
What to expect when (((they))) are so completely ahead, they practically have the world by the taint.

More wealth accumulation at the tippy tippy top than ever before in human history. they have technology/surveillance years in advance of any adversaries, and enforce their mastery of the population through this. They have their henchmen deeply embedded in the ranks of all military, political, economic and industrial factions. They own the airwaves and tubes and have molded entire generations including the current one to think like they want them to think.

This isnt like the 1880s, you cant just ride a horse through town telling people to form up and oust them, this is a world where they see all, hear all, and command all in realtime. instantly.

Even a person like BT, tried to change things with his manifest0, but it will end up being like a ping pong ball striking the side of a battle ship.. Because no one will do anything but shitpost about it. And the world continues to become the borderless, cultureless sub-slave-class it was designed to be for over 100 years now.

So why even talk about all of this shit? Is this like some kind of group therapy for everyone? Should I grab a nametag and marker? Look around, the only accelerationism that is occuring is further non-existent fucks given by the lemmings and further agenda checkpoints by (((them)))

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Other urls found in this thread:


Entropy always wins. No matter how much the kikes try to control everything, it will simply require ever increasing amounts of energy to do so. After the collapse comes, those systems of control will be gone. That's when we step up and purge.

how can you even attribute something like entropy to human organized systems? humans aren't non-thinking particles and electromagnetic energy. they are sentient and planning.

How can you not? You think humans are somehow an exception to a fundamental dynamic in the universe? You're an ignorant fuck to even suggest it.

All it takes to change the course of history is a man, a rifle and a couple of bullets. The problem is these dingdongs aren't whacking the right people. That's the issue. Instead of hitting a mosque, he should have hit the islamic council in charge of New Zealand. Instead of Bowers blasting up a lower level synagogue, maybe he should have whacked the most prestigious synagogue in the US. The problem is it's all small potatoes. It's nothing MAJOR. That one crazy dude who blasted those congressmen at a baseball game?…he had the right idea. I am in no way advocating violence. Violence is bad, m'kay? No bully FBI.

But seriously. All we have to do is wait for the next economic collapse or international conflict and use that as a vector or catalyst to start reform and insurrection. Think of it like the vietnam protest hippies in the 60s and 70s only they're Nazis with guns.

Don't do anything. Just let entropy solve all your problems. Any act of organizing is futile because entropy always wins. Fucking shill.

Just look at the normalcattle. They don't think. ORANGE MAN BAD hasn't come out of nowhere. They think whatever the media says they should think.

Every empire collapsed after some time. The shadow empire of the jews won't be an exception. Plus they go against the laws of nature, they will fail eventually for sure. Of course, by the time that will occur, the world might already become filled with mud, so relying on entropy is not an option if whites are to be saved.

I beg to differ.

Oh look, we got us another "let's organize" retard here. Either you're a newfag who has never read one of the countless threads of people attempting to organize for all of Zig Forums's existence, or you're just a moron.

Commie False Flag Thread.

Yeah, it's officially fucking over.

You are retarded. Lone gunner, if he is an ordinary man without connections, wouldn't even know where your ' elites' holds their meetings. Even if he did, it wouldn't serve a thing in his goal of acceleration, for he has intended to create as much media attention as possible. Some random fucks in random location wouldn't shock the normals as mosque shooting.

We don't have to wait, hence the purpose of acceleration. We can reduce the time.

Our enemies are "neighbors".
It will not be difficult to silently affix this situation.
…with a lot of "noise".

Oh and for example, look at the social media response to trying to control speech. They're pushing more and more to develop new systems to do it, that comes at a heavy operations cost that doesn't yield any returns for a company and further alienates people.

You can literally see the kikes and their shills here on pol trying to fight us every day. We are the personification of entropy. They will have to dedicate more and more resources to fight us.

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That is easy to say. Try do it yourself if you think it is easy to do.

Well, seeing how going around killing other hominids is frowned upon, currently, then that's about all we can do then huh?

Lol, okay FBI whatever you say. Even if it were easy (which it is) I'm not stupid enough to do it.

Well, then how do you propose we topple the economy?

You ever heard of Lee Harvey Oswald? A nobody who killed one of the most popular presidents ever.

What goes up must come down.

Which translates to Jews won’t be able to hold onto power forever.

They are powerful indeed but also mentally ill psychopaths who eventually go too far, overreach and the population in then awakened and either organizes a pogrom against them or throws their sorry asses out of the country or both.

BTW stop hero worshipping their latest false flag crisis actor Tarrant OP you moron.

Get a fucking clue already that no blood spatter in the video or large pools of blood nor any bullet holes in the walls= Mossad false flag hoax.


