Muslim KOs Feminist Whores

Arka Sangbarani Oroojian, a 6’3”, 270 pound 30 year old male from Sylmar, CA turned himself into police last night at LAPD Central Station and was booked for Assault with a Deadly Weapon. His bail has been set at $90,000 with a Booking Number of 5533775. We thank the community for their help in spreading the message. Attention Los Angeles — this guy brutally punched two women at a hotdog stand on Jan. 26 in the area of 6th & Spring. Someone knows him, and we would like to be one of those people. If you have any info contact Detective Gonzalez 213-996-1851 (after hours contact 213-486-6606).

Attached: Muslim Attck.mp4 (480x270, 1015.33K)

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The hero the white race needs

They kept getting up like extras in a movie, only to get knocked back down. Haven't laughed this hard in a while. The fruits of feminism!


At last a kebab did something right.

There really is little difference between white supremacists and muslims

"This is what it feels like to marry a Muslim Man"

The latter has less incels

picture of the suspect on Snapchat
apparently he got on a jetski and fled the area

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do muslims eat hotdogs?

Attached: Arka Sangbarani Oroojian.mp4 (1024x576, 6.42M)


What makes that even funnier is that they probably believed all that Hollywood "women can fight" fantasy bullshit.

well then

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[citation needed]
Typical tricks yet again, kike, every time something bad happens to a white, you try to downplay it with "well, it's okay because [X]" with no actual factual basis.
Every single thread.

Muslims don't actually give a shit about their religious laws, they just use it as a tool for white genocide. Nearly all muslims drink alcohol, do drugs and have premarital sex.


Any proof to this out of the blue accusation?

Imagine being a woman and trying to fight a 6 foot 3 270 pound man

not sure about feminist but they are obviously whores because they are out drinking and partying.


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Traitors deserve no sympathy user, for they likely welcomed him with open arms.

Muslims do whatever the fuck they want.
The only reason they aren't Christian-tier of "can barely even be called religious" is because the CIA fucked everything up like they always do.

You can clearly see on first seconds how it was not him who was attacking.

how did it come to this for you, user?

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The most interesting thing about all of this is that not a single guy jumped in to white knight. Even 10 years ago, you would have had numerous guys trying to break it up or maybe tackle the Muslim dude.

Today, nobody gives a shit. Relations between the sexes has deteriorated to where people don't consider unknown women to be worth any possible risk, plus now with fempowerment females are on their own. It's pretty astonishing tbh.

The biggest victims of the attacks are the muslims, don't you know.


This is so fucking true.

Stubborn stronk femsheviks. If this had occurred without a crowd both of those girls would be dead and it would be 100% their fault.

Then they turn into jihadist to end the drug cycle. When christian goes religious to fix his degeneracy, he picks up guitar and bunch flyers and starts to annoy bystanders with singing and handing over flyers. When mudslime does that, he explodes, stabs random bystanders or drives over people with the truck of peace.

I don't know if it's purely about chick-dude relations. I know I'd be thinking: if I step in and flatten that little man mountain would I go to jail? Does he know some bad people?? Gee… he kind of looks like a mad fucker I don't need to get into some medieval family feud over *insert anything in here* leading to a decades long fight with multiple dead.

You're right, that might be another factor as well, concern about the laws or the thought that maybe he's some type of lunatic.

Even with that said, nobody even played it safe, like trying to break it up without taking a side.

It's also due to the fact that this was filmed in California, and he probably had several inches and multiple pounds on most of the "men" there. I don't think people really grasp how weak the average Western, and especially American, male is nowadays. The ones that aren't morbidly obese are men with less testosterone than 80 year olds, these younger men are frail, weak, and won't fight over anything because they're too passive and fragile to do so. On the plus side it means the few of us that are in shape have a huge advantage over 70-80% of the male populace when everything kicks off.

I live in a 'first world' country that 'apparently' everyone wants to come to and it's just the best. There are many people that get killed here (in just the city I'm in) that are white knights just trying to break a fight up. Even the police here are typically soft cocks and not prepared to act even when THEY are being attacked. There is no 'playing it safe.'

