Soulwinning Thread

Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

Did you know that eternal life is a 100% completely free gift? All the religions (including catholics) of the world teach that you must work your way to heaven. The bible teaches that no one is good enough to earn heaven except Jesus and he bought eternal life for you with his blood.

No flesh shall be justified by the works of the law. Believe on Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and eternal life, ask him right now where you stand to save you from your sins. He promised he will do it, if you believe on him.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Once you are saved by putting all of your faith on the finished work of Jesus Christ, there is nothing you could ever do to lose your eternal life. God called it eternal because it is eternal.

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Kike free first post

Well thats nice. What does God say about gassing the kikes? Asking for a homework assignment.

He doesn’t becaus the Bible was Jude written. Terrible shit
Also the Jesus rituals are SPIRIT COOKING and also ritual cannibalism on top of attempted necromancy and telepathy on bended knee with a dead rabbi
Fuckin hell m8

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The Gospels of Matthew and Luke are illegitimate
jewish controlled opposition books.
An attempt to undo the political damage done by merging Christianity with Judaism.

Just this small change makes christian doctrine startlingly different.


MJ-POL: Jesus is more directly and clearly God himself.
ML-JEW: Jesus is a jewish man, an incarnation.

MJ-POL: Jesus enters as God from heaven to John the Baptist.
ML-JEW: Jesus enters as a hebrew baby.

MJ-POL: Originally written in Latin and Greek.
ML-JEW: Original written in jewish hebrew

MJ-POL: Christ isn't the son of David. Mark 12:35
ML-JEW: Christ literally descended from Judah the devil himself.

MJ-POL: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Be a nice guy to your friends.
ML-JEW: Love your enemy and never defend yourself. Turn the other cheek when he hits you so you can be a punching bag. If he steals something from you, then give him all your other stuff too!

MJ-POL: Jews are children of the devil who Jesus comes to save. John 8:44. Jesus only gives a nod of approval to Moses(levite not jewish), Abraham (pre-jewish). Not even the disciples are jewish.
ML-JEW: Contains almost everything that makes the religion connected to Judaism. Every other verse praises jews. Everybody is a jew. Sermon on the mount fits perfectly with cucked jewish subversion and normies idolized it to the point of acting as if that passage is Christianity alone.

….and much more

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( ( ( christcucks ) ) ) gonna ( ( ( christcuck ) ) ) every single time
Ahem , can’t expect god to do all the cleansing around here. Hold still a sec while I glass em

John is dependent on Matthew and Luke lol

Why are you even a Christian? Mark and John quote the Tanakh, and Jesus speaks in Aramaic in both gospels, and is called a Rabbi from Nazareth, the King of the Jews. "You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews."

Zig Forums meme christianity is actually retarded

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Also the black guy in that pic has been kicked out of the church because it turned out he was antichrist who denies the trinity. Nevertheless every single pastor in the world racemix marriages plus racemixing its not an argument against the truth of salvation by faith in Christ's finished work. If you think the blood of Christ is not sufficient and you must add your own works as well, Christ will say "depart from me, ye that work iniquity".

a curse on those who are lax in the lord's work
a curse on anyone who keeps their sword from bloodshed

"Depart from me, ye that work iniquity" means the opposite of what you're saying. They are departing from him because their works were evil, they worked iniquity. This shows how salvation is dependent on works – if their works were good, they would not be workers of iniquity.

Above that verse he says only those who do the will of the Father will make it into heaven.

Read John 6:40 from your King James Bible and tell me what the will of the Father is.

Immediately after that verse, still in Matthew 7, you get the parable I posted earlier about hearing and doing. You can't tie verses from different books together like that and completely ignore their context. That method can get you anything you want – for example:
"Judas went out and hanged himself"
"Go, and do thou likewise”
"What thou doest, do quickly"

( ( ( bible ) ) )
Take your semetic garbage elsewhere mudshit

Is this all you do? This is a Christian thread, go post in that Japanese religion thread if you don't like it here

Ok well last thing I will say to you is in the Matthew 7 example, the reason the people asking why they didnt make it into heaven is because they are saying "What about all our works?". It shows their faith was in their own work instead of the finished work of Christ.

