At the core, it's about culture not skin colour

Racism exists. There are three kinds in my opinion.
1) White / Black nationalists, and all the shades in between advocating ONLY for their shade of grey. This is the uneducated and main racism. Unfortunately, a lot of it appears here. It does not mean you are bad, you might have a good heart, but you know inside you that it is wrong, but you only see this option in life, defend your colour.

2) The modern SJW worldview. Accept people solely based on their skin colour. Although this can appear noble and virtuous, this viewpoint can be more damaging to a culture than anything else. These people have been educated via TEXTBOOKS and teachers, not life experience, or they have only met people of other colour through controlled environments I:E Work / school. Try being a white guy at a black party or the sole black person at a white party - You will either have a magic high number of "friends" or you will get into a fight.

3) People who have gone through and understand the above points. You will come to the conclusion that skin colour DOES indeed separate the COMMON man from other cultures. There are two cultures we all have inside us. The global / human culture and your "hometown / country" culture. The latter is more powerful and is more private, the first is your public persona and is slightly against your core instincts. If you grew up next to a second or third generation western immigrant (Muslim / black / Chinese) other than their accent and family tradition they are YOU. They might be in the first two categories but you can see that if their skin colour was the same shade as you, you would not tell the difference. The SJW viewpoint unfortunately thinks everyone is like them and the ethno-nationalist viewpoint is that other skin colours are way too different, they are both correct and wrong viewpoints. The point of this category is to say that if a white, black and Chinese baby was brought up in the same household these kids would (soul wise) be clones, although they would "look" different.

The common man is in the above two groups and takes up 90 / 95% of the population. Everyone is right and wrong, including me and this post. This is just an opinion remember. You should go out and determine for yourself. You may get beat upon by others and your own, but if you can find ONE good man among them who has a different shade than you then this should shatter your skin colour perspective.

It's a shame Martin Luther King would be called a Nazi. Sheriff David Alexander Clarke Jr can happily be my neighbour. Candice Owens can live on my street.

Culture and actions determines a man, your shade of grey was determined based on your general group culture / location. This marker was given to us by God and should keep us seperate, a little mixing is ok, flooding a country with another culture and other skin colours is a recipe for disaster. Very slow immigration is great and will forward us as a people. Unfortunatly flooding white countries has caused such unrest I fear for the safety of some people. It not like Pakistan accepted 5 million Europeans over 10 years, or the Congo is multicultural. There is definatly a plan in place to cause unrest (United nations replacement).
A last little personal point - I do not understand the logic of have "have less kids, the world is overpopulated" and encourage abortions, then to import millions of migrants using one of the main reasons of the population of the host country is in decline, people who advocate this are crazy in their logic and should look at the Hungary option (4 kids no income tax). Its always about money and economy, which is sick.

One question - Who would you rather have as a neighbour, David Alexander Clarke and Candice Owens on each side or David Brock and Rachel Maddow? (Smart other shades or Liberal SJWs? Please answer)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quite happy to see you die next to them.

There's no reasoning with you people. Nothing of what you said has a single stat or scientific point in it.

It's all just feelings.

I hope they burn you alive like they have to countless others.

SJW's are racist as well, they are just fetishizing their racism and pretending not to be in order to use virtue signalling as a social competition tool. They are mostly psychopaths and social predators who hide behind a veneer of morality.

And no, it's not about culture you civnat nigger faggot, races are a biological reality. It's also not about skin color, but all the other characteristics such as facial/bone structure, phenotypes, intelligence, ability to process certain foods etc.

If anything, subhumans taking on white man's culture is both cuckery for them, and an insult to whites.


Culture is a consequence of genetics. Not only is genetic memory a thing, but certain ethnic groups are more prone to one thing or another. Even amongst Europeans there is a divide between those who are more individualistic and concerned with such things as freedom and purity (Germanics), whereas there are others who are more concerned with collectivism and tradition(Latins). Exposure to the same ideas will manifest in a different interpretation by different racial groups. As far back as Pelagius we had a Germanic interpretation of Christianity that was centred around personal purity in contrast to Augustine's Mediterranean version. I'm not saying one is right or wrong, I'm saying the same texts will be interpreted differently by different ethnic groups. The fact that later adherents of the same Germanic ethnic group would come to the same conclusion, as is the case of John Wyclife, Jan Hus and Martin Luther is no surprise at all.

This is not to say you cannot be friends with or appreciate someone from another culture. This is not to say you must hate all who are different to you. But it is to say that if there are too many of a different ethnic group in your area then conflict will arise and one side will inevitably come out as dominant over the other. Do you want to bring violence to your home? Then don't bring in countless immigrants.

Facts don't matter at all. They don't.
Bingo! Feelings are what matter. What does it matter if truth is on your side if you don't have the ability to make people feel something. Truth is just a single tool to help make people feel something. Caring about facts alone is pointless in politics.

Then don't bring in countless immigrants.

^ Agreed. Sharing values and a little mixing is fine. A white man living with the africans is fine if they are all happy. But a million white men would cause probems, same here in our countries.

Pretty sure this has been debunked nowadays. Genetics influences a good deal of your life, and your skin color is part of your genetics. Identical twins raised in different countries will end up with an almost identical IQ regardless of nurture; adopted kids raised in the same household will be quite different from one another even if they grew up in the same circumstances. "Fate" exists and it is written in your genes; people like you just want to believe in free will and equality to feel better about themselves and delude themselves into believing you have any control whatsoever over your fate.