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Kennedy was hated by most of the USA. His daddy paid off the Daily Machine in Chicago to deliver enough votes to put him over the top. Old man went all through the North and South and paid 10's of millions to pay off locals to get dems to vote for that papist.

Look, I'm sorry, but that's just absurd revisionist history. Kennedy's assassination marked the end of Americans' belief that their country was invincible and that their government was honest. There wasn't a celebratory mood afterward, it was national mourning. You obviously don't like the Irish, or Catholics, that's pretty clear, but your personal opinion doesn't change actual history.

Be the change you wish to see faggot, just don't mention any of your pranks to anybody and more importantly learn how easy it is to cover your tracks forensically assuming you're white and not a total retard.

That faggot got shot at by multiple people and Oswald was a patsy. I hope the anons and glowniggers here bully the living fuck out of you for being such an ignorant normalfag.


>So why even talk about all of this shit? Is this like some kind of group therapy for everyone? Should I grab a nametag and marker? Look around, the only accelerationism that is occuring is further non-existent fucks given by the lemmings and further agenda checkpoints by (((them)))
What do you propose then is the solution?

Yeah maybe. But then, no lone wolf terrorist has ever actually done that. It's easy to be an arm chair revolutionary and say that everyone is an idiot for not going after the head of the snake. But try to plan out how you'd do that yourself and maybe you'll realize just how difficult it actually is to kill someone important. In Minecraft anyway. I wasn't talking about real life things. That never even crossed my mind.

You disgust me.

Shut up with your demoralization propaganda faggot.

Really? Because it seems organisms and human organization has only gotten increasingly ordered since the beginning of life.

It's impossible for GOD not to exist.
You need a savior because GOD is perfect, and whether you like it or not GOD is good.
And if that doesn't scare you, you just haven't thought about it long enough.

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hard to do because it's the Prime Minister's office

Not at all, you stay on these websites long enough and you pick up information. PII or personal identifiable information, names, numbers, addresses, emails. Wikileaks information, clinton emails, all kinds of shit. It only takes a little bit of clever digging to put the pieces together. That's why OPSEC and INFOSEC is so absolutely important, especially in our realms.

Prove him wrong.

I wonder how much money it would take to drop a three foot long tungsten rod from orbit on top of the black cube at mecca
I bet we could do it for less than one million

Nigger, it would cost over a million for the tungsten.

It's time for Zig Forumsacks to make some pottery.

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For a 3’ chunk of tungsten?
This one is 1/4” x 10” and is thirty bucks
I bet I could do it for five hundred grand bitch

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This one is 4” diameter 18’ long for 2500 bucks

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If you really felt that way you wouldn't be shilling 4 IP hopping internet nazis on a taiwanese finger painting BBS, trying to convince us. Your very existence here proves that OP is a lying jew rat. But by all means, I really DO hope you feel invincible. It makes our job that much easier. See you soon schlomo

I’m definitely the Vietcong of my crew. SKS is my favorite rifle

Nigger that's not a 3 foot long tungsten rod, and how thick is it? 3 inches? Honestly that won't do much. What you need is a 30 foot rod that's 3 foot in diameter. That would have the kinetic energy to actually cause harm.

Do you use the extended magazine mod?

Correct. Scaling up in price would mean that it was way less than one million. It would be like 100 grand tops
It could be done

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No matter what happens in politics the ability to behead Jewish children will always exist. Nothing puts Jews in check like a non-stop wave of Jewish children having their heads ripped off. Jewish synagogues and daycares are full of Jewish children ready to have their heads ripped off.

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That's gonna be a yikes from me, chief.

You fucks must really be scared. Or you're a tinfoiler that gets off on being powerless. Either way you're wrong. The actual conspiracy is that they have to project and image of power and the surveillance state can't even keep track of people that don't post regularly on facebook.

Look up the Stasi techniques for beating down the populace and then compare them to our situation. We are being systematically psychologically broken.

if all the people bitching about other people not doing anything did something then something would happen. you continuing to bitch isnt going to convince anyone to do anything. if youre not aware most of the intelligent people stopped posting here and only show up for happenings. this site is blatantly run by feds. even many hardened criminals have to do drugs before doing dirt. most people are not built for solo action. now if you give them a uniform and an army with them theyll act, but a man acting on his own accord without being paid does not happen enough to be noteworthy. youll lose because you wont fight until the enemy is at your literal door and chances are youll surrender if given the choice. you can call me whatever but its obvious whites are not worth fighting for. we are an extreme minority and we’re only talking about it. the ones who act are practically nonexistent. now go poster a college campus or dox antifa. the only realistic shot died in 45. the fact you can still live your lives knowing everything thats happening and has happened proves you dont truly care. you just found an outlet to type words and feel unique. yeah, youre right but thats not why you post here. you do it because you have nothing better to do and no action to take. do you honestly sit here thinking youre doing anything benefecial posting the same things for 5 years? after a certain point one would think youd get it. but yet here you are and here youll be tomorrow. just like me. we dont care. we can still sleep comfortably knowing our blood is spilled in the form of white children being sacrificed in blood libel daily to demons. and not semite fairy tale ones. the ones that have always had domain here and always will. whites were stronger and more alpha many times throughout history and yet here we are. being delusional enough to think we’re winning as our brothers become faggots and our sisters shit out goblins. burn it all and let the smart and strong survive. seriously if you care about white people surviving in the future for whatever reason, you need to bring it all down. dont even worry about killing those responsible. they will die in the wake. just bring down what keeps the zogs running. figure it out.