If you have 7 minutes could you watch the gospel presentation I linked in the OP? If you still disagree after seeing it then so be it.

If I convert do I get white wimminz?

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Jew worshipper. Rabbi lover. Spirit cooker
Yeah this is all I do. I try to remove desert moon/Saturn cult influence from the west. You’re here trying to spread kike christ cuckery
I’d end you on the battlefield if you were on my side for subversion

It says in Revelations 3:9 they will be forced to worship at your feet before getting wiped out in Revelation 16 and Revelation 19

Also objectively

I think you have to read your theology into that verse to get that out of it. When the evildoers are departing from him, he says that their works were evil – that's it.

I'm actually a former Andersonite myself, I've seen it all before. I was probably never REALLY an Andersonite though right, because I left?

I'm talking about Christianity in a Christian thread I didn't make and that I am saging. Imagine sperging out over that

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It is worth noting that this clearly shows the earliest greek bible we have was written quite late, at last 200 AD. The title of rabbi did not exist at the time Jesus or his disciples supposedly existed, so the "original" we're working from is either an altered copy of the original, or is simply made up.

You type like someone under 21

ZERO goyim are fooled chaim. It's even funnier in your other post when you mention Saturn when the star of Remphan / Saturn is directly outed in Acts 7 and the entire Old Testament is jews going off to worship Molech and Saturn and getting punished for it. You are such a fucking pathetic projecting kike, screaming everything you are at everybody else in your desperation.

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That doesn't mean anything. There were many copies of Mark and John made before Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, they're quoted by the early church fathers and later copies come from different lines of transmission. It's like a tree, where the earliest extant manuscripts have separate histories that go through lost manuscripts which go back to the original gospels. There's not much of a problem establishing the text of the gospels generally

In Aramaic (and I think also in Hebrew) rabbi just means "my master": "rabba" (master, great) + "i" (first person possessive)

Not sure i want them any where near my feet, where do you think all those piles of shoes came from at Auschwitz?
Thieving jew rats, thats where

Christianity is Jewish communism for the goyim. It does fucking nothing for our people. It is Jewish pacifying pilpul mind poison and it will guarantee the extinction of our people.

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Pretending various (((translations))) are relevant is very jewish of you. I was very clear, don't be a kike.

I’m as white as it gets pal. My ancestors lived in caves in Germany forty thousand years ago until the desert semites wandered in. We invented music and painting. I ain’t even man bro just here to show you the truth even if it blinds you. Jesus was a jewish rabbi plain and simple. He won’t come back (he can’t ) cause he’s dead and dead dudes don’t (can’t) come back. Also what kind of god can be killed by a mere mortal spear? He was no god. He was a mortal jew rabbi. No thanks. Also yeah spirit cooking and ritual cannibalism. Refute those two points if you can
Fuck man , I’m thirty five
You should consider your source material. Jesus is objectively not ok

Spirit Cooking
Ritual Cannibalism
Dead rabbi telepathy/necromancy

Rule 2
Rule 4
You have your own boards.

It's jewish to translate the meaning of a word? The term rabbi was used during Jesus's time: "The term rabbi was first used in reference to the rabbis of the Sanhedrin during the first century C.E."
I attached a book on New Testament textual criticism. You should read it, it explains how we are able to be confident in the text of the Gospels.

Most of the words in New Testament are attributed to or written by Saul the Pharisee. Believing in Saul's words means you must believe that it is possible for a jew to convert to Christianity and so become a "good" Christian jew. I can't believe in "good" jews anymore.

Attached: Saul.jpg (771x1880, 541.27K)

No, it is jewish to deliberately misrepresent what someone is saying so you can ignore the argument they made.
It is also very jewish to quote wikipedia. Read that more carefully. The term was FIRST USED in reference to some kikes from the first century. The reference was not contemporary, it is from the mishnah. It uses the term rabbi to refer to those kikes, but that was written 170 years after those kikes were alive.
And does not in any way address any of the criticisms of them, it just says "trust us goyim".

keep in mind that the jews you're likely thinking of are Ashkenazi - converts to a version of the jew religion that even Jesus decried (Talmudic, coming out of the Israelites' time in Babylon).