Looks like you know what's up; then why do you promote the ideology of "tolerance" that will destroy White countries? You're just trying to purport yourself as a moderate in order to make the blue pill easier to swallow for the Nazis on here: in other words, you're either a paid shill or a useful idiot.

That's right. Thus you should reflect on whether or not it's a good idea to try to promote tolerance on this board. You talk about "slow" migration that should be mutual (everyone free to migrate to whatever country one wants) but what we get is a "flood" of forced migration into white countries from brown and black countries. "Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, North America and Europe for everyone!" What you are doing amounts to encouraging the globalists: you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

I'll gladly join white islam over shitskin civnats
reported for shilling and culture does not matter compared to race. Fuck off

The people you mentioned are called controlled opposition. Go back to reddit please. This is 100% r/The_Donald trolling, sheepsihly fishing for "black acceptance".

The problem is forced miscegenation, forced migration, the denial of white autonomy and the erasure of white history. We have the right to live as who we are as who we choose to be.

Its about autonomy, dignity, international respect, not to be OVERRUN by fuckall and being called "racist" for support one's culture and traditions.

Most Latino Americans are conservative Catholic Christians but they still vote Democrat. Why? Because they hate white people. It's time to hate them right back.

I partly agree and understand. It's not like I am calling to live next door to someone from a whole different place who doesnt speak my language.
I made the point to say skin colour does generally determine your culture and location. I would happily die next to David Clarke than Rachel Maddog. The extreme hate from you are exactly what the globalists want - mix, fight they get more power, repeat. Go read some Lucis Trust material or other new age topics, it is their plan.



It is not about culture nor skin color, it is about race, which is what both derive from and more.

sorry wont do it again, saging

Correct. Environment creates races. Race and environment contributes to culture

I say only this:
White people won 590 Nobel Prizes from a total of 936 Nobel Prizes and white race people are only 980 millions world wide.
Black people are more than 1,35 billions persons world wide and won only 15 Nobel Prizes in the entire human history.
Rest of the Nobel Prizes go to … mostly to Chinese, Indians, Jews, Muslims.
I think that say everything about everything! And this is a REAL FACT!

Exactly right! Forced. Over run. White man bad. I actually listened to some of David Clarke well before trump was into politics in 2016. I agree with most white people's points of view on here, they are angry at us being overrun and mocked, especially by our own kind.

It's just sad to see people advocate burning others alive because they are different. Why not burn the cause of the problem (New agers / Lucis Trust etc)

STFU you uneducated pissant.

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I can agree. It's just when people only have the brain power to see the skin colour instead of whats inside (which is impossible at a glance).

I would rather live next to a black man who thinks / acts / speaks and holds the same view as me rather than a white man who does not speak my language, acts like a prick, spits on the floor and acts like an alien to the people in my area.
This does not mean I agree with flooding the west before people get wound up.

Now let`s talk about The Mighty Diversity.
I am a introverted person and I have my culture! You are maybe a extroverted person and you have your culture.
As a introverted I never felt ok betwen extroverteds persons, NEVER, and I never felt ok betwen humans with other culture than my culture.
You cannot be happy betwen people who are not from your culture, because we have different type of personalityes and different cultures. And this is why The Mighty Diversity:

1 There is nothing uneducated about it just measurable and repeatably demonstrated reality.
2 ya so what’s your point? That impressionable people lack real world experience and jump to false conclusions?
3”but you can see that if their skin colour was the same shade as you, you would not tell the difference.” This is where you are grossly mistaken if we were honest about things and classified existent hominids the same way we do all other mammals we would not be different races but different species.Skin color is among the least of the differences separating us. The substantial behavioral differences among hominid species mistakenly called culture can not be changed except through biological processes selecting for behavior,intelligence and hormone levels.

The Nobel Prize is a white man's invention designed to keep the black man down.

You mean jews?

culture and values do trump race HOWEVER, most races have wayyy lower IQ scores than whites so it's an idea that shouldn't be entertained (mixing with them).

I don't fully. Tolerance for some i:e less than 2% of the population is fine. It enriches us as a whole. For example if humans never mixed in the past and traded etc then we wouldn't be where we are. We need "foreign" friends. There lands have nice spices :)

Erm…no. Fuck that, everyone will want to come here. But if a highly skilled Dr came here, served in our hospitals and was a good guy, settled and accepted a lot of our ways and culture, then he can live here in peace. Just not a million of them.

My conviction is that 'racism' is perfectly moral

No. Most Jews are just themselves, like you are yourself. Our masters, global elite / etc, the people whose bloodlines run into the ancient past and do rituals, these are your true enemy. They claim to be you, they claim to be Jewish, they claim to be your neighbour. These secret CULTURES are the true enemy and rulers.

Depending on the definition of racism. My wife is Polish and I am English. She is an outsider. I am a little racist then. But we get along.

Black men who realize black people were better off during the segregation era are pretty much in agreement with pol. Propagandists aren't real people, but you're right that pol doesn't want to live around short haired angry lesbians who could have been beautiful loving mothers.

Take random groups of 100 people of various races and it's a safe bet that anyone choosing which to join would choose their own race, even if Clarke and Maddow were in the mix.

I was half tempted to say this, just didn't want to deal with the "go back to reddit" twats.

