I live in an area where the majority of people are black, mexican, or traitors that have at most a 46 iq.Whenever I try to tell other whites that our race is being replaced by shitskins and other immigrants and show them the research I've done, they usually just nod their head and change the subject. I could use some advice on how to better redpill people that have the potential of seeing the bigger picture.
How do i convince people that the white genocide is real?
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There's lots of things you cold say, user.
But all the stats in the world wont matter if the persons character is just no good.
I have spoken to some of our people that you can tell even without saying much or knowing any demographics are instinctively concerned. Then there are some that just refuse to care. I have explained to these filth that we have a demographic cliff in our future and they acknowledge it and just shrug 'who cares'.
What do we need to say to convince our own that we are in trouble? Its instinctive, natural and quite obvious to most of us and if someone doesn’t posses that inner loyalty then do we really need them? If you try to convince these disloyal indifferent scum all that will happen is that you will waste a lot of energy, demoralise yourself and get nowhere. Even if you succeeded with these scum perhaps on the grounds of self interest, what do they bring to the cause besides being nominally white?
The sad truth is that quite a few of our people are walking corpses beyond saving and we don’t need them.
Focus on the good ones. The men and women of naturally good and loyal character. You will know them because they will do half the work themselves and these are the ones that matter.
If you want more specific tips:
Present demographics plus 30-40 years minus deaths (anyone over say 45 will be dead or decrepit by then) plus bonus from approximate birth rates and further immigration = rough demographics at that time.
If any one has the UN document on their planned demographic replacement in Europe that i don’t have that would be useful. especially combined with the UNs own declarations on genocide.
You don't need to redpill them on White Genocide. First you need to redpill them on how much Non-Whites hate us and want us dead. Because they first have to understand why they don't want to be a minority in every country on Earth before you can explain to them it's happening.
talking about WG is basically illegal at this point
Who're these people OP? If anyone isn't aware of this, then they don't know much of anything that's going on in the world. Which means, they aren't doing anything that matters so they don't matter. You need to care about those who count and forget the soyboy retards. Cucks and whores and junkies and other disgraces are gone. There's no coming back for those fuckers. So let them be cannon fodder against the savages. You can't be all things to all people. You help those worthy of it who WANT to be helped.
If it's someone you care about keeping in your life, maybe a girl you see a future with, I'd start with the easy redpills and work gradually from there. Otherwise yeah, don't associate with lemmings.
There is no White Genocide, only Suicide.
Strength lives, weakness dies. Natural law is unchanged.
Don't blame the kike for being a kike, blame the person in the mirror for listening to it's seductions.
"Genocide" places you in victim-hood believing there is one stronger than you to kill you. "Suicide" puts the power in your hands to prevent it.
it's even worse than that. We need to get our people to stop having white guilt. Every race on Earth has conquered and enslaved every other race on Earth. We do not have a monopoly on evil. It's okay to be White. get out and put up some stickers.
This is correct.
However you want to word it, the white race is in decline, and some decent whites either aren't aware of, or know little about the severity of it.
I put together an imgur album to show x family member consisting of 90% news articles. combine the no white kids agenda with the extreme immigrant importation agenda and sprinkle in white hatred in mainstream media and the murder of south african whites. worked pretty well, just leave out chan essays and shitty memes or you'll scare normalfags
I agree with everything you said except for the message on the stickers. I think it could work for a community that is predominately white, but in the area I live in, the message would undoubtedly be mocked and considered soft by negros and others and would not have an affect. I was specifically trying to get advice on how to convince people in a conversation or have people share some research with me, but if someone were to put up posters/stickers or something of the like, I would put messages like these images show on them.
it's being perpetrated by our kike puppet leaders. school teaches a white kid to accept this all his childhood. unless you're a societal drop out (a Zig Forums user) you're subjected to brainwashing on a daily basis. no shit people are "suicidal", but it's caused by a group of people. so it's genocide dumbass
A lot of whites will also be strung up along with the shitskins on The Day of the Rope. Collaborators, fornicators, agitators. Anyone who does not do their part to secure a future for white children will hang.
pro tip: humans are above natural law
#1 tip, don't waste your time on non-responders, if you've shown them all of the data and they still dont care then they're lost and they're probably going to die when shit hits the fan.
shit retard tip*
speak for yourself you outed dumbass
I saw that ruse coming a mile off chaim
What would you know about tips, jew?
bloodless genocide exists. good social engineers work with 100 year plans
I am young so the people i hang around and try to redpill are usually just guys who think that getting high/laid is the number 1 priority in life. I know it's definitely not the best audience to preach to but if I can convince some of them, it should be relatively easy to redpill someone who actually see's that there is a problem but doesn't know much about it. Sadly i have yet to meet any of the before mentioned people…
bump i need redpills
Here'a something to consider. Leftist / cucked men are usually terrible with women. If that cucked guy decides to get good with women, starts getting into pickup and starts going to clubs to approach women, this process de-cucks most guys and sets them on path for further redpilling. This often works with guys who are terrible with women and get into pickup and end end up being politically redpilled, because they see how women and society works.
