Haim Korsia himself admits in this article that no offence has been committed under the legislation in force. But this does not prevent him from lamenting at length afterwards, evoking, surprisingly, the memory of the Holocaust to call for the hunt of the impetuous.
Let us analyse this contradiction a little.
No one, regardless of their origin, is offended to see their ethnic origin mentioned on their Wikipedia file.
The "French" of North African or African origin do not protest when Wikipedia specifies that a rapper is of Beninese origin or an actor of Algerian origin. This is also true of Britons or Corsicans, Italians, Portuguese, etc…
On the other hand, they generally affect to claim their origins.
Like vampires, Jews can only act in the shadows
According to Haïm Korsia, being able to distinguish Jews as well as Moroccans or Tunisians would be a problem. "Filing is never innocent, because it means selecting, distinguishing, in order to put aside," he writes.
This statement is all the more interesting because the Chief Rabbi blames the Wikipedia contributor and, by extension, other Internet users for his anonymity ("the anonymity offered by the virtual world does not go hand in hand with impunity").
Paradoxically, Korsia finds virtues in anonymity. But on the condition that it benefits only Jews.
It provides a particularly interesting detail by establishing a link between anonymity and "impunity".
Internet, the daylight feared by the Jewish vampire
By reversing this accusation, we understand that Haïm Korsia fears that the Internet, by breaking the anonymity of Jews, will unmask them in the eyes of the goyim.
The Internet is the daylight that enlightens people about the actions of the Jewish vampire hitherto hidden by his false press.
It is this anonymity, acquired through the traditional name change, that has so far offered impunity to Jews by allowing them to infiltrate non-Jewish societies to commit their crimes.
Doesn't Haïm Korsia say, moreover, that the disappearance of this anonymity is a harbinger of "even worse storms"?
Why fear identification?
Because a model would begin to be formed on the basis of the recurrence of Jewish involvement in similar cases, to the point of arousing the goy's suspicion.
Marking the Jew: a historical defensive method
Jewish infiltration has historically been thwarted by marking. Not out of fantasy, but because Christian societies in Europe had gradually understood that Jews always acted in the same way, that these acts were specific to Jews and that a reliable predictive model could therefore be established as soon as Jews were identifiable as such. In particular for financial matters.
Marking them made it possible to take preventive measures against their actions. Knowing that they were identified, these measures forced Jews to moderate, to a certain extent, their natural tendency towards fraud, knowing that they were collectively exposed to reprisals.
An empirical measure adopted by all states for centuries.
The Jews therefore devoted a great deal of energy to abolishing all constraints allowing the goyim to identify and isolate them in order to prevent them from infiltrating and harming themselves in the shadows, out of sight.
The Jews, thanks to democracy, claimed to be assimilated. Of all the lies of the Jews, the one of their assimilation is the most deadly. If Jews could assimilate, there would be no Jews since 2,000 years.
Jews today want the benefits of their national arrogance, by affirming their state in Palestine, while continuing to enjoy the benefits of citizenship of the countries where they are established so that they can engage in their scams without fear of being expelled.
We can understand Haïm Korsia's dismay at the goy's growing caution, as he once again became a suspect towards Jehovah.
History, indeed, repeats itself and anti-Semitism is not the exception but the rule. The repression called for by the Chief Rabbi will, at most, only intensify hatred against the poisoner of nations hidden in their hands.
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