I would also agree that if the Nobel prize was run by the Chinese there would be more Chinese persons on the list. If it was run by Mexicans, there would be more Mexicans.

It is clear your are not form around here, as you are totally naive to the degree to which race influences behavioral patterns. Niggers are 13% of the American population but commit 50% of the violent crime (rape, murder, assault). Now behavioral differences of races do fall on bell curves, it is theoretically possible to have a nigger on the edge of multiple bell curves who, as a result, acts similar to a European man. But such people exist at such a low frequency that they are negligible in the boarder picture of society. I would advise you ruminate on this post . You need to understand that races are not only physically different on numerous levels, but psychologically different in important ways. These differences are the result of divergent evolution caused by natural selection
indifferent environments. I am assuming you believe in evolution, it's my conviction that niggers are the dark-skinned, raping, murdering beasts that the Bible warred would come upon the sinful.

Gas yourself. Schlomos belong in oven. Redditors belong in reddit.

You are an idiot. First of all you say that everything is culture and not genetics. Well if everything is culture, then the jews who have as their holy book the talmud which instructs them to deceive, manipulate, steal from, abuse and, if they can get away with it, murder non-jews; must surely not be "themselves just like us". It would be their culture which made them evil.

In your OP you are claiming that it is culture that can make niggers decent. Seeing as judaism is a religion or culture then any adherent of that culture must be evil. For a jew not to be evil, according to your own logic, he must be ignorant of what his own culture is. According to my perspective, and that of most evidence these days; the culture is informed by the ethnicity, thus for the culture to be evil; the ethnicity must be evil. There are of course exceptions where the majority of the ethnicity has nothing to do with a culture created by one of their own; but jews count themselves as both a race AND a religion (or culture), thus it is impossible to disentangle the vast majority of those who call themselves 'jews' from their ethnic and/or cultural evil.

The truth is that culture is determined by ethnicity, and adherents of foreign ideologies will inevitably impart their own interpretation upon it and radically change it. I attempted to demonstrate this to you with how Germanics manifested Protestantism and Latins Catholicism, but it seemed to go over your head. I think this is a >>back to reddit moment.

Imagine in /pol's Utopian world everyone was white. Obviously there would be no robberies or knife crime or drugs, coz hey, everyone is white. So we have all these people and they all share your opinion. Only your outlook. only your education. Would the world still progress?

The word Diversity has been hijacked by cucks who obviously do not belong here and live in their own fantasy minded Utopia.

A diversity of opinion is good. We are not always right and someone holding a different view or answer might actually be right. It is good we are not all clones.

**to all "go back to reddit" tards", this does not mean I advocate flooding the west.

How can anyone in this day and age still make this idiotic argument? Everything is based in your genetic heritage, your culture is a result of your genetic potential. You have to be an idiot to think othwerise. Niggers cant be integrated in a higher culture, the US is living proof.

Anyway, I need to go to bed. Think about what we have said Reddit user, also watch .

well you're not totally wrong. But how about neither?

Lurk for two years and you will start to understand.

Yup, just like math and science right?

Something tells me you're not even going to use the actual definition of the term and instead use loaded SJW bullshit "language"
There's no evidence of this, in fact one could even say the opposite is true. Japan is one of the most racially homogenous societies but they boast a higher avg IQ than america, a higher level of public cleanliness, safety, life expectancy and more. There is also no way that seeking a nation for your people and your people alone is racism because there is no form of racial superiority involved in this. A black nation is not made superior to white nations because it is wholly black.
they say that because its true, people are inherently tribal creatures and as a result would be instantly noticed as foreign to the homogenous group. No amount of basketball and rap will make the white guy at the black party more acceptable, because our very nature does not allow this to happen. Every study on diversity shows that this is the case, civilization breaks down the more diverse an area is, trust being the key factor in this example also plummets. Your gripe is with reality, you wish that this were not so and as a result blame individuals in the vain hopes that you can sway them towards civcuck bullshit but we've tried that for decades now and you can see the results. It's been an absolute failure, us and them ALWAYS comes up no matter how much you try to prevent it. You will never be black. They will never be white, accept it rather than trying to shame everyone into believing your own bullshit
Minnesota Transracial Adoption study (be sure to include the follow up at age 18 btw) quite literally states that nurture did not overcome nature. Fuck off back to reddit nigger.
But if you build a farm in their countries they will torture and kill your entire household routinely without a single bit of care from the government of said country.
No one realistically has that choice though, their choice is "MAJORITY BLACK NEIGHBORHOOD VS MAJORITY WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD." The choice is very fucking clear, and you've already acknowledged this to be true, because I'd be willing to bet everything I own on the fact that you don't live in a majority nonwhite neighborhood. You never will either, because you know that if you moved to the blackest city there is you would never be accepted and you would immediately be targeted by the criminal niggers of your surroundings. You spout racism against ethnonationalists but at the end of the day seek the most ethnonationalist neighborhood to live in.

stop trying to water down the message
The only people that are acceptable in a white society are racially aware whites who are 100% devoted to 1488.
Everyone else gets exile or the rope

It is tricky to put things into words, as stating something you meant as generic can mean by law and word for word by others. You made my point in what I highlighted above. 90% of people only see skin colour and could not understand that someone with a different skin colour can be SIMILAR to you culturally. Sometimes we can share more in common with our "token black friend" than that twat across the street who sickens you with how they live and the only thing you have in common is your skin colour.