You cannot convince the demoralized. These people think miscegenation is the natural state of things. Instead just point and laugh at them when they come running for help when Tyrone and Mohammad rape their daughters and wives.
Mostrando el plan kalergi o el ejemplo de los países nórdicos o Francis o el vídeo donde subhumanos muestran que Londres ya no es blanco
Yea good luck. You have to overcome the virtue signaling behavior first. Virtue signaling works on the same principle that Kikebook and other social media uses to ensnare people with micro dopamine hits. This dopamine feedback is reinforced by others praising them for their virtue signaling. Combined with low IQ and the inability to rationalize, what you're trying to do is effectively red pill a drug addict.
Of course, I don't believe anyone can just be "red pilled" either. Lot of people here think red pilling is something that we do, but it isn't. They have to have the capacity to see the truth when presented the evidence, and often times that means overcoming their own internal cognitive dissonance.
IMO the best option is to just be patient. As shit continues to deteriorate, time will red pill those who can be red pilled. You keep looking for some active solution to the problem and there isn't one. The only solution is push acceleration, the rest will work itself out.
Yea you have to find a fault in the mental programing then let the blue screen. Want to double us population with 100% emigrants like they have said they want to do to Sweden with Chinese emigration. Girl was talking that I am going to date a black guy so I am not a racist like you. I said do it, its your life but when you have a kid out of wedlock and he splits like 80% + do statistically don't expect me to give a fuck that your white. Your baby nigglet can stave before Id feed it scene we have already determined I am racist and I am ok with that better then thinking I wont be a statistic we odds are 9/10 you will be.
error loading guilt? shaming? extacy? complacent file not found…. searching logic… they are animals aren't they, not that I am racist? said I would not care that your white to feed your nigglet judging your mentality not your skin color.
The relatively sudden shift to accelerationism is caused by the lack of an answer to that question. Thats why you vote pro-sharia, advocate extreme diversity and accelerate things. If the idea is a slowboil, where people gradually adjust to the dystopia we live in, than you must turn up the heat. Boil the motherfuckers to action.
It’s easy to explain to them the fact that whites are disappearing and we are becoming a minority in our own countries. Most people already know this. It’s hard to explain to them why it’s a bad thing.
can't know you've lost what you don't know you had
If you think everybody you know is an idiot, maybe it's you who's the giant retard?
It's not genocide. It's suicide.
There is no white genocide. No one is trying to wipe out white people. The reality is white people are choosing to intermarry and that results in mixed kids. The "white" genes are no more subject to being removed than the genes of whoever they breed with - or do you think there is also Asian/Black/etc genocide happening?
It's genocide.
No one believes a word you say.
I'm starting to think that if whites are too stupid to understand their own situation, nature is simply doing its duty to cull genes that are inferior. If whites cannot understand that jews are subjugating them, and put up no fight, how are they not objectively inferior? How is this not simply a case of natural selection at work.
If whites were able to actually compete with jews and lost, I would have more respect. But, whites don't even compete with jews because they don't understand that there is a competition, and the stakes are their own survival and the security of their descendants.
Every scheme that whites have been the victim of could be turned around on jews to overturn their rule. We could create our own ADL, we could create our own racial religion, we could become a unified political force, we could stop listening to the jews and taking our cues from them. But, we don't.
Us getting wiped out is just nature taking its course. If an inability to be ethnocentric and work is a group is the cause of our extinction - it is simply the result of a stronger group thing out a weaker group. I'm white but accept the reality. Most whites have psychological weaknesses that are so severe that they will probably destroy us as a people.
That's three IPs. Want to go for 4?
I don't know what that means.
I know so many guys, older guys that aren't stupid per se, but they will not listen to 911 truth for even 10 seconds. They will not listen to the threat posed by mass floods of economic rapefugees.
All they want is to play a round of golf (at $135 a round) and then have a can of beer with a tasty sandwich.
That's it.
Show them this. voat.co
it's crazy to think at the turn of the 20th century half the nations population had blue eyes and something like 40% was blonde…..the reason it's not anymore is nothing other than immigration policies….people are going to fuck if they are in proximity to one and another,it's just how it goes….here's the real question, places in Europe are still salvageable with populations still being 80% white, what's America now 63-64%….you think we can go back? it's hard not to be black pilled on the matter from an American point of view….really only chance is some literal nazi shit but i don't see us gassing a bunch of spics any time soon…so…what do you guys think? when i'm talking about this with friends, do i go black pill or red pill? maybe both and let them choose?
Their is an error on the website.
Try again.
ps. that's just on of many info graphics presented.