You're trying too hard to *not* be reddit. Paragraphs mean readability. This should be shill 101.

So far, this user is closest to the mark. This is a spiritual battle, and the weapons that will ultimately work are spiritual ones, forged in our hearts, minds and souls. Spread your spiritual wealth, if you have any. Nothing is going to defeat the united front of countless soulfully connected people, not even death. We are atomized by our lusts, our selfishness and our greed. Life is fleeting and meaningless when we dedicate our lives to the pursuit of temporary earthly gain. This was not the plan for our existence. It’s no coincidence that these are the very pursuits the enemy promises to lavish upon us if we submit to (((their))) plans. (((They))) fear our united will, our united spiritual power, and our commitment to higher ideals. This battle is not exactly taking place on the physical plane, and won’t be won through physical means.

youre mistaken thinking that i give a shit if you read it. its in the off chance you people even exist. i gave up proof read quality effort posts long ago. nothing ever changes and the same questions answered today get no answer or a different one tomorrow. same shit day after day. truth does not spread like a virus. its forgotten as soon as the page turns. this is the supposed to be the board for the most redpilled yet there isnt even a sticky thread breaking it all down so it doesnt happen every single day. you truly are lobotomized. bye.

Oh my sweet summer child.

I don't know, dude.
I did some calculations and her pound tungsten is 19.85
A 3" diameter by 3' length rod of tungsten would weigh approximately 20,120 pounds at a density of 19.3g/cm3. This means the cost would be 399,387 dollars for just the material alone, not including milling or shaping or shipping.

In fact, I don't even know if it's possible to have a piece of solid tungsten that big. I mean, that shit is fucking heavy. I was shocked when I found out how much it weighed. It's as dense as gold.

You actually believe that stupid story? kek

It was just an example. How about John Wilkes Booth? Or Charles J. Guiteau? Or Leon Czolgosz? Are any of those better examples? Fucking Christ, read the context of the sentence and not the content of the sentence. One man with a gun can do a lot, he just needs to be motivated.

Yours is actually the form of revisionist history taught to you by the kike and the commie professors and reinforced by years of media pounding it into your head. Go back to fuckchan or reddit


There is 0 fucking reason to lay out explicit plans on how this civilization is going to burn and allow our enemies to counter them. At the end of the day, we are tendies eating finger painters on an Mongolian board. All is well in the world, go back to sleep jews, we are harmless and can never do anything to you. You will forever and ever hold dominion.

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you normies literally have no fucking clue what is possible these days. Just take your wildest imagination (lets say.. fully autonomous terminators with laser beam eyes like superman, that can move at 100mph on two legs and transform to a quadcopter and track you with infrared) and then take that wild imagination and multiply it by some factor of 10..

then you MIGHT have an idea of what is hidden behind closed doors.

the fact that people think that they care about your guns is hilarious. they just attack the second amendment so that you think your guns are going to protect you.

once the last of the USD is printed that still retains value, and they have sucked most of the land up through foreclosures.. expect judgement day. your popguns will do nothing.

its easier to take the land and resources first. before doing that.. because its easier for people to willingly hand over their stashed valuables, than to painstakingly search for it in the rubble.

but, with 23 tril in debt, and the middle class almost literally extinct.. id imagine we are close to T2, but without john connor.

Your a ready investor for terminator spiders that craw up the swear pipes and out of the toilets you say….

you dont just sit on top of the pyramid during the biggest tech advancement in mankinds history.. without completely reaching escape velocity from the proles.

they have us by the taint. you fucking idiots. call it demoralization, call it shilling.

i call it being high IQ. they are 50 years or more advanced in tech, billions of dollars pumped into NGOs monthly. you fucking faggots think you stand a chance?

you think accelerationism isnt easily molded to their benefit by quantum computers and mass data sifting algorithms? you think you actually come up with the fucking ideas inside your head? you think you have thoughts that havent been fucking twisted by the barrage of info blasted in your face since being a toddler?

you fools. you dont stand a chance. I dont stand a chance. Its grim, but thats the truth.

this board is BLACKED.