You seem to obsess over the "jew problem", this is what the mainstream guides you to believe, it is reinforced with religion and the old school zionists and their public plans. Hitler had something similar to the protocols didn't he :)

The biggest problem we are facing now is that the mixing is going on too fast. It needs to be spread out over hundreds of years and for a true global culture to arise, sadly the deluded new agers think this can happen overnight and this website is what happens. Hate happens, and the hate is not unwarranted and is understandable.

Like I say, if 5 million whites went to Pakistan they would feel the same as you / us.

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Kill yourself.

Very good reply. Thank you. You are Generally right, I am also generally right too. We are tribal.

Me saying mixed groups raised together would be clones, Ok its not 100% but generally it is true, there will be differences here and there, but it is not like the black kid would want to pick up spears and start chucking them and the white kid would only pick up an encyclopedia. A lot of what I say is generalising, unfortunately, people take posts like they do bible verses, quite literally instead of the context.

Your post was good, sadly - Fuck off back to reddit nigger - spoiled it.

oh so you admit you are a progressive?
And YES of course it would progress you retard.
When europe was 99% white was when all it's progress was made.
You really need to rethink your life, coming here and shitting up the board with your pathetic half-thought out civnat faggotry.
You haven't lurked long enough obviously.
In all seriousness and not a hint of reatrdation, go back to reddit.
Better still, kill yourself.

any wild animals more better

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It is near impossible that your token black friend will understand the world the same as you. He can imbibe the exact same information and come out with something different. There will be certain aspects that he finds more or less appealing. He might say he 'agrees with you' but in reality he is agreeing to something very different.

Christianity is an easy one to look at because it has spread around the entire world. Germanic Christianity (Protestantism) is significantly different from Latin Christianity (Catholicism), which is in turn different from Russian Christianity (Orthodox). When you begin to look at African, Asian or Native American forms of Christianity the differences become greater still; though most of these people assert that they are actually a Catholic or Protestant, despite the fact that a large portion of their religion revolves around ritualistic dances where they invite spirits to possess their bodies. They read the same book as us, had the same teachers, but came to a wholly different conclusion. They still consider them Christians, and many Germanic, Latin and Slavic Christians consider them Christians as well; yet if they knew what they REALLY believed, they would not.

The same is true of everything. You and a black man might both be Republicans who both voted for Trump. But why did the black man vote for Trump? Did he vote for Trump to keep out the warmongering Hillary and her disastrous economic policies? Or did he vote for Trump cause 'he got dat swagger', or maybe because he treats black people as humans as opposed to pets. Obviously I am exagerrating and generalising here for effect; but all evidence indicates that this is how the world work. This is why 'freedom of speech' to your typical white person means 'Freedom to say absolutely anything, no matter how hateful, insulting, threatening or shocking'; whilst to other groups it means 'the freedom to be kind to each other'. I mean really that goes down to a fundamentally different understanding of 'freedom', but we are going way deeper here than we need to.

Any nigger that professes to be a part of a white ideology will understand it in a fundamentally different way. This is natural. Everyone perceives everything through their own ethnic lens. This is unavoidable. As such we cannot be united by 'culture', because even if we say the same words and swear the same oaths; they will mean different things to different people. Another great example is how the word 'promise' to a black person means 'I will do it if I feel like it', whereas to a white person it means 'I will do it no matter what'. Both still say they are making a promise. Both mean entirely different things. A long and thorough conversation with a person from another race will reveal all of this to you.

You can get that through travel rather than immigration. If by mixing you in any way mean sexually, then you're not only doing a disservice to the women of those races but you also do severe harm to the children of racemixers (especially psychologically)

Hate is not something we're conditioned to do user, it's the natural response to realizing the state of affairs. If you seek compassion for both sides then you are by definition a traitor who seeks to survive off of mercy from his conquerors.

The problem is you are overrun! Multiculturalism can work if you just have limited immigration!
Until centuries down the line when even a dozen black families in a city become millions. Then they'll seek to vote against us because just like every other being on the planet, they will put their kin ahead of the others. And the reason they'll do it without a care in the world is because we're not their kin. Most self identified black republicans actually vote democrat and in the obama elections almost 100% of blacks voted democrat. Race was stronger than ideology in an era where anti-racism and pro-multiculturalism was at its highest point. It will happen again in the future without separation, you are only damning your children in the same way we've been damned by our ancestors.

How do you maintain their populations at low percentages over decades or centuries? There will come a point where they will grow and then the cycle will begin all over again.

Do you think jews would accept you as a brother in Israel? Do you think they would adopt your customs and way of life or would they reject it? Do you think they associate freely with others or do you think they prioritize meeting other Jewish people? Read Culture of Critique yet?

Racial differences are more extreme than skin color. Even if you're a scientific illiterate, you have to acknowledge that certain racial groups are more prone to certain diseases (some are unique to certain racial groups) and respond to medications differently. This is not a controversial opinion, it's reality. Ever notice how certain niggers are good at sprinting or long distance running? How you never see niggers winning gold medals for swimming? How elite strong men tend to be gigantic Nordic fuckers, or the best Olympic weightlifters tend to be beefy manlets from regions around eastern or southern Europe? Why the chinks tend to dominate freestyle gymnastics? Why India never wins medals at the Olympics?

