The median net worth of black Bostonians really is $8


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Plus church handouts and perks from dem programs. Plus drug dealing.
Im guessing the $8 is what they declare on their taxes.

They blow it all on drugs and designer clothing.

And what is their income? What are they spending that income on? How much do they make from benefits? How much do they pay in taxes?

Just enough for a 40oz and a pack of menthols.

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So, blacks are worthless? Who would have guessed.

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Whats the median of chinks and kikes? Of course you left those off the list.


This is still my favourite article from the guardian

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2 dolla shy of a rock.
Gotta jack up a honky.

This, they're "worth" 100-200k per year.

Not bad for country full of niggers.

So those progressive left-wing politics hundreds of miles and 150 years away from slavery still couldn't turn niggers into humans?

I'm sure this is white people's fault somehow.

Its actually the jews fault, Africans should demand reparations from rich jews!

8 dollars is too much for a nigger

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So, who'd they steal $8 from?

Seeing as they "own" 50% of all federal, state, and municiple spending I'd say their median net worth is around $500k each.

They had to have stolen more tha. $8. Bail can get quite expensive
Also Boston is a shithole

Now this user is thinking. Now I'M thinking, this almost feels like some 4d shilling, to make it seem like niggers don't have anything, when in fact they have YOU to the tune of $500k. Because they'll get that much at least, and the entire thing is paid for exclusively by White men. So libshits get indignant, and we laugh about it, but neither one is an appropriate response. The correct response is, "yeah fucking right, if they're that broke we're the ones paying for these incompetent niggers."

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yeah and nobody ever does anything about it because they're niggers and whites/asians/civilized people are always held by zog to a "higher" standard, even if it means totally unjust or differential treatment.

For what they get in social services there's no way in hell they're worth "8$" they're declaring false, or the (((fed res bank of boston))) is 6000000% crooked and pushing kike narratives.

not bad

Not satire


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*Smacks lips* Why'z you aint pay'n fo ma heat n wata n shiet?

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You're not counting drug money, pimpin' money, thefts and the low-tier extortion and larceny rackets they mostly run on other niggers in their own neighborhoods. All tax free income, all spent on clothes, cars and other luxuries because, as you note, all their needs are free.

And they're somehow still poor as hell, because they can't save a fucking dime, and live around other niggers that constantly steal their shit that they bought with the money they got from stealing shit. The wealth just disappears. Crabs in a bucket.

Then they go to prison and cost us even more. Somebody post the infographic. The net value of niggers is a huge negative yearly, something on the realm of -$100,000 per nig, if I remember.

I thought it was like -$230,000 but I don't have the graphic on hand.



All these years and still boomers and kikes get triggered by cute anime girls. You would think you guys could adapt after so much exposure.

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The ">cuckime" people are dumb fags, but you're an unintelligent homosexual. People who post le cute anime girl reactions are invariably thus. Furthermore, your need to reply with le condescending anime girl just serves as further grist for the mill, so to speak.
Nice dubs.

And this is how we can tell you're jewish.
"If I lie and use kike, I'll blend right in, the blood will begin to surge and pretty soon the sticky liquid that I weave my web with will start to weep out of my mutilated appendage."

Anime is the only major media enterprise in the world not owned by the Jews. That, plus the fact that its female characters actually embrace femininity, unlike anything produced by the Jewish media in the West, and its overall aesthetics is what I believe to be the cause of it triggering kikes as much as it does. The absolutely visceral emotional reaction is fascinating to watch, it's like seeing such images causes them physical pain. I suppose it's the same feeling they have when they see anything beautiful or aesthetically pleasing, which would explain what they did to art in the West in general.

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There were loads of jews posting idf anime girls in their boy Brentons threads. Or was that you?
Dunno if you're just acting hopeful or lying again. If it makes money or has any political influence they already own and run it.

African negroids are incapable of building a high-functioning civilization. this is the end result of their hubris.

Except they don't. The Japanese own the entire industry, and it is the only major media entity the Jews do not own. It is not coincidence that the source origin of this entire political field of thoughts popularity came about on a board originally dedicated to discussing anime. Cultural input and entertainment mold the mind and its perceptions, as we've been over multiple times. Japan is still an alien country with an alien people, though they are the best of the Asians, and in a better world, we would be producing our own, superior art, but as the world stands today those who engaged in it as their chosen recreation over Western television, if simply by dint of avoiding the Jewish programs and their cultural programming, were far more open and receptive to the ideologies of National Socialism and classic Western thought.

