Tito was right! Croatians are Slavs, not Goths. And that's a good thing

Tito was right! Croatians are Slavs, not Goths. And that's a good thing.


Attached: Young Tito.jpg (1600x2133, 318.28K)

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that looks like a pretty based video though, gotta admit.

Croatians are a mix of Slavs and Dinarics.

t. Dinaric overman

What are you basing that upon?

Even the "good communists" are still trash. Communism and capitalism are the dual heads of the jewish dragon.

Well, it looks nice with how all the people are doing all that gymnastics in unison, and how they are so united. I like how it isn't degenerate and yet manages to make the people seem like one people working together. It looks pretty.. well for me at least it does.

Which retard was saying slavs were goths anyway

I had a couple croats in high school growing up and always got a slav vibe from them, similar to I get with poles and other slavs

Yugoslavia was like a multicultural version of National Socialism. Except a knockoff version.
I mean, cool I guess but… meh.
Trying to suppress nationalism is like swimming up a river. Sure, you can do it. But the moment you slacken, you wash right back down. Such is as it should be.
You cannot claim to support the People if you suppress their culture and sovereignty.

Yugoslavia was national socialist. It's only that the nation itself was questionable.

Dumb ass, it was market socialism.

There's nothing "nationalism" about it.

yeah maybe. Oh well, what a shame it didn't last. protoeuropeans in the south deserve some peace after all these millions of wars that seem to pop up every 10 years or whatever. They were the best thing southern europe ever had. Now its just a shithole on par with bulgaria and romania.

Fuck Croatians and FUCK Tito.
Greater Serbian Empire.

Attached: Čuj Dušane, tebe Srbi zovu!.mp4 (640x360, 4.18M)

Nigger, the wars the Balkan had were a result of turk invading Europe.

In fact, the balkan was occupied by turks for a long fucking time and europeans were forced to fight each other to please the turks.

The Turks Did Nothing Wrong

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And you are gonna die like them.

Personally, I can sympathize with Croats and Slovenes and crew not wanting to be ruled by Serbs.
Many Serbs I have encountered are jingoistic jerks.
Though, at this point, I'd be willing to trade the kikes for even the most batshit insane Serbs in an instant and consider myself lucky.

Of course a serb has to come in and ruin the thread with his greater serbia nonsense larping…

Youd trade the kikes for serbs? What?
Croats are kikes? I have no idea what you are talking about..

oh you mean you would trade the kikes in your country against the batshit serbs. Yeah, of course, who wouldn't. At least the serbs tell you up in your face when they don't like you.

This is your idea of a thread? Croats do have Slavic admixture however the Adriatic and further inland parts have been inhabited since the Roman era. Literally a non-thread.

the board is pretty much dead currently, I'm just responding on whatever is on top at this point.

It was very nationalist. National interest first, ethnic homogeneity, strong army, national central bank, major industries controlled by the people, celebration of work and ethics, high importance for culture and folklore etc. It was something closest to the Reich post WW2. Sure, it had many flaws and Tito was most likely a kike, but calling it communist is just wrong.

Which didn't include most parts of modern Croatia

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Looks like most of modern croatia to me..

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Not yet.

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compared to modern western standards, it was probably more homogenous and white than any country in europe lol, probably northkorea tier homogeneity. Thats how dictatorship works man.

This is spot on. It was traditionalist in the same way the rest of the eastern bloc was except less because it wasn't behind the iron curtain or obedient to USSR but I wouldn't call it NatSoc by any means. It came about a 100 years too late to really unify the Balkan peoples but Tito did fairly well with what he had, just a shame what happened afterwards.

Attached: tito.jpg (495x700, 84.38K)

Sigh… just leave this board

Yeah, I agree. If he only had one more generation of dictator to set things straight. Maybe his son or something and everything would have flattened itself out. He only finished the job halfway.

Is that the Russian Liberation Army? They literally collaborated with Croatia in WW2. Existence must be painful for you.

Ethnic and religious heterogeneity actually helped stoke the flames of war in the nineties. Compared to modern Western standards though you are right.

On a more serious note, Yugoslavia wasn't NEARLY as cancerous as EU and (((transatlanticism))) are. We were not rich, but we could eat healthy homegrown food, had our own vaccines and central bank, research institutes, industry not 100% owned by kikes, everyone could have house/apartment and start a family etc.

That's not Serbian Empire, that's something that (((Seselj))) promoted

This. The worst thing we got were some gypsies (that were treated like 3rd class citizens or non-citizens) and occasional Libyan studying here. Other than that it was pretty much a white ethnostate built on national interest, a conservative, socialist country with a lot of free market elements.


Well Djilas was supposed to take over but he was too radical I guess. Abandoning dictatorship was the worst thing for yugos in the long run

Sorry mate but even the Russians say you are full of it.