These biological differences are why you'll never meet an abo rocket scientist, because they're functionally retarded by human standards. Even the one in a million 'brilliant' abo will be only slightly more clever than the average human, but his one in a million retard counterpart will be fucking retarded even by abo standards. Even chimps will know that poor faggot is stupid.
Fuck off civnat, culture is a product of biology. A rat born in a stable is not a horse.

Maybe learn what we are fighting for you dozy cunt?

National Socialism
Three Principles

National Socialism is an all encompassing personal & National worldview. It arises from three simple principles that are interdependent.
Natural Law:
The guide

Logos, how things work: Reality-Truth-Morality. The structure & fundamental principles of existence. The basis of all Truth from which all morality must derive.
Natural Laws include but are not limited to:
The Survival of the fittest & adaptation. War, violence & struggle. Nation & bloodline. Loyalty, love & family. Strength & power. Hierarchy, merit & Elitism. Labour and inheritance. The will to live and inevitable Death.
Natural Laws are mandatory, we may try to mitigate or avoid them, we may even think to succeeded for a time but always & inevitably Logos destroys anti-Logos.
Reality & its rules always win.

The Cause

Our people: Our great ancestral extended family, bound together by our blood, by the culture that arose from it & our shared history. Over the generations our Nation functions like a super organism, struggling, growing, sickening & weakening, strengthening & recovering or dying.
Like a great river, our Nation flows generation upon generation from the past we inherit from our parents & grand parents, through us, the living embodiment of our Nation in the present & from us through our children into the future we bequeath to them. Our blood belongs to our people and we are not free to pervert it.

The Goal

Correct action: To consciously & deliberately act in accordance with Natural Law in the name of our selves & our people not simply because it is mandatory but because it is morally good. To internalise Natural Law as an act of personal & National will & make its meritocratic, hierarchical, elitism our own. This results in personal development through individual agency & will, mutual social improvement through community reciprocity & biological evolution through healthy eugenics.

you deserve to burn boomer filth

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Britcuck detected. Stopped reading there.

Typical. I have lurked here for a few years. A lot is good a lot is shit. You say shitting on the board like you are the board owner, aww did I hurt your feelings with a little difference of opinion?

I am happy when I am wrong, because that means I would learn something. Rethinking my life because I am not a member of the SS is not a great argument. Better yet, go and watch some KKK speeches that you so admire.

No, you aren't. Your words of thanks mean nothing to me because you've made it clear that you are not my friend. Given the option, I'd put a bullet in you before shooting the brown hordes because you've demonstrated to me that you do not have my back. You've admitted you would not put your race first, because "that's uneducated ethnonationalist racism." You claim to see me as correct but at the very same time painted me as an uneducated fool for speaking the truth. If your BASIC premise is wrong, then you are NO DIFFERENT to the SJW's you complained about as the "2nd kind of racist". You are a lite wing SJW in complete denial of this reality because you seek desperately to forge peace between two sides and ally with the winner. You can pretend it's keeping your hands clean but the reality is very obvious, intent is derived from self interest.
And if you blatantly admit you are not in support of your tribe then you are a traitor. If you agree that this is the case and yet would support an action that will cause us harm in the future, you are a traitor and deserve no less than exile if not execution.
You are, once again, DEAD WRONG: "The adoptee, with a difference that is visible but disavowed and a sameness that is over-communicated but misrecognised, becomes trapped in a constant negotiation of identity, as they slip between being desired as an authorised version of otherness and being an isolated subject of racism, alienated from belonging to a recognised minority. The adoptee’s mimicry is prone to turn into menace, where they pose a threat to the identity of the white Swede and white Swedishness."

"When the observed becomes the observer, when the researched becomes the researcher, the mimic adoptee poses arguably the greatest threat of all: a threat to split the very notions of Swedishness and make a mockery of the civilizing mission of adoption itself."


and it's also generally incorrect
The unfortunate bit is that you are presented with reality, pull a "yeah ok you're right but muh idealism" and then pretend you were never disproven in the first place. You dont want to learn, you want a hugbox.
And none of yours were.
Your presence here, spoils the quality of the board. A thread died to "teach" you why you are wrong and you being the reddit nigger you are, will take the insult as a means to avoid the harsh truth the rest of the post provides. Quite frankly it also proves yet again that I'm right, you're not from here and if you cant handle your trash idealism being endlessly pounded into the pavement, then you should go back to reddit where your circlejerk of civility matters more than truth.

Further more you piece of traitorous shit:

I hate the nigger, the paki, the jew the turk and all the rest but i UNDERSTAND them. They are acting in what they perceive to be the interests of their own as best they are able. They get no pity but i get it.
Scum like you are incomprehensible because you care more for your shitskin pets than your own blood. The mass rapes, the murders, the take over of our town and cities, the destruction of our homes means nothing to you because underneath it all, all the quasi moral posturing and condescension you are a traitor and a coward and i loathe you more than all the rest.
Complain-consume-fornicate is all you filth have ever done and hanging is all your good for.

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If that's true then why did you vehemently pretend this wasn't the case. IN YOUR OWN FUCKING WORDS "You are Generally right, I am also generally right too." So which one is it? Are you generally correct and we're wrong or are you incorrect and in denial? You don't care about the truth, and your very own words are the cage that proves it.