One of the key points of anime in comparison to Western programming is simply how idealistic it is, (or was, I'll get to that) and thereby creates a significant contrast with the ugliness and decadence of our current societies. When you watch these idealized worlds with idealized people, moral, family oriented, feminine and devoted women, (and once upon a time strong men as well) you start to really notice the lack of those things in our own society. Whereas, when you watch Western programming, you are inculcated in the filth that permeates our society and, lacking any contrast to this way of life from any source, accept it as that's what you are programmed to do. I genuinely love anime because, for me, and I'm sure many other anons, it was like an oasis in a sea of garbage and I really do think that having had it as an entertainment medium was a blessing for that reason.

Now, I will say that this is beginning to change. The Jews have finally noticed this gap in their control and are beginning to set up an eventual financial takeover of the industry. Currently they're using Netflix to make inroads and they may begin to buy up studios and, at that point, all will be lost. Additionally, past that, the Japanese themselves are culturally cracking, the economic and political pressure they are facing from the West is eroding their values and they are, just in general, a dying civilization.

This graph more or less epitomizes the problem. The Japanese have become so passive and weakened that only a little over 10% of them would take up arms to defend their country. Not that the Western EU countries are much better, of course, but Japan is the lowest in the world when it comes to this factor. I personally think this is the natural result of stripping a people of their military and taking away any need for them to defend themselves for several generations. It seems to pacify and demoralize the people since they no longer have any responsibility, or one could say, control over the destiny of their nation and people. So as a natural consequence they become passive and lose all ambition or will, and just tacitly accept whatever hand they're dealt.

For a while they had their economic ambition to keep some level of masculinity and strength alive, but that seems to have mostly, if not completely, died out by the mid nineties. And, unfortunately, that cultural malaise is naturally reflected in the entertainment they produce, which is why there exist virtually no classically masculine characters in anime today. The girls are still feminine, but you would be hard pressed to find a character that you could classify as a masculine archetype, which many shows have "solved" by simply removing male characters altogether. What men do exist now in anime are shallow wish fulfillment self inserts, and they lack any real defining traits or characteristics due to this. I think that moving forward, anime will likely continue to degenerate due to this and possible Jewish involvement, which would destroy it beyond repair.

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And of course I misclicked which image to upload. Interesting graph beyond just Japan, obviously.

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Their desertion rates imply something different.

I started reading manga again after 12years and you're so right about how idealistic they are. Truly beautiful.


They're being used as cannon fodder by a foreign government that is simply using them to further the (((United States))) political and military goals. Frankly, it's surprising more of them don't desert, but I suppose it takes them a year or two to realize they're not fighting for "their country" at all and are nothing more than toys of the West. Of course, since they are often economically desperate and have no other means to get an income, they will join and even try to rejoin even after deserting, anyway. Just like most the current recruits in the United States, the dregs of society who have no other means to survive and join just to avoid homelessness.

$3.50 more like.

Rocket Surgery OP
Population in 2016: 672,840
Median household income in 2016: $63,621
Median house or condo value in 2016: $495,400
Median gross rent in 2016: $1,491
Black 151,986 22.6%

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Well shit, at $8 each, buy a dozen. Maybe one will be able to do some nigger work for you.

Not quite. There is big influence of zainichi koreans over the media, including the major outlet NHK which does produce anime and which is quite damaging to Japanese in a sense that it encourages them to be passive and extremely anti-social or to make better emphasis sociophobic, not to mention various anti-Japanese propaganda which also includes attempts at shaming Japan for China Incident and Greater East Asia War. Just in case, if you watch shit like Welcome to NHK you're watching cancerous anime.
The good thing however is that industry is still free like the country itself and zainichi aren't gatekeepers, though Japanese having different mindset from westerners plays a big part there. This is why Japan has shitton of various manga/doujinshi or video games, same is for media. There is legit right-wing media in Japan and people are freely marching on the streets and protests about gooks or chinks or various other problems. Japan was the first country which actually had anti-TPP protests on quite regular basis too, for example, because it was threatening to Japan in many ways beyond censorship, mainly economically.
However it's not ideal country and Japan is poisoned by (((western))) influence to some extent mixed with zainichi poison and I fear for Japanese youth as well. But at least there are a lot of good people who are true patriots of their country be it women or men and in school they're trying to promote patriotism too, that gives me a hope and I'm certain that Japanese will fight against the disease. That said, the government is against the nation and majority of liberals are dogs of kikes although they're trying to play it rather safe.
But if they somehow succeed in removing Yasukuni Shrine or get their hands on the Emperor this would the the real downhill of Japan and there will be no hope for Japan to be restored. And honestly Japan is the least damaged Axis country, to the point that Tokyo Trial which is Japanese version of Nuremberg Trial couldn't fuck up the minds of people.

