I am taking a big risk by revealing this, but I believe that the world deserves to know what is going on

I am taking a big risk by revealing this, but I believe that the world deserves to know what is going on.

2 years ago, I took a data entry position with a company in New Mexico. After completing the interview, I learned that the company I thought I was interviewing for was not what it seemed.

The job was more than just a data entry job, in fact, it had little to do with data entry. However, I was selected presumably for having IT skills combined with passing what was one of the more rigorous and unusual personality tests I have taken.

At my workplace (which is underground) we dress in the attire of the National Park Service, which signs our paychecks. Our workspace is full of servers and features a very unique device similar to a satellite dish that is ultracold and occupies much of the space near the natural rock ceiling. We are required to travel long distances to our workplace and we reside inside the facility for 6 days at a time. Contact with the outside world is prohibited, however, we like to keep in touch with our families, and so, rules are bent. Sometimes, they are defied flagrantly, such as in this instance. The supposed rationale for our 6-day shifts is that the high security level combined with the remoteness of the location makes daily commutes impractical. Supposedly, it is a cost savings measure to both employer and employee alike. However, I now suspect there is another reason.

On occasion, I notice unusual documents open on certain monitors. I ignored them the first few times because I thought they were run-of-the-mill news stories from Reuters or another news service; just a co-worker checking the news. One day, I noticed a story with an incorrect date. It was dated 6 days in the future.

I thought it might be a typo, but the story ultimately came to pass. There were a few differences, the main one being that the real-world death toll was approximately one-third of what I read on the screen the week prior. The number of locations affected was reduced from 5 to 2. Two other related stories concerning "retaliations" for the events of the first story also never came to pass. That's all I have to say about that.

Earlier today, I noticed a story (dated April 5) concerning a Red Cross convoy that came under attack trying to cross into Venezuela on April 3. This, however, was an asides, as it went on to describe the way that 2 U.S. aircraft carriers, 11 destroyers, 8 cruisers, and a multitude of support ships had been carrying out surgical strikes designed to eliminate Nicolas Maduro's ability to wage war. British ships were also involved.

Another story mentioned tweets from the U.S. President including one which reads, (verbatim), "…No is doubting the greatness of America today, and I NEVER did. I am SO PROUD."

The events predicted in our system (assuming that that is what the system is designed to help us do) seem to vary from nearly exactly consistent with the prediction, to being only about 50% accurate. The data we receive is free from garbling/interference, but is somehow always at least marginally different from what transpires 6 days later.

Attached: vz.jpeg (504x552, 70.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Show proof faggot.

Attached: 6ff5e29f5403ebc76dfbab167cbeea73b2946c7f3107d105dd588414efd37377.jpg (259x195, 6.84K)

The proof of the pudding is in the eating of the pudding.


Attached: 1478593573641.jpg (1200x953, 203.76K)

So you are making claims that something may or may not happen and you provide no proof of this and you expect anyone here to believe you? Eat a bag of dicks.

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my dad works at nintendo and he's gonna get you banned from halo 3

Comfy larp so far, been like a month since the last good one

this is some Qanon-tier LARPing
get fucked

But CNN said the Q user was pure truth…

Attached: derp.jpeg (600x833, 63.02K)

So I guess these are the bits to screencap. Guess we'll see on April 3rd/5th whether you're a larping faggot or not.

Attached: GratingIntensifies.gif (320x180, 6.5M)

Q user is Jarod Kushner aka the antichrist.


Sounds about right

Attached: s_tealc01.jpg (472x432, 11.05K)

Tealc never smiles

Reported for LARP.


If this fucking happens I swear to god, I'll make an 8pol shrine in my bunker.
If not, fuck you.

you have a bunker

What's the weather like in Los Alamos this time of year?

LANL is not underground, at least most of it. You would never believe where we are located. New Mexico, yes, LANL, no.

South of shiprock

could they be sending signals back in time?
seems more likely than predicting the future

Cali is New Mexico

I'm not a physicist, but wouldn't those two things be the same thing? If someone could predict the future, wouldn't that just be a biological manifestation of sending a signal back in time?

One can't be possible without the other being possible. It seems to me that the difference with an artificial mechanism is that it is easier to separate genuine signals from misinterpreted dreams and memories surfacing in a precog's mind. However, the basic science must have stemmed from the extensive study of individuals with a precognitive ability.

This is a gay thread until something real gets added.

Well lets see what happens next week lol

Could be pre-spinning the narrative for already planned events

You are a predictive programming federal agent.
This is a predictive programming thread.

Attached: image.png (960x640, 293.33K)

The cia navy and army have been using remote viewers and psyconauts since the 60s for spying and looking into the future and past
It's not even a conspiracy theory at this point.

Threadly reminder all anons who have an IQ above 110 should be learning to project their consciousness for the betterment of our race.