You clearly haven't, from the ideological standpoint to your shock and appall at the culture of the board which tells you to go fuck yourself in 6 million different ways when you're wrong, there is zero indicator that you're from here outside of your own words, which as I've demonstrated are unreliable, inconsistent and untrustworthy. GO BACK TO REDDIT, NIGGER.

And furthermore their children will, on average, regress to the mean IQ of their race. Civnat cucks love to drone on about based nigerian nigger immigrants that do well in the US. These are the high IQ (relative) outliers who had the agency to leave their nigger shitholes for the US. But by the second or third generation their offspring have regressed to the mean IQ of Nigeria and their behaviors and environment start to resemble Nigeria.

What if he voted trump due to the mass immigration that he thinks will ruin the country? Not all blacks want more (different culture (africans)) blacks or Mexicans. Some may have even wanted him but hated the fact that the "whites / kkk sympathisers" tagged onto him (David Duke) and maybe never voted.

To a degree yes. But what is a "white ideology". There are white countries, but what is a white ideology. Most decent humans in the world share the same ideology, although there will always be a difference of opinion, not based on skin colour, but what is "right and honorable" (and yes we can argue on what that is too).

True, and it is a uneducated shame. What is right for one should surely be right for another. Their culture might be to do things "whites" disagree with, but that's not to say they agree with it too. I do not agree with what all whites do, that should not mean I am lumped with that group (although my skin colour does lump me with that group)

** You did not tell me to go back to reddit, why not? :)

You clearly have not been to some small towns of England. We call most "CHAVS".
If you done a video about how the poor live in the west and the poor live in the third world, you would be shocked at the similarities.

The lower end of the white bell curve is the higher end of the black bell curve.
You fucking niggers dick.

What matters is intersubjectivity. That is a common mental reality, a shared world within and without of feelings and impressions. Here is the source of beauty, it stems from within your soul and is instantly recognized by people that live within the same spiritual realm, people of your own race. That is why multiculturalism does not work, because the western world was build on a common spiritual framework that does not ressonate with foreign races, they are blind to our sense of beauty, therefore they see it as relative, subject to individual taste. The same with morality and all of the virtues of the white man's world. It is foreign to them, it does not beat in pace with their heart, that is why they want to tare it all down, and that the distubanse of their presence will over time cause the reduction of our society and our culture down to the smallest congruence that unites all men, our most primitive impulses: Eating, shitting and fucking.

When you come to understand this, you must also understand that we need to purge them all.

It's very simple user. Imagine there will be a conflict between two opposing tribes, Tribe A and Tribe B. You're in Tribe A but not much of a warrior, you're unsure if your tribe will win out, so you form a self serving strategy: "I will publicly promote peace between the two tribes to appear impartial." This public appearance of impartiality is crucial to his plans because it gives him a calculated risk in a gamble. Here's the distribution:
2/3 pay off all while evading taking place in the tribal conflict. His strategy is no different than the Jew, set up banks on both sides and loan to both, you don't care for the winner you only care that neither side kills you/your bank.

Dodging the point. His was regression to the mean for Africans which can be anywhere from the mid 60's at worst to ~85 at best. English chavs, if they regress to the mean, will still average out around 100IQ. Again your general statements are incorrect and only show that you care not one iota for truth.

Blood and soil.

nobody said there aren't white niggers. But low IQ whites have the ability to create average IQ (for whites) children. Whereas high IQ blacks will create offspring that regress to the low black average IQ. We're thinking on much larger time scales than you are.

Essentially op shares a a 'common mental reality' with the jew.
And this difficult time in our peoples struggles is a form of selection where the genetic detritus like op gets scraped off by bloody war leaving only that which is clean, whole, strong and healthy.

Deep down niggers want to return to the law of the jungle, they don't appreciate anything we give them and I think one of their biggest sources of resentment, is the unrealistic expectation put on them by whites that they maintain the civilization we built as competently as we do, that's why affirmative action just makes them angrier.

Their desire for tribal simplicity is so strong they'll wipe out the agriculture sectors of their own nations, with little regard to where their food will come from, simply to make room for subsistence farmers to live like pre-colonial times with no electricity.
Their cultural carrying capacity is orders of magnitude lower than their population size, we need to let nature take it's course.>>13052506

No, he doesn't, because he will advocate for muh baste nigger neighbors to avoid directly siding with us. He will not fight, he will not even support us, he will simply side with the winner and hope he is not killed. No different from a woman.

We will scrape him off, user.

I like the way you think user.

I (again) generally agree with your harsh response. I am a micro SJW, they mean well, but are wrong in their approach and views. They advocate destroying the white race, I would happily put a bullet in some.

I am not desperately seeking a peace, blacks belong in Africa, Chinese belong in China, whites belong in Europe. I just hate the binary option of black skin means bad, white skin means good. It is hard to see past this. There are no doubt Africans on African websites with the same opinions as this board.

Disagreeing with "your" tribe is ok. If my tribe said it was OK to rape kids then I would try to leave the tribe. Tribal opinion can be right and wrong.

If your only train of thought is to shoot down black hordes then so be it, put a bullet in me first. I would happily shoot any horde if they caused problems.

Europe was not the crime free land before blacks came, crime is part of nature. People hawking back to some fake nostagic past days need to stay in the basement and live that fantasy.

My generaly point is people should not have a binary point of view in the world.