I'm not sure about you, but I don't know the locations and/or bugout plans of the various, mysterious, billionaire rulers. I also don't have a firm mental map of the Swiss cantons, and have no clue where I would even begin.

There will be no purging of elite jews. They hop from society to society. If a collapse actually happens rather than the expected grinding descent into hypertaxed multikulti dystopia, we will be too busy dealing with all of the starving welfare cases who are running around with their dicks out and looting people.

Unless you know some legit operators who are not only woke to the JQ but continue to live and train together and have a serious grudge against a big jew in their immediate area there's no chance. And why would they risk trying anything against armed security? Even this hypothetical leet squad has its own problems to worry about.

Well then no investor safe watch for you.

so be it.

If leftist built a terminator they would be so stupid they would not even put a plate over the hydraulic connection lines id just charge it and disconnect them before it could clamp me. Whites are flipn crazy I don't deny that

save it for reddit

that was rude. im being rude. its just tiresome seeing everyone so jolly about their fate quite literally being sealed.

its like people watched too many hollywood movies like braveheart and the likes, and they think life is going to have some kind of closure or happy ending. or maybe they think jesus err "yeshua" is going to FINALLY come and save them.

its lonely being one of the few who sees the grim truth, knowing you have lost for CERTAIN… and it makes me angry and sometimes rude.

Brainlet, you don't realize that the truths of reality permeate everything fractally. Entropy is exactly what's happening, that and inertia. That's why once power to the system is challenged, the transition is chaos and order that arises once that power is redistributed and reorganized into something simply different. It's physics yet the concepts hold true outside a laboratory

i think people really fail to see how things have changed.

we have technology that changes the rules. you cant compare any point in history to today.

up until 100 years ago, things repeated. because everyone was on horses, and everyone fought with sticks and stones.

now there are people on top with god powers. actual powers that would convince vikings that they are from another realm.

we are entirely and unequivocably defeated. they are just making sure they have taken all of our stuff efficiently enough before the finish us off.

whatever man. what the fuck ever. quite literally. i dont fucking care about your shitty post.

I also believe they are doing some kind of experiment in the mean time, trying to find some suitable chosen select few, that are capable to serve as decent slaves to maintain their "new world order"

I know for fucking SURE they aren't scared or "losing the fight against the redpills"

they could press a button and end you all today.

this is 100% fact. you cannot win. you have lost. we have lost. i have lost.

honestly, the smartest move if i could go back in time, would be NOT to speak online badly about the fucking capstone, and try to get a slave spot.

that is literally the only way to live and maybe have your lineage go on.

its that or being wiped from existence, and honor is a fucking meme in that scenario.

but as they say in borderless new islamabad,

c'est la vie.

This is why retards still take the Copenhagen Interpretation seriously.

I have met humans not from this world here for a treaty program where they do work for higher pay then on there home planet. Some form of Cern will be able to understand the ''godparticail' send a ion back in time and have it relay information from the future though some static displacement and spooky relativity. We already jammed one of the transmissions. We have computers that can understand most future events though some kind of singularly. yet it proves that some people have free will to change the future when it registers a change. It like the matrix for real. We have labs in places on this earth the are classified beyond someone commanding a nuke sub with 40 rockets. But muhh dick

Heck ill even tell you they eat a clear food substance some thing like processed seaweed dried into a powder the mixed with water very highly sterilized so it remains persevered.

bro, your abicus reached singularity from a futuristic spaceman particle that was ascended through an astral time warp within an infinite continuum? bro, alert lieutenant worf o.k.?????


clear editable sea weed plastic is already something in to works not really telling all that much. It documented in high ufo conspiracy groups. there was a data center that make contact with a unknown transmission a large grey jet flew over spraying a black iron mist then red lighting came down and wiped out the data center to complete zeros. Something someone said it would take them years to even fake as most drives have some static 1s clean from manufacture.

Auspicious dubs

Most white people don't care about race and never will. But, looking at history, there is one thing that sends all whites into a frenzy: illegal taxation.

Martin Luther, the reformer, unleashed a global revolution against the Catholic Church by pointing out how criminally corrupt the Pope was.

This is our only hope. We must convince the white masses how corrupt the EU and the US Federal government are. Only then will whites act in unison against their oppressors.

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you forgot robots, made by Europeans

the old evolution contradicts entropy trope, you should feel embarrassed for even making that argument

look a the light penis✈♋

you are just too low IQ to be able to see how sentience, and the effect of sentience, is un-quantifiable and therefor outside of our realm of physics.

thank you, someone understands.

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It only seems that way in the ((textbooks)) you unquestionably absorb in standard goodgoy fashion. Only a complete nigger believes that the LAWS established by the work of white scientists don't apply to the UNTESTED HYPOTHESES of kike con artists.

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