Not only weak but they don't know how to fight.

pay the ficki ficki toll you feminist retards.

shut the fuck up whiteknight

Captain Marvel shows women are stronger. How could such a thing happen?

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I came while I was watching this jihadi trying to murder these stupid WHITE CUNTS.

Yeah, emphasis on "white", right? You stupid fucking nigger.

I'd say maybe 10-15% of young men in America actually have a grasp of how to throw a punch without breaking or damaging their wrist.

The jew divide and conquer has worked perfectly. Now men will stand around like vacant faggots and only worry about their clothes being stained by the blood of their women.
You can tell by the responses on here that men are feminised completely and see women as "competition", taking pleasure in the beating of their rivals. Wonder how many 'males' on here watched the video with their vibrating buttplug in.

Those men wouldn't fight back even if they were the ones getting punched in the face.

"ohhh yeth, mighty muthlim, pleathe hit them, thank you mathter!!"
Did you pay a muslim to rape your wife in front of you too, pathetic faggot.

He really went easy on those two thots, mostly open handed slaps and pushes, if he had gone fully red mist allah Akbar on them they would be broken jawed and cracked skulled all up the pavement, but seriously the way he just jogs off so casually if funny as fuck

Hitler was never more needed as he is now.

Haha oh man, you're pretty naive aren't you? Our civilization is not collapsing because of some stupid Muslims; they've been rattling the gates for 1400 years. No, the enemy is within. It's that we've given up logos and the natural order. The masculinization of our women and effeminization of our men are symptoms of this spiritual cancer, which is the real reason we are disappearing. These things always happen when an empire/civ is in the final throes of its existence, and the competing culture, whose men retain their mascilinity and women their subordination, quickly fill the void. This little incident is the perfect encapsulation of that juxtaposition.

welcome to 8pol, where have you been for the past few years? then again this site was a shitty honeypot psy op from the start

The last guy in the video looks to be a security guy, and is probably muslim too. Keep in mind that there are already 10 million muslims in the US, this is sharia law for them. Enjoy.


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What a shithole US are.

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The word you forgot to mention, conveniently, is "JUDEN".
Brainless fucking newfag idiot.
Pure coincidence. Kill yourself.

ur a retard mate

They exploit our weaknesses, and subvert every chance they get. But we still own those weaknesses. Feminism is a tentacle of the beast that is killing us from the inside out. If you want to see what the death of the West looks like, it looks a lot like a 300 lb Muzzie clothes-lining rows of empowered trannies and wymens.

Note it was the women who were defending their culture instead of the literal cuckoldsstanding around videoing and laughing.

You reveal yourself every time /trannypol/. Just finish the job and slice deeper on your legs and arms until you hit the arteries you fucking disgusting mentally ill faggot.

Citation? Stop this cope of "white genocide is good because [insert mental gymnastics with zero proof]"
What next? The Rotherham girls were actually mossad agents, so it was okay that they were raped and murdered?

If you've ever examined history what he said is true. The Jews are absolutely a subversive enemy running amok in our political and financial structures, but as Cordreanu said, a nation has the Jews it deserves.

The Jews are a parasite, a virus, they thrive when they inhabit an unhealthy and weakened host. The Jews are winning because our people are weak, and they can only be driven out and destroyed when/if we can return our people to healthy, better ways of life. Which at this point is going to take violent, bloody revolution, so in a sense it's actually encouraging that so many are so weak, because if we forge ourselves into strong men, we have a good chance of emerging victorious in the coming struggle.

the only other sand person in this thread
Everyone else has been brainwashed by kikes into either being a tranny, a cuck, a faggot, or actively cheering on the enemy. 95% of this thread would have been shot as cowards in war time, along with all the cheering freakjobs in the video. I'd rather see ww3 than watch this decline into hell on earth and the inversion of all morals and norms.

You sound like you've swallowed every ounce of the controlled opposition, did you buy Jordan Peterson's latest book?
They are a parasite that kills the host, and they are what weakens the host in the first place. Your claim is that the cow deserves to be dying from bot-fly larvae exploding from its skin because it should have caught the fly when it was laying the eggs. You have a mental illness.