Aww, when did it pass? I will be sure to come to the funeral.

Are you saying you only reside here, if thats the case you must have a narrow viewpoint. Reddit is shyte, but guess what, there is a whole internet out there, not just Zig Forums, where you have your home address and are proud, go out and understand different viewpoints, you may learn something instead of thinking you are right all the time.

Cheers for telling me to go back to Reddit though, it's becoming a badge of honour here.

1+1=3 >> "It's 2 you dumbass, go back to reddit.

The sky is blue >> "but it can be red, go back to reddit.

Hi, my name is John >>> "john, go back to reddit"

Hi, I disagree with you >> go back to reddit then

Attached: joesobran.jpg (768x614, 481.47K)

You cant leave your tribe its a thing of blood not a multiple choice quiz. Make them better.

Make them better if they really are bad. Traitor.

Per capita.

We don’t need you.

Coming from someone who posts on the board about the phoney war in their mind. If we were under attack I would fight. The sad thing is it is just about white vs black.

If the world was full of whites you would just moan about the french and their green eyes as they do not have blue eyes. Then you would want to have a fantasy fight about the rival NFL team. then you would want to fight the guy across the road because hey, he is not above 5'6".

My point in this post was to point out that skin colour is not the ONLY thing that separates us as a people.
You would rather live next door to a white paedophile than a "educated" and good black guy? (i know you would just kill both, just making a point)

The white people who advocate bringing in more people of different colours annoys me too, I am not one of them, but cannot be with you too. If the "winning" side is white in a race war then I may live or be hung (if you were in charge, but then again so would 3/4's of whites), if blacks won I would be killed too. I would be dead in a race war. So would a lot of other reasonable people.

They don't. See the SA minister of agriculture's quotes on where food comes from. Not from the land of white farmers but from "supermarkets" instead. He also quite literally said that people can resort to cannibalism to survive.

You do realise that there are powerful people and forces in the world that we are not fully aware of that are happily playing the divide and conquer game. You are in the hands and tied to the string. You will be used and abused and you will happily play along killing your "enemy" and then be slaughtered yourself.

Go and do a Brenton and shoots some women and children, or do something better and either educate people around you to not play the game or go and kill the people who have caused this, they ain't hard to find, just turn on your TV and watch the news. Go and find your local secret society or Lucis Trust group, they have the power.

What phoney war? Our demographic replacement?

Tell that to the white children of Britain, faggot.

You will never be white.

War is not a temporary state it is an ongoing process and everything that lives is a combatant.

What point? you just debunked it. being white isn’t enough its a prerequisite. kys.

Annoys? Oh goodness really?
You aren’t reasonable you are a coward with delusions of morality.

You make this sound like a bad thing and that it wasn’t always going to happen anyway.


You did not address a single point and declared yourself the victor. Adress my previous posts, point by point, and prove me wrong faggot. Because unlike you, I actually mean it when I say I am humbled to learn I was wrong.
Put your money where your mouth is and move to Detroit or the black part of Chicongo.
Meanwhile, me, in another thread:

Ad homs are not an argument btw. You can levy insults alongside an actual argument all you want but you've yet to actually produce an argument. Reported for reddit cancer.
I never stated that race was the only thing that separates people. So, instead of attacking strawmen will you quote a single point I've made and argue it or will you concede only to pretend it never happened?
In a white society, that white pedophile would be arrested. If he was not then I'd have no way of knowing he was a pedophile. Your own question renders itself moot you absolute moron.
So you blatantly admit, my description of you being a traitor seeking to side with the winner is true. It's astonishing, I seem to know you better than you know yourself only for you to both agree and deny this fact at the same time.

For any anons enjoying this retard getting thoroughly BTFO, I'll leave you a quote I found extremely appropriate: "The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them." - Adolf Hitler

>Tell that to the white children of Britain, faggot. < I am from Britain, My Newphew was caught up in one of these asian gangs, he was 13 and they were using him for sex and crime. It pissed me off and I would happily shoot them. Does this mean all non whites were involved, no. It's hard not to look at it as a white vs all issue.

Double digit IQ detected. Take an ideology from Palestine. Present it to a German, an Italian and a Nigerian. Then ask them to tell a second person about what the ideology is about. Each of them will give you a radically different answer.

Its not about education and its not a shame. Its not about whites only liking something because it benefits them and blacks only opposing something because it doesn't help them; its that we fundamentally interpret EVERYTHING through our own ethnic lens. In actuality it goes deeper than that, and every individual will understand certain things in slightly different ways; but there are very obvious and notable patterns which follow racial lines. It is embedded in our blood, and thus it is deeper than mere race; the Englishman and the Frenchman will understand the same differently too, though their understanding will differ to a far lesser degree than it would when compared with a Chinaman or African. Again, obvious examples are how Germanics are in near entirety Protestant, whilst Latins are Catholic. Germanics value purity and individualism before pretty much anything else, whereas Latins value tradition and community before anything else.

Our blood to a large degree shapes how we perceive EVERYTHING. You cannot have a shared culture with someone of different blood because the two of you will interpret the same thing in different ways which will only become apparent at a later date. Everyone agrees that they have a 'right to bear arms'; but then you find out that one person interpreted that as 'everyone should have a handgun so they can defend themselves against a criminal attacker' whereas another interpreted it as 'everyone should have a tank so that they can defend themselves against a criminal government'. Both say they agree on it, both say they are a part of the same culture; both understand the tenets of their culture differently. These differences only increase as the differences in ethnicity increase.

