Video predicts that Christchurch was a tipping point, that Whites are going to soon begin ruthlessly defending their nations. It was shoahd by jewtube pretty quick. Very compressed version attached, or it can be downloaded here:
Partial transcription:
I think that the Christchurch killer was on to something. I think that he was a very shrewd individual… bloodthirsty and cold hearted, and whatever you want to call him, a murder certainly, you can call him all sorts of names, but stupid he was not. Because I think he correctly anticipated that the left, the elites, the people in power, they will over react to this, and they will abuse the White population even further.
The fact of the matter is, at least to me, is not so much that we had this terorrist incident of a White guy shooting up a mosque. That's not what's surprising. What's surprising is that there have been so few. That's the real surprise. Because you have the elites and a substantial portion of the population that actively want to eliminate a whole other group of people in the country, and they've been saying it for years, and they've been demonizing this group of people, White people, for years. So the surprise is not the attack at Christchurch, the surprise is that it has been so few and far between. But, that's going to change.
I think that, as the elites and these intersectional people start squeezing the White working classes even more and more than what they are already doing, stamping them down with boot heel on their necks, I think it's inevitable. I think there will be a rebellion. And I think that a lot of fair minded people are going to start siding with the White working class people. And I think that we are headed into a civil war, and I think that this incident is Christchurch, if there are more like it, that come from disenfranchised young men who feel that there is no hope, that their lives are meaningless, and that any opportunity, any goodness in their lives has been taken away from them by this insane ideology, well I think that there will be more violence. And there will be a lot more incidents like this, and it will target not only Muslims, but also other quote-unquote people of color, as well as feminists.