Slide thread! Wooooo!
We fucking LOVE slide threads!
Wooooooooo! Hey janitors, does this thread look like relevant news and politics, or is this just more Christian pilpul? Shouldn't they keep their circle-jerk on Zig Forums, you know, the board MADE FOR CIRCLE-JERKING Jesus Bar Joseph?

I'm not quoting from Wikipedia, I'm quoting from the Jewish Virtual Library. It was first used during the first century.

You're just showing that you haven't read about it

Hey Moshe.

I like Steven Anderson. It's a shame he's a Jew and marries niggers (as in he presides over their weddings). On the DOTR he has to go first. But I still appreciate his documentaries.

Let this be a reminder for all the Pagan LARPers on here that what made European civilisation great was Christianity and not Celtic degenerates:

Attached: paganism_is_supeioror!!1.jpg (1748x1597 203.38 KB, 885.6K)

Full retard has a containment board.
>>>Zig Forums
Take your stick and the dead sandnigger attached to it back there and shove both of them up your ass.

How is that a defense? "I am not quoting dishonest kikes, I am quoting the exact same dishonest kikes repeating the same thing word for word".
That's not what it says Shlomo. Very kikey of you.

Are you implyting that by saying it, makes it true? Pro-tip: it's not.

I'm typing your rebuttle right now. In the meantime just a few quick answers:
pic related
*takes you under wing*
Poor child. The word in Greek is "ιουδαιων".
one word
genative case "of jews"
having to do with jews
Salvation is of Jews
Salvation has a lot to do with jews.
Salvation is overcome evil
John 8:44: Salvation means Jews are children of the devil
Salvation is to overcome the jews
Jews will try to distract you from the path to salvation
When you get close to salvation, jews will mob you in a last ditch effort to stop you from exiting hell.
Save jews by converting them along the way.
Yeah… salvation defitintely has a lot to do with jews.

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These self-righteous Christian faggots and their posts are a good argument against converting to Christianity. Who wants to spend an eternal afterlife with anti-White nigger lovers and their favorite TRS/CuckoldFilth infographs? Not to mention all the stinky Christian African niggers and latino/mestizo spics that will crowd Christian Heaven's designated shitting streets of gold, because Christian missionaries made sure to convert as many as possible.

No thanks I’ll pass too

I love me some Pastor Anderson. Some fine gentlemen from days of antipozi turned me on to his preaching.

anyone have a link to the Pastor Manning vs. crowd of angry faggots video?


Never once heard him say that. I listen to Pastor A for the faggot bashing.

Take a look for yourself

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Is an insult you jew.
The Germanic people of Europe made Europe great.
Christianity had to become Celtic to survive in Europe. What is God, Yule, Joy, saints, and so on.
Stupid jewlover.

hahaha you're getting mad that he married off two undesirables to blacks? some dumpy fat white trash girl and a wigger cuck?

Is a jewish thing. Celtics did not do such things. Their sites are for burrials of those who died.

how's the weather in tel aviv?

He gleefully supports it in general, you big stupid.

Even Hitler was a nigger mongrel according to Juden Anderstein.

People act like its pastor Andersons fault that others want to race mix. He has 10 white kids of his own so all the spergs are completely btfo if they try to talk shit on him.

In the end race mixing will be the last of your worries, if someone doesn't believe Jesus when he said he paid for their eternal life, they will burn eternally with the Christ-rejecting kikes.

His paternal Haplogroup (((is))) E.

Juden Anderstein is biologically jewish, btw. His 10 brats are kikenvermin that will go in the oven, head-first.

Same as you, you Race-denying, Nature-hating rat.

In Hell. Or should I say 'Hel', who was a woman. You stupid jewlover. Stop appropriating my culture.

Hell doesn't exist, you impotent retard. The closest thing to it is sharing a board with philosemites, though. That's very real, sadly.

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Checked dubs

take note folks: the only good christmutt is a dead christmutt, ready the lions, they are hungry

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I miss Rich Pipette

Kill yourself and stream it back on reddit, moshe.

John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

anyone else unable to read bible quotes anymore without hearing it in darth vader's voice? those fucking webms, man.