You can never be culturally united with a nigger. A muddied American-Paddy can never even be culturally united with a pureblood white-nigger Paddy. The English, Scottish, Dutch and Germans were similar enough that they could have a somewhat functioning nation in the United States; but it became less and less stable as more foreign elements like the Irish and Italians were introduced. Now consider just how similar an Irishman and a Englishman are, and then consider how massively different an African is from either of them; and you see why 'civic nationalism' will NEVER work.

I'm not going to read all, or any, of your posts. I'm just going to predict your argument.

What you are possibly saying itt is that not all blacks are bad because they are generally peaceful and do not commit crimes.

Is then your opinion that criminals are inherently bad people? And is it then your opinion that all law abiding citizens are good people?

And if they are inherently bad, were they born that way? Will their children be bad people?

Your answer to this is probably no. That this (being good or bad) is based on merit, and so they can't be inherently bad or good.

So why are we having this conversation?

I only had a little time today (3 hours) to come here as I have things to do outside the basement, you know, real life things.

Thanks to all your replies, even the harsh ones. As much as you want to shoot me, hopefully some took away something, I sure did and don't disagree with your general feeling and sentiments. Thanks to the guys who took time to write and link some scientific "facts" / documents, I can agree with some points.

Like I have said, It's not fully a binary issue of black vs white, we are all being played by mixed races who have power over us and have done since the dawn of time.

Please look into Lucis trust and the UN. New agers are pushing this agenda. < It's only about the economy, sick fucks use the economy arguement for mixing all of us and replacing us. < One world religion and culture. Part of the UN.

I will now go back to Reddit :)

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. And we will do it over a mountain of corpses.

Do it faggot.

The characteristics of non whites are irrelevant. Good/bad only matters in relation to us otherwise they are not our problem.

There are many forms of cowardice. Physical, moral, intellectual etc… If your ideas here are genuine then you are a moral coward.

Potentially bright 30y old boomer i thought.

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At the core, it's about Genetics not skin colour
Since Italians are whiter than Jews despite having darker skin

also what the fuck is anti-racists fascination with skin colour

Bullshit lip service that you've proven in other posts you are not internalizing. You admit they're true and in the the next breath spout off about your delusions as if none of what was just taught to you made it through. You spout contradictions while pretending you don't, and EVERYONE sees through your bullshit.
"I'm just like these people I claimed were incorrect, but they're just wrong in their approach and views."
Another contradiction. So are you like them or are you not? If you're not like them then what are you? If you are like them then why are you exempt from their folly when you have just shown SEVERAL TIMES NOW that your views are the same good meaning but entirely incorrect views and approach?
No, you're not, because you've advocated several times for black neighbors in white countries.
They can think whatever the fuck they want but the reality is Africans never invented a wheel, never domesticated an animal, never farmed industrially to feed themselves, have low intelligence, high criminality, etc. The only one in "binary thinking" is you. I've never claimed all blacks are bad, but a lot of them are, and all of them inside white nations are a direct threat to my people. I don't give a shit about whether or not there's good or bad black people, I only care about if they're in my homelands or anywhere else.
It is, if you can actually argue why a specific practice harms the tribe. Which you've failed to do your entire time here, at which point your disagreement is not constructive, it is harmful, it's then been shown to you exactly in which way it is harmful only for you to continuously push that you have some kind of point that we're refusing to acknowledge. The difference between what you're doing and ignorance is that an ignorant person can be taught and doesn't push a proven poison to his kin, you on the other hand are desperate to have us ingest your poison.
And what tribe will take you? The African Tribe? The Jewish Tribe? The Spic tribe? All you have is your people.
No you wouldn't, you've been found out and are desperately seeking approval from the group to not be cast out.
I never said Europe was a crime free utopia, but when you compared it to the rest of the world…
Fake nostalgia huh? Yeah, I remember those pakistani rape gangs back in 1950's Brittain… oh wait.
You believe it's binary but it's not. It's a carefully arrived at conclusion. You deliberately ignored this when I brought up that in the long run the problem would re-emerge without an ethnostate because even a dozen nonwhite families will over time build up in numbers and engage in the same problems of today. You cannot argue this because I've also proven to you with a sourced study that nonwhite adoptees to white lands do not successfully accept that they will never be white and are more prone to criminality as a result.
That's the essence of your debate right there retard. Every single point you get wrong is for you to learn from, not ignore. Debate is not some bullshit public jerkoff session where you spout a point, concede the rest and then ejaculate over an audience with a feeling of "oh well at least we talked it out, gosh im so smart XD"
You need me to explain this to you? I thought you lurked here for a few years? Guess thats yet another lie you just admitted to as well :) oh look i can do the quirky gotcha responses too haha
You are in no place to lecture me about learning different viewpoints when you've yet to discredit a single statement I've made.

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Remember boys

"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them." - Adolf Hitler

It's all about race. It always has been. Now WHO do you think wants to make you believe otherwise?

Stop bumping the thread, nigger.

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf–
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

They need to reduce our position down to something illogical that they can argue against.

did you even read the full thing you autist.

This. Understanding the importance of race is not easy, not under a massive social pressure against it. What is easy is to accept the dogmas of our time, or to stop half way towards truth.