You are not even attempting to form a coherent argument, you're so overcome with emotional incontinence you fire off meaningless insults without grasping what's being said. Throwing a tantrum like an infant is hardly impressive, user. We ARE responsible for the state of our nation and people. The Jews are a vile, disgusting enemy that must be destroyed utterly, but you cannot lay the blame of our current weaknesses and failures purely at their feet. We have given into hedonism, moral decay, and abject weakness largely of our own accord. The Jews gleefully pushed all of these things, of course, and assisted in their forward momentum, but at the end of the day we always could have chosen another path. We didn't because people LIKED being hedonistic, they LIKED not having to care about family, community, and nation, and if we don't address these problems going forward, simply killing the Jews isn't going to magically save us or the future of our people.

In order to succeed we are going to need to be able to bring our own people to task as well as the Jews, and create real order and discipline again, remind people of the importance of traditions, all the way down to the most basic of principles they've become so lost, such as the basic male-female relationship and its place in society. And if we fail to do that it doesn't matter how many Jews we kill because we will die off as a people anyway, since without the restoration of certain ideals and ways of life, the poison already pumped into our veins will kill us off even when the Jews are dead and gone. We have to kill the Jews AND reforge our people, if we want to survive. Destruction alone will not save us.

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You have a cringe disease. It's when someone is chronically cringey.

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Seeing women getting knocked the fuck out feels good

Good muslim. The terror of the left, hahaha!

Hilarious shit, based Muslim


If you intervene, first of all, you risk a blow for the eyes of a bitch who will continue to preach the love of foreigners. Especially since nothing excites women more than seeing men bleeding needlessly for them.

Your life is precious, don't put her in danger for a chick.

—If it is your wife
—Your daughter
—Your mother
That's all.

These white tramps must know that behaving like whores in areas with a high concentration of foreigners carries with it its share of unpleasant consequences, including, but not exclusively, insults, harassment, beatings, theft, rape and, for the luckiest, murder.
They want to be whores by going out alone, that is, by refusing to protect their father, their boyfriend or their brother? No worries: let them assume the inconveniences.
There will be no white superman to take them out of the racial manure pit in which she loves to swim.

Deadly Weapon? Open Hand? Welcome to California.

This, leads us to believe the Womyn were the aggressors?
Is he Gay?

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I'm starting to warm up to the Muslims.

Nah, let them reap what they have sown.

then kill yourself

Same, imagine what could happen if White men converted to Islam massively. ISIS would appear like a humanitarian group in comparison.

ITT:Butthurt femcunts bitching as usual and the badge niggers defending them.

Are the women in question even white? Two thots get slapped around, they likely deserved worse, mudslime at least has some sense of values and honor not to tolerate them. White Soy boys stand around filming and being generally passive weak pussies.

Just another muslim guy defending himself against idjit infidel women who don’t think he’ll hit back. Keks were had. Enjoy New California.

American response to every fight: "ooooow, ooooohhhw, OOOOHHHHWW"

BTW stop defending muslim scum.

This thead is obviously filled with supreme gentlemen.

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(you) may have forgot we have ID's here

You misspelled family, My son worth just as much as my daughter.

Looked like self defense to me, he only used force necessary to defend himself, a then retreated from his unconscious, falsely empowered feminist attackers.



Unless if your son is a woman, you entirely missed the point of

BLASPHEMY. Repent. Saint Branton false flag ways are only right choice. hate the enemy of your enemy!

obnoxious psy-op, double gas yourself jew

Even if I suggested that we could hypothetically convert to Islam, that doesn't mean I want sandniggers in my country.

If you were in gookland or apeland would you care that some gook girl or ape girl was whoring herself out for hot dogs? I sure wouldn’t. Yet here is an Arab in America who cares so much about whites that he wants to discourage white girls he’ll never procreate with from whoring themselves out for hot dogs.

Been listing to some Peterson or E Michael Jones have we? or Jones filtered through Owen Benjamin? Peterson admittedly wanting to steer Whites back to cuckstianity to keep from working in White self interest, Jones is a true to form self loathing christcuck who looks down on his ancestors, argues the only thing good about Whites comes from christcuckery. Either case their final solution for Whites is cuckstianity.