It's official policy.
Oy vey
Yeah, im not sure why it wasn't working earlier but I've saved everything off of it. Thanks man!
care to share the imgur? I was thinking of eventually doing something like this, this could save me time>>13050858
If you want to convince normal people whites are being outbred and replaced stop using the over the top gay "white genocide" term all together. Normalfags only see genocide as wholesale mass murder of a group of people which is not happening to Europeans.What's happening is planned replacement of the white race through mass immigration of non-whites and racial mixing.
Thanks for the advice
Buen artículo,lo voy a compartir
Mock them for denying the Truth and also the inevitable, separate yourself from them, and dehumanise yourself and face to bloodshed.
They're frightened. To know too much is to be targeted by the savages for extermination.
But there was a huh-huh-hollycost, right, Epstein?
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink. Instead you must have it thirst for some but not all of these "horses" have such a thirst. Point is, not everyone has a passion for politics or the world issues. Whether or not that is a bad thing can be up for debate. They may become passionate if thoroughly convinced that the dangers presented can greatly interfere with their chosen lifestyle. To convince them so, requires arguing in their interests. We do what we do because we believe our lives, our culture, and our greater community is in danger. We do what we do because we inherently believe in the fourteen words; that we must secure a future for white children and by extension the white race.
This is a great point and needs to be distilled into meme form. Something like:
They hate Whites. Never forget:
1400 years of Muslimic war against Europeans
(insert more here)
Once a majority
You are next.
The entry-level red pill is to phrase it as "white people are being replaced with foreigners in every western country".
Don't even say "white country" because they've been conditioned to shut down at those words, let alone "genocide". The only genocide they know about is the holocaust.
"It was and is the Jews who bring the negro to the Rhine, always with the same concealed thought and the clear goal of destroying, by the bastardization which would necessarily set in, the white race which they hate, to throw it down from its cultural and political height and in turn to rise personally to the position of master.
For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world."
Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler, 1941, Page 448/449:
The define of genocide:
… any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily harm, or harm to mental health, to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
There is white genocide!
The opposite of what you posted is true. You apparently missed IOTBW completely.
IOTBW has no effect on regular Whites. They already consider it okay for themselves to exist, or else, they'd just off themselves. It's always shitskins and kikes that throw a fit when they see one of those posters, and it helps show White normalfags what those shitskins really think about them. That's the point of it.
Personally, I think we aught to try appealing to people's personal stake in things as much as their in-group racial consciousness. Gen Z is arguably more conservative largely because they are growing up with less the previous whites and they see the browns getting handouts and bullshit excuses made for their shitty behavior left and right. They understand on a personal level that every slice of the pie given to a shitskin is one less potential piece for them while they're already starving for their first bites.
That's not what i said
Good point.
Africa is for Africans, Europe is for everyone.
Workplaces where men are majority must diversified, workplaces where women are majority are fine and must receive bonifications.
If you're feeling up for it talk about racial differences or the Jews but really, I've found this isn't necessary in the slightest. Simply because the conflict between cultures and races is blatant and Merkel and others have admitted they aren't integrating.
So don't talk about racial differences and expand on all the above points and give specific examples.
This all culminates in Europeans being dispossed and losing sovereignty in their own countries. The ability to chart their own paths and futures. We literally are losing control of our own countries.
OP, I hate to tell you this but if you're living in an area with predominantly spics and niggers, even the white people are spics and niggers. In America, it's all about how you value yourself. If you're living in an area that's mostly white it means you value your time and expertise so highly that you can afford to live in a nice area. There's a reason why the median home price in a place like Idaho Falls or Boise is $295,000 and when you walk down the street it's all white families.
In the future there will only exist little white communities like these that you will never hear about or read on the news. Do what you can, learn, hustle, work, invest (in something real, not bitcoin) and scrape your way into one of these communities OP. Even if people start leaving after the place gets blockbusted, the connections you made will prove invaluable and you will just follow the migration. Incidentally, it's easier to start a family when you have money.
So, tl;dr, OP, most white people ARE racist, whether they know it or not (yes, salon magazine was right), but they won't come out and say it. You need to find out the only ways white people are allowed to be racist (i.e. "they have good schools" or "the neighborhood is so safe" or "I really love going there to ski") and follow the herd. America WILL be non-white, with or without Trump, so you need to find the right SWPL communities and people now and be ready for America to go critical mass.
Good post. Another problem with "white genocide" is that you have to talk about who is actually committing genocide, when most people will perceive it as whites doing it to themselves. So suddenly you are in a position of having to explain a number of things to them.
I would focus on things like high crime rates and biological differences. Get people started down the road of how their lives will sharply deteriorate as their communities become less and less white, and more and more black/Hispanic.
