look at article 13. Now links are basically illegal. Memes are illegal. Hatespeech gives prisontime. Denying holocaust gives $50k fine, giving bad reviews on amazon gets you sued. You get doxed, life ruined, ddosed, and all kinds of shit on normienet. Pretty much all social media saves everything you post forever.. This is the time, darknet is the only way out. I'm sorry user, but we have to go there, even if its spooky there in the dark.
Larp as a minority see "butterfly war"
But you realize that it will be unfeasible for them to apply all these measures given our numbers are sufficent? The path forward is not marked with fear, friend
I can't really decipher your post, but it seems the new censorship will force us to adapt and become far more advanced in our memetics
just remember what Zig Forums predicted once article 13 starts being implemented by the social medias.
Remember that Zig Forums predicted the darknet exodus first of all.
reported for spam
Great for removing censoring my posts. Every advertiser here will be doxed as promoting racism, violence, nazis, etc.
Can you fix the fact that the BBC and the Economist are repeated? You could include the NYT and NPR instead of those two duplicates.
Blow your fucking brains out. We don't care. Post your address so we can kill you and your family.
just kill yourself already
I honestly think the best way to undermine the Jewish power structure is with an info graphic like this. Trust in the MSM is at a record low, and if people can see all of their most hated news outlets and their close affiliation to Jews/Zionism then we can plant seeds in the back of people's minds that will foster and grow into true awareness of the Jewish power structure.
We need those QR codes that can pull up an image like this straight to people's phones, and print literal thousands of these.
Hell, even a starter pack of ready made stickers/redpills will be a major help for people looking to join the awareness crusade.
Complaints submitted to the USPS and Fedex
Go fuck yourself.
I agree, I'm going through my saved folders now and doing some images searches. Pic related are two I hadn't come across before.
We're shaking in our boots you fucking faggot. What happens if this place is shut down? Another one pops up. This site doesn't involve any sophisticated tech it is literally text and pictures. Play whack-a-mole all you want. In the end it will be us pulling the trigger with traitors like you in our cross-hairs.
The only traitors are White Nationalists. They are the reason Whites are dying.
That is great. Using Elon Musk is a great angle to take that might gain traction with shitlibs on leddit.
Also, if we can play an angle that pins the countless wars in the middle east with Jews we can win over countless antiwar libertarians, and democrats.
We need to be doing the following:
Political Angle + Jews.
Bad trend in society + Jews.
We just have to keep slamming them with the facts to the point they are overloaded. The best thing we can do for our race is to raise awareness of Jews and raise the self awareness of whites. The more they have to correct the record the more we can see them.
Based elon musk . Literally the reincarnation of Ford.
Oh shit, didn't even notice, here you go
I like the idea of someone running a "trivia night" at a bar, and literally every question is a fucking redpill.
You can redpill people all about white slavery, and "what percentage of whites owned slaves in 1850". That kind of shit. And when people get their questions wrong as fuck because they think half the whites were walking around with slaves their whole lives they will literally not be able to cope. ESPECIALLY if you put a sweet top prize like $100 or something stupid to keep people playing.
Also, We should start a campaign to get every pro white nationalist to start buying at least $1 for the lottery with the express intent that if someone wins we can make a huge windfall to a pro-white think tank/organization.
It's a literal long shot, but the payoff could be huge.
Can you elaborate on your position.
I love listening to paradoxical insane bullshit.
He's right though.
it might be another way of subtle trolling, saying white genocide is real but that its white nationalists doing it. That can make normies curious
Why are the BBC and The Economist on there twice?
Fixed it here:
this is smart OP. This is really fucking smart.
Okay, normalFAGGOT. Whatever you say.
BBC and The Economist are shown twice.
Just claim to be a proud white zionist
See here
What's a better way to circumvent censorship you think?
Controlled opposition
Lel, no.
Vanilla Tor:
you > tor > tor > tor > clearnet
Onion Tor
you > tor > tor > tor > tor > tor > tor > .onion (tor)
Lern da dibrince. Id good sabe yur libe.
Not rly their spy phones are listening. Most have jewgle and facespook.