This is precisely how they were successfully conquered.

This is typical bullshit image which lacks information and was questioned years ago by Japanese too. This article explains well enough why and this was the first result I found: news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/dragoner/20150324-00044155/
But to make it short: 48% answered "don't know" and mainly because the question is quite vague.

That's about as realistic as Wakanda.

How do we mobilize the niggers to protest the beaners on the grounds that they are taking their gibs? Imagine the Jews trying to break up a riot between spics and niggers?
Now THAT should be the fucking MAIN GOAL of this place. Have been saying it for years now. If the niggers could be turned against the spics, there would be no easy way for ZOG to get out of it. NOTHING they can do.

They are severely overpaid.

So they do?

And j-pop and k-pop

"Pssst, nigger. Wanna buy this $8 shiny thing?"

I watched a video on this, I'll see if I can find it soon. The writers, for some reasons, included chinks in an earlier part for income, then removed them for a 'lack of representation' even though there's far more in Boston than other groups they included, like Jamaicans and Dominicans. Basically, it's niggers being niggers and trying to manipulate statistics for more gibs.

Smokes are like ten bucks now, user.

it's in the plus

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muh dick?

net 'contributions' is -$600,000

8 bucks and dumb negroes still btfo Whites on their soil with the help of Rabbi and they're proud to earn shekels to achieve their planned genocide.

This is actually astounding because that means they have a positive balance. The us economy is coming back but there's still trillions in debt to kikes.

two niggers and fifty cents do not make half a dollar.


IKR If they were selling them for $8 would you buy yourself a $8 nigger? Fuck I would even want one if they were giving them away for free. They are the most worthless people on the entire planet. You can’t give them away for any reason…if you offered me an ‘educated’ and intelligent one I would still turn down the offer.

Ain’t nobody got time to take in a violent feral chimpanzee into their household. About the only thing I want to give niggers is a bullet. At least their bodies can be used by the Earth as fertilizer.

Not for long…imagine his niggery surprise. $217 dollars…I can’t stop laughing.


You WhytBois got it all figured out until you remember that THE PARASITES are the ones who own your ass and they are bleeding you, your families and your children dry FOREVER under this new White Slavery system…which IS PRETTY FUCKING SIMILAR TO THE OLD WHITE SLAVERY SYSTEMS.

ETHNOGLOBE and freedom from slavery and parasitism FOREVER.

According to the article it says smokes are worth $8.

Ironically, i recall a story a few years ago saying black women are only worth $5.
So dem niggas moving on up.

What purpose did 4chan serve from the beginning? Anime, like it or not, is a part of imageboard culture.

sage for off-topic

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Manga and Anime are male dominated.

It's blue pilled idealist guys projecting their fantasies.

While it certainly inspires some people it doesn't change the fact that Japan is a meat grinder for men and that karoshi (death by overwork) is a thing.

I was in Tokyo a couple months ago and it's already becoming a multicultural nightmare with brown south east asian turd people staffing 7-11s and as a western guy I felt a lot of tension between me and groups of younger alpha guys.

There are a ton of guys that aren't overly beta or cucked and I believe there will be backlash if the influx of foreigners persists, but time will tell…

For me it was my last trip and if you want to travel there you should do it soon before a total collapse of civilization and civil wars happen in all developed countries.

A chink wrote this post

Trump's net worth is -$1 billion.

EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING, including his underwear, will be owned by a Jewish corp under same laws as a Hollywood studio that owns ALL the clothing, etc of an actor…on the set and off the set. Even when The Jews give The Donald some 'spending money' EVERYTHING he buys is theirs, not his, unless he can come but $1 billion in cash, which he can't.

An $8 Nigger can't be tossed on the street without proper eviction etc, and will still own his "personal belongings" no matter what. Trump could be literally put out on the sidewalk naked at anytime, POTUS or not.