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damn man. Yugo wars were a depressing era and depressing event for europe and the white race.

Let's hope people start looking past shit and maybe start working together again in the region. Perhaps its time for yugos to start repelling against the D&C shit in the region and team up again a little.

I'm afraid most people are too brainwashed and low IQ, but the few of us can plan for something greater.

How many Balkanoids are on Zig Forums kek

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dont forget corrupt
moldova is serbia now bois

Yugoslavia had some top tier music, unlike degenerate kike shit we have today.

Just because you say that different groups of people are the same doesn't make it so.
Croats and Slovenes were willing to die to preserve their independence from Serbia. If they were all the same people, they would have united and stayed united.

You are a retard. If you have been in those countries you would know they are different.(in case you're not serb that larps for muh greater serbia).Austria/Hungary/Slovakia/Moravia(part of czech republic)/part of Poland are neighboring there with the same color…while not being the single same nation. There might be imilarities between them but they're different, clearly. The same gors for Ukrainians/Romanians.
But this is well above color retards with their haplogroups, Those haplogroups do say they are similar, no doubt. But that doesnot make them the same nation.

I like Croats more than Serbs because the serbs to be butthurt all the time then they claim muh based yugoslavia.

>Which (((retard)))

Ante Pavelić, Poglavnik (leader) of the Ustaše said Croatians were Goths.

He was the biggest pal of Hitler.

Hitler hated Jews and Slavs.

He's probably basing that on the aesthetics.
Aesthetics may seem minor but within the grand scheme of things, aesthetics are very symbolic and symbolism has a heavy influence on human psychology and the "spirit" of a movement or social group.

No, it's just that everyone who has a brain hates Jews and their evil rotten ways.

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The thing about Hitler hating Slavs was made up by Soviet Jews.

Pretty much, even though the JewSSR liberated cities everyone were pretty much look at germans as their saviors.

Due to this and the germans actually being humane and fine people Stalin had to make Order No. 270 which directly ordered russian units into dressing as germans in stolen uniforms and sorched earth razing entire russian villages in an attempt to not lose public support. It went exactly the same as the Katyn massacre which was quickly blamed on the germans but then found out to be completely faked by "communists" (((russian jews))).

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What an absurd lie. Not that I care for Jews.

Tito's men stood up to Hitler and liberated themselves (not by allied armies). Then he stood up to Stalin and quit the Comintern and made it stick.


Literally one of the most retarded statements Ive ever heard.

Ante Pavelic was a mischling who should have killed the sandniggers in Bosnia. Croats are fine but they were fucking deceived.

Croats are mutts.

of course. and also serbs would die to get their independence from slovenia.

like US and UK ? or UK and australia ?

let us take for example france. Corsican and Celtic haplogroups are not similar but it is the same nation. do you want more examples ?

Yes. Americans may speak the same language, but they feel strongly that they are a different people and I'd say that culturally speaking, they are.

and his wife was jewish.Ante Pavelić, Poglavnik (leader) had a wife with a name Mare Pavelić. mother of Mare Pavelić was Ivana Hercfeld born in vienna in 1859. she was jewish. archive.is/myKZf

hitler did not hate slavs. he just thought of them as inferior race.

define "americans" ? and i was talking about war for independence (1775–1783) from crown. at the time most of the immigration to (future) US was from UK, ireland or germany.

of course that croatians and slovenes are south slavs. there is no question about it. it could be verified by language and more precisely genetics.

>Muh imaginary nation made of few million people is so special and unique just because they were (insert x world power) puppets at a certain period in history
Haplos (genes in general) are the only thing that matters, everything else is a meme. Having people of very similar genetic make-up butcher each other just because of some Jewish religions and foreign interest was quite sad, and a very dumb thing to do. There are much, much larger nations in the world that are based on less similarity.

This. Slavs were unfortunately more often than not puppets of international Jewry and it's greatest ally, the eternal Anglo.

Not an argument

Also this, Ustase were inspired by a kike and committed atrocities in order to make the actual National Socialists look bad.

Yeah saying Yugoslavia was National Socialist is in fact one of the most retarded statements I've ever heard.

These Americanism terms bring puke to my mouth

Pure European is the term

These are jew terms.

'White™' strips Europeans of their ancestral heritage and cultural identity.
'Ethno-', as in 'ethnicity', is a group connected by shared customs.
'Nation' is a group connected by birth.

Checks out.
Hans, Marko, get the shovel. We have work to do.

Genetic European
Although 'European' is a modern (1800's) label that describes a Goddess from Phoenicia, land of the Semites. There is a true name.

roaches have tormented european meds for as long as time, roaches deserve the raid and nothing more.

Not all euros are Celts.

400yrs ago they were. Why wouldn't they still be.

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Dinarics/Slavs/Meds/Nords/Most Germanics aren't Celts, and they sure as shit weren't 400 years back.