Europeans used to be strong, Julius Caesar went over this over a half a century before jesus was even born.

For all of recorded history up to that point this was the case, what happened? cuckstianity happened. Yes you want logos but you're not going to find it in cuckstianity. I suggest diving into precuckstianity history, most of recorded is before then, in stark constrast to Jone's assertions, oodles of achievement and master works. After getting a thorough sense of things back then, then take a look at what happens to how Whites change and what influences those changes come from. Before christcuckery: jews get uppity, kill them and raise their cities to the ground, After christcuckery: jews have special status with christcuckery that they are not to be touched and get to do usury and have a monopoly on it, with a promise(fingers crossed) from jews that they won't jew christcucks, aaand here we are.

This is why these fucking savages should not be allowed in our nations.




He has been elevated, he is the Prophet Tarrant now. Anyone opposing him or blaspheming his name must be killed.

You keep shilling this idea in every thread Maury, we heard it going back to the cuckchan, you're not rewriting the books on a new shill angle

going back to the cuckchan days*

White genocide is a program created and enacted by jews
Blacks, and all the millions of other ethnics sent to our lands are pawns being used in that jewish agenda

gentle reminder
'jews are behind white genocide

While I'm not a kampfybot or isreali and don't go along with the virgin queer MGTOW, the fact this women accosted the guy deserves the slaps they received.

Women should act like women

There is absolutely nothing wrong with muslims punching feminists in the face. It's exactly the lesson they need.

Look who else is an immigrant.

For over a thousand years Europeans were doing fine with Christianity.
The religion doesn't matter, the greater culture does.
When Europeans were savage, their Christianity was savage. Now Europeans are neutered, their Christianity is weak.
Europeans conquered pretty much the entirety of the world whilst they were Christians.
And at the end of the day, as much as it would have been amazing otherwise, the pagan Romans tolerated the jews and their rabid monotheism, whereas many Christians had absolutely no tolerance for kikes, like King Edward I expelling the jews from England in 1290, an exile that would last for over 350 years until (((Cromwell))), or Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon expelling the jews from Spain, where previously the muslims had tolerated them, in 1492, at the beginning of their Imperial and Golden Age.

Not even Christian

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The USA is making it unreasonably difficult for me to practice my rights of free exercise of having sex with farm animals. This makes me reasonably concerned about who the real heroes are. This man was doing nothing that isn't socially acceptable by the standards of the same people who could not respect my constitutional rights.


Muslims rape thousands of White women

As do niggers and the Sikh indians too with niggers technically committing more rapes and murders per capita, yet you've never heard of gangs of isreali jews on here insist we bomb all fried chicken shops
Why are american isrealis so confused about the entire 3rd world morass they created in the West


Two women trying to fight a man one of whom believes she has the ability to knock out a man and tries to do so are obviously feminists and not /ourgirls/ if they wer e running to dudes to stop this I would say "ok defend them till death." But these stupid bitches obviously don't want that. That want to beat on a dude in front of a crowd so they get a power ego boost and cry to men only if they lose. I know it's not proof and making up excuses to not defend your own is pussy as fuck, but when that bitch gets up and thinks she's going to put that guy away it makes me sure she has 8 star wars Rey action figures. Either that or she HAS beat on dudes who were afraid to hit back and got away with it. The whole scene is bizarrely overconfident for these thots to be trad.

enlightened post

Whites did fine in spite of it, with people not really adhering to it. cuckstianity was a brutally forced "meme," it was a unifying banner, a political tool. Everyone is versed on jews getting kicked out from everywhere, and they got kicked out by.. be let in, in the first place, and then repeatedly let back in, only to be kicked out again. cuckstianity has the seeds to its destruction built into such that anyone actually tries to follow it are open to getting jewed. The culture has been soured by jews but it's the christcuck mind poison that opens the door and leaves its follows disarmed from jews jewing. Re-arm with self interest of old and auto-immune system kicks in. Interestingly enough Caesar's description of the German tribes he laments about Germans not caring for or needing things from outsiders, only caring enough for outside contact to sell what they've plundered, never a consumer, they did everything themselves.