There's nothing better to me than series with strong, charismatic male MC's, like Bebop/Dandy/Bobobo/JoJo etc. For being some of the more entry level stuff, it's some of the most inspirational

can't read shit. i doubt you even try to read this shit before posting it

you wish you were white

The United States is doomed.

Guangzhou, China
Population (2018 end) 14,904,400

GDP (nominal)[5] 2018
- Total ¥2.3 trillion
$347 billion ($0.66 trillion, PPP)
- Per capita ¥158,638
$23,963 ($46,778, PPP)

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No, subhuman.

Pay up Tyrone

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Guangzhou, China
Population (2018 end) 14,904,400

simply no way, and that is just one shit tier city in China.
NYC has a population of roughly 11,000,000
There is a city in China that has 33,000,000
Imagine if NYC had a population of 33,000,000 it would break down over night.

America is on it's way out, at least enjoy being alive to witness it in your lifetime.

I very much doubt this figure is accurate because it isn't a negative amount.

The purpose of this study was to push the idea that non-Whites are being unfairly held down, and that Whites are flourishing.
Most of you are treating it like comedy; do you realize you're spreading enemy propaganda?
Does it give you a tummy tingle because you see "White" way out ahead?
Well try reading the actual fucking paper.
The median age of the Whites polled was 55 years of age.
Many many young Whites will be worth far less than 8$ because student loan debts are subtracted from your net worth.
The best part is that Asians are ahead of Whites, but the newspapers and the blogs and the social media just ignore that part.
Btw, look at the number of respondents, not even 100 per category. Yeah, real science here.
But keep spreading propaganda funded by the jew federal reserve and far-left universities.

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Most young Whites are negative.
This is a highly biased and unscientific "study", designed solely to agitate for "social change."

oh no I get it, but I can't reverse the jew influence since the 1970's that destroyed my own family. My mother relishes in her boomer tier mentality she sucked jew cock all her life…………. what should I do, throw acid at in her face?

I meet a Guatemalan family last night, newly imigrated, 8 of them were sleeping in a van, the children were wearing jammies at 1:00am do you think child protective services even cares? Dudes will be spreading pine needles in the morning while the kids sleep in the van….. who fucking cares? the cops? the government? get fucked, it's clown world 2020 My boomer cuntish parents don't care, their only reliable source of information is FoxNews.

and as an aside, when I got pissed off about the situation, they both told me all we have to do is call the ZOGbots on you and they'll give you the ass kicking you deserved since you were 5 years old………………

I stood mouth agape, in clown world 2020 saying WTF?

You will not subvert our culture here, kike.

White taxpayers are just tax cattles. Hate the niggers and Jew masters with all your might.

While the Boomer waters his lawn his wealth is siphoned off to pay for the shitskin hordes.

Because White people gave them that eight dollars. Look the niggers are broke because they put a 10k sound system in a $500 car, take drugs, drink, buy every new pair of Jordans etc. With EVERYTHING in massive debt and automation filling all the monkey tier jobs, Tyrone is going to become even more caveman like. Cull them NOW.

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My heart goes out to the poor fool who actually believes these goatfuckers' accounts.

The Afghans are probably the worst soldiers in the world, even worse than the Iranians.
From what I know and have seen, these guys simply cannot comprehend what fighting in an organised way means.
They take all their kit and stand around shooting their guns until the ammo is gone, then cry on the radio for evac.
If they hit any sort of resistance, they falter and run away or request evac.
Anything that's above tribal hit-and-run mujahedeen combat just doesn't work for them.
They simply cannot into military.

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Criminally underrated post, unchecked Hitler dubs, what is this board coming to?

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do you mean the desertion rates from those who collaborate with American occupation?

They must receive bullets to their heads, instead of money.

No shit we know. Everyone but the freshest newfags know the arguments against supposed huwhite privilege and how they "just need mo money for dem progrums". Now let us laugh at the poor niggers

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Imma go to popeyes an get a combo worth mo than my life

that's not how net worth works

There's no way a Boston nigger is worth $8.
I'd bid 2$, tops.

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Perhaps not quite so astounding, because not having debt also means not paying interest. Imagine what the burger household would be like if they stopped paying interest to the Fed.

Absolute kike thought you could get away with 2$? It's 1$, end of discussion.