It's not a trivial change either. Most communities can be 10% black and people find it bearable unless it happens overnight. Once a community begins to approach 30% black, then whites begin to flee or form well-policed enclaves. there are exceptions to these numbers, some Southern communities have more white solidarity, and some urban areas will have select professional blacks who are not typical
He may live in a city where there are lots of low-quality minorities, but it offers good job opportunities and the high-rent neighborhoods are beyond what you can afford starting out. Plus, the area can afford good policing.
A lot of cities are like this now.
The best way is to talk about muslims and only muslims talking about their few MPs as proof of an islamic caliphate taking over from our precious jews and queers our grandfathers fought 2 wars for, ignoring the greater numbers of everyday african niggers and refusing to address the jews sending them all over
Are you meaning to rape your keyboard like that or are you just a mudshit niggerjew?
Yeah, this is almost all that you should focus on in these conversations.
Maybe in Europe, but don't you have a gazillion guys doing that already? You want people to start thinking in racial terms, not the standard narrative of the evil religion that makes these innocent people do bad things. Europeans or anyone else who pushes the Muslim narrative is simply setting themselves up to have more Christian black immigrants.
the sex crimes against kids done by ubuntu bush creatures is fucking nuclear fuel. there is a reason judges block mugshots from getting out and the media buries it. Some people still have balls.
Ironic that in the context of this thread and this forum that you post two American jews who spontaneously formed a Hagganah terrorist cell (((the Trenchcoat Mafia))) which comprised at least 25-30 fellow jews who brought bloodshed murder and terror to pre designated Christian students. This is not mere idle speculation; there were 50 bulky clumsy propane tank bombs in Columbine school that morning that failed to go off due to the inexperience of the terrorists. It took several weeks for the bomb squad to dismantle them. They had planned a massive massacre of hundreds, perhaps a thousand of goyim students. Those support staff jews in their terrorist cell were found by the police helicopter to be all wearing black t shirts and lying in a field by the school waiting to observe the anticipated carnage. None of them were properly prosecuted thanks to the fact that the FBI agent in charge of the investigation was himself a crypto jew and the father of one of those black t shirted terrorists lying in the field. Some of them even feigned to be enemies of the Trenchcoat Mafia so that they could LARP in front of news cameras and sew false evidence into the news media. They continued to act as a terrorist cell for weeks after the school attack, murdering a student witness who worked in a pizza restaurant in a crime that was never associated with the Columbine attack by the police.
You are a fool if you think the deceptive, hidden acts of a small group are in any way natural. Chickenpox and rubella are natural but man has eradicated them through ingenuity.
Classical northern white populations are altruistic and kind because that is how you survive an ice age. There's no time or energy to fight your neighbors regularly. The less seleted skin melanin an animal has the less aggressive and more intelligent it is.
We wouldn't consider subjugating a peoples through subterfuge and coercion so many of us didn't see it happening.
Nothing about this is natural. We didn't have a birth rate problem in white countries until the 80's, and birth control had been around a long time by then.
Where's your evidence?
Fair enough and there are quite a few of these cities, but I'm just saying there are better options. If you don't have roots there, it's okay to leave. I'm making a significant move right now. It's not easy, but it's worth it.
the weaker minded do commit suicide. they just subconciosly pick up on it and their flight or fight mode gets activated often until they get tired of it and commit suicide.
come on lad, not everything is hard data, there is also instinct.
How to redpill by word of mouth:
Good aguments:
More redpill material:
Just repeat after me moshe:
Holowcaust is fake history
I piss and shit on YHWH
then we know that you are legit
Try an oak table leg.
Focus your efforts in killing non-whites. Those that aren't redpilled yet about white genocide aren't people. They are NPCs, and must also be eliminated, once we eliminate the other races and secure our future with non-brainwashed white people.
we have been dealing with jews for thousands of years and have never come up with a workable strategy for dealing with them. To me that is unimpressive to say the least.
Dealt with them fine before christcuckery showed up.
I've found I'm bad persuading people who would otherwise be susceptible because I always sperg out about "..to understand the current situation, we must first look back to the timeline of events starting with the French Revolution, through the 1st and 2nd world wars and the decades that followed if we ever expect to stand on the same ground, and then and only then can we discuss the issue of white replacement" This line of reasoning bores the norman. Statistics bore the norman.
It seems stooping to low brow racist jokes and fear tactics is best for persuading your average Joe left leaning liberty fag. For Mary Sues, they need to be shown that its all about love & peace (which it is) while the more aggressive aspects must be downplayed.
In reality, there isn't a simple formula for convincing people, it takes a lot of personal soul searching and active study to arrive at "our" worldview. It takes an individual who has always sensed the cultural and spiritual disturbance which permeates the world. Someone who has always idealized strength while simultaneously fostering a gentle/poetic soul without conflict between the two. Or maybe I'm projecting. It just seems that anyone I seemingly convince in r/l always goes right back to virtue signaling on their respective social media sites.