It's easy fam

A way it could work without time travel would be some sort of mathematical model/simulation that a computer could use to calculate the future, seems pretty much impossible though, unless quantum computers are really advanced

I think I remember the ex-CEO of lockheed martin saying that everything we could imagine, was already developed thirty years ago, and the stuff they have now is pretty much incomprehensible to normal people

It's probably just spitting out composite articles from mass data-mining.

which is why this thread will die

Technically possible under LaPlace's Demon of 1814, but not possible in practice. Sort of the hard way of doing things.

Says the guy trying to sell overpriced military hardware to the Pentagon. Lockheed is always trying to sell the government on some overpriced toy.

Show your parties or fuck off larpanon

Northrop is where the busy spooks play

/x/ did nothing wrong


I don't know anything about Northrop, so I can't speak to that.

From what I've gathered from my co-workers, the facility I work in was opened in the 1980s, but didn't become "fully operational" until 1995. There are 29 staff total right now.

Since I didn't characterize the war as either good or bad, I don't see how it could possibly be spin in anyone's mind. If it's predictive programming, what would be the motive?

You down at El Malpais?
The fuck are you faggots fucking down there?


I'm telling you what they're doing.

Isn't a targ a fictional type of animal in Star Trek?

What are we supposed to do with this information?

No. He is good friends with Michael Aquino (God) who trained us (you and me both pal) in psychic warfare back in the eighties as child soldiers for the us army. Specializing in remote viewing and sitace strike warfare
Shit is fucked

Enjoy the fireworks show.

There has been a lot of talk lately about how China is taking over and all of this stuff, but it was never more than their own hype. They believe their own hype, and a lot of Americans believe it, but they do not have what we have. They will always be a step behind.

Distance. Fuck I’m drunk sorry

Shall I obtain and sift through the employee directory down there? 29 staff total you say?

I always lel when they make up stories about them using kids as psychic conduits.

Doesn't add up.

What directory?

It’s not funny man
The ones who were selected hold key attributes - music , Eagle Scouts , leaders , adoption , the missing time much etc
I’m not laughing

Learn to remote view

I've seen this movie before. lol

Attached: Beautiful_faces_di_3249634b.jpg (615x409, 45.98K)

Your progeny will be squatting & picking crops for their Chinese owners on their own land the kikes& their shabbos goyim sold out from under them.

Would it be presumptive for me to guess that you play an instrument, were an eagle scout, had a leadership role, and were adopted yourself?

There’s always an employee directory even if it’s not public user you know this
Gimme more what else you got for juicy hints. What kind of fucked up shit you into? LSD and fucking holes in dead gooks you cut into them? Kek

Yes, because we all know that countries that are dangerously overpopulated and have backwards autocratic regimes frequently gain global dominance over free, pluralistic nations… NOT.

I’m an artist man I can fucking play ANY instrument and most of them at least half decent.

Well clearly you work at the U.S. Department of taking LSD

Never touched it. Drugs r degenerate friend

Wow, so these 'psychics' all happened to be about your age and have the same attributes as you? No way!

Attached: brian.jpeg (474x355, 19.67K)

and grammer r importint {fiend

purple user lives

What are these free& pluralistic nations of which you speak?
Not the Western shitskin empires surely.

Only race is nations.
You might need to go back to reddit.

Attached: E930F031-64B3-4896-B72F-537E35236104.gif (400x400, 482.09K)

This shit is why we can't have nice things. There's always one that wants to screw things up for the rest of us.

Fake and gay


All this reminds me of a tbot I knew, he talked about the same kind of things.
This guy totally hated the CIA.
One day he starting telling us that he CIA had a satalite that fired lasers at his head, the lasers had made him out on weight (lol), the lasers hitting his head had made his hair fade (lol), they used the lasers to control him and make him say things that embarrassed him (rofl), the lasers put thoughts in his head start ch as thoughts to rape people, commit incest and molest kids ( 😳 ).
This guy claimed to have worked at "secret facilities", claimed to have worked for the CIA.
Eventually found out from one of his cyber friends that he was a paranoid schizophrenic, he'd kept that secret partly cuz he doesn't believe he is, and also because people won't believe his stories of they knew he is a schizophrenic.

Damn typos!
What I had meant to say was -

All this reminds me of a t-bot I knew on Twitter, he talked about the same kind of things.
This guy totally hated the CIA.
One day he starting telling us that the CIA had a satalite that fired lasers at his head, the lasers had made him put on weight (lol), the lasers hitting his head had made his hair fade (lol), the CIA used the lasers to control him and make him say things that embarrassed him (rofl), the lasers put thoughts into his head such as thoughts to rape people, commit incest and molest kids ( 😳 ).
This guy claimed to have worked at "secret facilities", claimed to have worked for the CIA.
Eventually I found out from one of his cyber friends that he was a paranoid schizophrenic, he'd kept that secret partly cuz he doesn't believe he is (he thinks CIA framed him) he also keeps it secret cuz he knows people won't believe his stories if they knew he is a schizophrenic.