Seems that the modern use as the collection of nations is from the 1500's.

Here is list:

Attached: home.png (811x314, 45.06K)

Are Nordic and Med (Southern Slavic) mixed.
Are Southern Slavics or Iberians (Southern Slavics isolated over 40kyrs)
Are Nordic and Southern Slavic mixed.
Are Indigenous "Europeans" (Paleo-europeans).
Modern Celtics (Irish, Welsh, Scotts) are Nordic+Iberian.

Celtic culture starts in what is today Austria.
I would link the genetics thread but it was slid by Brendon Tarrant.

Do you have any arguments to counter that statement? Protip: You don't

You don't want to be like those cultureless Americans goy! Here is Dahir, he appreciates your cultural uniqueness and wants to be just like you, better have children with him than someone from that pesky neighboring village. If one feels like a Croat/Serb/whatever, that makes him one :>)

No one is denying unique cultures, traditions, or separate ethnic identities, it's just utterly retarded for every village to think of itself as an independent nation. Yugoslavia was composed mostly of very genetically and culturally similar ethnicities, the only variations being Turklings from the south and occasional gypsies.

Dinarics are probably the oldest native European group still existing, but yes, they did mix mostly with Nordics, Slavs and Illyrians (Ancient Illyrians were very European looking, unlike neanderthal kike Albanian mutts who raped them out of existence)

Should I whip out the map of the Kingom of Croatia?

The best time in history for Croatia was Yugoslavia under Tito.


Ah. He is a pagan. ok good to know.
Cry harder serb

This is an oversimplification of history. There were jews of national socialist persuasion too but that doesn't discredit the movement as a whole. If you don't want to put forth the effort to appreciate the nuances of WW2 history in these parts maybe you should move on to a more lightweight thread.

Ustase atrocities pale in comparison to those perpetrated by the communists (in post-war reprisals no less). It's like saying Trump runs the US government now and you know what tribe he belongs to, don't you?

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Illyrians exist along west coast of Illyria still today, I have one making breakfast now.

Read the dna section. Says 1/4 of "Albanians" are genetic North Africans.

those who deny the chill and fly yugoslavia most likely are bad in school.

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Is it me or Bosnia has shit frontiers? Must butthurt to be so close to the sea but lolnoped by Croatia.

FWIW, there's been ample debate to qualify Germanics as Celts.
Descriptions from ancient times have them look like Nordics too.

All the former Yugoslav republics have shit frontiers.

Only Tito made it work in that part of the world.

That is among the dumbest things you could possibly say in this context.

If you were an actual Nationalist rather than a LARPing fool, you'd know that nations are built upon blood, heritage, history, culture, and much more. You cannot see a haplo group, you cannot touch it, you do not notice it. Haplo groups are all the fuck over the place and some haplo groups are shared by Europeans and Africans alike.
In short, you have no clue what you're talking about.
Slovenians died to make their homeland free. That's reason enough for me to support them.

I assumed that you were. And those men felt strongly that they were a different people than the English who ruled them. They felt strongly enough to die for it.
I'd say that they clearly were. English culture and American culture were different and had different outlooks and different experiences of the world.
And today, there is no question. Americans are very, very different from both England and any European country.

My lithmus test for determining if a people are a nation is simple; If we annexed Americans to Britain or France or Spain, would they revolt?
I don't know about you but I think that this would actually get fatass Americans to do something. If only the kikes would oficially annex America. Then maybe Americans would start shooting jews.

Listen you fucking idiot, I will only say this one more time. Yugoslavia has never been NS. Did they ever kill any kikes? Did they try to build a racial/ethnostate? No they were left wing socialists. You dont even know what NS actually means. Go back to leftypol you stupid faggot.

it was
killing kikes is not prerequisite to being NS. but until 1952, a total of 7,578 Jews emigrated from Yugoslavia to Israel. also, Yugoslavia severed all diplomatic relations with Israel following the Six-Day War in 1967, and it was following a pro-Arab policy since.From that day on, in all international forums, Yugoslavia’s representatives have consistently berated Israel and Zionism and joined in condemning them.

Yugoslavia voted for the infamous United Nations resolution equating Zionism with racism. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379.
It took over a quarter of a century for the U.N to revoke that folly.
And by then, Yugoslavia was very different.

Tito’s government made no attempts to restore relations with Israel or adapt a neutral stand between the Soviet Union and Israel or the Arab states and Israel.

of course. it is in the name. Yugoslavia literally means south slavs. it is racial/ethno state of south slavs. it is in the name.

national socalist are left wing socalist. it is in the name.
> You dont even know what NS actually means.
no. you do not know.
constructive comment.

Those were individuals, here we have a case of an organized subversion mostly perpetuated by (((Jesuits))). A leader of a movement which put a blemish to NS ideals with it's pointless savagery and which started heavily diverging from the core NS principles having a Jewish wife is simply too coincidental.

