Racism exists. There are three kinds in my opinion.
1) White / Black nationalists, and all the shades in between advocating ONLY for their shade of grey. This is the uneducated and main racism. Unfortunately, a lot of it appears here. It does not mean you are bad, you might have a good heart, but you know inside you that it is wrong, but you only see this option in life, defend your colour.
2) The modern SJW worldview. Accept people solely based on their skin colour. Although this can appear noble and virtuous, this viewpoint can be more damaging to a culture than anything else. These people have been educated via TEXTBOOKS and teachers, not life experience, or they have only met people of other colour through controlled environments I:E Work / school. Try being a white guy at a black party or the sole black person at a white party - You will either have a magic high number of "friends" or you will get into a fight.
3) People who have gone through and understand the above points. You will come to the conclusion that skin colour DOES indeed separate the COMMON man from other cultures. There are two cultures we all have inside us. The global / human culture and your "hometown / country" culture. The latter is more powerful and is more private, the first is your public persona and is slightly against your core instincts. If you grew up next to a second or third generation western immigrant (Muslim / black / Chinese) other than their accent and family tradition they are YOU. They might be in the first two categories but you can see that if their skin colour was the same shade as you, you would not tell the difference. The SJW viewpoint unfortunately thinks everyone is like them and the ethno-nationalist viewpoint is that other skin colours are way too different, they are both correct and wrong viewpoints. The point of this category is to say that if a white, black and Chinese baby was brought up in the same household these kids would (soul wise) be clones, although they would "look" different.
The common man is in the above two groups and takes up 90 / 95% of the population. Everyone is right and wrong, including me and this post. This is just an opinion remember. You should go out and determine for yourself. You may get beat upon by others and your own, but if you can find ONE good man among them who has a different shade than you then this should shatter your skin colour perspective.
It's a shame Martin Luther King would be called a Nazi. Sheriff David Alexander Clarke Jr can happily be my neighbour. Candice Owens can live on my street.
Culture and actions determines a man, your shade of grey was determined based on your general group culture / location. This marker was given to us by God and should keep us seperate, a little mixing is ok, flooding a country with another culture and other skin colours is a recipe for disaster. Very slow immigration is great and will forward us as a people. Unfortunatly flooding white countries has caused such unrest I fear for the safety of some people. It not like Pakistan accepted 5 million Europeans over 10 years, or the Congo is multicultural. There is definatly a plan in place to cause unrest (United nations replacement).
A last little personal point - I do not understand the logic of have "have less kids, the world is overpopulated" and encourage abortions, then to import millions of migrants using one of the main reasons of the population of the host country is in decline, people who advocate this are crazy in their logic and should look at the Hungary option (4 kids no income tax). Its always about money and economy, which is sick.
One question - Who would you rather have as a neighbour, David Alexander Clarke and Candice Owens on each side or David Brock and Rachel Maddow? (Smart other shades or Liberal SJWs? Please answer)