Croats flipped sides as soon as the commies started winning lol. Yes, what commies did was in fact much worse, but mostly because they had more time and resources for it.

Yes, you might actually find some in certain regions. The rest are literal neanderthals (compare their physiognomy and mentality to that of kikes, you will realize why they support them so much). They got imported by the Ottomans as cannon fodder and stayed there.

I just have a much more reasonable definition of Nationalism than you. A nation is a race, individuals of similar genetic makeup. One haplo doesn't mean much as it only traces one ancestral line, but one could hypothetically draw the borders according to overall genetic similarity. What you advocate for is (((patriotism))) , which is civnat cuckery. Cultures are very similar too, the only differences are foreign influences.

No, but it was one, for all intents and purposes. Those things tend to happen naturally when kikes are not forcing miscegenation.
Germans already made it mostly judenfrei. Which is what actually enabled progress in all areas after the war. Also, actively killing them in a post-war atmosphere would be a suicidal move, unless if part of some sort of international resurgence of Axis.
I didn't know left wing societies had stock markets

I'm by no means defending commies, Tito, or Yugoslavia, I'm just pointing out it's positive aspects (that didn't arise as a state policy, but rather as a consequence of various other factors) and stating that it was far, far less kiked than our current societies. But it seems that most of you are too brainwashed and emotional about it. Or some D&C kikes pretending to be.

croat was a leader of partisans (tito). tito was only allied leader who was actively participated in war operation. He was also wounded in WW1 and WW2.

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Hoe the fuck was posible if the (((UN))) was created by jews and jewquarters on land donated by (((Rockefeller)))?

Tito was a commando and an operative first and foremost, not your typical politician. The worst damage he did was creating a homo sovieticus of sorts, those who haunt us to this very day. Yugoslavia as an idea was started by monarchists, not commies.

They had to convince goyim that they are impartial first, so they can advance Zionist interests while pretending to be against them. The problem is, many people actually believed it, soon to realize that's not the case.

I don't know, the overall idea seemed to be ancestral tribalism and south - Slavic identity. Which might be the best way to organize ethno-national groups. Germanics, Slavs, Latins (Europeans, not Latinos), etc. divided in sub-groups. National identity was never suppressed in Yugoslavia, in fact it was cherished, regional authenticity and all that. They just banned (((religions))) and forced unity so people don't kill each other for kike interests again. It was not true national-socialism, but was something closest to it you could find in post-war world, especially Europe. Which is why kikes have destroyed it.

People living here are not entirely genetically Slavic, but I guess it was linguistic and cultural elements that settled it, gotta draw a line somewhere.

Goths are quite close to Slavs, making a part of a much greater Indo-European race. Americans, faced with lack of genuine culture and threatened with being replaced by subhumans could only choose a broader Indo-European, aka white identity to rally behind, and there is literally nothing wrong with that.

Pic related

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I know you slavs hate yourselves for countless reasons but come on !

In b4 I'm not a slav

People like that ignore that Tsar Dusan had very different borders than what Khazarian duke (((Seselj))) had in mind. They also miss the irony of the fact that Dusan had an elite guard made of German knights because he was afraid that other Serbs are going to poison him.

So Tito is the only Zig Forums approved commie huh? Well I do hate the fact he fought Hitler and suppressed nationalism , I do understand why he did what he did so his country wouldn't mind up in a multifront civil war.

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As if Zig Forums had a party line. Wotta maroon.

Tito stood up to both Hitler and Stalin and died in bed an old man.

That is impressive even if you wouldn't care to live under his leadership.

>Hoe the fuck was posible if the (((UN))) was created by jews and jewquarters on land donated by (((Rockefeller)))?
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". The vote took place approximately one year after UNGA 3237 granted the PLO "observer status", following PLO president Yasser Arafat's "olive branch" speech to the General Assembly in November 1974. The resolution was passed with the support of the Soviet bloc, in addition to the Arab- and Muslim-majority countries, many African countries, and a few others.

The determination that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination", contained in the resolution, was revoked in 1991 with UN General Assembly Resolution 46/86.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_3379

no, it was actually created by croatians. The Illyrian movement (Croatian: Ilirski pokret, Slovene: Ilirsko gibanje) was a pan-South-Slavist cultural and political campaign with roots in the early modern period, and revived by a group of young Croatian intellectuals during the first half of the 19th century, around the years of 1835–1849 (there is some disagreement regarding the official dates).[1] This movement aimed to create a Croatian national establishment in Austria-Hungary through linguistic and ethnic unity, and through it lay the foundation for cultural and linguistic unification of all South Slavs under the revived umbrella term Illyrian. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illyrian_movement
serb monarchist used the idea to expand territory controlled by serbs monarch.

It is an impressive feat no doubt